Learn Dota 2 - why is literally everybody buying hand of midas currently

why is literally everybody buying hand of midas currently

Posted: 07 May 2017 04:52 AM PDT


didnt midas get nerfs over nerfs in the past? i have currently games where literally 8/10 players get midas. whats going on

am i missing something

submitted by /u/Autumnxoxo
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This may be the most repeated post on this subreddit, but watch your replays

Posted: 07 May 2017 08:02 AM PDT

I was playing a NP game, I won, got two racks while the enemy was pushing a their 2, was buzzed but thought, "you know what, I'll watch the replay" and I saw so many missed opportunities to get kills because I didn't look around the map for chances, along with positioning once I was winning the offlane. I could have just called the game a good one and moved on, but now I know where I can improve. It may seem boring, but just watch your replays!

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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Monkey King Roaming Tips?

Posted: 07 May 2017 03:13 PM PDT

I'm currently trying to learn and improve my roaming MK as i feel as though he is very strong at the moment in terms of his early ability to get kills and win ally lanes early as well as his ability to get down good wards in jungles etc from tree dance. I feel as though when i play him i'm not rotating that much as i should be and was wondering if there was a chance people could either analyse my matches as him or give any tips on what i should do to improve? Dotabuff Link: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/162857281

submitted by /u/4761_TM87
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How did I do in this Naga game?

Posted: 07 May 2017 03:38 PM PDT

Hi /r/learndota2 I'd like to have a little feedback on this game I played. I got my items really late and my last hitting was horrendous but I thought I did alright delaying the push. My team flamed me for not joining their fights but I think I needed to push out waves? Anyway in the end I don't know how we won the game. Did the opposing team lose because they died one by one? Thank you.


submitted by /u/WilliamZappa
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Looking for a few friends in the 2.5k-3k range who want to actively get better with criticism welcome

Posted: 07 May 2017 06:15 PM PDT

Hey guys.

I have 2k hours in dota. I play on and off, and every TI season I make a push to reach a milestone in mmr. I calibrated at 1.6k at like ti4 and got to 3k at ti6. I watch nearly every premiere tournament and I keep up with the meta. I'm a pretty decent guy when it comes to bigger things in the game, I'm good at item builds, map awareness, and counters and such. I play all positions and have a few select heroes for each. I'm not really the nicest player, it's something I'm trying to work on, it isn't easy I'm sure some of you know.

What I'm looking for is players who think they can be better while knowingly accepting their flaws and working to become better giving each other criticism and making each other stronger at all points in the game.

My steam is Stokens, from Toronto and have an avatar of Ciri from witcher 3 (blonde girl) I have a mic.

I've made a few posts like this before and ppl add me and don't say anything and never play a game with me. Please don't do this. If you add me just say hi and I will back. I like running fun combos with heroes I'm a big dark seer fan at the moment.


Hope to see some of you. Stokens

submitted by /u/Stokens93
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Looking for fiends

Posted: 07 May 2017 05:49 PM PDT

I haven't played in since this past summer and since I stopped playing all my friends have either found solid teams, 5 stacks, or just quit dota so I am looking to get an active friends list to play things like battle cups with. I am currently 2.5k solo and 3.3k party mmr, I play much more party than solo although I played a lot of solo queue when I pushed from 600 mmr to 2k. I mostly play safe lane and mid but can play a decent position 4 or some 5 with a little direction. If you have any questions just ask. my steam link is http://steamcommunity.com/id/Laxbro9285/ feel free to add me.

submitted by /u/Laxbro9285
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Small rant and questions on how to start learning new heroes.

Posted: 07 May 2017 05:46 PM PDT

Overall Dota 2 is a wonderful game that I truly enjoying playing. I've been playing since 2013 and have only been in low priority twice before this week. 2 times in 4.5 years!

I'm not a flamer, I don't intentionally feed, and I don't sell my items in a fit of rage, so it makes sense that I don't belong in low prio. My behavior score was around 9600 this whole time.

I decided to give valve some money and purchase a lvl 75 compendium to do the quests and get some treasures. To earn points I started doing the daily hero quests and had Pugna and Disruptor, two heroes I don't play a whole lot of. So, with that in mind and to avoid ruining ranked games (2.5k to give context as to why I do really poorly with unfamiliar heroes) I played in unranked all pick.

I feel as though unranked is a place to try new heroes and experiment with new builds etc..., turns out its frowned upon to do that for some reason. I played Pugna until I won a game (took 4 tries) the next day I played Disruptor (took 3 games) and since then have played and lost 4 consecutive broodmother games (I got the immortal in the treasure and wanted to play the hero).

After the last broodmother game I was placed in the low priority pool and have a conduct summary with 9 reports on it and my behavior score has tanked to just over 7,000.

Almost everygame that we lost, 1 person on the team decided its my fault and started flaming about a 1-10 Pugna and the whole team decides that they're right and all start flaming me. I just mute them and keep playing. I find it's better to just ignore people like that. The funny thing is in one of the games we lost, the Magnus on our team went in order, with nothing in between other than maybe tangos, brown boots -> blink -> refresher, which may not be bad since it is 2k, but it's terrible considering the fact that he had no where near enough mana at that point to RP -> refresh -> and RP again! So him spending ~1/2 his net worth on a practically useless item is perfectly reasonable and okay since it's unranked and isn't losing us the game, but its me, the Pugna, who stuck with the team and died every team fight since she's (gender?) super squishy and the enemy PA was snowballing out of control at this point.

Basically I'm just not super happy about having to play 3 low prio games, and afterwards spend a week raising my behavior score back up to a reasonable level, all while hoping doing poorly doesn't land me back into single draft and net me more reports. How am I supposed to enjoy the game by playing new heroes and have fun leveling up my battle pass, when the community in the game is so toxic and in need of someone to blame for every loss (fun fact: the game is balanced well and you're gonna lose ~50% of your matches)? How am I supposed to learn new heroes to play if not in unranked? I go to demo mode first and look them up on dotabuff to get a sense of how they work before jumping into a game, is that not enough? I only have a day for the hero quest!

tl;dr I'm in low prio for the first time in years just for trying, and doing poorly with, new heroes in unranked matchmaking rather than actually having any sort of reportable offense.....

submitted by /u/theDRAG0Nwarrior
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I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but how the hell do you learn to cast?

Posted: 07 May 2017 01:28 PM PDT

I thought I would to learn a little bit of casting because it seems fun and I thought I might improve my own game by watching some high level Dota in a more active role instead of just sitting back watching tourneys on Twitch while drinking some coffee.

So I start up my Dotes, go to the watch tab and find a random 6.9k pub game thats in the picking phase and press the record button on my OBS. The game starts and I'm freaking out. So many things are already happening and I have no idea what to talk about, what to select, or what to look at. I randomly gurgle some stuff about wards, an early smoke, and the midlane matchup. Then I turn my attention to the dire offlane but as soon as I do that I realize first blood got dropped on the other side of the map. After that I got too spooked and closed the recording.

Is there some step by step process to learning this, kinda like there is with playing Dota?

submitted by /u/WritingWithSpears
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What could I have done better? Im invoker

Posted: 07 May 2017 01:10 PM PDT

General tips for each lane and role

Posted: 07 May 2017 07:52 AM PDT

heyo I'm coming from smite and after watching kiev wanted to try out dota, however im having trouble figuring out what exactly im supposed to be doing besides farming during the early-mid game as wel as differences in playstyle/hero picks for each of the roles

for instance, i was playing a bot game as a carry in safe lane and between waves is there anything I should be doing? and what are the times I need to begin rotating/getting key items? im clueless on this for all the lanes and roles

in smite I was a jungle main and hated laning so i think thats why im having these issues

submitted by /u/The_Hooliest
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Finding games much harder since compendium release...

Posted: 07 May 2017 03:07 PM PDT

I think it might be because I'm playing with more groups?

Not sure, anyone else finding this?

I'm a solo player but I keep getting put with stacks and 4/5 today have been disgraceful/jokey/feeders etc

It's wrecking my enjoyment. The 5th was a great stack and it was ME who played like crap, I got carried pretty hard. I guess it goes both ways but is anyone else experiencing a burst in teams from the compendium and how do you think affects game-play?

P.S. Anyone EU around 2.5k? I have no "tryhard" Dota friends :'(

submitted by /u/TrevelyanChuckles
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Purchasing habits of a position 6 poverty support

Posted: 07 May 2017 02:49 PM PDT

Howdy-do. Currently experimenting with supports that can do a lot with very, very little. Not complaining about being the ward bitch at all, I like the challenge.

Basically, I'm wondering about early purchases. Starting the game, I want to be that guy who gets courier, buys a ward for the offlane, wards for safelane or mid, donates tangos to mid, etc. (I've even fixed my chat wheel so that it only says positive stuff.) It's not JUST generosity on my part -- I'm sick of being in games where it's 10 mins in and there's still no upgraded courier. If I'm pos 4 obviously I don't mind helping out with wards and courier etc. but I thought it'd be an interesting challenge to shoulder all that myself when playing pos 5.

Here's where the questions come in. If I buy things as I described earlier (courier, two wards, set of tangos), I'm not sure how to get the most out of the rest of my starting cash (270 gold). More regen? Windlace? Save up for boots at the side shop? Not stress too much and just get a TP from the side shop and go back to base to pick up necessary items as needed? etc.

Later on, if I'm (for example) 200g off an item, but there are a couple of wards available for purchase at the shop, should I get the wards and delay the item further? What sort of purchasing milestones should I be looking at? (eg: It's ok if I have nothing but Item X and Item Y at 15 mins)

Again, not complaining, just curious as to how y'all in a similar position might handle this.

submitted by /u/juckfungling
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Need help with my naga gameplay

Posted: 07 May 2017 02:09 PM PDT

Looking for a 5K+ player to help me get better at naga. I'm ~3k right now, looking to spam her in seasonal ranked, but i want to improve my radiance timing. After that, i think i do pretty well, I'm using hotkeys for illusions and usually get pretty good value out of each usage.

Item build goes:

2 tango, stout, salve, into quelling, pms, boots>arcanes, talon, sometimes raindrop, radiance, windlace, travels recipe, yasha, finish octarine, (depending on game id finish manta before starting octarine), manta, and then build for the game from there.

here's one of what i would consider to be my better games? 3162803615

My Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/100608206 Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060873934/

add me up if you'd be keen to coach me through a few games, would be very much appreciated :)

submitted by /u/hamazing14
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LF a Coach/Mentor

Posted: 07 May 2017 01:39 PM PDT

Hey guys, I'm looking for a coach to work with me and help me improve in general. I play mid, and I'm about 2.9k, I was 3.4k, and then I started losing, and I hired a coach and he helped me, but I was still losing, and I just don't know what I need to do better. I feel like every game I play I do alright, but I hate blaming the team for things, because obviously, that doesn't help very much, and I'm the common denominator. So it has to be something that I'm doing right? I just need some help. I know it's a lot to ask, but I'm looking for someone who is willing to help me on a long term basis.

submitted by /u/ElectricityEra
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Is support Abaddon still a thing?

Posted: 07 May 2017 07:09 AM PDT

There's no Torte De Lini support guide for the hero - but I thought he was meant to be pretty good as a support. (Certainly I just had a really good laning phase with him).

And if there's not a reason he's just a terrible support option - what should I build on supp Aba?

submitted by /u/cairmen
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Dk questions

Posted: 07 May 2017 12:58 PM PDT

Dk seems to be out of the meta, so I want to ask some things about dk:

  1. What are some alternative front line mid heroes?

  2. On dotabuff, all the top mmr players almost never go for an armlet, usually a blink or sometimes maelstrom. Is armlet just too costly on hp to use, or simply out of favor right now?

submitted by /u/Lavamites
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Can you guys give me some info on my performance on this match?

Posted: 07 May 2017 12:58 PM PDT

Hi guys,

I was playing as Safe Lane Spectre and game got really hard real quick. For a while we had the net worth advantage but from nowhere Luna got so huge. I watched the replay but can't really understand why we lost... I mean, of course that things got hard when we had Mega creeps but with my divine I thought we had a real shot at winning. Please, any suggestions are welcome :)


submitted by /u/guicoelho
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Honest question, does anyone think there's a bit too much RNG in the game?

Posted: 07 May 2017 12:20 PM PDT

A lot of it is manageable. Uphill attacks and rune spawn are mostly redundant. You should already have vision of the area and you should already not be attacking into high ground because of fog. So these are less glaring. But some of the heroes with heavy RNG, namely PA, are just terribly designed. PA is super fun, no doubt, but she'll be eternally trash-tier competitively because pro players can't plan around her abilities. The buffs it would take to get her into competitive, would absolutely destroy the pub scene.

Yeah, yeah "risk assessment", but that requires a large enough sampling for the RNG to even out. That doesn't gel well with elimination formats that make for a more exciting competitive scene.

submitted by /u/Robotigan
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lifestealer mid

Posted: 07 May 2017 11:42 AM PDT

so ive played a couple games of lifestealer mid and i found it to be pretty decent. hes pretty much impossible to gank and offers high solo kill potential on low mobility mids. i end up getting phase+ armlet around 10-12 mins . i dont understand why i practically never see it done.

submitted by /u/ligga4nife
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Does solar crest still give evasion when you use phoenix supernova?

Posted: 07 May 2017 09:31 AM PDT

Seems like a great item if it does, especially with Phoenix' low armour

submitted by /u/Panzidoodle
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How do you change your play to play around a bad jungler?

Posted: 07 May 2017 03:12 AM PDT

They picked Enchantress. They insta-picked Jungle. They've got Hand Of Midas queued from minute 2, and still queued ... later. The only time you see them near lane in the first 25 minutes is when they're farming the safelane hard and small camps.

We know this is bad, of course - but how do you play around it to stand the best chance of winning, in each of the other roles (carry, midlane, off, support)?

Let's assume that this is after the draft and you got a decent draft (Offlane-capable hero in offlane, etc). Let's also assume that you've already asked her nicely to be more active, and possibly also not to jungle, and neither of those suggestions were met with open arms.

What do you adjust in your normal play for each of those roles to play around the jungler and give your team the best chance of victory?

submitted by /u/cairmen
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what sould i do against TB in this match

Posted: 07 May 2017 05:57 AM PDT

i pick TB in this match and countered by Axe, i go safelane against dual lane jakiro and BS, they harassing me so bad, i calling help but no one come to my aid, except LC, but after that he back to jungle

i got midas, and comeback with flash farm, my team doing good except mirana who never buy wards (i am the one who buy wards to secure my jungle and other safety) and rarely help the teammates, and guess what? he is farming and said he can carried the team

rage aside, i think we lack counter initiator here against axe, but my ember is good so he can hold on, we got middle and bottom barracks, seems like comeback, but after missplay in enemy top barracks where i catched by axe and after that the match is over

what i really need to know is, what i should do against axe, with jakiro and BS behind them? with my team drafts, and what item i must get because i always got dragon lance -> manta -> skadi and perrty much cant help my team when i farm,

submitted by /u/sanul17
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What i am doing wrong, and what should i do in this game

Posted: 07 May 2017 05:47 AM PDT

so i playing TB and in this game https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3162809434 i got countered by 3 heroes, PA battlefury, axe and sniper

i go to safelane, and going solo before silencer come to my aid, against WR and ogre magi, they harrasing me good and i lost that lane

i managed to comeback with flash farm, got my dargon, got my manta, got my skadi, ut eventually i lost becaus i cant hit PA with evasion, even i evading axe call

what should i do here? is going skadi after manta is bad? because i delayed my MKB (which is if maybe if i get that earlier we can win) because they had control over the map

submitted by /u/sanul17
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What could we have done here? (Battle Cup Game)

Posted: 06 May 2017 07:58 PM PDT

Just played a battle cup game - we tore it up early, got their T3 mid down and left their raks exposed. We were against Abbadon, PA, Sniper, Omni and Lich. We literally could not take high ground. Lich kept giving the towers armor, Omni kept fortifying them and Sniper would crush us the second we walked up the steps.

We fought them out of their base on purpose, won the fights but couldn't do anything about it because they either bought back or Sniper got up because of his respawn talent. Omni could fortify his base for 20 seconds, and eventually, Sniper became too strong. How could we have pulled it through to a win?


submitted by /u/SprocketPete
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Just a question about safelane

Posted: 06 May 2017 10:06 PM PDT

In my opinion, safelane can be "safe" for farming, but if you are camping the tower, enemy can get around you in the jungle and block the escape, which cannot be really well done on the offlane, right?

submitted by /u/FerynaCZ
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