Hearthstone - Describe a card using only emoji's, others will guess what it is!

Describe a card using only emoji's, others will guess what it is!

Posted: 06 May 2017 04:43 AM PDT

Edit: credits to u/adrewism for the idea!

submitted by /u/david_b98
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My pet Chimpanzee is the exact market Blizzard is aiming for.

Posted: 05 May 2017 02:51 PM PDT

Hey guys,

I know there's constant talk here about the game not being very competitive friendly because Blizzard wants to milk as much money as humanly possible from the mobile market. I used to think that theory was wrong, but after trained my chimp to play hearthstone (since he always saw me playing it on my phone), I began to realize it was actually true. Here are some things my chimp (as a completely casual player) does on a daily basis:

  • He does not netdeck. He is a chimpanzee with no access to the internet and rudimentary reading skills on his good days.

  • He gets fed up after the occasional losing streak and will buy a pack or two followed by throwing poo at the walls of his enclosure if there were no epics or legendaries.

  • He fucking LOVES the random RNG. I actually explained to him how most competitive players would like it to be mostly removed from the game, and his response was loud shrieking and bared teeth.

  • He has never, and probably will never play ranked. He has probably never tried pressing the button.

  • He constantly forgets to attack with minions that are on the board, forgets to hero power with extra mana, etc.

  • He doesn't actually improve or make any attempt to improve. It's just a 5 - 10 minute game to play between our lab tests.

  • He's actually afraid to buy an adventure because he's not good enough to beat the computer so he buys packs instead. We usually just load up a prepaid credit card to see what he buys for shits and giggles.

  • He only plays on mobile. This is a major point because I believe he thinks it is just a mobile game. This is mostly because we don't let him play games on the computer, because the last thing I want is a 130 lbs chimpanzee wrecking a eight hundred dollar PC in a temper tantrum.

This is who Blizzard mostly wants to cater to. Over the course of 6 - 12 months they will probably siphon out a reasonable chunk of money from my pet chimp in packs. He will get bored and move on, but the cycle will continue with another boosted monkey just like him. We make jokes about new features being confusing for new players, but honestly? If any more were added they could genuinely confuse my pet chimp. He still doesn't understand tavern brawl, and it's been months.

He's only 13, so he is by no means an [[Silverback Patriarch]] or anything. I offer my help and advice pretty consistently to try and help him get better, but he just doesn't really want it. He just wants to play and experiment on his own, being under average forever. The weird thing is...he seems to enjoy the game much more than me or most people on /r/hearthstone :^)

submitted by /u/4THOT
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Kufdon's opponent "threw" the game

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:37 AM PDT

I guess it was Devolved...

Posted: 05 May 2017 11:54 PM PDT

I JUST NOW got the voice line for Friendly Bartender.

Posted: 06 May 2017 04:56 AM PDT

Don't forget to tip your Tauren. Like cow tipping. I'm not very smart. :(

submitted by /u/fattywinnarz
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Dear Blizzard, let us have an option for simplified / speed up animations

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:24 AM PDT

and don't tell us it confuses new players, because they don't exist.

submitted by /u/chiefbriand
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I think i discovered Alleycat in real life

Posted: 05 May 2017 06:17 PM PDT


Here we can see someone playing several alleycats in a row (possibly having gotten so many of them through Stampede or Infest).

Do you know of any other gifs showing cards effects in real life?

submitted by /u/Tal9922
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Card effects that fits with the name and art?

Posted: 06 May 2017 03:42 AM PDT

I have never really given it much thought until now, but cards like Scavenging Hyena grows because it eats the carcasses of dead beasts to make it grow, and Grim Patron summons another one of it self because it's like a bar fight and whenever one of them get punched a new one joins the brawl.

What are som other cards like this? It makes the game more fun to play, but I'm bad at coming up with stuff.

submitted by /u/HeedWobbit
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"It can't be that bad"

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:30 AM PDT

The Truesilver Champion attack animation is really awkward.

Posted: 05 May 2017 03:39 PM PDT

The hero starts rising to attack the enemy unit, stays there for a bit, heals for 2, teleports back to where it started, starts rising again, stays there for a bit, and then attacks the minion. Really?

submitted by /u/deaconjones1
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New concede button interaction

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:47 AM PDT

Kripp witnesses some RNG

Posted: 06 May 2017 12:38 AM PDT

Predictions too strong (noise alert)

Posted: 06 May 2017 07:36 AM PDT

#1 Wild for almost 2 months in a row AMA etc.

Posted: 05 May 2017 05:46 PM PDT

Hi guys! Sipiwi94 here.

For all the people who don't know me I am a wild only player. I started playing in january and found it to be very fun. The deck building was much more complex, the meta wasn't settled at all etc. I ended up playing quite a bit and finished #1 on EU the last two seasons. I am also currently #1 on EU.

A couple of weeks ago Tempostorm asked me to be a writer on their Wild Meta Snapshot that just came out (here) and the Wild Heroic Tavern is live.

This is why I think it would be a great time to offer the knowledge I have about the wild format. Ask whatever you want, about my deck guides (here), what I think about a decklist you made, about the Meta Snapshot etc.

Hit me!

EDIT: I will go to bed, but I will answer everything when I wake up.

submitted by /u/sipiwi94
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Hearthstone - Still An Easy Recommendation to Non-Gamers and Gamers

Posted: 06 May 2017 06:53 AM PDT

Sjow with the classis Rogue fail.

Posted: 06 May 2017 12:03 AM PDT

Can we appreciate the production quality of this Chinese Hearthstone Tournament trailer?

Posted: 05 May 2017 01:47 PM PDT

Did I miss lethal?

Posted: 05 May 2017 06:09 PM PDT

This was the board state: http://imgur.com/a/vjGeO I didnt have a screencap so i recreated it. I won the next turn but I just want to know if I missed lethal. It's killing me not knowing.

submitted by /u/VersionDrew
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Need help with Doomhammer

Posted: 05 May 2017 05:14 PM PDT

Okay, so I'm 16 (still in high school0 and I asked my parents for the Doomhammer replica that Blizzard sells.

They bought it for my birthday and I was so elated to see it in my living room. The first thing I did was to wield it like Thrall or Orgrim Doomhammer himself. I cackled to myself maniacally, while wielding the Doomhammer. I felt such power, no one else could ever feel.

I decided to start bringing my Doomhammer to school regularly, for self-defense and to show it off. People would criticize me and ask why I'm bringing such a large object to school. I told them that they were just jealous that they could not wield the mighty power of the Doomhammer.

One day, one of the senior football jocks (who I don't really like) came up to me between classes. I was stuffing textbooks into my locker before my next class, with my trusty Doomhammer leaning up next to my locker. The jock (his name is Chad) asked what I was up to. I said "nothing, just going to class".

Then he said "what is with the stupid toy hammer you have here?". I was scared to stand up to him, since he's such a big guy (for me). I just stuttered out "well, it's actually not a toy. it's an official replica, based off of a mighty artifact weapon wielded by Shamans of great Elemental power."

Then things got bad. Chad threw me up against the locker by picking me up by my T-shirt and said "so you think you're clever, you little bitch?". I was sweating by this point (i am a bit overweight) and I stuttered out "Dude it's just a hammer I'm not trying to be tough with it." He laughed and said something like "Ha, you're obviously trying to compensate for your small dick with a loser hammer from your gay game. I'm sick of fucking seeing you carry it around."

I decided to stand up for myself. "I'm not getting rid of it, and you can be jealous all you want, that you don't have such a mighty 5 mana weapon." As soon as I said that, he took his jacket off and charged at me. I picked up my trusty Doomhammer (imbued with the ancient power of WindFury) and smashed it into his fuckin head. Since I had windfury, I hit him once more while he was on the ground. I stood over his broken and battered body, as he whimpered and spit out teeth, and said "End Turn" as the school security grabbed me.

Well, now to the main thrust of my question. Now Chad is more of a Clockwork Gnome than a person (he had to have his fuckin jaw wired shut lol) and he's played the 'Restraining Order' secret against me. My question is, why didn't I get a Rockbiter Weapon with my replica Doomhammer? I was one damage off of lethal when the security guys restrained me, and I'm wondering if I played incorrectly by going face instead of going for chip damage and passing a turn.

On an unrelated note, do you guys think Blizzard will allow the 'Get out of Jail Free' card from monopoly into standard? I could really use that right now.

submitted by /u/one_pumpchump
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Ratsmah Learns New Card

Posted: 05 May 2017 02:53 PM PDT

How I got screwed over in the HCT Tournament to get a spot in the Spring Preliminaries.

Posted: 06 May 2017 09:10 AM PDT

Hello Reddit, I'm just typing this here because I feel really disappointed and frustrated about what happened not long ago in the European Tournament that makes you qualify for the Spring Preliminaries if you reach top 8.

Whoever won a Tavern Hero tournament was qualified to participate in this tournament, and I took my chance, prepared my decks and gave it my all.

Now, after perhaps six or seven hours of playing, I get paired with someone named Bigfoot. At first I asked him to give me some minutes to eat something but he insisted on 'not having that kind of time'. To be honest his tone was a bit too stern for this kind of long and tiring events. Thus we proceed with the games and I win games 1, 4 and 5 whereas he gets game 2 and 3. If you are not familiar with how the results are managed on battlefy, the players have to specify what matchup was had in any given game and proceed to insert the result (won or lost), then provide a screenshot with the result. So after the series ended we turn our attention to giving the admins the result of the games and I realized that I didn't have any screenshots taken from game 4. However we both stated that game 5 had happened. What happens next is something I hope none of you will ever experience. Bigfoot proceeded to pretend game 4 didn't happen. I tried to explain to an admin that game 5 would happen only when both players have two wins each, hence proving that my opponent was lying and getting away with it. However the admin ignored me and forced us to play again game 4 even if game 5 had already been done. Unfortunately Bigfoot won the game when we played for the second time and the series ended 3-1 for him. I got told that since the series ended in game four the screenshot taken in game 5 was completely useless. The way I got treated made me feel pretty sad and frustrated to say the least. I tried hopelessly to contact different admins on the official discord chat but nobody answered my cries for help. I know rules are made to be respected, and if I had taken the screenshot all of this could have been avoided. But just judging by what my opponent was saying it was obvious that game 5 had been played and hence the series had ended in my favor.

tl;dr won a series 3-2, missing screenshot of game 4 (won) and a really dishonest opponent led to a 1-3 loss because rules were applied mindlessly and against logic.

Thanks for hearing me out, I really need to let some steam off right now.

submitted by /u/Paffolobi
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11 wins Wild Tavern Brawl - freeze mage without ice block

Posted: 05 May 2017 11:06 AM PDT

Freeze mage without ice block is viable Kappa. I actually forgot to put ice block in. Ended 11-3.


submitted by /u/AndreyDAK
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Toast's opponent has trouble with reading cards

Posted: 05 May 2017 05:06 PM PDT

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