Civilization - CIV is top answer in an /r/askreddit question about how best to spend 16 hours on a flight

CIV is top answer in an /r/askreddit question about how best to spend 16 hours on a flight

Posted: 30 May 2017 11:01 AM PDT

I've advanced too far scientifically, but others still want to pick a fight with me

Posted: 30 May 2017 09:32 AM PDT

I love When I forget I have this mod on

Posted: 30 May 2017 06:12 PM PDT

Vikings in Space - Trues Tale of Alternate History - Civilization VI (#1)

Posted: 30 May 2017 07:02 AM PDT

Since we're being up instant super-likes

Posted: 30 May 2017 05:34 PM PDT

The journey to a great canal (CIV 6)

Posted: 30 May 2017 02:04 PM PDT

TIL not to put more than 30 civs in a game.

Posted: 30 May 2017 11:59 AM PDT

For Civilization 6, what new leaders should they add for current Civs?

Posted: 30 May 2017 01:59 PM PDT

Personally I would like to see a few such as:

France -

Louis XIV: LA - Sun God - extra food on farm tiles and pastures

Robespierre: LA - French Revolution - 50% bonus strength against barbarians

America -

Benjamin Franklin: LA - Founding Father - all cities gain an extra housing

Aztec -

Xicotencatl: LA - Oversea Alliances - when trading, strategic recourses count as amenities

Germany -

Fredrick the Great: Prussian Desires - sea recourses count as 2 amenities

Russia -

Vladimir Lenin: Unite the Empire - gain an extra policy for your government

Catherine The Great: Great Expanse - start off the game with a second settler

submitted by /u/LordWasabiMan
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Comrades, behold the the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1939 ca.

Posted: 30 May 2017 10:58 AM PDT

Baba Yetu Live at Red Rocks, conducted by Christopher Tin

Posted: 30 May 2017 10:58 AM PDT

Their icons are swords but they carry guns. Broken game, pls fix.

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:02 PM PDT

I saw my chance and I took it

Posted: 30 May 2017 06:45 PM PDT

showerthought: Maybe the reason Civ's AI is notoriously terrible is because devs are afraid a good one would become self-aware and take over the world.

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:36 PM PDT

Why are these banana plantations producing tourism?

Posted: 30 May 2017 07:58 PM PDT

[Civ 6] Uluru + Petra + Ruhr Valley + Liberation War as Aus = 278 production

Posted: 30 May 2017 02:43 PM PDT

I cannot beat Civ 5 AI on Prince (lol) please help.

Posted: 30 May 2017 01:21 PM PDT


I downloaded Vox Populi mod after getting bored with vanilla. I installed it and I can only beat the AI in Prince about 1 out of every 10 games. It's maddening. No matter what I do the AI is just so much faster in terms of research and city construction, and no matter what I do, no matter how optimal my start, I can just never be fast enough. What am I doing wrong? How can I be even faster? How can I actually have early game science? How can I expand without bleeding money and happiness? It's too hard which is hilarious because I know the good players think prince is a joke hah hah.

submitted by /u/FireConsumes
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For some reason, Rome looks oddly like a dinosaur

Posted: 29 May 2017 10:07 PM PDT

A delicious start in a recent game (Civ 6)

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:56 PM PDT

So crazy idea, but what if they put Civ VI on the Switch?

Posted: 30 May 2017 02:33 PM PDT

Not Revolution, but full Civ with scaled graphics. We've seen V work with Windows touchscreen so portable would be great and perhaps the motion controls could work in docked mode? Just a crazy idea I'm in love with.

submitted by /u/SmurfWars
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Will a mac work at a LAN party?

Posted: 30 May 2017 05:28 PM PDT

Going to a LAN party this weekend and were wondering if our mac friend can join in

Civ V btw

submitted by /u/CtrlAltFetus
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Civ 5 Online Dead?

Posted: 30 May 2017 07:48 PM PDT

I have tried joining the no quitters group and never received a response... I have tried joining all available online games on multiple occasions only to be immediately kicked by host nearly every time... The couple of times I have not been kicked have resulted in a poor game where everyone quits within 20 turns...

I am really enjoying the game, but is it pretty much singleplayer and friend games only at this point?

Civ 6 any better when it comes to online? I have tried the game on singleplayer but really prefer 5...

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/EclecticArtificer
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What should I know when looking to buy CIV6?

Posted: 30 May 2017 07:31 PM PDT

Hey, my brother-in-law wants me to buy the game so we can play together. I'm coming in from EU4 (I feel like I'm bucking the trend here) so I already have experience with grand strategy and exorbitantly overpriced DLC :P. I've played for like 50 turns so far.

submitted by /u/NekoMikuReimu
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Well protected encampment

Posted: 29 May 2017 11:04 PM PDT

Sogno Di Volare incredible piano cover

Posted: 30 May 2017 06:17 PM PDT

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