World of Warcraft - Murloc Monday - ask your questions here!

Murloc Monday - ask your questions here!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:05 AM PDT

Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle! RwlRwlRwlRwl!
That's murloc for "Welcome to Murloc Mondays - where people can ask any type of question about WoW without getting Strangles by a Death Knight.
Questions can range from whats new in Legion, what class is OP, and how many Demons will it take to down Thrall?
Questions can come from brand new players, players returning, or veteran players who never got a chance to ask the right question.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Last Video - Rest in peace, Hayven

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:51 AM PDT

This has to be one of the strangest ways to try and recruit someone to your guild..

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:45 AM PDT

Hayven's close friend, HeelvsBabyface, responds to his passing.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:47 AM PDT

come see the broken shore

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:25 AM PDT

Artistic Rendition of my tauren, constructive critisism is appreciated

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:45 AM PDT

Resorting to prostitution like

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:40 AM PDT

I just found out that in the Arcway there is a mob a Warlocks can enslave that gives a 30% haste and damage buff to any ally for 20 seconds and it has a 30 sec CD.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:22 PM PDT

How I feel playing a warrior in Legion

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:54 AM PDT

I would like to give a massive shout out to the creators of the Addon 'World quest group finder' , I highly doubt I'd be doing as many world quest without it.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:50 AM PDT

Being on a PVP server where 85% of the players are the opposing faction, I don't think people realize how happy I am with the world quest group finder Addon. It used to be a bit special to see 2 or 3 hordes or Alliances run around in the large world that is Warcraft but now I see more enemy players in the world then when I do in AV, and I need to share quest hubs, flight paths and towns with them now.

Because of this I found myself skipping almost every world quests before I got this Addon. I Highly suggest it to for anyone, Click here to get it.

submitted by /u/Kyderra
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BRB, killing myself

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:20 AM PDT

What did they call it when the Silver Hand Knights were protesting for better compensation?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:27 AM PDT

The Crusader Strike.

submitted by /u/wonkothesane13
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When helping Addie with her hunter training, she suggested we take a S.E.L.F.I.E. Never thought she'd actually pose for it, though! Nice little detail, blizz

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 08:38 PM PDT

I can't think of a better way to get to work and back. Thanks to Swiss Network coverage and, playing WoW at 6000 ft, crossing the Alps.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:26 AM PDT

You can Obliterate Legion Season 3 PvP gear in Dalaran and get currency to buy new pieces of gear

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:58 AM PDT

In response to the Troll that broke into the Greyfang Enclave, I broke into Windrunner's Sanctuary!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:09 AM PDT

I'm new and I have an end-game question?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:29 AM PDT

My character's name is Biggusstickus and I need to know, mathematically (length and girth accounted for), what the largest staff in the game that a priest can wield is.

I just need a proper end-game goal.

submitted by /u/Foster_theplayer
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AP and you - how the grind (barely) matters, and you really shouldn't stress before tomb.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:18 AM PDT

So, I figured this could use a topic on it's own after reading the Asmongold-topic last night and commenting there, just to get some visibility on the facts of the current way AP and traits are working.

To start with, let's list some base facts:

1: Trait growth.

Every trait level is equal to what you farmed for the previous level, +30% (plus/minus 1% for rounding errors). This is a constant, and furthermore, it means that to increase your traits by 5 levels, you will have to farm 4x as much AP as the total you've already farmed.

As a concrete example of this:

52 For concordance is 2163M Artifact power.

57 for 6 concordance traits (2k+5x200 = 3k stats) is 8287M Artifact power - or a little under 4x as much (about 300M, but as a rule of thumb, this should suffice).

By 62, you will need to gather an additional 32B artifact power.

As you can see, this scales quickly and wildly out of control.

To combat this, we have ;

#2: Artifact Knowledge.

AK Also goes up with 30% per rank (give or take a few percent every level for rounding errors, again).

What this means is that if we assume all raiders that care about the grind had 54 traits on release with 26 AK, which was then converted into 40 traits (39+5M for 1), we can roughly estimate that for each AK level, we get one trait - especially as we get deeper into the tree.

To elaborate: The effort of going 40-41 with 26 AK, is the same as going 50-51 with 36 Ak, or 60-61 with 46 AK. At 50 AK, we hit the "wall" - no more AK boosts means that after going 64-65, things will start to become really slow, very quickly. Again, by the time you hit 70, you'll have quadrupled your AP gains just getting to 65, but with no AK boost to help.

Now, some people will be "ahead" of this curve - I'm on 48 traits at 31 AK, while I "should" only be on 45-46. That means if I keep up at the same pase (2x levels ahead of my AK boost), I will hit my wall at around 67 traits, rather than 65.

3: But it's a powerup; Gotta get it, right?

Now let's put the gains into perspective. Lets assume you're a DPS - you will value procs the most (they're already less important for healers and tanks to start with due to the nature of their roles).

The Concordance spell has a 1.37 RPPM, with a 10 second duration. Accounting for some haste, I think it's safe to put the uptime at around 25%, if that's not lowballing it a bit. For haste heavy specs (shadow priest, fury warrior) it'll be higher, due to high amount of haste etc.

Now, at it's base, it has a 2K mainstat proc. Every trait adds 200 to that power. This means that for 5 traits, a quadrupling in AP, mind you, you get 1K Int/Agi/Str on your proc - with a 25% uptime. That's 250 main stats for FOUR TIMES the AP. This will seem bigger at the start where the proc is relatively modest - however, when you hit the "wall" at 65 traits, your proc will be 4.6K mainstat. Adding 1K to this to get 70 is "only" a growth in proc-size of around 21% (the relative strength remains the same - 250 mainstat per 5 levels, but the perceived strength becomes much smaller; The proc still has HEAVY impact with 4.6K vs 5.6K, as compared to 2k vs 3k).

4: So what about the short-term?

Short-term, you'll want to reach Concordance before Tomb. However, that's "only" 2.2B AP. To put that into perspective, Tomb is supposed to hit around AK43; At that point, a single M+10 cache and a NH heroic clear will grant you well over 700M AP (or around 1/3 of the total required for concordance). No world quests, no nothing - 1/3 of the way just by a heroic raid and a M+10 that everyone should want to do anyway. Getting to 57-58 before tomb will be easy; It'll require the same effort as going 40-41 each level if you take it slow. But slacking right now doesn't really matter, because the catch up is so freaking extreme.

5: And long term?

I think it's safe to say that the standard, when Ak50 has been reached, will be 65-70 traits. Anything beyond that is an INSANE grind for almost no gains. Likewise, you're safe to go put AP into offspecs and secondary specs right now, or if you want, when you reach 52 for concordance in a months time; The catch up before tomb will be so massive that the 2B AP you put in a secondary weapon can be grinded back in a day or two on the release-week of tomb, and you'll have competent offspecs to boot. You're also better off keeping an alt well geared and traited, rather than spending all your time on your main, because the catch up simply makes any farm you're doing right now super fucking irrelevant.

TL;DR - Blizzard succeeded. Concordance is such a small gain and has such a steep buildup that you won't want to kill yourself farming it. The difference between opening week of 60 and 6 weeks in at 67 with the extra 7 AK levels is so miniscule that it won't matter. Rejoice, for you are free.

submitted by /u/Dracomaros
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The Elevator Boss (WoW Machinima by Flamy507)

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:43 AM PDT

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:05 AM PDT

What if the 3rd relic slot was unlocked upon reaching 110 after your first toon completes their order hall quest chain?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:59 AM PDT

These quest chains all have ridiculous time gates in the form of mission board missions. I got my hunter to 110 yesterday (my FOURTH 110 alt) and wanted to grind through his OH quest to get the 3rd slot unlocked.

Part of yesterday evening therefore involved babysitting the damn mission board for 5 one-hour missions. It boggles my mind why anyone thought this was a good design. It's not like it's even effective time-gating, since it's only an hour and you can still do it in a day. But whatever. It's there.

I finish up those and wake up this morning planning on finishing the chain before work, only to be greeted by another 4 one-hour missions before I can finish.

a) What the fuck.

b) Is this really necessary after I've already done this 3 times on other toons?

If Blizz doesn't want to screw with the quest chains for lore reasons or whatever, fine. I get that. But having the 3rd relic slot locked severely limits your toons potential, and these arbitrary time-gates do nothing but get in the way for no good reason. Especialy now with Broken Shores having such great gear catch-up mechanics, it's silly that I could hit level 110, spend a few hours at the broken shore, get decked in 850 gear, and still be non-viable for raids because my artifact is at 2/3 power until I finish a questline.

submitted by /u/b1ackcat
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How fascinating were those quests? rest in peace friend.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:13 PM PDT

Anyone else who would like to exchange Order Resources for Nethershards?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:53 AM PDT

I got a ton of Resources, but no Nethershards. Can't be the only one?

submitted by /u/Asmundr
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Worst Bugs In Gaming History Vol. VII Lord Kazzak's Day Out

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:45 AM PDT

TFW you complete the mage tower only to realise your appearance clips through the floor.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:26 PM PDT

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