Fallout - [Mod][F4NV] New Vegas in Fallout 4. Walking from Goodsprings to Primm.

[Mod][F4NV] New Vegas in Fallout 4. Walking from Goodsprings to Primm.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:37 AM PDT

Hey everybody. Since I'm not going to be able to work on this project for about a week, I thought I would show you how the map is progressing. Here's a seven minute video of me waking from Goodsprings to Primm. Sorry about the loud radio, it was my first attempt to get something working in game. Also I know the area in between the two towns is pretty barren but I'm going to work on that when I get back next week. I only included it to show you the current scale of the map.

Also here are some random pictures of primm. Album 1, Album 2

submitted by /u/Sir_Bumfrey_Diggles
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What 500 Hours of Fallout 4 Looks Like

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:14 PM PDT

The problem with charisma in Fallout 4

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:01 AM PDT

It's boring, mainly. Really, really, boring. Every charisma check in the game I've encountered thus far all only succeed in squeezing out some extra caps from an NPC. How can charisma be made more interesting? I have some suggestions below for the next game, in no particular order of preference.

  1. While companions will have their likes/dislikes for certain actions, instead of just passively observing you doing something they dislike or hate they should confront you about it later. Then, depending on your charisma, you should be able to respond in a number of ways, such as: (i) offer a fake apology which they may or may not believe and regain some of the lost affinity/influence; (ii) offer a genuine apology which they may or may not accept and regain some of the lost affinity/influence; (iii) refuse to apologise and tell them to shove it, regaining some or losing some affinity depending on whether or not the companion is one who respects or dislikes the player being authoritative; (iv) persuade them that your actions were in the right and regain some or all of the lost affinity (depending on how persuasive you were) or, if your charisma is very good and you were very persuasive, permanently change their mind so they no longer dislike that sort of behaviour. Note that to avoid eroding companion personality, certain dislikes they have (e.g. the ones relating to behaviours that companions in Fallout 4 'hated') should probably be unchangeable regardless of charisma level.

  2. More interesting and non-hostile raider groups. The game world should have about 4-6 unique main raider groups or clans instead of, or in addition to, generic raiders. 1-2 of these should always be hostile to the player, either due to the extreme aggressiveness of the members (doped up on chems or whatever), due to story reasons, or due to the faction alignment of the player. The rest of the raider groups/clans should be hostile to the player until the player reaches a certain amount of fame/infamy in the Wasteland (or until they ally with an enemy faction beyond a point of no return), and should then attempt to engage in dialogue/negotiate with the player. The player may then have a number of options in how they negotiate with the raiders and their success or failure will determine the outcome, e.g. determine if the group turns hostile, lets you pass by, invites you in, or invites you to join (potentially initiating some quests).

  3. Re-introduce skills or at the very least have speech checks reliant on other SPECIAL attributes. I won't go into this too much but I think skills were a great way to offer multiple dialogue choices for the player that could get similar or different results in appropriate situations, either reintroduce those or provide more dialogue checks reliant on other SPECIAL attributes.

  4. More dialogue options in general. The 4-option limit is just boring and overly simple.

  5. Legitimate option for the player to say 'no', and options for the player to get what they want without having to perform the requested task (this should be very, very difficult in some circumstances, and not possible all the time for story and gameplay reasons).

submitted by /u/-Caesar
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Recently had one of the funnest sequences I've ever had in Fallout 4.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:15 AM PDT

3rd run. I'm somewhere near 500+ hours played, twice as much as any other game I've ever played. Just friggin love Fallout 4. First run was paragon sneaky sniper, at something like level 160. Always on survival. 2nd run was an evil chick fists-and-explosives type.

Anyway, I'm tryin to make this new run super hard yet still fun. No guns, no armor. Melee weapons. Maxed out Intelligence & Charisma, then a few sprinkled for perks like maxing out Chems, Explosives, carry weight, armorer, companion perks. Been fantastic fun. The final Mechanist quest has been the most difficult, 2nd to getting through Vault 81 without taking mole rat disease.

He's a suave scientist - Ricco Montevideo. I'm close to my ultimate goal - armored bathrobe for me and curie as we wreck shop with her .44 and my nuke grenades.

Anyway, back to this event. I've been collecting stuff at Hangman's Alley. I sell the bullets, but collect kits for my companions. Deacon's all robot armor, etc. Achieved level 50, figured it was time to do the main quest. Time for the Golden Sea.

But I thought - *am I really going to melee all those friggin monsters? Sound monotonous. * Survival mode makes heavy weapons a real pain in the ass to use, and I've never really even tried to use them as a primary weapon, more like a "oh hey I picked this up? let me use it asap since it's heavy af"

I had about 3 "level up" perks I hadn't used, and I put them all into heavy guns. Having maxed my armorer I built a Sentry bot with the nuke protectoron head and maxed its carry weight to something like 450. Gave it 22 mini-nukes from my collection, grabbed my hazmat suit and Lucky Fat Man at 1400dmg, and went to the sea. Named by robot companion Fat Man Support.

I could only carry 3-4 nukes at any time, but holy shit. It was glorious.

On survival mode of course I can't save, so as soon as that "radscorpron breaching" sound hit my ears it was jet fuck run let the robot duke it out, get 100 yards away, VATS with the fat man, oh it's only a 6% chance to hit its head? something tells me it'll hit anyway, nuuuuuuuuuuke.....

Turned out that I built Fat Man Support so tough that he could take a direct nuke to the face. That meant the three radscorpions who were trying to rape his sweet cybornetic frame would be obliterated but he'd wobble himself in my direction and rebuild his legs.

Went into the sea with 22 mini nukes. Left with 3. Never got hit, thankfully, since my guy is still very much killed by one melee hit from just about any large enemy. Every variant of Deathclaw, every radscorpion, all felt that sweet whistle of nuke.

I'm thinking of the Quad Missile Launcher for Far Harbor next.

submitted by /u/girafa
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New Teacher came in with this today. I think I'll like him. [x-post from /r/fo4 by /u/LightorZ]

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:55 AM PDT


We got a new Teacher today. Needless to say I liked his entrance.

submitted by /u/LightorZ
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"Pinned" (Fallout 4 quest) is the least convincing/believable moment in Fallout.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:57 PM PDT

I mean, the Minutemen won't stand down when the General orders them to? I'm the goddamn General, you punk Minutemen who I've never seen before, you stand down when I friggin' order you to.

No, really -- some lowly minuteman disobeys the orders of the General and all of a sudden the entirety of the Minutemen become the enemy of the General? ...Not to mention the Institute folks in Graygarden Homestead can't just teleport out? I mean, they can teleport pretty much anywhere else... but not unless I kill all the Minutemen outside first. It's totally immersion-breaking and weird.

There are a lot of poorly written quests in FO4, but this one takes the cake for having the least sense. It's almost as if the writers of FO4 felt they had to have a make-it or break-it moment with the Minutemen during the Institute's quest line and did it in the most ham-fisted way they could -- no confrontation with Garvey, no high-pressure battle (like the one with the Railroad or the BoS), very little player choice involved. I'd be more convinced if Father ordered me to kill all the Minutemen because he was paranoid that they were gaining too much influence, but we didn't even get something like that.

I love Fo4, and I can't wait to finish out the Institute quest line, but I gotta say -- NV did a much better job of creating tension between factions in a believable way (no shit, right?)

submitted by /u/Engenderling
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Is the T51b faction specific?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:52 AM PDT

I read somewhere that the green one is not faction specific but the steel colored one makes people think that you are with the brotherhood. Can someone just clear this out for me. Thanks in advance. EDIT: I'm talking about New Vegas by the way.

submitted by /u/GoodguyGrjoni
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Am I the only one who likes FO3 and FO4 more than New Vegas?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:55 PM PDT

I don't know, maybe because I'm not American? In New Vegas I got more choices, but I didn't enjoy the characters and the world is so boring. It's just a desert with nothing to do except missions. And the gameplay is broken, the controls are bad [you basically get stuck every time and can't jump on rocks properly] and the Strip is a big disappointment.

On Fallout 3 I got less choices to make, but my character felt like it was me. It was more deep. I don't know how to explain it, but seeing myself growing up was something I enjoyed. And the Wasteland is the most depressive as possible, but you can do more things outside. And I felt more connected with the characters. It was the first Fallout game I've played. And The Pitt is like a new world[I know it was just a city, but it felt like another story. Had to fight, just to survive]. Fallout 3 was a risky change, while New Vegas just followed up with the new system.

So, Fallout 4. I bought it last year. And I became almost addicted to it [use addictol]. Sure, they messed up the dialogue system and you get even less choices to make; but the factions are charismatic and unique. The progression system is more friendly; it's easier to understand what are your best abilities and style when you see everything through a colored, funny and dynamic level up system. The shooting is pleasureable and the controls works better than any other Fallout game. Far Harbor makes you feel like you're playing another game and the mods are funny. The new Survival mode is AMAZING and hard.

I'm playing Fallout 2 and I'm enjoying it, the dialogues are the best; but I'm gonna put the classics and the spin-offs in a different list, because Fallout 3 changed the series.

submitted by /u/keepforclose
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Need help with Moira!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:39 AM PDT

So, the situation is as follows: I helped Moira write her book, we had sex after that and accidentally I tore her leg off. Now she's ghosting me and I don't know what to do. Any advice?

Here's the picture for better comprehension of the problem: http://imgur.com/a/wWj3k

submitted by /u/Usopp_Theory
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The Pitt Left a bad taste in my mouth

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:16 PM PDT

This was from a little bit ago, but I figure it's an interesting little story. So, I get to the Pitt, and it's my first time through; I get beat up, brought in as a slave worker, and I decide to just take care of business. I sneak behind one of the raiders, pick pocket her gun off her, and clean up, taking down every last raider, picking up their gear, too. I head into the steel mill, taking them down, and I manage it, too. And then... Nothing. I don't know where to go. So I follow the quest marker back to the first area, go into where the quest tells me to go, to Midea. Then, a raider comes in, talking the big talk like I hadn't just killed all his dudes. I cap him, and Midea doesn't have anything to say.

Wandering aimlessly, occasionally picking off a straggler, I eventually find where my regular equipment is stashed (Maybe I fought in the arena thing? Don't remember), and after a lot more wandering, find "the next area." Fighting my way to Ashur rather easily, I find out that "the Cure" is a baby, and feel a little sick. Ashur ineptly threatens me with the army of raiders I just killed... And then I just left. I didn't pick up the game again for ages.

It felt so uncomfortable that I'd broken the game like that, using no hacks, no console commands, and no exploits; I "did the right thing," but the game ignored it entirely. It made my situation feel hilariously pointless-- which is pretty funny, in a way, considering the "no win situation" Bethesda tried to make in The Pitt.

Sorry for striking when the anvil is eight years cold, but I wanted to share my experience.

submitted by /u/scibieseverywhere
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I saw this and thought you guys might be interested?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:27 AM PDT

Starting a record collection, this is one of the first few I've gotten, it's from 1946... How did I do?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:42 PM PDT

New Vegas - The Making Of...

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:32 AM PDT

Would anyone be in favour of a remaster of Fallout 1/2?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:19 AM PDT

I don't mean making it an fps like the newer games, I just mean making the graphics better and the like.


submitted by /u/Aoip2337
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You can choose one only gun to appear in the next Fallout game. What weapon did you choose and why?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:54 PM PDT

I would absolutely love to see the American-180 on the next Fallout game with it drum magazine versions. It only shots .22 LR (The weakest round besides exceptions like the 2.7mm bullets) but with a drum magazine of 277 bullets and a fire rate of 1200 shots per minute it would surely be a lot of fun. Here's info about the gun and an amazing video about it. It looks way better with the crystal drum so you would be able to see 277 bullets dissapear in no time. The best thing is that this weapon appeared in New Vegas so it's a very plausible idea.

submitted by /u/15octilliondollars
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Which DLC? [New Vegas]

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:58 PM PDT

Ok so I have F:NV for Xbox One (backwards compatibility) and I am also currently broke af. I want to buy DLC for New Vegas but don't know which one I should get. I'm pretty much debating on whether I should get the first chronologically and just eventually buy all of them or just get the best one. Help is greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/whomtheheckcares
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Looking for some good settlement mods

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:38 AM PDT

I love making each settlement as best as i can, but i find the default buildings somewhat lacking, especially in the smaller zones. Plus, there's limited options on what to do with your settlers, once you get farming and some guards sorted, you can either have shops or scavenge.

Also, a mod to have them auto generate names would be sweet, i vaguely recall that one exists out there for that.

submitted by /u/stinkingyeti
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New Vegas and the best mods?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:21 AM PDT

Can someone suggest the optimal set of mods to play New Vegas with on PC? Or Fallout 3 really. I'm looking to do a new playthrough with new experiences but I don't want to go through a million mods by trial and error, so please help a brother out! I may just do Vanilla but I'd love to try something new!

submitted by /u/Planisphere9
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Fallout New Vegas Remastered Trailer

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:06 PM PDT

Not sure if anyone's seen this, but it looks like someone made a complete remaster/overhaul of NV and is set to release it in october. I'm not sure if it'll be a mod or a standalone, but I guess we'll find out!

submitted by /u/Man_of_Many_Voices
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Any Cad bane (star wars clonewars) mods? Ir any suggestions on creating him?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:17 AM PDT

Big fan of the character and would love to play as him in any fallout game

submitted by /u/aziz321
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[FO4] Reading Philip K Dick's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" made dealing with Synthe quite complicated.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:14 PM PDT

Don't want to spoil the book at all, but I read it while playing through the bulk of the main quest and Far Harbor. I constantly kept applying the story and characters of the book to Fall Out and it made dealing with synths and the institute difficult. I actually put the the game down or avoided the main quest because sometimes I felt like Deckard and had to think about whether or not a synth is truly any led of a person. Anyone else familiar with the book?

submitted by /u/IAMHOLLYWOOD_23
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[Fo3 and NV] How does Animal Friend affect NPCs?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:23 AM PDT

I'm thinking of taking the perk so I can use non hostile creatures for settlement building, but I'm not sure that they won't attack NPCs that aren't companions.

Does anyone know if Animal Friend makes creatures friendly to everyone, not just the MC?

submitted by /u/Protostorm216
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