Destiny - Daily Thread - Mentor Monday

Daily Thread - Mentor Monday

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:00 AM PDT

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submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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I just started (currently level 22) and I've got to say, I like the gun play but I have no idea what's going on with this story.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:22 AM PDT

I've really enjoyed playing Destiny, but after each story quest I keep asking myself... What?

From my understanding, I'm a Guardian here to protect from the darkness. Not sure entirely what that is, but okay.

I then go to the Tower, and I get told to go figure something out in Old Russia with The Fallen. I get there, kill some people, and my Ghost says there's crazy things happening. The people at the Tower say what my Ghost said, but with the assumption I already know what we're doing.

My Warlock lady and the blue main quest giver keeps sending me to kill The Fallen. Then I find out there's corruption on some big power shard. What is that shard? Don't know, but now you're going to Mars. Or this might have been at Mars. No idea where I'm going.

I then find something in a bunker that looks like all the other things in the bunkers and Ghost goes, woah! That's crazy! We now need to see... The Awoken. Okay. Then I go visit Mr. Emo Haircut with his sister who looks like Kerrigan and her Fallen buddies (What?). I go kill something and now I'm friends with her. Kinda.

I... I just don't understand what's going on. Are we "cleansing" Earth, Mars, and Venus of this darkness? I think we are, but I'm not sure. These quest givers are all talking like I have literally been in their world for years and I just don't get it. The missions are kinda fun, but they all look the same and end with the same "I've got to unlock this key-- oh look, Guardian! A big bad guy with other minions! Protect me!"

Are there no quests like in WoW or literally any other MMO or RPG where you do little side missions to learn about the world? What do I do with all these Ironleaves or whatever plant I keep finding on some planet? Do I use armor pieces to craft armor or just for these upgrades that are useless at lower levels.

I guess what I'm trying to say is... The world seems really interesting, but I feel like I'm not learning about it. It seems like every NPC you interact with assumes you "get it" and just goes along with the story while you're left wondering, "What? Okay yeah I'll go to that planet I guess."

submitted by /u/moidawg
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One of my clanmates got a nice kill in Trials this week, but doesn't use Reddit. I think you'll enjoy it

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:09 AM PDT

Pretty simple really, here's a clip of a nice bubble bro doing Defender things

Gif version:

submitted by /u/SgtSlay3r
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Dredgen Yor and Shin Malphur; Thorn and the Last Word: an in-depth summary of the events leading up to the showdown on Dwindler's Ridge.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:30 AM PDT

This is a story of conflict and rising up. A tale of good vs. evil, a clash of purpose and reason. A battle of Light of Darkness, of hopelessness and loss, of overcoming hardships and succumbing to fear.

This story is long and spread across the Grimoire.

Enjoy, Guardians.

  • Part I - The Legend of Rezyl Azzir

This story begins in the Grimoire card "Rezyl Azzir - Before These Walls". It details a man, a would-be Titan, a mountain of muscle and might and metal, wearing a collar of fur and teeth, intricate and ornate armor; trophies he has collected.

He was not originally called a Guardian, but Risen.

Risen by the Traveler before the city became The City. This was before the Light was studied, before the walls. Before any of that.

This was the time of Lords, but that's another tale, for another day.

Survivors came to the Traveler, praising it as one would a god. The people beneath it began to form into factions, like minded groups, each representing their own ideas and truths. Their collective truths combined granted a larger understanding of the world in itself, and every day, the factions questioned more.

But then, the Factions grew divided. Every idea was held as the only truth, rather than the collective as a whole. And each held their own Risen, who stood with them. The conflict grew as Risen decided they were not instruments of oppression, not tools to be used by their factions. From this, there was a war, a constant struggle, fueled by fear and greed and arrogance, until the Fallen arrived.

Weakened and on the brink, the Factions and their Risen fought together against the Fallen, and succeeded. From these wars came the walls. The city grew and became The City. The Factions expanded, spreading their influence throughout the city beneath the Traveler.

From these wars also came Rezyl Azzir; a leader, a champion, a legend. Guardians swelled the City ranks, survivors flocked to the oasis beneath the Traveler. The City thrived.

From everything, everyone, every victory, hope blossomed. Hope for the future. Hope for a better tomorrow.

But to Rezyl, Hope was a currency. Hope bought tomorrow. Hope bought the effort to live today, and the next day and the next.

Old stories began to haunt Rezyl. Stories of Luna, of witches and knights and a Darkness which consumed and suppressed hope. The stories were no longer told, for fear of what they might bring.

Hope signified a struggle, a cause to pursue. If there was not hope, there was no tomorrow. If the Darkness could devour hope, what chance could they stand?

So every day Rezyl would fight, and build, and protect. And every night, he thought about the untold stories, and what they might mean.

The legend continues with the Grimoire card "Rezyl Azzir - War Without End". This story starts with a tale entitled "Eksori's Ambush", and details a small skirmish between a fleet of Fallen from the House of Devils and Rezyl Azzir. It is nothing special; only showing the difference in thought and meaning of conflict between the Eliksni and the Guardian. Each alien viewed the battle as a meaningful violence, a clash of strength. The Captain sees Rezyl as an exquisite trophy, which would earn him much respect in his Fallen House. To Rezyl, the Captain is an afterthought. A fluid of movement, an action performed countless times before, and countless times after.

To Rezyl, it was nothing. Conflict was as common as a breath.

The next section is entitled "The Tescan Valley Encounter". It starts with Rezyl and a few allies seeing a Ketch, between two peaks, scavenging some sort of facility below. The Ketch is compared to a shark, constantly moving, giving credence to the rarity of what they were seeing.

Rezyl takes down a Skiff with his rocket launcher, causing the other Skiffs to retreat back into the mother ship. Rezyl tells his Ghost to hang back in the forest, and to prepare to revive him. The Ghost is shocked and confused, but ultimately agrees.

Rezyl assaults a Fallen group, killing a few, before the Kell sets his sights on him. Within seconds, Rezyl falls to the Kell. The Kell grabs Rezyl's body, and holds it high above his head. It is a victory, a morale booster. The Fallen cheer, and his Ghost prepares for revival. None see the small machine flying between them, too excited to notice. Rezyl awakes, and fires a shot into the Kell. The Kell staggers, and Rezyl falls to the ground. He calls upon the Light, the storm and the sky, and unleashes a maelstrom of inner Arc energy, a Fist of Havoc that obliterates the Kell and all the nearby Fallen.

This is a major victory, but Rezyl sees it as another conflict, just as meaningful, or meaningless, as the last, and the next. This was the state of things, war was as constant as the sky.

The final story is entitled "In Defense of North Channel". It talks of a settlement and it's people. The Fallen Rezyl and his group were tracking had reached North Channel first, and left it in ruins. Any survivor that climbed from the rubble would mark this day a victory, but Rezyl was tired of small wins, when it largely unaffected the larger, more grand conflict.

Rezyl leads the survivors to the City, and he inherently knows, whatever death they avoided today, would meet them eventually.

  • Part II - The Fall of Rezyl Azzir

"Rezyl Azzir: The Whisper and the Bone"

Rezyl Azzir, the great Titan from Earth, the Faction War champion. A Risen, then a Guardian. A hero of the Light.

He finds himself on Luna, the evil place that kept him up at night. He comes looking for stories he longed hope were lies and fantasies.

But they were not.

He stands in front of a door. Large, dark, gothic and ornately carved. He feels something deep down, something resembling fear. He knows he should not be here.

He steps forward anyways.

He hears a shrill, heavy scraping as the doors slide open. He readies his rifle, his Inferno. A floating figure appears from the abyss from beyond the door. She was a dark, ethereal woman, wearing tattered ceremonial armor of bone.

Rezyl and the woman, the demon, hold their ground, staring at each other, both unsure what to do. The moment is shattered by a loud, angry booming deep in the recesses behind the wicked woman. She recedes, as if called. Yet, the doors stood open, an invitation, a challenge.

He steps forward, before his Ghost interrupts. He says it is not a good idea. The Hero doesn't care. His only focus is on the darkness beyond the threshold. The Ghost tells him they should go back home, gather an army. Warn the City of this nightmare they've awoken.

Rezyl leaves his Ghost behind, and steps through the door.


Minutes pass. Hours, days. Time does not pass down there, in the Darkness. It washes away, devours the hope Rezyl has, clings to. It destroys the pursuit of tomorrow, the will to proceed.

Down here, there is no tomorrow.

His footsteps echo in the abyss, lonely beats in a void of nothing. At any time, the Darkness could swallow him, the foolish Hero who pursued the stories so frightening, they were no longer told.

The witch is suddenly upon him. Rezyl opens fire, firing bursts into the night. He fires at the witch, but it's impossible to track her in this unending void.

She engulfs him in a toxic cloud, thick enough to hold him back, restrict his movement. She laughs, cutting into his mind and soul like a tempered blade. Then she speaks. But the words are more like pain, torture. He flinches under the agony of her tongue, her torturous language.

She approaches him, and whispers into his bleeding ears.

"I am the end of 'morrows. Xyor, the Blessed. Xyor, the Betrothed. I am of the coming storm. These are not my words, but prophesy. Your Light will one day shatter and die. For now it simply offends... And you, dear, sweet, fragile thing, shall be made to suffer for your transgressions upon this holy ground."

As the witch fell silent, her hateful voice is replaced by a growing chorus of hungry, manic chittering and the rising thunder of an approaching flood.

Rezyl had come looking for the terrors that hide just beyond the light.

He found them.

Or, maybe...

...they found him.

"The Triumphant Fall"

Rezyl is fighting off Thrall. Unending, wave after wave. An incessant force, constant and unending.

His final magazine falls empty from his rifle. Undeterred, Rezyl takes his weapon and swings it into the crowd. A new wave of chittering death was upon him – fragile but aggressive, overwhelming in their number and oppressive in their rage. Slowly, the pile before him grew. The nightmares were ended, only to be replaced instantly.

But there was a peace over him. A calming presence. This was conflict, a natural order. Unending and constant; Rezyl knew this before. Battle was never a place to panic. Rezyl was perfectly at ease.

He swings the butt end of his Inferno into a skull. The rifle flies with the body, stuck in the chalky bone. His rifle had been with him through everything, but his Rose would see him through.

Every shot fired lit the cavern with a red glare. The demon woman laughed at the other end, dancing in the air. She was watching...


She unleashed a soul-crippling screech. The waves ended.

The witch laughed, but was quieted by a thunderous booming.



A mighty being appeared, dwarfing the Titan. The beast wielded a blade. A blade as long as a man, no... longer. The being held it weightlessly, with grace.

To Rezyl, it looked knightly. Majestic. Perhaps it had been heroic once. Perhaps it is now; but for a truer, darker, more sinister purpose.

The thought intrigued him.

The monster lunged forward, and Rezyl did as well.


Two days passed, and Rezyl sat on the surface of Luna. His Ghost pressed him for details, enthralled by his fight, but also deeply concerned. It contacted the City's Vanguard, telling them of the nightmarish monstrosities beneath the surface.

As they watched another Earth-rise from the lonely quiet of the lunar surface and planned their long journey home, Rezyl pulled fragmented bone from the pouch that hung on his left hip: a reminder of the evil that lurked beyond the Light, and the last remnants of the wicked woman's betrothed.

And while he recounted once more the events of his time in the shadows he took his Rose from its holster and began grafting the bone to its steel frame — just another trophy, from another battle won.

It was only later, and far too late, that the first whispers came and the bones revealed their true, jagged purpose.

"The Rose"

He stands a hero, a champion of the Light. The people look to him for salvation, for he is a beacon of truth, of hope. And within that truth, that hope, there was great promise. If one man could stand against the night, then so too could anyone - everyone.

In his strong hand the man held a Rose. And his aura burned bright.

When he journeyed, the people remembered him. In his wake, hope and peace blossomed.

But he carried an evil burden, a sinister secret. His thoughts were corrupted. Darkness plagued him. A sadness crept upon him, and his shadows whispered their truths. Slowly the shadows' whisper became a voice, a dark call, offering glories enough to make even the brightest Light wander. He knew he was fading, yet he still yearned.

On his last day he sat and watched the sun fall. His final thoughts, pure of mind, if not body, held to a fleeting hope - though they would suffer for the man he would become, the people would remember him as he had been.

And so the noble man hid himself beneath a darkness no flesh should touch, and gave up his mortal self to claim a new birthright. Whether this was choice, or destiny, is a truth known only to fate.

In that cool evening air, as dusk was devoured by night, the noble man ceased to exist. In his place another stood.

Same meat. Same bone. But so very different.

The first and only of his family. The sole forebearer and last descendant of the name Yor.

In his first moments as a new being, he looked down at his Rose and realized for the first time that it held no petals: only the jagged purpose of angry thorns.

  • Part III - Shin Malphur, and a town they call Palamon

The town was Palamon. It no longer exists, apart from a stretch of rubble and waste. Only one survivor carries the memory of Palamon: Shin Malphur. He attempts to retell his story, a tale of sadness, desperation, horror, and overcoming. Of two forces converging upon a plane. Of Light against Darkness, a clash of purpose and reason.

This is where the story truly begins.


In the Grimoire card "Ghost Fragment: The Last Word", Shin Malphur begins with a description of his hometown of Palamon. He describes it as a small settlement, far away in the woods. He remembers stories of a city, The City. A paradise beneath the Traveler. Some spoke of reaching out and finding it, but it never came to fruition.

People came, and people left. There wasn't a government, but there were rules, agreed upon by all. These rules were eventually overseen by a magistrate, a man named Loken.

He remembers his parents, but not very well. They were taken by the Fallen when he was young. Shin was left to be raised by an adopted family,one he would come to call his own.

Shin notes Loken must have lost something, as they all had. Some had nothing to begin with, and some had lost it all. Their family, themselves, hope.

But despite all this, Shin says life was good. He says his judgement may be skewed, that life wasn't easy, but it was all he had.

At least, until Jaren Ward arrived.

"Ghost Fragment: The Last Word 2"

He came to Palamon from the South. No one had ever seen someone like him. He said he was passing through, and it was true. But sometimes life got in the way, and here, it definitely did.

Jaren Ward is described as dangerous, but with a certain light. He wasn't better, or superior, but more. He had a sense about him, that his anger had to be earned, not carelessly given.

The townspeople gathered as Ward approached Palamon. The crowd was silent, with Shin stating he wasn't sure if it was out of respect, or fear.

He looked like a hero from a story, watching from behind his helmet.

They waited for Magistrate Loken to greet him, but curiosity bested young Shin. He ran up to the stranger and stared up at him. Jaren Ward focused his attention down at the child. The young gaze flitted to the weapon at the stranger's hip.

Shin was transfixed, as he imagined the story held within the weapon. The places it had been, the things it had seen. The things it had endured, the horrors it had witnessed.

Ward kneeled, and held the firearm out to Shin, as if it was a gift. One he would graciously accept. He took it, and held it. Not to use. But to observe. To imagine. To feel its weight and know its truth.

This was the first time he held it, but unfortunately, not his last.

"Ghost Fragment: The Dark Age 2"

The card begins with a confrontation between Jaren Ward and Magistrate Loken. A battle between a town's Guardian and their leader.

There were nine guns trained on Jaren, with Loken just behind them. Jaren stood silently, with his Ghost behind his shoulder.

Loken steps forward to the crowd, proclaiming to Jaren,

"You question me? This is not your home!"

Shin had watched Jaren for months. Picked up his mannerisms, his effortless gestures mapped by the young boy. Shin hoped to learn something from him, wished to be like him. But he realized then, all he needed to know about Jaren came from the moment he first saw the Hunter enter the town. Jaren was something more than the rest of them. Not superior, not better. Just... more.

Jaren stood calmly in the face of Loken's toxic words, with his hand resting on his pistol.

"This is our town! My town!" the Magistrate shouted to him, to the crowd, to the skies above.

"No," said Jaren, quietly. "Not anymore."

"Those gonna be your last words, boy?" the man asked, laughter in his voice.

"Yours," said the Guardian. "Not mine."

A single shot was fired.

Not from the guns aimed at the Hunter, but the one aimed at the tyrant of Palamon.

Loken hit the ground, a dark hole in his head, eyes staring up into eternity.

Jaren stared down the nine guns trained on him. One by one, they lowered their aim. And the rest of Shin's life began - where, in a few short years, so many others would be ended.

"Ghost Fragment: The Last Word 3" + "Ghost Fragment: The Last Word 4"

This story is told at first in "Ghost Fragment: The Last Word 4", but ends in "Ghost Fragment: The Last Word 3." I'll mark the conversion. In this passage, I will refer to each passage at "4" and "3", respectively.

"4" starts off by describing the new state of Palamon. Ash. Young Shin thought Jaren Ward would protect Palamon, protect him. He was wrong.

Three days prior, Jaren and Palamon's best hunters left, on the trail of the Fallen. A stranger arrived the fourth day.

He was different than Palamon's first stranger. Darker. Colder, more distant. Broken. But he was polite. He took their courtesy, their hospitality.

But Shin wasn't afraid. He had no reason to be. He didn't know then monsters took human form. The only monsters he knew were four-armed, pirates of another world.

The silhouette began to form, and the shadows grew. The stranger brought with him a darkness. When he departed, all he left was the ruins of Palamon, and a shadow. One Shin Malphur hunted, until he found it.


"3" starts with Jaren Ward, Shin Malphur, and the other 6 survivors of Palamon, tracking Fallen through the woods. Shin notes that the six with them was three less compared to two months ago, but more than the five they had when they originally left Palamon.

Jaren led the group through the woods, tracking Fallen Skiffs. They spooked the group, but they weren't scary. Shin thinks the group wanted a reason to turn back. Yet Jaren pushed on, never wavering. It was his drive, his conviction that kept them going.

The Guardian seemed confident they were close, to whatever it was they were tracking. No one else was positive, not even enthusiasm lingered among them.

The Ghost never spoke to anyone. It seemed wary, reclusive, guarded. They knew it could speak, and yet it didn't. Only to Jaren, and only when necessary and alone. Occasionally, Shin notes, the Ghost's eye would waver on him. Shin assumes it's because of his bond to Jaren, a father and son paternity. He says he should've known then, especially after all he'd been through, but he didn't.

Jaren stopped the group in a ravine, near a cliff's edge. They settled down to sleep and prepare for the next day.

The night was soon shattered by gunfire. Far-off, yet near enough to pump blood. At first, it was the ring of Jaren's cannon, but after a few shots, there was a single, infernal sound. Then, it stopped.

The group held their spot, unable to believe what they had heard.

Jaren Ward, their Guardian, was lost.

The echoes faded, and yet the group stayed. But, as the midday crept closer and the sun began to rise, duty and desire were wedged apart by the loss of conviction, and Shin soon found himself alone.

It was then that Jaren Ward's ghost appeared, and began to speak...




  • Part IV - The Path of Dredgen Yor

Perhaps the most hated Guardian to ever be risen by the Traveler, the trail Dredgen Yor blazes is full of Darkness and corruption.

The path of Dredgen Yor reaches outside of the Grimoire, unlike Shin Malphur and Rezyl Azzir. We know of events that are outside the following Grimoire cards, but told within the description of a couple class items. The first item is a rare Hunter cloak, aptly named, "The Cloak of Dredgen Yor."

"Before he murdered Pahanin, Dredgen Yor ruled the Crucible, the notorious Thorn at his side."

The second is a legendary Titan mark, "The Mark of Contention" belonging to Titan named Thalor.

"The mighty Thalor was invincible in the Crucible - until Dredgen Yor, and his Thorn."

This is the only lore outside the Grimoire we have of Dredgen Yor. Now, onto the Grimoire...

"A Farewell to Light"

A Guardian and his ghost sit atop a lonely ridge in the Martian desert, above the lost city of Freehold. The night sky is sprinkled with stars, with Light. But flooded with Darkness between. Dredgen Yor sits with his Ghost, beneath a long dead tree. Deimos shines out in the distance.

"You weren't always this man," says the Ghost.


"You don't have to remain this man, then."

"No, I am other."

"You can be better!" urges the Ghost.

Yor looks down at himself. "This is better."

Ghost looks away. "That matter is subjective."

Yor turns, a fire in his eye. "Then what? Lesser?"

Ghost looks him in the eye. "Some would say."

"But what would you say?"

Ghost turns. Yor looks away, back at the lost city. He reflects that the Darkness, how it came here all those years ago, was responsible for all that was lost.

The minutes pass.

Yor turns back. "After all we've seen, and now, here with me, you have no words?"

"No," Ghost whispers. "I have words. But you will not like them."

"There's much I do not like."

"More now than before, it seems."

He laughs.

Ghost focuses it's single eye on him, and gives a stern look. "Your choices aren't a laughing matter. Your path leads to Darkness."

Yor returns the stare. "Only in the journey, Ghost."

"What brought you here was nobility.."

Dredgen Yor unholsters his Thorn, and runs his hands down the barrel. "And my prize."

Ghost turns, unable to look at such darkness. "That is not a prize."

"A curse then?"

"I'd say so."

"And I would disagree."

"But you are no longer yourself."

"But that's it. I am myself. It was who I was that is gone."

"Who you were held all the value."

He puts away his Thorn and stands up. "Who I was held the Light. It's gone now, and so are they. It was nothing but a crutch."

"But one that held you up!" Ghost cries, unable to bear what its Guardian in implying.

"Only just. And nothing more."

"Nothing more! It made you a hero, a legend among your people. Isn't that enough?"

"No. People still die. Corruption still spreads. What point is there in being the hero if there's no one worth saving?"

"There are people worth saving, worth protecting. You dedicated yourself to their survival!"

"And what did it gain me?"

"Honor! Nobility! Hope!"

"Hope... There is no hope. There is only peace, now."

"Peace? With innocent blood on your hands?"

"That's a matter of perspective."

"That's not you talking. That's the Darkness."

"I am the Darkness. I'm a shadow. Call me by my name, Ghost."

"No. You are not that terrible name. You are Rezyl Azzir, Guardian of the Last City."

"That is not who I am. No longer. I am Dredgen Yor, a bringer of peace."

"There is no peace, Rezyl. Not in you, and not from you. We can cleanse you of this Darkness, return you to the Light. Please, come with me."

"No, Rezyl is dead. Only Dredgen Yor remains."

"I will not speak that name. All the bone, and blood, and ash at your feet. That is all that remains. This isn't an inherent evil. This is corruption."

"Of what? The shadows?"

"The Darkness."

Yor looked back over the city. "Maybe so..."

"There is no maybe here."

"Yet you think you can save me?"

"I rekindled the Light inside you, all those years ago. It is my task to ensure it survives."

"It doesn't matter. This is where we part ways."

"I will not leave you."

"No, I am leaving you."

"Without me, your journey will be impossible of any one Guardian."

"That's the point. I was there when we built the City, and when we protected it time and time again. I fought alongside my Risen brothers and sisters. But now, I think I am capable of so much more..."

"Without me, you'll die."

"Consider this my last good deed. I am releasing you of the burden of my deeds, both done and yet to come."

"I will not abandon you."

"You will. Or I will carve the Light from your shell and leave the carcass of my first and last friend in the dirt of this dull, red world for no one to find."

"Then I've failed you, completely."

"Not me. Maybe the man I was."

"He is truly dead."

"I believe so."

"Belief is not fact."

"Semantics I no longer have the patience for... When you speak of me, use my proper name. Tell them of the man that stands before you, not the ghost of the hero I once was."

"You'll always be Rezyl to me."

"If you cannot let that man go, you will forever taint his legacy. All the good I have ever done will be washed away in the fire of who I have become."

"If you care, there is still some promise within you."

"If I am being honest, I care only to give hope to the frightened, huddled masses so that when I come upon them they will have more to lose. Their pain will be greater. Their screams more pure."

"You.. this is deeper than corruption..."

"Nothing dies like hope. I cherish it."

"You're a monster."

"Finally, you see the truth."

"Rezyl is truly dead." Ghost turns, unable to face him.

"So I've said. Long live Dredgen Yor."

"This is farewell, but you can only run from your sins so far. In the end, you will die alone."

"Maybe so. But I gotta tell ya... I tend to like my odds."

"Your tainted Rose will not always save you."

"Old friend... It already has."

Yor turned into the shadows, and his Ghost wandered off, back to the Light.

"The Bloom"

The card starts with a few bandits and Yor in a bar.

The leader of the group gets up and sits next to Yor at the countertop.

"Can I see what you got there?"


"Your cannon, can I see it?"

"Do I know you?" he responds. The bandit figures he doesn't. Yet he persists, trying to view the hand cannon in the Guardian's hand.

The bandit comments, he has never seen a weapon like it.

"No. You haven't"

"It looks dangerous."

"Maybe, that's the point," he points out.

"Where'd you find it?" he asks.


Another man speaks up.

"He asked you a question."


The Guardian replies with, "I didn't find it; I made it."

"Helluva touch you got then. You a 'smith?"

"Do I look like a 'smith?" he says with a smirk.

"Looks can be deceiving," the leader says.

He laughs, "Yes, you've got that right."

The leader is suspicious. "Do we have a problem?"

"Doesn't need to be."

"Glad we got that settled," says the leader, a little annoyed. "Now, about that piece..."

"Been to Luna?" the Guardian says, suddenly.

"Excuse me?" asks a confused leader.

"The Moon, you been?"

"No, no one's been." he said.

"That a truth?"

"A fact."

"It's funny you'd make that distinction," he replies.

"Truth is you must think you're some kinda something special. With that attitude. The way you're just dismissin' us like you we're we ain't even here," says the man, itching for a fight. "Fact is...You ain't near as rock solid as you figure. Fact is, special's only special 'til it's not."

Yor turns. "The bones say otherwise."

"Speak sense, boy," says the bandit with scorn.

"You say 'nobody.' Bones say otherwise."

"What bones?" says the bandit, a bit nervously. Something is wrong, off with this Guardian, he realizes.

"Ever have a nightmare?" Dredgen Yor says, standing up. "Can't help but, in a world like this."

"No, I don't have nightmares. I give 'em," responds the bandit. The whiskey is stronger than his growing fear, and his pride speaks.

Dredgen Yor laughs. A dark, deep jibe. "You are a goddamn cliché. The picture perfect bandit. Hearing your voice - the things you're saying, the shade of the hard man you pretend to be..."

"I ain't no shade," the bandit whispers.

Three shots, three dead. The bandit gets up and backs away, heading for the door.

Dredgen Yor points to a chair.

"Sit down. Your loud mouth just got your three friends killed."

The bandit complies, fully aware of the fear that was slowly building inside.

"This is what happens when you bore me. And right now," says Yor, loading another cartridge into his cursed cannon, "I am so, very bored."

"You, you're supposed to be a Guardian! One of the good ones!" the bandit whimpers.

"Supposed to be? Maybe I am.. Maybe this is what good looks like. Who can tell anymore?"

He closes his eyes and starts to sob.

"That won't stop what comes next. Open your eyes. You wanted to see my prize. Look at it."

Yor stands in front of him, and slowly turns the cannon in his hand, admiring the weapon.

"Look at the bone. Jagged, like thorns. Not many get such a nice view.

"Ever had a nightmare? Ever wake up and realize the terror is there, and so, very real? I've seen nightmares. Things you couldn't imagine. I thought once, that darkness was stoppable. Hope was valuable and the Light was strong. But once you walk into the dark, it's so very hard to step out into the Light.

"Maybe I just wasn't strong enough. But I feel strong now. I found the darkness.

"Or, maybe... it found me...

"Either way, I'm here now. And I'm hungry. It, is hungry. There is no Light in you beyond the spark of your own, miserable life.

"But... a spark is something.

"Open your eyes."

A single shot echoes throughout the night.

  • The End - A Clash of Fates

The end had come. The Light pursued the Darkness, and there they met, atop Dwindler's Ridge. A moment forever marked in history. Shin Malphur, a full grown Guardian now, wielding his deceased father's Ghost as his own, and his cannon as well. Dredgen Yor, long lost to the Darkness he was so very afraid of once. Different purposes, different motivations. Yet not so different. One fell to their deepest, darkest fears; the other, rose above.

The sun was high. Each stood their ground atop the ridge.

Their eyes locked, and he spoke.

"Been awhile."

Shin gave no reply.

"The gunslinger's sword... his cannon. That was a gift."

The silence held as Shin's thumb caressed the perfectly worn hammer at his hip.

"An offering from me... to you. Nothing left to say?"

Dredgen Yor left the words hanging in the air.

""I've been waiting for you. For this day."

His attempt at conversation felt mundane when judged against all that had come before.

"Many times I thought you'd faltered. Given up..."

All he had lost, all who'd suffered, flashed rapid through his mind, intercut with a dark silhouette walking toward a frightened, weak, coward of a boy.

The fire burned in him.

"But here you are," finished Dredgen Yor, the cursed Guardian. "This is truly an end..."

As the words left his mouth, Shin swung his cannon upward. No, not his cannon. Jaren's cannon. Reflex and purpose merged with anger, clarity and an overwhelming need for just that... an end.

Two shots. Two golden bullets engulfed in an angry glow.

Dredgen Yor fell. He never once raised his cursed cannon, his beloved Thorn. The instrument of his creation, the Dark piercer of his Light and will. The ender of countless lives. It was done. None more would it claim.

Shin Malphur strode across the field, to the corpse of the fallen Guardian.

A sadness came over him. He thought back to his earliest days. Of Palamon. Of Jaren. This was finally the end.

Leveling the cannon at the dead man's helm, Shin paid one final tribute to his mentor, his savior, his father and his friend...

"Yours... Not mine."

...and he closed his grip, allowing Jaren's cannon, now his own, to finally have, the Last Word.

I'm so very excited to share this with you all! This is my first time doing a post like this. Love it? Hate it? Did I miss something? Please let me know! I am ready, willing, and able to edit this post, whether it be grammar, lore I've missed, or any other problems you might have with this post. I await your responses!

I originally posted this week-long project over on r/DestinyLore. If you would like to see the original, you can find it here:

This post is currently being made into a video by Destiny Guides ( . If you'd like to see it, you can find it here when it is released.

Next week's story will be about a Queen, a Kell, and a Taken King. You can find it over on r/DestinyLore first, every day, starting Monday, 5pm CST, updated daily until completion at 5pm CST.

submitted by /u/victini0510
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So in case you haven't yet read the greatest grimoire cards ever, here is Ghost Fragment: Lord Shaxx 1 and 2

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:47 PM PDT

Ghost Fragment: Lord Shaxx

"I beat you fair," Cayde said. "Don't ever—"

He raised his hand high to wag a finger under Shaxx's nose.

"—try to outrace my Golden Guns."

Two children ran by in a blur, laughing.

Shaxx shook his head slowly. "It was a tactical error. Won't happen again."

"Next time doesn't matter. You lost today, and today you owe me."

The Titan stared down at the Hunter, but said nothing, his hands clenched in fists. Cayde ignored the posturing and turned to face a desolate field of dirt and large rocks. A writhing mob of children spread across it, clusters of them barreling into each other as they bellowed and screamed. A much smaller number of elders waded in the chaotic sea of miniature people.

"What is this? What's happening?" Shaxx demanded.

"This City has children. Children who must stay within designated safe zones." The two Guardians watched as a boy climbed the largest rock on the field, about four feet in the air, and howled at the sky. "Of course they're gonna go a little stir-crazy. Parents bring them out to this—you'd think it would have a name—this field every month, and they have at it. Better they hit each other than climb the walls."

Shaxx stared at them.

"So. You're going to pick two," Cayde said.

Shaxx looked down at him. "Pick two what?"

"Two of the little brats. You'll pick a team of two, and you're going to train them in this... sport they play here. It's some kind of tournament. You know all about those."

Shaxx surveyed the field.

"This is ridiculous," he concluded.

"That's not the last time you're going to say that today, but you've made your bed. Get comfy."

"I can pay you Glimmer. Two Crucible matches' worth. Why waste my time on children?"

A child sped past and waved at Cayde as Shaxx spoke. Cayde responded with an upward thumb.

"I like bugging you. Plus, you'd be surprised what goes on out here that only these little miscreants know about."

Beneath the helmet, Shaxx stared holes into the Exo's face.

"They run very fast. Listen, I know you're going to be you, but try to keep them intact. I make sure a Guardian they know comes to visit them once in a while. You weren't the kids' first choice, or even their tenth, but you were the only one I could get leverage on this week."

Shaxx stood motionless, but his fury engulfed the air like a flame. Cayde turned to leave, his cloak billowing in the wind behind him. "I'm going to make so many Crucible bets while you're gone."

"You wouldn't dare," Shaxx began, but Cayde was already lost in a departing crowd of adults.

Shaxx let out a breath, then scanned the field again, past child after squirming child. He quickly discerned the two on the field with the best athletic potential. Two human girls, snarling as they swung branches at each other, seemingly impervious to pain. He walked past them, through the crowd, and several elders paused just briefly enough in their youth wrangling to let their jaws hang. Lord Shaxx navigated the unruly sea with grace, and headed toward a lone tree in a corner of the field. An Awoken girl and a human boy sat huddled below it.

As Shaxx's shadow eclipsed them, they looked up at him with the same brightness in their eyes. "What are your names?" he demanded. "Runa," said the Awoken with some disdain. She returned the blank stare of Shaxx's faceplate. "My name is Lonwabo," recited the human, more like a question than a statement.

"You look bored, Runa," Shaxx observed. "And you look worried, Lonwabo." He pointed at the boy, who scooted back, startled.

"As far as I'm concerned that makes both of you more intelligent than all these other dregs," said the Titan. "You're with me. I need the rules of engagement." Shaxx stared at them, and they stared back. "Someone talk to me."

They both spoke at once, and Shaxx listened in silence as they talked over each other to explain the game: Teams of two launch orb projectiles at each other, and players struck are eliminated. If both players on a team are eliminated, the team is out of the tournament, and their chance to play on the field is over.

"What do you call this drill? Skirmish? Supremacy?" Shaxx demanded.

"Dodge ball," said Runa.

"We'll work on the name. Follow my instructions, and I will lead you to victory."

Shaxx waved one of the adults over.

"Lord—Lord Shaxx?" said the Exo male.

"Shaxx is fine." Only Guardians owed him respect. "Find my team a match. Sooner the better."

Shaxx brought Lonwabo and Runa to the field, and kneeled. His hands engulfed their shoulders like a pair of descending moons. "My friends. Should you be killed, others lesser than you will take your place. Don't fight for yourself. Fight for those poor fools."

Lonwabo opened his mouth as if to speak, but hiccupped instead.

Shaxx turned them both around to face the sun and the other team across the field. He kneeled so low that his face was level with theirs. The three stared at the opposition: two human boys, eyes glaring, fists balled in determination. Their elder stood behind them, her eyes wide as she recognized Lord Shaxx.

Runa yawned and rubbed her face, trying to clear the sleep from it.

Shaxx whispered to his new charges. "Crush them."

Ghost Fragment: Lord Shaxx 2

The morning turned to noon as the sky darkened with dodgeballs and filled with the battle cries of children.

When it was over, Lonwabo had tears in his eyes, but he tried his best to stand straight. Runa had a bloody knee, and stared wordlessly at the winning team: the two snarling girls from earlier in the morning. The girls lifted an unrefined mass of plasteel, a makeshift trophy, over their heads, and they roared.

Shaxx stared up at the Traveler. It sat, buoyed by a mantle of clouds against a blue sky. It didn't seem to notice him.

"Tell me what you've learned," Shaxx said to Runa and Lonwabo, his faceplate fixed skyward.

They did, and spoke for a continuous three minutes. Shaxx nodded, slowly.

"So you're not mad?" asked Lonwabo. His face brightened.

"You've gained more from this than the victors," he replied. The three of them looked on as the two girls smashed the plasteel cluster into the dirt, and to the horror of all the other children, it shattered. Runa's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, a dodgeball gripped in her hands. Shaxx continued: "Victory is key to survival. You need it. Need to fight for it. But it teaches nothing."

"Does that mean, in a way, we won?" asked Lonwabo.

"No," Shaxx looked down at him. "No, you were annihilated."

"Oh," said Lonwabo.

Runa continued to stare at the shattered trophy, and the winning team. She slowly turned the dodgeball in her hand.

"Let this loss drive you," Shaxx said to both of them. "But the game is over. Your focus should be on what's to come."

Lonwabo stared down at his hands. "I think...I think I'm going to read a book," he said, surprising himself as he uttered the words.

"We all make our own choices," said Shaxx.

Runa said nothing as Cayde strode up out of a shadow in the afternoon sun. "Everything good?" the Hunter asked Shaxx.

"Do I look like I care?"

"Come on, buddy. The bet's fulfilled. You don't have to pout. Just remember not to challenge a Hunter with Golden Guns."

"I can and I will. Rematch. End of day."

"You're on. I hope you're ready to babysit 'til the next Dawning—"

Runa's ball struck Cayde in the neck: a stealth attack taught to her earlier in the morning. He yelped, more surprised than hurt.

"Who did that? Who did that, and how?" the Hunter demanded loudly, as the ball bounced away. The ball didn't respond. Runa, Lonwabo, and several other children smiled.

"Shaxx. What have you been telling them?"

Shaxx stared silently down at the Exo Hunter until Cayde blinked. "I, uh, found my Sparrow," Cayde said, to deflect. "I can give us a lift back to the Tower."

As the other children and their elders dispersed, Runa watched Cayde's Sparrow as it carried the two Guardians off towards the gleaming Tower in the distance.

She gave a Titan's salute as they disappeared from view.

submitted by /u/ThatTyedyeNarwhal
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[Popular Theory] We will ally with the Fallen in Destiny 2. Here's why.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:27 AM PDT

I know this one isn't exactly an original theory - since House of Wolves dropped, we've come round to the idea that we can work alongside the Fallen in some capacity (hello Variks). However there's a couple of points that lead me to believe we'll fight alongside, rather than against, the Fallen in Destiny 2. Perhaps we'll even fight as the Fallen?

So, by now everyone will have hopefully read Ghost Fragment: Fallen 6. The field report discussing how the Fallen have abandoned the Cosmodrome, Moon and Venus, discarded their weapons and banners and disappeared. Quite a big development for a enemy we've been fighting against for centuries! Have we finally hit them hard enough that they've retreated?

Perhaps. We'll see them again, no doubt about that. With no House allegiance, will they work alongside us under Variks?

If they do, I think there will be more to it than that. Here's why.

Let's remind ourselves why the Fallen are fighting us in the first place. The Traveller. The Great Machine, as they call it. It came to them first, and brought about their own Golden Age. Then it abandoned them, their society collapsed. They became thieves and scavengers. They followed the Traveller, looking to reclaim it. Followed it all the way to Earth.

They've been fighting us to reclaim the Traveller for their own. They're not agents of the darkness, like the Hive. They don't attack the Traveller directly. They just want some of that sweet sweet Light again. They want us gone, and want the Traveller to themselves.

So why have they stopped fighting us? Why the change of mind?

The Cabal.

Take a look -,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/r3mqmfhyrba7mfthobin.png

The Cabal are attacking the Traveller. Hard. Look at that damage!

And why? Because the Cabal are sick of us resurrecting. They've been investigating the Light, our abilities, and how to stop them. They attacked the Dreadnaught with the sole purpose of capturing high ranking Hive, so that they could find out how the Hive put us down for good.

So the Fallen see the Cabal attack the Traveller. They see us attacking the Cabal in defence.

Which side do they pick?

TL;DR - The Cabal are getting all up in the Traveller's face and the Fallen be like hell naw

submitted by /u/Jofamo
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Shouldercharging our way to hatemail in 3..2..1..

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:41 AM PDT

The stars aligned and so did the shoulders.

Yes, we run pink shaders and shoulder charge. Yes, it's annoying to play against in 6s. Yes, we giggle like children the entire time.

submitted by /u/kibitzer76
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Solo'ing All 4 Raid Entrances At 390 (VoG, CE, KF, WotM)

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:56 AM PDT

Solo 390 Vault of Glass Entrance
Solo 390 Crota's End Entrance
Solo 390 King's Fall Entrance
Solo 390 Wrath of the Machine Entrance

Pretty much as the title says, above is videos of all four raid entrances being done Solo in their 390 featured version for Age of Triumph!

For Vault of Glass Entrance I did the no cheese method (cheese method can be found here). They did leave it at Patrol level however, so nothing really changed there. Crota's End I just linked the full raid too, but you can see the entrance at the beginning. King's Fall I included solo method for flying over the Tomb Ships Jumping Puzzle and getting up to Totems. Wrath of the Machine is just the entrance itself and a quick run through the first jumping puzzle + chests.

In terms of difficulty, from easiest to hardest in my opinion it would be:

  • Crota's End (The Abyss): This one is definitely the easiest of them all; by quite a margin. You can do it in a plethora of ways (sword flying over/lamp skips), and even just running through alone isn't so bad. Isn't too much difficulty in this, but it is a good starting points if you wish to learn to solo raids!
  • Vault of Glass (Raise The Spire): The VoG entrance is a rather large step up from Crota's End "The Abyss". While it remains at level 26 for patrol reasons, level doesn't really take a play in the difficulty here. There's a large amount of both RNG and situational awareness required for this. From the top of the map is the only real vantage point to be able to get an angle on most Praetorian's, and from there you have to be quick in spotting and killing any that spawn. May not seem like too much, but it can get very chaotic rather quickly. Also due to it being patrol, you can have solo runs "ruined" by others players coming into the zone and helping (although the thought is appreciated to those who did!)
  • Wrath of the Machine (Enter The Wall): Again, another decent step up from the previous entrance - but this time I wouldn't say as large as from CE to VoG. It is a big increase from the Normal Mode WOTM Entrance though - 2 Gjallarhorn shots not killing the Shanks makes a big difference. This is a very fast paced fight and it may take a bit to get the hang of. And while you do need to be fast, the real focus is actually keeping on top of all the large Shanks spawns. It's also the longest of all the entrances due to the nature of it, however it's the most forgiving too because it has an unlimited timer you can work with. So you can take either 30 minutes or 30 hours if you really wanted (I do not suggest doing this) - so long as you stay in the instance you can keep going.
  • King's Fall (Open The Portal): Of all the 4 raid entrances, this is by far the hardest of the lot. It has the biggest learning curve, requires the most perfect play of them all, and it requires the Phalanxes to play nice. For me this felt like the hardest of them all and it personally took me the longest. It took a while to get a feel for the fight and the timings, and particularly getting the launch jump across too. But out of them all, I also find this the most enjoyable! Nothing quite beats the feeling of using Phalanx launches to get around game mechanics, and the satisfaction of completing this one far surpassed the rest. The Tomb Ships Jumping Puzzle w/ Sword Flying across is also pretty fun to do in itself - so King's Fall has a big win for me in that regard.

It's kind of funny how solo'ing the raids has changed with Age of Triumph; it used to be that every final raid boss was soloable and that was the one constant through all the raids. Now that has changed and 3/4 of the 390 final bosses are impossible to be done solo, and the one constant throughout the raids are now the entrances. From a solo 390 raids perspective too, this pretty much wraps up all that is currently possible being completed.

Any questions feel free to ask!

submitted by /u/esoterickk
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So, I ran Commander Zavala through the FaceApp. The results were... strange.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:47 AM PDT

Commander Zavala FaceApp

EDIT: Bonus Ikora Rey gallery

There were no pictures of Cayde that would work in the app :(

submitted by /u/Coppin-it-washin-it
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Massive Breakdown of Sidearm Vs. Hand Cannon Range

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:38 AM PDT

Top Edit: Because so many of you are asking, I did not use a max range sidearm. The tweet in question specifically asked about the Wormwood, and the gun I tested was in the same archetype, but actually had more range than the god-rolled vendor Wormwood, which is why I used it. I have tested max sidearm damage drop off before, and the difference between that and the weapon I used is less than 3 meters.

So basically, someone tagged me on this tweet, which sent me off on a mission. I wanted to test it and find some visual info to prove or disprove the assertion that sidearms have more range than hand cannons. Long story short, they don't, and it's not even close.


  • Rangefinder and Rifled Barrel Palindrome

    • Damage - 86 crit, 57 body
    • Time-to-Kill - 0.87s (1 crit and 2 body), 1.30s (4 body)
    • Critical Hits - 3/3 = 100%
    • Body Shots - 0/3 = 0%
    • Misses - 0/3 = 0%
  • Jabberhakke (29 range)

    • Damage - 34 crit, 27 body
    • Time-to-Kill - 1.00s (6 crit), 1.40s (8 body)
    • Critical Hits - 6/9 = 66.67%
    • Body Shots - 1/9 = 11.11%
    • Misses - 2/9 = 22.22%


  • Rangefinder and Rifled Barrel Palindrome

    • Damage - 76 crit, 51 body
    • Time-to-Kill - 0.87s (2 crit and 1 body), 1.30s (4 body)
    • Critical Hits - 4/4 = 100%
    • Body Shots - 0/4 = 0%
    • Misses - 0/4 = 0%
  • Jabberhakke (29 range)

    • Damage - 30 crit, 24 body
    • Time-to-Kill - 1.20s (6 crit and 1 body), 1.60s (9 body)
    • Critical Hit Percentage - 4/9 = 44.44%
    • Body Shots - 3/9 = 33.33%
    • Misses - 2/9 = 22.22%


  • Rangefinder and Rifled Barrel Palindrome

    • Damage - 49 crit, 33 body
    • Time-to-Kill - Middle to Low Armor 1.30s (3 crit and 1 body), High Armor 1.73s (3 crit and 2 body), 2.60s (7 body)
    • Critical Hits - 4/4 = 100%
    • Body Shots - 0/4 = 0%
    • Misses - 0/4 = 0%
  • Jabberhakke (29 range)

    • Damage - 30 crit, 24 body
    • Time-to-Kill - 1.20s (6 crit and 1 body), 1.60s (9 body)
    • Critical Hit Percentage - 4/9 = 44.44%
    • Body Shots - 1/9 = 11.11%
    • Misses - 4/9 = 44.44%

Summary - This test basically focused on initial accuracy only, as I allowed the weapons' bloom to reset between each shot. I did this to get a best case scenario for each weapon. As you can see from the numbers, a well-rolled HC will do maximum damage out to 25m, and will continue to kill in the optimal time out to 30m. A sidearm, for comparison, stops doing its maximum damage at between 9 and 12 meters, depending on range perks, and almost immediately drops the optimal time to kill. At 30m, the tested sidearm had dropped to its minimal damage values, 30 per crit and 24 per body. This brings the optimal TtK to 1.20s and the body shot to 1.60s, but the real drawback is the accuracy. Even when allowing the bloom to reset, I was only able to hit critical hits about half the time, with the other shots being a combination of body shots and complete misses. At 40m, although the Palindrome has now dropped to doing much less damage, and the time-to-kill has greatly increased, accuracy is still not an issue, with almost all shots across all tests being critical hits. For the sidearm, however, now nearly half of the shots completely miss, meaning the optimal time-to-kill is nearly impossible to achieve.

TL;DR - Between 25 and 40 meters, hand cannons will have faster optimal and body shot times-to-kill than sidearms. Outside of 40m, sidearms can kill faster, but their lack of long-distance accuracy means that close to half of the shots taken will completely miss the target, while hand cannons still retain nearly perfect initial accuracy.

submitted by /u/Mercules904
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Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:02 AM PDT

Probably my best crucible kill in this game.

submitted by /u/LEboueur
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I was watching a old Mr Fruit video, when I found the original name for the axion bolts :3

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:36 AM PDT

The Completionist's guide to 390 Raid loot tables

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:52 AM PDT

  • Armor
Piece Vault of Glass Crota's End King's Fall Wrath of the Machine
Helmet Atheon Crota Oryx Aksis II
Gauntlets Templar Bridge Warpriest, Golgoroth Siege Engine
Chest piece Gatekeeper Ir Yut Golgoroth Siege Engine
Boots Templar Ir Yut Warpriest, Golgoroth Vosik
Class Item Templar's Well chest, Confluxes, Oracles Abyss, Shrieker chest Daughters, Oryx Aksis I, Aksis II
  • Weapons
Piece Vault of Glass Crota's End King's Fall Wrath of the Machine
Adept Primary all challenges all challenges all challenges all challenges
Auto Rifle Templar, Gatekeeper, Atheon Ir Yut, Crota Warpriest, Golgoroth, Oryx Aksis II
Hand Cannon Templar, Atheon Ir Yut, Crota Warpriest, Golgoroth, Oryx Aksis II
Pulse Rifle Templar, Gatekeeper, Atheon Ir Yut, Crota Warpriest, Golgoroth, Oryx Aksis II
Scout Rifle Templar, Atheon Ir Yut, Crota Warpriest, Golgoroth, Oryx Aksis II
Fusion Rifle Templar Bridge Totems, Golgoroth Vosik
Shotgun Templar, Gatekeeper Bridge Warpriest Vosik
Sidearm Vosik
Sniper Rifle Templar Ir Yut (Black Spindle) Warpriest Vosik
Machine Gun Atheon Crota Warpriest, Oryx Vosik, Siege Engine
Rocket Launcher Templar Bridge Warpriest, Oryx Vosik, Siege Engine
  • Shaders, Ships, Sparrows all drop from the final encounter. I can personally confirm that the Sparrow and the Shader can drop from the Heroic Siva Key chest on Aksis II. I do not know whether Knuckles of Eao gives an extra chance at cosmetic items, and I don't know if Nanophoenix can drop from the chest.

  • Ghosts are found when defeating Atheon or Crota. On King's Fall, it drops from Totems and Daughters. On Wrath of the Machine from Aksis I.

  • Vex Mythoclast can drop from Atheon, the effect of Knuckles of Eao is unknown to me.

  • Detailed individual loot tables:

Vault of Glass

Crota's End

King's Fall

Wrath of the Machine

Huge credits to /u/riseofbacon whose guides I used, consolidated and reformatted. I hope this will help those of you that are missing a certain piece to find the encounter you need to do more quickly. More credits go to this website, which makes formatting tables in reddit so much easier:

submitted by /u/itsnotunusual_rk
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3 Hardscopers

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:15 AM PDT

Just a fun clip from playing yesterday, I didn't expect half the team to be sitting there, just glassin,. Edit: thanks /u/Mblim771_Kyle

submitted by /u/rikkar
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Always remember to tie your shoelaces before taking on Aksis.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:47 AM PDT

Wouldn't it be cool if in Destiny 2 we would have weekly cooperative community activities?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:31 AM PDT

For example, because we are rebuilding the tower or whatever settlement we are fixing: say this week we would be tasked to gather 1 million armor materials (or whatever currency it would be for building our stuff) and at the end of the week if we would get rewards for reaching our goal.

We gather the armor mats (in this example) then turn it in to a vendor or a faction leader much like we are doing now BUT it only counts for that weekly event. Then everyone who participated would get rewards, it could be tiered packages up to gold package but nothing overly excessive, enough to have traded in that amount for that package. Those who did not contribute their stuff or only contributed won't get OP drops since they don't get any or only get a bronze package, respectively.

We would have a counter in game or on the website to inform us of our progress. Every week the TWAB would have some news informing us who contributed the most, IF clans get implemented, which clan topped the charts.

Then the week after it would rotate to a different currency the settlement needs, like legendary marks, glimmer, planetary materials, blood of our first born, motes of light, or whatever currency is going to come out in Destiny 2.

You could say this is a carrot-on-a-stick kind of thing but it is implemented in other online games where all the players have to achieve X number of Kills or Assists as a certain character, or where you have to collect X, Y, Z in guilds to upgrade its buildings. But it would be nice if some more MMO mechanics could be brought on to our universe.


submitted by /u/tinyredditer
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Kicking Players before Raid ends

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:05 PM PDT

Our LFG raid group was on Aksis Phase 2 and we were doing challenge mode. We had two squeakers. One was very good the other screwed up here and there but he got the hang of the mechanics.

We beat him but 5-10 seconds before we did the one that wasn't so good got kicked. I could not believe it. It sounded like the kid was in tears...

I've been trying to report this player but it seems difficult for a case like this. I don't have video to actually show proof but I know he did it because he was party and fireteam leader.

I don't understand how someone can do this. He was as much apart of the team as the rest of us. Squeaker or not... if you helped beat the boss no one should deserve this.

Edit: Wow! This community is awesome. A lot of great support! I'm hoping Bungie addresses cases like this either in the future or next game. This needs to end. Also, that player was reported.

Edit2: Getting a lot of people willing to help out. I've reached out and I'm sure others have too. Thank you for that! I resort to LFG a lot and don't have a solid time/raid party so this helps immensely.

Few comments where saying it could be a connection issue. The kid said he was kicked. He didn't mention any errors or contacting destiny servers.

submitted by /u/MetalMan5
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I hope bungie is looking into less ambiguity in the perks and stats.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:24 AM PDT

I know bungie has addressed this a little bit before. They didn't want to have the gun system be so overwhelming, thats why everything isn't displayed and there is no numbers, but instead bars.

I do think there is room for improvement. I also realize, we have no idea what the perks or stats will be like.

  1. I hope all of the really relevant stats get shows. Aim assist was never displayed in game, but it actually plays a great deal into the game. I understand leaving something like equipspeed out for the more in depth players to scan through, but any stat that has a significant impact should really be in game.

  2. Consistency in the perk descriptions. I hate that hammerforged says increased range and accuracy, whereas other perks only say increased range. When in reality all of them just increase range, and aim assist works farther out as result. The fact we have to go to a dev to figure out what is going on is not great. Imagine if you were a player not on the subreddit regularly. Shit would be so confusing.

  3. Be a tad more clear on what a perk actually does, without bogging down into the details. This goes along with 2. Look at Rodeo and Counterbalance. Rodeo is - reduces severity of weapons recoil. Counterbalance is This weapon has increased stability. These descriptions are infuriating because counterbalance increases the "stability" in conceptual sense of having a more stable weapon, but does not affect the stability stat. It actually affects recoil direction, reducing horizontal recoil. Rodeo does... well people never quite figured it out. Peoples best guess for a long time is that is reduces vertical recoil, but more testing seems to lead that it reduces recoil in all directions, a little. Its a grey perk, everyone has some concept, but theres no real conclusion. Game would be still simple and far less complex if counterbalance just said - reduced side to side motion. Or reduced horizontal recoil. Everyone can understand that without it getting complilcated.

  4. Actually update the in game descriptions. There will be mistakes made. Why haven't any of the descriptions been updated for clarity. Not everyone is on the subreddit analysing every detail. And the subreddit can't figure everything out. If a year goes by and we still don't know wtf rodea does, just update the game description to tell us, or give us a better hint. IF its unclear, just go in and update it for clarity. It would save a great deal of hastle, and we wont have to wait an age to ask a developer whats actually going on.

Just some thoughts. I look forward to seeing the new stats and weapon designs and perks. I just hope its a bit easier an user friends to the casual and hard core destiny fan.

submitted by /u/LordSlickRick
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Raid Loadouts and You: How to optimise your gear to prepare towards the weekly raid - Crota's End Edition.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:55 AM PDT


The previous three guides seemed to be popular, so I've put together some loadout notes for CE. I had meant to do this one first, but stupidly drafted it on my phone, which switched off in my pocket during a meeting. Obviously, we've all roughly figured out strats for the updated raid so HOPEFULLY this will attract less ire than the others. . .

This guide is intended for those who are unfamiliar with the raid, or who haven't ever thought about how their gear choices affect their raid performance. I've noticed since the Weekly Raid was introduced in AoT that a lot of new or low-Y1-experience Guardians are going in with sub-standard loadouts, which ultimately affect their performance in small but cumulative ways. It leads to a lot of wipes, which can drag the evening out and take away the fun.

The following is written with the caveat that enemy placement may have changed along with mechanics. I also throw jokes in here and there:

The Abyss

  • Primary: your main adversary for the majority of this section (for the purposes of your Primary, anyway) will be Thrall. Lots and lots of Thrall. Anything you own that has Firefly, Explosive Rounds or both - hello, Fatebringer - will decimate the Abyss' native Thrall population with ease. Personally I'm a fan of Genesis Chain, as it can mow through legions of the buggars with ease and makes lots of pretty, though less impactful, Firefly explosions. If you have a Smite of Merain with Firefly, that can also be fun - you can take out up to three Thrall with a single trigger pull, and then the rest of the pack with the explosions. A big shout out goes to Necrochasm and its baby brother Eidolon Ally (Thrall Edition) - Necrochasm triggers explosions on every single kill, whilst Eidolon Ally can give you a chance for bonus Agility upon a Thrall kill, kinda handy when Weight of Darkness is a consideration. If you're worried about speed, you can equip MIDA Multi-Tool for a handy boost, or a WotM Primary for the +Agility from Whirlwind. Zhalo Supercell is very handy for the chain lightning and extra super energy (as is Bad Juju, for the lack of reloads and extra super energy).

Avoid: nothing, really. Anything goes. You might struggle with slow-firing archetypes with long-ass reload times (such as Ill Will, etc).

  • Special: this comes down to role/preference. A full-auto shotgun might be really handy for yellowbar Knights and panic Thrall cleanup once your primary runs dry (and - shock horror - a fast charging fusion rifle might fill the the same role). Alternatively, Ogres have a nasty habit of instagibbing you from across the map, so if you're confident with your Primary and Heavy to keep you going vs other mobs, a Sniper might be a good option to load in with - the higher the impact the better. Icebreaker is a fun option as body kills cause explosions (although it doesn't seem as effective as Y1). Heck, even Sidearms would work here - pretty handy against lines of Thrall, and they reload and handle exceptionally well.

Avoid: trying to snipe Ogres with Shotguns and trying to blast Thrall with Snipers. Unless your Sniper is Icebreaker.

  • Heavy: Your heavy should be something that allows you a moment of respite - something that will either clear a whole bunch of enemies at once without killing you, or something that allows pin-point targeting of yellowbar Knights. Personally, I run Razelighter as it allows me to really mess up the wee conga line of yellowbar Knights that run towards you at the end. Machine guns will give you a third option should your Primary and Special run dry against other mobs.

Avoid: Rocket Launchers. This encounter is all about running, and confusing masses of enemies that come at you from all directions. There will be plenty of panic bubbles at the end should you be running with one or two Defender Titans. You will blow yourself up.

The Bridge

  • Primary: this encounter can be a confusing mix of long range engagements and close-range scraps. Choose wisely based on your position in the sword queue, and your left/middle/right position on either home or away sides of the bridge. If you're the first person across the bridge, it is helpful to note that only two classes of weapon will one-shot Acolytes - Hand Cannons and Pulse Rifles. High Impact Scouts sadly don't quite hit the mark, even with Explosive Rounds active. I say this because a trio of Acolytes will spawn with a yellowbar Knight, and you'll be all on your lonesome against them - having a weapon that can snapshot the Acolytes as you run for cover, without having to worry about leaving them alive after you're shot them, is quite valuable indeed. Fatebringer is an excellent choice (and Explosive Rounds really helps with staggering crowds and distance shots). Otherwise, in other positions you might opt for a Mid-High Impact Scout (think Vision of Confluence) with a good Range stat - the shots-to-kill will be identical to their heavier brothers on everything except Knights and they fire faster, so it's a no-brainer. The Range stat is so that Guardians can snipe across back at the Home side after three make it across without sacrificing their Shotgun - especially the right-hand Away plate holder, who doesn't actually have to worry about any enemies.

Avoid: nothing really, just be aware of your positioning. Facing Acolytes at close range with a Boomer bearing down on you? Might not be a great idea to have your Distant Star out. Stuck on right Away plate with nothing to do? Help your Home brothers out with Scout fire from across the way.

  • Special: I prefer to run a Shotgun for this encounter, for a few reasons. First is the Swordbearer - I tend to be first or second across the bridge in my runs, and I quite like to save my Sword ammo for the yellowbar Knights across the way. Running a fast, full-auto Shotgun (or Swordbreaker) is a great way to quickly take down any chunky mob. Personally I use a solar Comedian with Full Auto, Rifled Barrel and Final Round, which wrecks shop. You might consider Found Verdict or the new IB Shotgun to be just as useful. If you have it, Swordbreaker is goddamn fantastic as it reloads blindingly fast and packs a punch against Hive Majors - it's not Full Auto though, which is a huge shame and the only reason I personally tend to avoid it in favour of my Comedian. If you find yourself devoid of any short range encounters by way of positioning and place in the queue, there's no harm in switching to a Sniper and laying down some long-range suppressive fire, although everyone save the last Guardian in the queue is going to have to face the Swordbearer at some point. Left-hand Away is going to have to face a yellowbar Wizard, so something slightly longer range with solar elemental damage is fantastic - perhaps, dare I say, a Fusion Rifle. . .?

Avoid: Sidearms. They just don't lay down the hurt enough on yellowbar Knights to justify using instead of a Shotgun. Feel free to use them I guess if you're running a Sword as your Heavy, and see some value in cleaning Thrall and Acolytes up without using your Primary.

  • Heavy: Anything that helps take mobs down from a distance, or saves you from death up close. Personally I use Razelighter as it's an invaluable tool on the Away side in the early queue. It's also more reliable at killing the Knights that spawn after 5 Gatekeepers are killed than the other Swords that spawn, so I use that up until the Gatekeepers appear. You might consider using Gjallarhorn for general duty or yellowbar kills (2 rockets per yellowbar though, very inefficient). Machine guns are great general duty weapons, and Song of Ir Yut actually wrecks Hive Majors, so there is that.

Avoid: uhhhhh nothing really. It's all fair game. I might suggest that Rockets will get you killed at awkward moments and run out of ammo way too fast.

The Thrallway

  • my only tip here is that Gjallarhorn and Sleeper Simulant will one-shot the Shriekers (Gjally is better for fire-and-forget running), so do a fast swap after Bridge ends and hopefully you'll have one or two rockets in your inventory after the swap. This wrecks your ammo inventory for Ir Yut when it's suggested that you switch to a sword, so uh, keep a synth handy?

Ir Yut

  • Primary: honestly you won't be using it much. Something that can reliably take down the Shriekers should you be out of other ranged options - Fatebringer with Explosive Rounds selected comes to mind - is more or less all you need. Very occasionally you might be stuck with no heavy or special ammo with a shredder Knight firing at you from the tower, so it might pay to have something longer range available.

Avoid: exotics that lock you out of better Special and Heavy choices.

  • Special: I use my solar full-auto Comedian to take down the Wizard on left side, and mop up any mobs that my Sword hasn't taken down already. You might have positive experiences with Fusion Rifles, but I've never used them or seen them used, because Shotguns are so damn effective. A good Shotgun can also really help against Ir Yut if she's not already dead from a single Nighthawk goldie. Not so much a consideration if you're doing Challenge Mode. If you don't have an exotic sword, this is a great place to bust out Fourth Horseman or Invective.

Avoid: Sidearms. Should be pretty obvious why.

  • Heavy: your first choice should be Razelighter, with Darkdrinker a close second, and then in the absence of either you should equip something longer-range to help you team out from a safe distance - Gjally is a great backup that can provide AoE fire from Guardians hanging back, and is actually superb against Wizards and Shriekers. The rationale is that, on Challenge Mode, you need to kill a LOT of yellow bar mobs in a reasonably short period of time. Whilst there are safer ways of approaching the situation, the absolute fastest involves you demolishing everything in sight with a team of six Razelighters.

Avoid: using Machine Guns when you have better Sword/Rocket options open to you.


  • Primary: as before on the Bridge notes, you'll want something that can one-shot Acolytes, especially when the glass walls come down and you're under fire from two directions at once (unless you're actually thinking about it and position yourself at the front glass, or on top of the doorframes). Being able to snap-shot one-shot Acolytes is a really valuable ability in this case. The yellowbar Knights are hardly a threat unless they suddenly feel EXTREMELY BOLD, so you can just use whatever to whittle them down for your Sunsinger to generate orbs from. Other enemies in this encounter may include Thrall, which you know how to deal with, and yellowbar Ogres, which you're hopefully not using your Primary on - if you find yourself frequently stuck on Ogres with no Heavy left (or saving your Heavy for Crota), then I imagine something like Cocytus or Last Extremity with Triple Tap is a great choice. Chaos Dogma if you have it! Be aware that you'll be killing Acolytes very slowly with any of these locked in.

Avoid: No Land Beyond.

  • Special: I'm in two minds here. A fantastic option is a good Sniper Rifle for taking down the Oversoul - anything with Spray & Play and the raid chestpiece will reload faster than you can blink. Ex Machina is an obvious choice, as it and others in its archetype can one-shot the boomer Knights that spawn in the towers (if even touching the boomers is a thing you do). On the flipside, if you have a reliable Nighthawk to take down the Oversoul then there's really no point in having a Sniper equipped unless you struggle with boomers (or for the semi-rare occasion that your Nighthawk's super isn't back up in time). I like to keep a Shotgun equipped, as I'm a reliable sword runner that likes to have a backup to help me take down the Swordbearer in the middle, and to use it against the Ogres if for some reason we fuck up the 2-phase Crota kill.

Avoid: anything else. I've heard great things about Fusion Rifles against the Oversoul, because of shenanigans to do with damage drop off. I've never seen it in action though, so hesitate to recommend it based on the other benefits of Shotguns and Snipers.

  • Heavy: Gjallarhorn. You have no excuse not to have completed the quest to acquire it. Your exotic slot is not needed elsewhere. Unequip your NLB and throw it in the vault. A team of Gjallys is hands-down the most reliable way to down Crota's shields due to the mix of Tracking and Wolfpack Rounds. Truth used to be a decent alternative, but now it has a mag size of 1 - more risk involved there than Gjally's 2. Other rockets with Tracking, like Hunger of Crota, will do in a pinch, but personally I have found them less reliable (and Hunger has a dismal inventory stat).

Avoid: Sleeper Simulant, unless you're all using it. Sleeper shots land well before the rockets hit, and it introduces complexity to an otherwise predictable instance - sword runner calls for rockets, and they know they have a second before it actually happens. Sleeper will just throw everyone off. There's an arguable benefit for Sleeper against the Oversoul, but really that shouldn't be a problem (Gjally rockets won't help much against the Oversoul and yet we all survive weekly without using them against it).

That should be it, folks! This was the last instalment in this little series (even though it was meant to be the first), I hope it's been useful to some and entertaining for others. Constructive comments and alternative loadout suggestions are more than welcome below :)


submitted by /u/juliet_lima
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End game is confusing. Please help!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:18 AM PDT

Hit LL 390 as of last night. Have a few random exotics from XUR and such but none of the guns that are commonly mentioned on here.

I ran a nightfall last week and, while it was slightly rough, did not have a hard time.

I am not sure if I should attempt a raid at this point. I know that in general it is asked that you have experience which I do not. Also I am aware that certain gear/guns are expected. Just wondering if there is anything in particular that I should work towards or a certain raid that I should target first.

Honestly at this point I am just confused about where/how to proceed and any advice is appreciated.

Edit:** By popular request, my gamertag is ReccoR69 and I would love to play with all of you and learn what you have to share

submitted by /u/throw_away_63457875
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I really hope theres more to do for larger fireteams.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:10 PM PDT

There's a few of us that play, up to three and we're good, but if an extra comes we can either do crucible or raid. We're fairy casual players, mainly pve. I just hope the fireteam of six applies to all game types from destiny two, would be awesome and shouldn't make anything too different. Just increase enemy presence with each extra team member.

submitted by /u/barret141
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Super Cancel Chart

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:13 AM PDT

Someone in an earlier post asked for one, so I made one and posted it in his comments. Im now posting it here, feel free to suggest changes.

Super used Cancelable Canceled by
Novabomb Arc Blade, Ward of Dawn, Hammer of Sol, Radiance, Stormtrance None, you keep it if you don't throw the bomb
Radiance N/A All (Radiance can pop a Ward of Dawn, but you're normally dead, or not able to do anything once it is popped.)
Stormtrance Hammer of Sol, Arc Blade, Golden Gun (all assuming you're good with ionic blink) Radiance, Can pop Ward of Dawn if you don't go flying into it Fist of Havoc, all previous if bad with ionic blink except Radiance, Novabomb, Shadowshot, Ward of Dawn, if you go flying into the middle of it
Shadowshot Golden Gun, Stormtrance, Arc Blade, Radiance, Hammer of Sol Ward of Dawn
Golden Gun Tether, Stormtrance, Arc Blade, Hammer of Sol, Radiance, Ward of Dawn Fist of Havoc, well timed Novabomb, walking into Shadowshot
Arc Blade Stormtrance, Radiance, Ward of Dawn Shadowshot, Novabomb, Golden Gun, Hammer of Sol, Fist of Havoc, Ionic Blink Stormtrance
Fist of Havoc Stormtrance, Radiance, Ward of Dawn, Hammer of Sol up close, Arc Blade None, you keep it if you die before hitting the ground
Ward of Dawn Shadowshot, Novabomb in certain situations, Radiance, Stormtrance if they go flying into it Fist of Havoc, Novabomb, Arc Blade, Golden Gun, Hammer of Sol, Stormtrance if they hang outside of it and pop it. It is also worth noting here that a Shadowshot with quiver can make one go through the Ward of Dawn, but both shots must hit the same spot.
Hammer of Sol Stormtrance, Arc Blade, Golden Gun (a lot of time its a trade), Ward of Dawn Shadowshot, Good Ionic Blinking Stormtrance, Fist of Havoc, Novabomb
submitted by /u/bigblu85
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Always something oddly satisfying about lightning grenades...

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:24 AM PDT

I got over a thousand hours on my titan, and there are things that give me as much joy as a well placed lightning grenade (that should be in the proper .gifv format for mobile/everyone.)

submitted by /u/chimericnotion
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Boss Crota ELI5 Request

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:58 AM PDT

For the 390 Raid, can someone ELI5 the mechanic for a non-cheese end phase? I have read that Crota enrages on 12 hits and takes 16 to down, so how can enragement be avoided? Also I have read that you can get two kneels out of him before the Oversoul kicks in. So, in steps, it should be...

  • Swordbearer killed, Swordbro Alpha takes Chalice (never3nder_87), positions on Rock
  • Hail of Gallys, Crota kneels
  • Swordbro Alpha, 3 smacks
  • Crota stands and wags his sword to summon Oversoul, ignore for a moment, if you kill it too quickly a second Oversoul spawns right away (The_Rick_14)
  • Hail of Gallys, Crota kneels
  • Swordbro Alpha, 3 smacks
  • Gally Crew snipe the Oversoul and kill it
  • Adds released, you kill them back
  • All back to Big Green Crystal Room to drink Chalice
  • Repeat, but Swordbro 2 holds Chalice, does 3 smacks on first kneel, then 2 smacks and a swipe on second kneel, to avoid eragement (The_Rick_14, kicking it).
  • On second sword used, all down to lower right hand room and kill Ogres (Eaglespire15)
  • Goto 10 with Swordbro The Third, chalice, kneel, three smacks, kneel, all the smacks, enragement and curtain.
  • Profit$$$!

Can someone correct this, add stuff. I know a Golden Gunner with Deadeye and Keyhole can single shot the Oversoul, and there is a glitch to block an Oversoul too.

submitted by /u/x-AvidFan-x
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Fun and Wholesome 390 Aksis Story

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:27 AM PDT

So, first time posting a story here, but I thought I'd share since I thought it was pretty fun.

I was running Aksis challenge to bag one of the final Adept primaries that I needed from WoTM. The group I had was fairly good. About 15 minutes in we still hadn't gotten past first damage phase. The run after that, we had done all three slams and plates successfully, but someone died after being flung off while slamming.

We ran to the plate and a few people asked if we should wipe, I said fuck no, at the sound of about 313,000 decibels because I didn't want to just wipe immediately. I said I would double cannon, and see how well It went.

The second round went really smooth, tethered my captain on right, then used my cannon to kill the captain in middle. Then, I just sat in middle shooting the servitors as they were called out. We hit every slam and every plate, doing as much damage as we did on the first phase.

The third phase went pretty smooth, captains went down, all slams were achieved, I then told my teammates to not even breath on Aksis' bitch ass because of the bug where if he goes into final stand before someone slams the plate, challenge will fail. So we just watch Aksis flail around untill he hits the third slam.

We crush Aksis, and I get the Adept auto-rifle, two people get the ship, and one guy gets the shader. (Fuck that guy, I like him, but I wanted that shader soo bad, and he was the one who died and got his butt carried. No hate thou, :P)

Now I know that people have soloed this raid before, and that double cannoning isn't that insane, but I felt accomplished. Because since I ever started in September 2016, I never actually felt Legend. This time though, I had the clutch moment, and I actually felt Legend. (#feelsgoodman)

Moral of the story? Don't always wipe immediately, even if it's only been one damage cycle.

TL;DR Someone died first damage cycle, I ended up doubling up on cannons and we kicked Aksis' ass and got challenge done

submitted by /u/Eaglespire15
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