True Dota 2 - Why is Midas so popular right now?

Why is Midas so popular right now?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:34 AM PDT

I was thinking about why Midas is so popular in the competitive scene. I was thinking it has something to do with how long games are and since it is harder to punish the Midas build, since games are forced into late game. I would assume if one team can go Midas, the other team ends up needed to go midas as well instead of punishing them with the push?

Just looking to start conversation with this.

submitted by /u/Drylanders
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Why Burning built Linkens on Anti-Mage instead of Aghanims in OG-IG Kiev Major Match?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:29 AM PDT

It's not like they had enemy Legion.

Stats are almost the same.

Aghanims has way less CD then Linkens.

Haven't seen the match, has he frequently used Linkens on his allies ?

submitted by /u/ScytherDOTA
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Do You Guys think Lycan will see more picks in this major?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 01:10 PM PDT

I think this hero is in a very good spot now as he got buffed for many patches.

His Howl is a very good skill,and feral impulse with armlet is a pretty strong combo
i'm having some fun with him in pubs,do you think pros will finally start picking him more?

submitted by /u/Rikoudox2
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What happened to support Kunkka?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:30 AM PDT

I know it was picked up for Zai a couple times at DAC (I'm pretty sure it was DAC at least), but I really haven't seen him a ton. Sure there's the delay on his disables, but X is honestly so good since it effectively secures a kill as long as the target can't dispel it, and he's a great roamer due to the massive range on torrent, you can basically cast the spell while still smoked and have it land without anyone seeing it coming, plus the slow afterwards.

I dunno, I feel like he's still strong, but to be fair I haven't been able to watch a ton of games recently because of timezones causing the games to either be in the middle of the night or while I'm at work, and I'm an electrician so I can't just pull up a stream on a tab on a computer and check it between TPS reports or whatever.

submitted by /u/MaltMix
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When I buy blink on meepo my winrate drops?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:09 AM PDT

Pretty much what the title says I tend to do better by just going into a damage or stat item instead, my normal build is PT>dl>dl>blink with blink being 12-15 minutes normally. But if I instead go diffusal travels aghs or e blade and skip blink I do better. The blink combo feels less strong then any equivalent item. Is their anything else I should be getting out of blink? I am at 1500ish mmr.

submitted by /u/dragostego
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What carries, if left unchecked and uncountered, are the hardest carries in the game and why?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:04 AM PDT

In my experience I'd go with

1) Spectre because she becomes unkillable, can wipe entire teams if they focus her, and can slaughter lone heroes with ease.

2) Naga Siren because she can consume the entire map and exert enormous pressure on the entire base at once.

3) Medusa because she can essentially 1v5 with her ult and split-shot and becomes obscenely tanky.

4) Morphling because he can deal enormous amounts of damage very quickly and can survive almost anything.

5) Arc Warden because he can fight several enemies at once with magnetic field and BKB and can have 8+ total disables--and can do a ton of damage.

6) ???

submitted by /u/TheNeuronCollective
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Simple question

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 03:39 PM PDT

My options seem to have messed up with the last update.Right now I seem to have quick cast set when I a-click (but not quick cast for anything else).Anyone know which setting changes this?


submitted by /u/Requis
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What happened to Vlads on Anti-Mage?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:12 PM PDT

I remember seeing Vladimir's Offering being bought on AM very often (almost every game) but currently, we most commonly see people going from BF straight into Manta.

I think Vlads is still a great item on Magina, with the Lifesteal, Armor, Mana Regen and extra damage. It also helps by buffing creeps a little bit, which helps split pushing, one of AM's main purposes before he gets a lot of items. All that without mentioning that Vladimir's Offering is still a great team item. So what has caused the item to fall so out of favor? And what would need to change in order for it to be a viable pick up on Anti-Mage again?

submitted by /u/rikalessandro
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Ancient Apparition : How good is he, and when should he be picked?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:47 PM PDT

I love playing AA a ton, and find that if I play him carefully I can absolutely stomp. However, I don't play him a lot. My general mindset when drafting AA is as follows : Do they have a Huskar, Alchemist, Lifestealer, Abbadon or Slark? If yes, pick AA. If no pick someone else. I've been thinking about who else he might counter. Do you think he would counter such heroes like Pugna with his drain, Dragon Knight with his regen, or Brood and Lycan with their lifesteal?

submitted by /u/Cultr0
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Fun build: Radiance Juggernaut

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:54 AM PDT

Well first off, what I am suggesting probably isn't better than the standard manta diffusal abyssal into situational whatnot boring Juggernaut. What I am suggesting is an alternative build for fun that may be situationally strong. It is mostly theory crafting at this point, as I haven't tried this build extensively nor seen many people done it. DDZ had done it before in this pub and that is probably the best example. I got wrecked in teamfights in this game and then tried it in this game. In my games both Juggernauts lost, but it seemed like a legit build that was fun to play.

The starting and small items basically goes the same for standard Juggernaut. The Core for this build is Radiance (duh). This is followed by situational items Blink, Octarine, Mjolnir and Ethereal Blade in an order that suits the game.

I went Silver Edge and Dagon in my game, and am also wondering if Veil of Discord could work in this build.

Talents wise, the +20 damage talent is favored over +175 health at level 10 due to the lack of right click that you build. Level 15 and 20 are situational. At level 25, +175 Blade Fury DPS is picked.

You become really hard to kill with this build with lower CDs on and magic lifesteal. Blade fury remains an offensive tool late into the game, rather than a sieging and escaping tool as per standard juggernaut. You still deal pretty decent right click damage, as you gain agi from Ethereal and radiance gives straight damage. Main problem with this build is the lack of hard lockdown and chase. Main pro is that it is really fun to blade fury +radiance people to death even in late game.

What do you guys think?

TDLR; I want more Radiance Octarine Dagon Juggernaut ruining my pubs.

submitted by /u/weewaaweewaa
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New Dota 2 Show From SEA, Contribute Your Questions For Us Here!!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:02 PM PDT

Hey guys! Freakofnatur here and I've largely been a dweller as a SEA scene writer but I've always wanted to cover Dota 2 on an international level. I've done so recently for a SEA-based content portal,

With a lot of help from some of the other better-known people from the SEA scene, I've created a new show called the Dota 2 SEA View!

This show will basically show you an approximation of what the people in the SEA scene are talking and thinking about Dota 2 events and storylines! I understand some redditors might be curious about the SEA perspective so please do field your questions here and we will ask them on the show!

Guests and Panel Members:

  1. ADTR (Guest and Coach from Fnatic)

  2. Pao 'Sandata' Bago (Guest and Creative director, Womboxcombo)

  3. Lysander Xonora (Host)

  4. Christel (Panelist from Spout 360 and scene insider)

  5. Chen 'Freakofnatur' Yiji (Panelist and freelance writer, Redbull, Spout360.)

The stream will be LIVE on starting 27th April 2017, 12pm (+8GMT), or midnight in DC, 2 hours before the stream starts.

Stream link:

Facebook: freakofnatur

submitted by /u/Freakofnaytur
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