True Dota 2 - Arc Warden: Tips from a Dirty Zet Spammer

Arc Warden: Tips from a Dirty Zet Spammer

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:22 PM PDT

Hey guys! I suggested writing a short guide (more of a tips compilation, really) for Arc Warden, and it got a lot of support. So I went ahead and wrote a thing:

Some people write guides like this only after a thousand games, but I felt that due to the rising interest in the hero in the community, I might have some stuff to say that would at least spark discussion.

Keep in mind this is basically a 3.5k's guide to Arc Warden. I have compiled all my thoughts on the hero and his playstyle here based on my own personal experience, and not on anything else. Higher level players may find some nuggets of interest in this, but definitely take it with a large amount of salt (not that kind) based on your skill range.

Please let me know what you think, and if you have any questions feel free to post them in the comments and I'll get to them ASAP!

(Oh, and for those wondering; I decided to post in a blog so that the reading would be less of an eyesore/big-wall-o-text. If you would rather just see the guide written out in this post, let me know)

submitted by /u/_Muddy
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How to deal with Manta users as a single target carry?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:00 AM PDT

Often times when playing a carry with primarily single target damage, I have a terrible time dealing with carries who build Manta Style. Especially if the carry I am playing wouldn't regularly build a battlefury or maelstrom to clear waves or illusions. Normally manta illusions would just be a minor annoyance, except when the enemy carry is someone like Anti-Mage or Alchemist and the illusions can still mana burn, radience burn, and etc. Is it worth a single target carry, like Troll Warlord, building an item specifically to deal with those illusions, or is there some better way without deviating from the items that hero would normally build?

submitted by /u/moregano18
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What was your favorite skill draft in an Ability Draft game?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:55 PM PDT

Mine was as Lina -
* Fiery Soul (Lina)
* Nasal Goo (Bristleback)
* Anchor Smash (Tidehunter)
* Warpath (Bristleback Ult)

Basic premise was that I could spam goo and anchor smash, which boosted MS and AS with Fiery Soul and Warpath. It took me a little while to get some items, but after that, I was cruising.

Dotabuff of game

submitted by /u/YOU_GOT_REKT
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What's the chance a new hero will be released at this major?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:15 PM PDT

It feels like the next chance would be at TI7, but I'm unsure of how long Monkey took to make considering the fact he was the first original hero in quite some time. If it turns out monkey took a year to make, it would put the next hero at approximately next September anyway.

submitted by /u/Whores_anus
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What's the logic behind a 2-4-4 skill build on Zeus?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 11:13 AM PDT

Miracle does this in a game where the highest HP hero is probably OD. Is it to keep manacosts down when spamming Arc on waves? I don't see the point but it's the build he goes with.

submitted by /u/wuweidota400
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Substitute to armlet as huskar?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 11:05 AM PDT

If the opponent last picks AA should you skip armlet? What item do you buy?

submitted by /u/Tiencha69
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Tactics to escape sub-2k

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:00 PM PDT

Hello I am a lowly scrub of 1265 mmr, I calibrated at about 800 and dropped to 500 and have worked my way up. Before now I have supported every game and it seemed to work very well, but now I feel like my supporting is having now effect.

Every game everyone except me picks carry and I support safe, I buy wards, give tangoes rotate for ganks etc, but the game always goes 40 mins and the enemy out carries us, any tips?

submitted by /u/Akatavi
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MMR Anxiety :/

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:08 AM PDT

So a few days ago I hit the lifelong dream and holy grail of ranked Dota,5k. FeelsGoodMan

I was riding a great wave,and without thinking I queued again.Win!Queued!We hit 5060 and life was wonderful. I had to stop playing to go to work,beaming from ear to ear.

The next day I opened the game client, ready to dive in on the road to 6k. Then as I was about to queue I thought I'd watch some high MMR games in client.A bit of time passed and again when I was going to queue I thought I'd watch a couple of replays.After an hour or so I hovered over the queue button...but I couldn't press it.I was scared in case I lost a couple of games...then one more and I drop below 5k.I'd never felt that way before. I came back the next day and it was the same.

This was 3 days ago.I know MMR is just a number but I can't queue.Wana know how I know this is a real problem? I'VE PLAYED 24 BOT MATCHES IN 3 DAYS!!!! Help me.

Edit: Thanks for all the responses. To address a few...

I think in my head I've got sucked into the idea that 5k is some kind of magical number that distinguishes good from bad,and although that has zero logic, it's the feeling that's creating the issue.

I honestly don't know why I went to bot matches,I know unranked exists, but something inside me just said play bot matches for 'practice'.

I may just hide my MMR from my profile and press on,nothing else to do.Good to see it isn't just me that gets this feeling though 👍

submitted by /u/Requis
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Alternative Juggernaut Builds

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:05 PM PDT

Juggernaut is a pretty flexible hero, but the most popular build seen today is the Manta, Diffusal, Skadi build. I am wondering what you guys' opinions are of different Juggernaut builds and what situations you use them.

I have personally been building S&Y>Silver Edge in a lot of my games and I have been having a lot of success. What do you guys think of these items for Jugg, I think you can pretty much man fight anyone with them.

submitted by /u/TheNorthThrowaway
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Normal Hero Win Rate vs Their Win Rate With Aghs

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:55 PM PDT

Hey guys. I entered win rate data from Dotabuff into a spreadsheet to see how heroes "improve" when they purchase an Aghs. Here are the results. Obviously, this isn't exactly scientific and misses a TON of factors. But I thought it could bring some decent discussion anyway.

Some observations I had while entering the data, and which are probably obvious to most everyone anyway:

  • The win rate differential tends to be smaller when a hero purchases an Aghs more often. For example, Invoker purchases the item far more than any other hero. So naturally, he has the smallest differential. There are a few exceptions to this, however (Luna, Juggernaut, and Sniper don't buy Aghs too often, but it still doesn't have a massive increase on their win rate comparatively. Rubick, Earth Spirit, and Razor buy it pretty frequently, but they do get a good boost from it.

  • Heroes with low normal win rates tend to be more impacted by the item being purchased. Aghs is a 4200 gold item, and is not rushed on too many heroes. So the fact that it's been purchased at all means you're having a good game.

Anything surprising here to you guys? Razor's jump in win rate with Aghs surprises me some, as I tend to not even buy that item at all on him anymore. Also it's fun to note that Doom is the only hero on the list that has a sub 50% win rate when he buys an Aghs (it is his fourth most-commonly bought item, though).

submitted by /u/KroganYogaInstructor
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Why is Bane out of the pro scene?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:35 PM PDT

Bane is one of the best disablers in the game. He also functions as a good roaming support, especially early game. His stats are really nice and he can save his teammates. Ok sorry for making it a "Bane's Powers" thread so far. All I want to ask is why is he not used much? If there are much better disabler+support hero alternatives, then I'd like to know about them.

submitted by /u/strikeblazer
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Heroes that still do well/fun to play when put outside their original role?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 04:55 PM PDT

So I've been playing support Kunkka recently and I've noticed how I enjoy him more in a support role than the usual carry role.

Any other suggestions on heroes to play that do well in alternate roles?

submitted by /u/NebulaGray88
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What to do when you need to win early but have clearly lost the early game?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:08 PM PDT

I just came out of a very frustrating match where I was a spectre hard carry, and my team needed to be taking towers early and punishing the enemy teams' shitty draft, but they didn't. And besides telling them to go 4 man and take towers, I felt like I had zero options besides watch us lose.

ID: 3140352884

Disclaimer: 2.8k shitter

I was pretty sure it was lost by the 15 minute mark, the enemy lineup had a bad early game and no stuns but my team wasn't doing anything to punish them. I also was pretty sure spectre was a bad last pick vs that lineup but I picked it at the request of two others on my team (and because I'm comfortable on the hero).

So what do? I'm not really here for a replay review. I'm speaking more generally about how to end quickly when your early game was mediocre and you're playing someone like spectre who needs to farm (and then haunt in) while your team takes objectives.

I'd also like to know if there are better carries to pick at this level of play; I feel like every game I play goes late, and most matches I am in are decided by who has more carries, but this might just be the inability of random solo queue teams to group up and accomplish things.

submitted by /u/Kinetik_Inferno
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Why Manta on Troll?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:29 PM PDT

I see more and more pros going Manta over S&Y in Kiev on troll. Why is this? The opposing team doesn't have a silence or anything either.

submitted by /u/pleasehelpplz
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Viability of blocking jungle camp spawns to slow junglers

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:24 PM PDT

I'm around 3K mmr and play lone druid in one of three lanes (usually mid). What really frustrates me at this mmr is when the opposition has an ursa, bloodseeker, or legion commander that free farms the jungle. Most games I win my lane quite easily and I think I could afford to spend hundreds of gold in sentries to block camps in the opposing jungle. I could buy three sentry wards with my starting gold and still have enough gold left over for tangos and sentries. I could use those sentries to block three camps. I'm wondering whether anybody has tried this or had it done to them. Your thoughts? Anyway screw junglers!

submitted by /u/Alonedruid
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