Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:00 AM PDT







submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Explosive Rounds - Use Them!

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:37 AM PDT

I've seen a few debates recently regarding Explosive Rounds, with some people singing this perk's praises whilst others say it is worthless and not to use it on the Fatebringer. I just wanted to point out the benefits of this great perk and dispel some misconceptions.


  • Elemental Shields - Whereas weapons that don't have a burn matching an enemy's elemental shield do little damage, weapons with Explosive Rounds do damage twice, once with the bullet impact and once with the explosion. The explosion damage deals bonus damage to elemental shields and helps kill shielded enemies quickly. This works very well with the Matchgame modifier active if you don't have a primary with the required elemental burn.

  • Range and Damage Drop-off - Although the impact from the bullet suffers from damage drop-off at range like regular rounds, the explosion damage does not. So even from great distances you are still able to put significant damage on enemies.

  • Explosive Rounds and Firefly - A common misconception is that Explosive Rounds break Firefly. This isn't entirely true. As stated earlier, Explosive Rounds do damage twice. If you shoot an enemy in the head and the impact damage is enough to kill the enemy, it will proc Firefly. However, if that impact damage doesn't kill the enemy but then the second set of damage, the explosion, does kill the enemy, that's when Firefly won't proc.

  • Specialist Modifier - When the specialist modifier is active, special weapons do 2x damage, but primary and heavy weapons are dropped down to 0.7x damage. Although this affects the impact damage, the explosion damage from Explosive Rounds still deals its regular amount of damage.

  • Phalanx Shields - Those pesky Cabal holding shields may be a pain for some. Not only shooting at the ground, but even shooting directly at their shields deals damage to them from the explosion. A good way to stagger them if you can't hit their foot or arm.

  • Multiple Enemies - The Explosive Rounds are able to hit multiple targets if they are stood very closely, almost like a much weaker version of firefly.

  • PVP - Being shot with an explosive round results in a flash on the recipients screen. Some people may find this off putting which could help you kill them if they get slightly disorientated.


Explosive Rounds really are fantastic. I have a Cryptic Dragon with Crowd Control, Explosive Rounds and Firefly, and it's now all that I ever use in PVE. I have some other amazing scouts (PVE god rolled Hung Jury, Tuonela and Cocytus) but they don't come close to this. If you ever get this gun drop from Crucible with this roll, use it. You won't be disappointed.

submitted by /u/SonnySoul
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Bungie, please have more active raid bosses in D2 and less stationary burn phase fights.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:34 AM PDT

One of the biggest gripes I have is the lack of variety in raid boss styles.

Obviously watered down, but:

Atheon- Do Oracles, Time's Vengeance, stand in center, burn phase.

Crota- Kill side things, kill swordbearer, grab sword, hit Crota, burn phase with sword.

Warpope- Kill waves, stand on plate, grab aura, burn phase.

Golgoroth- Kill waves, Pull gaze, knock down orb, burn boss.

Oryx- Do phases, shoot chest (sorta burn phase), stagger, grab orbs when appororiate.

Vosik- Kill waves, throw clusters until shield is down, burn phase.

Aksis- Kill waves, use cannons on servitors, throw clusters, jump on back, burn phases.

SENSING A THEME?! It's stale and overused.

Arguably the hardest, but most interesting boss mechanically wasnt even a raid boss.

Skolas- Can ALWAYS be damaged, just not always optimal to do so. Constantly juggling debuff between players. Dealing with adds. Defusing mines at certain intervals.

Bungie has a unique opportunity however to make more mobile, active bosses for raids.

Cabal are a military style race, making new opportunities.

Have a boss like Valus Tau'ric, have him create those dreaded red circles that raiders from other games love so much.

Give him missile salvos that players need to dodge.

Give him an aggro table and have him target one player, that player needs to lead the bosses shots into his own systems. Have the first phase be a shield with six generators. Once those are down he has no shield AT ALL ANYMORE, now have him change to slug thrower with two slug thrower turrets you need to steer into him. Have it blow away parts of his armor, now you deal more damage for the remainder of the fight. Have a system where you can keep doing more and more damage to him, but he will also do more and more. But have it where he can ALWAYS be damaged, it just may not be smart to do so.

Bungie, please dont artificially shoehorn most of your boss fights with stationary damage phases, when you have the tools to make them interesting.

TL:DR: Less kill adds, stand, and shoot occasionally fights. More active fights like Skolas Kell of Ohmygodwhy.

Edit for grammar.

Edit 2: To clarify if it wasnt clear. Im not saying there shouldnt be ANY stationary burn phase fights, just less.

Edit 3: I know Skolas isn't perfect I said it was interesting and a good example of a different style fight.

Yes, in theory something like this may make raids harder.

Yes, Oryx and Crota dont take damage from guns, you still stack up and shoot them to then enable the part where you can damage them.

submitted by /u/Toochbag
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Helping A 12yr Old w/ Autism Complete Hist First Raid

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:44 AM PDT

During a stream with my Raid Crew we heard a kid we helped yesterday had a friend with Autism that had never completed a raid before. So we immediately brought him into our next run of Challenge mode "assists", and proceeded to have our proudest moment in all of Destiny. This is the love and compassion of The Destiny Community that we hope continues to be paid forward. Destiny™!/en-us/tid=CUSA00219_00


submitted by /u/TheNInjaRockstar
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One of my most disappointing Fist of Havoc's ever

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:19 AM PDT




failing to fulfill someone's hopes or expectations.

The almost breaker

submitted by /u/MigYalle
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Never Leave Your Bubble Unattended

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:20 AM PDT

See Titan pop bubble


See Titan leave bubble


Sneak into bubble


Throw two trip mines into bubble


Titan and nightstalker come to bubble for fist/blade mating ritual


Filthy void classes die, gunslinger lives, yeeesss?

submitted by /u/zachovia
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Massive Breakdown of Range, Accuracy, Aim Assist, and Stability, and How They Interconnect

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 10:19 AM PDT

Long story short, I've spent a lot of time testing and reading about the various stats in Destiny, and at certain points in time I've posted breakdowns on them. What I'd like to do now is offer a simple refresher on what we know about four of those stats: Range, accuracy, aim assist, and stability. Now, somewhat surprisingly, all of these stats are actually interrelated, and they work together to give us the feel of the weapons we love so much in Destiny. I'm going to breakdown each on individually, then discuss how exactly it is that they relate.

For those who prefer to listen, here is Massive Breakdown Podcast Episode 40: What Do Those Stats Mean, Anyways?


When you use a perk that directly affects range (like Rifled Barrel or Hammer Forged) there are three things that change

  1. Damage fall off distance - the distance and rate at which the gun longer does its maximum damage. Increasing range pushes this out farther.
  2. Aim assist fall off distance - the distance and rate at which the aim assist loses effectiveness. Increasing range pushes this out farther.
  3. Accuracy cone (error angle) - the physical size of the crosshairs when ADS (invisible in normal Destiny, but can be seen in the Last Rites mission). Determines the maximum angle a shot could deflect from center when leaving the barrel of the weapon. Increasing range narrows the crosshairs, thus decreasing the diameter of the accuracy cone and providing a lower possible error angle.


Perks like Persistence, Eye of the Storm, and Hot Swap affect this.

  1. Accuracy cone (error angle) - Exactly what we discussed before. The physical size of the accuracy cone grows as you maintain fire, which we refer to as bloom, and this means shots have a higher error angle, and thus are less accurate.
  2. Projectile accuracy - Likelihood of shot going dead center or receiving maximum aim assist deflection (I think). This one has been the hardest to test in game, but based on things Bungie has said in past updates we know it exists, and this is my hypothesis of what it does. I believe that weapons have a higher initial projectile accuracy and it decreases as you maintain fire or jump in the air, in conjunction with the accuracy cone (error angle) changes. So a weapon with high initial projectile accuracy and a wide initial accuracy cone (high error angle) like a hand cannon could have a fairly accurate first shot, but the likelihood of each following shot being accurate would decrease as both bloom increases, and projectile accuracy decreases. Alternatively, a weapon with a low projectile accuracy but relatively narrow accuracy cone (like auto rifles) tends to be be inaccurate on single shots, but the bloom is clamped, which keeps the bullets confined within a relatively tight diameter, perfect for close range battles where the opponent fills the diameter of the crosshairs.

Aim Assist:

Hidden Hand, and some scopes, sights, and barrels change aim assist.

  1. Reticle slow down - How much your reticle slows down when it nears a target.
  2. Reticle stickiness - Once your aim is on a target, how much the reticle wants to stick to or follow the target when it moves.
  3. Bullet magnetism - The amount that a bullet will alter its path out the end of the barrel to hit a target, even if the reticle or aim is slightly off target. The maximum deflection a bullet can take is given by the circular part of the reticle (not the crosshairs) that can be seen when ADS on Last Rites. The circle increases in diameter as the Aim Assist stat gets larger, due either to sights (SureShot), barrels (Smooth Ballistics), or perks that increase AA (Hidden Hand). Weapons with higher base AA will have larger circles than those with smaller base AA. As you fire the circle shrinks in size, so your maximum aim assist deflection degrades with sustained fire. Increasing the stability stat slows down this process and speeds up the reset to maximum deflection. Think of it like the opposite of bloom. This has a maximum distance where it is effective. Meaning at a certain distance, your bullets will no longer have their paths altered, and will instead be directed solely by the accuracy principles. Functionally, magnetism works the same way as a larger hitbox, in that it provides an area around a target that counts as a hit, even if technically the shot should miss. However, instead of the bullet passing through the empty space and registering as a hit, the bullet paths out of the barrel to the target, and can still be blocked by cover. Examples of this behavior can be seen when bullets impact a phalanx's shield, even though the player is clearly aiming at the exposed hand. Deflection can also be seen with any weapon that has a bullet trail, like Touch of Malice or Thorn.


Perks like Perfect Balance, Braced Frame, etc. affect stability.

  1. Barrel jump - How much the barrel and your aim moves with each shot fired. Recoil can be vertical, horizontal, or both. Increasing stability decreases the physical distance moved. Stability does not necessarily reset between shots, so your gun can actually come to rest in a different position if you do not correct for it. Stability and accuracy work together, but are separate mechanics. A gun with high accuracy but low stability will still be inaccurate, as, even with the bullets going straight out of the barrel, the barrel itself will move radically after each shot, thus spreading the bullets out even without individual deflections. Likewise, a gun with high stability and low accuracy will also be inaccurate because, even though the barrel doesn't jump around much, the high error angle will continue to make the bullets spread out from the barrel.
  2. Aim assist degradation - How much and how fast the circular reticle which defines maximum aim assist deflection degrades is dependent on stability. The higher the stability, the longer the circle will last before it shrinks too much and disappears, and the faster it will reset during the time between shots.


  1. Range affects damage drop off, aim assist fall off, and the crosshair size (aka the accuracy cone or error angle).
  2. Accuracy affects the crosshair size (accuracy cone or error angle) and projectile accuracy (how likely the shots are to go straight or receive maximum aim assist deflection).
  3. Aim Assist affects reticle slow down (speed decrease when near a target), reticle stickiness (how much the reticle wants to stick with a target it is already on), and bullet magnetism (how far the shot will deflect from the barrel to pull towards a target).
  4. Stability affects barrel and reticle movement while firing, and the degradation of the diameter around the reticle that bullet magnetism is effective in. Higher stability means slower degradation.
submitted by /u/Mercules904
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This week's nightfall is amazing for grinding out class pages in the AoT Book (Supers, Orbs, Grenades and Melee kills)

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:11 AM PDT

In the AoT Book there's nodes for Grenade kills (250), melee kills (250), super kills (100) and orb generation (250) for each class.

For folks like me who might not get to play much every week, you may still have a ways to go!

So we've got two key modifiers, Daybreak and Solar Burn, on this weeks Nightfall.

What I recommend doing, is jump into the strike (Its S.A.B.E.R btw) and head to the warsat. Activate the warsat to begin all the enemies spawning in, these will be the enemies you farm for the book.

  1. Do Super kills first, golden gun, hammers and sunsinger
  2. Grab either an exotic that gives double melee/grenade and focus on one ability at a time
  3. Alternatively, grab Memory of Felwinter and do both at the same time

And voila, time flies. I got all three of mine done in about 40min (they were all partially completed already FWIW)

submitted by /u/Clarkey7163
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Why do we need killcams? Destiny has one of the best feedback systems ever.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 11:09 AM PDT

Destiny has one if, if not the best game to player feedback system I have ever seen. Lets break it down.

First and foremost, the game simply tells you how you died in the top right after a death. The camera also swivels around and highlights the person who killed you in red, revealing them through in game geometry. Something I personally love because it gives me an immediate glimpse of where I died from and where they are going.

Second, audio cues are fantastic. Every grenade sounds different. They have different noises for activation, explosions/dmg, and when they continue dmg if they do so. Exotics have unique fire sounds so you can distinguish them. The different archetypes also have this. I never questions if it a auto or a scout shooting me. The way the flinch works, the lights flash, the audio hits sound. Even super activations and usage is uniquely sounded. You instantly recognize a solar titan popping or a bladedancer, and them using their abilities is very unique. Its all very apparent.

Third - Visual indicators are fantastic. I mentioned earlier, but just the way lights flash while under fire is an indicator. But no only that grenades and subclasses are all individual colored, and well displayed. When a tripmine goes off you see the activation. Lightning grenades show arcs flying out. skips are bright lights flying through the air. Supers have haloes, and unique stances singleing them out.

I also can imagine the salt going up when there is lag and having people post videos of the killcam and their cam not matching up. Its just rage inducing and serves no purpose.

I rarely find myself with no clue on how I died, unless just crazy lag is going on and the game makes no sense. Pay attention, everything you need to know is given to you.

submitted by /u/LordSlickRick
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It would be sweet to have a Kill Cam in Destiny 2 after you die. I've desperately wanted to know on multiple occasions how an opponent killed me.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:53 PM PDT

Can you fail the Crota challenge because you had the sword from the Deathsinger challenge?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:59 AM PDT

Yesterday we did Crota , after we defeat him, we noticed that none of us got Challenge loot. I saved the clip and rewatched.

Problem was that my settings are that i only record 5 minutes so it started after my Damage phase on crota. Im 100% Sure that i didnt drop the sword. I hit him 6 Times + Super+(Weapons of light.). And he was down like 70%

I rewatched the clip when our 2nd swordbearer had the sword, and it didnt say "challenge Failed" He smashed him 2 Times and the again 2 Times.

So my question here is: Is it possible that you need to wipe between the Deathsinger and crota so that the game resets? I killed the Deathsinger with the sword and we did crota first try. My only solution is that the challenge failed because i had the sword on the encounter before. And the game says that i already held a sword.

submitted by /u/ii-NuDLz-ii
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Worth It

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:41 AM PDT

Just a short clip from a control match last night

Thanks Kyle!

Being the hunted. Gifv Version

Becoming the hunter. Gifv Version

Also I know it's a horrible play to jump up to heavy that early, but I didn't see anyone running a sniper all game. That is one death I can live with.

Quoting one of my teammates (u/BasicDeezeNuts3):

That one asshole sniping from off the map was going to die a horrific death by my hands in real life had you not mercifully wombo'd him

During heavy I mean

submitted by /u/DaBozz88
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Armsday Rolls, week 86 [2017-04-26]

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:49 AM PDT

Welcome to Armsday, week 86. This post is a compilation of all the weapon rolls. I want to hear what you think are the best choices, post in the comments. Here's a list of the available rolls this week. If you ordered ones I didn't please post the rolls in the comments and I'll add them.

Useful Links:

New to Armsday?

For those new to Armsday, here's the basics: Each week you can order a number of weapons from the gunsmith, equal to your gunsmith rank, up to a max of 3. You can rank up by doing the weekly weapon tests. On the Wednesday following your order, you get to choose from a number of rolls (combinations of perks) on each of the weapons you ordered. Again, this number is equal to your gunsmith rank, up to a max of 3 possible choices. If you choose not to turn in your weapon order for a roll, you can hold onto the order and you will get access to 3 new rolls every week (until you claim the weapon). The orders never expire but do take up inventory space, and do count towards your max number of orders. At any given time the max number of orders you can have in your inventory is 3 per character. Below are the rolls available to those who ordered these weapons last week.

Thanks for your continued support for what we do here every week,


For Sale This Week: These are the weapons that are available this week for order.

  1. SUROS ARI-41
  2. Omolon Kumakatok HC4
  3. SUROS JLB-47
  4. Häkke Jingukogo-D
  5. Häkke Strongbow-D

Test Weapons: These are the test weapons for increasing your Gunsmith Rank, that are available this week


Weapon Rolls: These are the rolls for all weapon orders. In Alphabetical Order

Aoife Rua-D (Sniper Rifle)
ARI-41 (Suros Auto)

  1. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Casket Mag / Fitted Stock - Speed Reload / Smallbore - Take a Knee
  2. SPO-28 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Oiled Frame / Perfect Balance - Lightweight / Reinforced Barrel - Glass Half Full
  3. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SPO-57 - Appended Magazine / Fitted Stock - Speed Reload / Reinforced Barrel - Private Eye

ARI-45 (Auto Rifle)

  1. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SPO-57 - Feather Mag / Perfect Balance - Lightweight / Injection Mold - Icarus
  2. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SPO-57 - Appended Magazine / Hammer Forged - Lightweight / Rifled Barrel - Feeding Frenzy
  3. SPO-26 / SLO-19 / SPO-57 - Feather Mag / Fitted Stock - Lightweight / Reinforced Barrel - Icarus

Arminius-D (Häkke Auto)

  1. LD Watchdog / SC Holo - Relentless Tracker - Feeding Frenzy - Snapshot / Braced Frame / Speed Reload
  2. SD Thermal / GA Post - Hot Swap - Counterbalance - Snapshot / Smallbore / Fitted Stock
  3. SD Thermal / SC Holo - Crowd Control - Feeding Frenzy - Snapshot / Smallbore / Hand Loaded

Cocytus SR4 (Scout Rifle)

  1. Torch HS2 / Spark IS6 / Impulse MS2 - Life Support - Casket Mag / Snapshot - Firefly / Danger Close
  2. Flash HS4 / Candle IS2 / Impulse MS2 - Replenish - Feather Mag / Single Point Sling - Firefly / Danger Close
  3. Flash HS4 / Candle IS2 / Impulse MS2 - Life Support - Casket Mag / Snapshot - Grenadier / Eye of the Storm

DIS-43 (Suros Scout Rifle)

  1. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SRO-41 - Appended Magazine / Hammer Forged - Zen Moment - Snapshot / Smallbore
  2. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SRO-41 - Feather Mag / Fitted Stock - Spray and Play - Snapshot / Reinforced Barrel
  3. SPO-26 / SLO-19 / SRO-41 - Appended Magazine / High Caliber Rounds - Triple Tap - Snapshot / Injection Mold

DIS-47 (Suros Scout)

  1. SPO-26 / SLO-19 / SRO-41 - Feather Mag / Hammer Forged - Partial Refund - Speed Reload / Rifled Barrel
  2. SPO-28 / SLO-12 / SRO-41 - Casket Mag / Hammer Forged - Rodeo - Lightweight / Rifled Barrel
  3. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Appended Magazine / High Caliber Rounds - Outlaw - Lightweight / Injection Mold

Eirene RR4 (Omolon Sniper)

  1. Yepaki SS2 / Faucon SS1 - Luck in the Chamber - Rifled Barrel / Snapshot - Replenish / Exhumed
  2. Yepaki SS2 / Aquila SS4 - Luck in the Chamber - Reinforced Barrel / Snapshot - Clown Cartridge / Shoot to Loot
  3. Condor SS2 / Aquila SS4 - Firefly - Casket Mag / Quickdraw - Replenish / Exhumed

Gaheris-D (hand cannon)
Herja-D (Pulse Rifle)

  1. SD Thermal / GB Iron - Headseeker - Rodeo - Snapshot / Reinforced Barrel / Fitted Stock
  2. LC Ranged / SC Holo - Headseeker - Feeding Frenzy - High Caliber Rounds / Injection Mold / Speed Reload
  3. LB Assault / GB Iron - Crowd Control - Spray and Play - Single Point Sling / Injection Mold / Speed Reload

Jingukogo-D (Shotgun)
JLB-42 (Rocket Launcher)

  1. Smart Drift Control / Aggressive Launch / Hard Launch - Flared Magwell / Single Point Sling - Who's Next? - Javelin / Lightweight
  2. Smart Drift Control / Warhead Verniers / Hard Launch - Flared Magwell / Single Point Sling - Vacuum - Perfect Balance / Snapshot
  3. Smart Drift Control / Warhead Verniers / Hard Launch - Speed Reload / Single Point Sling - Surplus - Javelin / Lightweight

JLB-47 (Rocket Launcher)

  1. Linear Compensator / Aggressive Launch / Hard Launch - Flared Magwell / Single Point Sling - Grenades and Horseshoes - Perfect Balance / Lightweight
  2. Soft Launch / Warhead Verniers / Hard Launch - Speed Reload / Heavy Payload - Surplus - Perfect Balance / Quickdraw
  3. Soft Launch / Warhead Verniers / Countermass - Flared Magwell / Single Point Sling - Spray and Play - Javelin / Lightweight

Judith-D (Hand Cannon)
Kumakatok HC4 (Hand Cannon)
Lyudmila-D (Pulse Rifle)

  1. LC Ranged / GB Iron - Glass Half Full - Unflinching - High Caliber Rounds / Injection Mold / Speed Reload
  2. LC Ranged / GA Post - Surrounded - Spray and Play - Single Point Sling / Injection Mold / Speed Reload
  3. SD Thermal / GB Iron - Surrounded - Feeding Frenzy - High Caliber Rounds / Oiled Frame / Hand Loaded

PDX-41 (Suros Pulse)

  1. SLO-12 / SPO-26 / SRO-41 - Hammer Forged / Oiled Frame - Hip Fire - Snapshot / Rifled Barrel
  2. SLO-19 / SPO-28 / SRO-57 - Hammer Forged / Casket Mag - Zen Moment - Speed Reload / Rifled Barrel
  3. SLO-12 / SPO-28 / SRO-41 - High Caliber Rounds / Oiled Frame - Icarus - Snapshot / Injection Mold

PDX-45 (Suros Pulse)

  1. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SPO-57 - Appended Magazine / Hammer Forged - Counterbalance - Speed Reload / Reinforced Barrel
  2. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SPO-57 - Feather Mag / High Caliber Rounds - Take a Knee - Speed Reload / Smallbore
  3. SPO-26 / SLO-19 / SPO-57 - Oiled Frame / High Caliber Rounds - Rangefinder - Lightweight / Smallbore

Strongbow-D (Shotgun)
Tamar-D (Sniper Rifle)
Thesan FR4 (Omolon Fusion)

  1. Spark IS6 / Flash HS4 - Hot Swap - Injection Mold / Single Point Sling - Rangefinder / Surrounded
  2. Candle IS2 / Flash HS4 - Hot Swap - Hand-laid Stock / Snapshot - Life Support / Surrounded
  3. Spark IS6 / Torch HS2 - Replenish - Braced Frame / Snapshot - Rangefinder / Surrounded

Tuonela SR4 (Scout Rifle)
Uffern HC4 (Omolon Hand Cannon)

  1. SureShot IS / FastDraw IS / SteadyHand IS - Luck in the Chamber - Injection Mold / Lightweight - Life Support / Danger Close
  2. TrueSight IS / FastDraw IS / QuickDraw IS - Army of One - Braced Frame / Lightweight - Icarus / Danger Close
  3. TrueSight IS / FastDraw IS / QuickDraw IS - Luck in the Chamber - Injection Mold / Snapshot - Life Support / Underdog

Uzume RR4 (Sniper Rifle)
Zarinaea-D (Häkke Auto)

Weapon Roll Template: click source at the bottom of post to see mark up formatting.

Weapon Name (weapon type)

  1. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3

  2. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3

  3. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3

S = scope / barrel mod
C = column
P = perk

Thanks to these guardians sharing their data:






submitted by /u/wileykyoto
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Hard scope this. Carny style.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 08:02 AM PDT

We've all hard scoped this spot on Exodus Blue for the easy snipes. Radar awareness makes it a pretty safe bet. Buuut, you gotta watch out for sharp flying objects.

Short Video Here

submitted by /u/SenorPwnador
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So Taniks Wasn't Going Immune...

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:38 AM PDT

This actually happened during the first week of Age of Triumph. I don't know how or why he was able to die this early, but it left me and the others very confused.

Gfycat Link

Gifv Link

submitted by /u/Shadowmaster862
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By the way... Equipping a different primary, special or heavy has a specific sound effect for that weapon type

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:40 PM PDT

Equip a shotgun, youll hear the distinct sound similar to a pump action shotgun loading a fresh new shell.

Sidearms have a feathery, light, loading of a clip.

Machine Guns have a distinct belt of bullets clanking around and Rocket Launchers have a BEEP BOOP sound effect.

Edit: Im a Beta Player and i just realized it. Figured I might not be the only one...

Edit#2: oh wow. I didnt expect this much if a response. Im really glad i brought this up then. Definitely an underrated polish by Bungie. Its the little things~

submitted by /u/shader_m
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Destiny Stickers Wallpapers (iOS iMessages app)

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:17 AM PDT

Hi Guardians,

It has been said here and here that the recent update of the Destiny Compagnion App on iOS brought some cool nice stickers for iMessages.

Here is a preview of them page 1 - page 2

Unfortunately, all the guardians aren't using Apple phones, so I made screenshots of all of them (iPhone 7 size).

Not sure if the resolution will change if done on an iPad (retina display), but if someone could do it, I'll update the post to add them.

Credits to /u/fallerion (twitter here) : the guy that made the 25th Anniversary poster among other things

Enjoy :)

EDIT for iOS users : How to activate and use Destiny stickers on your iPhone (stock Messages app only)

submitted by /u/ZeroDegre
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I never expected my Guardian to die of a concussion...

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:30 PM PDT

Ishtar Commander Gives Actions Needed To 100% Test Weapons

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:22 PM PDT

The item manager app "Ishtar Commander" shows the amount of actions needed per Gunsmith test weapon in order to get 100% for each.

They vary between 10, 15 and 25 actions needed and I'm one of those people who wants to be able to count in their mind for each weapon until completion. This is a great utility I didn't know about before.

I just got on to do my Test Weapons on all three characters after I did all three nightfalls yesterday so this is a helpful find for me. I don't know if this is common knowledge, but I hope I help other OCD people like myself!


submitted by /u/The_Mapmaster
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The story of Destiny, made simple. Part two by request: The Dark Below and House of Wolves.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 04:27 PM PDT

You may have noticed that there are a lot of Hive on the Moon. A lot of them. When they arrived to conquer it, they were under the command of Crota, the Son of Oryx. Crota is what's called an Ascendant Hive, which means he has a black magic pocket dimension where he keeps his soul (or "hides his death," in Hive terminology). If you kill him in our reality, he regenerates in his own, and theoretically he can leave that pocket dimension (a "throne world") to make it as if he never died at all.

Crota is a spectacularly powerful Hive Knight, who would be threatening even if he wasn't immortal. We found that out the hard way when the Vanguard sent an army of Guardians hoping to retake the Moon by force.

He killed thousands of Guardians, permanently, no Ghost resurrection bullshit for them. Under the right circumstances, certain Hive can do that. Crota was one of them.

Now as you can imagine, some surviving Guardians were very upset about this. One of them was a Hunter named Eris Morn, who you may have noticed looks like a Hive Acolyte and doesn't do much Guardian stuff these days.

Well, Eris wasn't always like that. After the Vanguard marched on the Moon and got their asses kicked, Eris decided a better idea would be to send a crack fireteam of the City's best to assassinate Crota himself, since he was a major part of the problem.

For that fireteam, she picked the Titan Vell Tarlowe, the Hunters Sai Mota and Omar Agah, and the Warlocks Eriana-3 and Toland. All of these characters were high-caliber badass Guardians, but Toland is the one who matters.

See, Toland was and is batshit insane and obsessed with Hive. Here's a little bit of Toland-flavored crazy.

It's so simple. Elegant like a knife point. It explains - this is not hyperbole, this is the farthest thing from exaggeration - EVERYTHING.

But you lay it out and they stare at you like you've just been exhaling dust. Maybe they're missing some underlying scaffold of truth. Maybe they are all propped on a bed of lies that must be burned away.

Why does anything exist?

No no no no no don't reach for that word. There's no 'reason'. That's teleology and teleology will stitch your eyelids shut.

Why do we have atoms? Because atomic matter is more stable than the primordial broth. Atoms defeated the broth. That was the first war. There were two ways to be and one of them won. And everything that came next was made of atoms.

And Toland was crazy because he knew things. He knew about the Hive, about Crota, about the Darkness. He claimed to have spoken to the Darkness directly, as a single entity that answered his questions. And that knowledge made him important; that knowledge is why Eris Morn went out of her way to tap on his shoulder for their sixth fireteam member.

Keep in mind, the City's government had already exiled him since he was so unstable and dangerous, which means Eris had to track him down somewhere in the alien-infested wilderness of our Solar System.

He answered the call, and helped lead their raid against the Hive. They fought their way deep under the surface of the Moon, found Crota and fought him.

It's unclear whether they actually managed to kill his physical body in our world, but they definitely didn't manage to kill his soul. The battle took a turn for the worse with the Hive managing to drain the fireteam's Light. Five of them fought back before that Light ran out completely, while Toland stopped fighting entirely.

He went right up to one of Crota's minions, Ir Yut the Deathsinger, and he asked her to sing for him. We're talking about top-tier unholy power here; hearing her song lets you comprehend Death from the bottom-up, but unfortunately the knowledge also kills you.

The song is death. To hear it is to die. To know the words is mortal. Oh, good point, Eriana, death is just a word, isn't it? A catch-all term for the failure to go on, nothing spiritual, nothing with its own quiddity. We all died once, and it did not prove insurmountable. But what if what if what if, shhh listen, what if death were reified, described in its totality, made autonomous and universal, separate from any context or condition? What if She could invoke the ending of anything? How, then, would She know the song, and sing it, without Herself dying? Perhaps they know a way to make themselves part of the song, part of something vast and burning that rots and peels into ash but never ever ends. Perhaps She has engineered this for Him, and pinned His power up against the quiddity of death itself. I am so terribly curious to know.

He said this to Eriana-3(a Sunsinger, which I find darkly funny) shortly before going to meet Ir Yut.

As it turns out, Toland's body died when he heard the song, but his mind was sent to the Ascendant dimension as a whole. Not just Crota's little bubble-world, mind you, he's somewhere further out there.

Now I fly between green-black suns in the labyrinth beyond Crota's god-star. This is the Overworld, the Sea of Screams, where the throne-universes of the Great Hive fester in eternal majesty. I move among them.

Anyway, Eris lost her Light and ran away from the Hive. She survived while her four other allies died, and they didn't die well. For years she hid from the Hive in the absolute pitch-black of their realm, and at some point she lost her eyes anyway. But she came to understand the Darkness much as Toland does, and even managed to use it instead of her stolen Light. She apparently uses this power to see now.

Whoops, that title says simple, doesn't it? Bear with me here.

Eventually Eris escaped on a refurbished Hive ship, and returned to the City. She wanted revenge, wanted someone to finish what she started, and she chose you. The Capital-G Guardian.

Around the same time, the Hive were preparing to help Crota restore his real-world body and bring the war to Earth. Eris sent you to whack a few of his generals coordinating the efforts to make that happen, and eventually you go to the Moon and smash a crystal holding his soul in our world. That sends him back to his throne world, alive but not a threat until he starts regenerating again.

Which brings us to the Crota's End raid, where you enter his throne world and kill his soul there, where he can't regenerate. Congratulations on that, by the way.


Next up is the House of Wolves storyline. Remember those Fallen who work for Mr. Emo Haircut's incredibly hot sister? Remember how they used to work for another Fallen instead of her, but she captured him?

Well, his name is Skolas. He too is batshit insane. And the Queen, unfortunately, didn't kill him.

With the House of Wolves expansion, he led a jailbreak out of the Prison of Elders, where the Queen kept the Fallen who didn't fall in line. Painful pun, I know. But regardless, most of the House of Wolves reformed under him instead of the Queen, possibly including some who were previously loyal to her.

And you owe her a favor after she helped get you into the Black Garden, so this is where she decides to call it in. She has you team up with Petra Venj, one of her top soldiers, as well as Variks the Loyal, a Fallen scribe and a solid contender for biggest bro in the game alongside Cayde-6.

You track down Skolas with their help, but he escapes. You end up running around the system kicking over every sand castle he tries to build. He starts off trying to recruit the House of Devils and House of Kings, since he believes he's a Kell of Kells destined to unite all the Houses and take back the Traveler. There's a prophecy about it, but it's not about him. So you stop the Houses from uniting, and Skolas doesn't take this well.

So he goes to Plan B, stealing and weaponizing Vex time-travel technology from the Vault of Glass and the Citadel. And you stop him there too, allowing the Queen's forces to bring him in alive and throw him back in the Prison of Elders. Some time later, you even go into the Prison and kill him, but it's kind of like insult to injury. He's a broken wreck with no motivation by that point anyway.

By the end of the DLC, the House of Wolves has collapsed into scattered gangs of aimless Fallen with no leadership and no objective. The Reef and the City are on somewhat better terms than they were previously, and the prophecy of the Kell of Kells remains unfulfilled.

But all of this makes Variks start to take action behind the scenes of the game. He decides that Skolas' insanity and barbarism represents a problem with the Fallen as a whole, and more like Skolas will continue to turn up and lead Houses to their deaths until someone does something.

So he starts looking for the real Kell of Kells, and he believes this individual will be able to lead the Fallen houses to peace rather than victory in war. At the same time, he also starts looking for Fallen with no House to help him rebuild his own, the House of Judgment, of which he is the last survivor. A popular fan theory holds that Variks himself is the Kell of Kells without realizing it, and that he's already started fulfilling the prophecy. I did a post on it myself 9 months ago actually.

But that's it for the Year One DLCs. If this actually gets any attention I'll probably do The Taken King and Rise of Iron next.

submitted by /u/Kecha_Wacha
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The Tricorn Collectible Pin with Emblem is in stock on the Bungie Store

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:20 AM PDT

Every time I go to the Bungie store to purchase this item, it's sold out. Today was the first time I was able to order it. If you have been having the same problem as me, then go order one! As a lawyer, I cannot wait to wear this to Court so that everyone else in the room knows I came to deliver some fucking justice.

Link to the Tricorn Collectible Pin with Emblem

submitted by /u/jlewis10
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Is it just me or is there a large lack of fallen in the Cosmodrome?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:17 AM PDT

Sorry if this has been brought up already, but I was doing some patrols and while in the steppes and mothyards I noticed that there were no fallen.

Does this have something to do with that new grimoire? Or has it been like this for a while and I just haven't noticed?

Edit: It is just me. I'll take off my spinfoil hat now


submitted by /u/DaWonderWaffle
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A weird thing about starting a new character on a new account...

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 03:56 PM PDT

After completion of the mission "Restoration," the game is supposed to play a cutscene where you meet the Speaker. Now, though, you're given the Age of Triumph trailer in which the Speaker heralds you for fighting the Darkness and defeating such great enemies as Atheon, Crota, Oryx, and Aksis.

I imagine that cutscene makes absolutely no sense to someone who's legitimately picking up the game for the first time. You've been alive all of twelve minutes and are now being congratulated for doing two and a half years of work. Not sure if Bungie intended to overwrite that original cutscene or if that's just a bug, but still.

submitted by /u/JamesKryack
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Explosive Rounds on primaries are not negatively affected by the specialist modifier.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:17 PM PDT

Kind of an odd thing and wasn't sure if this has been posted before, but the explosive round of a primary weapon will still do the full damage while its counter part will only do half damage.

DO is selling a solid roll on the scout this week so make sure to pick it up!

submitted by /u/ARMERGENCY
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I think Crota is getting his revenge in AoT....

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:28 AM PDT

Just when I thought I had seen it all in Crota's End. This happened tonight when I was raiding.

After watching it over and over again, I had to take a screenshot of his health bar :

We killed him the next go, thankfully.

submitted by /u/HeyFitzy
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