Dota 2 - Competitive Hero Trends (Kiev Major 2017 Group Stage)

Competitive Hero Trends (Kiev Major 2017 Group Stage)

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:00 AM PDT

Match Stats

  • Number of Matches: 74
  • Average Match Length: 42m30s
  • Dire Winrate: 56.76%

Hero Stats

Tier 1

Hero Total Picks 1st Phase Picked Winrate Total Bans 1st Phase Banned Total P + B % of games
Treant Protector 22 22 50.00% 39 38 61 82.43%
Monkey King 31 29 35.48% 28 27 59 79.73%
Crystal Maiden 31 20 54.84% 22 14 53 71.62%
Legion Commander 20 18 60.00% 28 20 48 64.86%
Ember Spirit 20 6 55.00% 28 0 48 64.86%
Lina 20 4 35.00% 24 10 44 59.46%
Invoker 21 8 47.62% 23 4 44 59.46%
Vengeful Spirit 24 14 54.17% 18 9 42 56.76%
Warlock 24 11 50.00% 17 6 41 55.41%
Io 6 4 66.67% 32 32 38 51.35%
Terrorblade 12 0 66.67% 26 3 38 51.35%
Earth Spirit 16 5 31.25% 20 17 36 48.65%
Juggernaut 14 7 42.86% 21 4 35 47.30%
Shadow Fiend 12 1 58.33% 22 0 34 45.95%
Nyx Assassin 11 9 63.64% 23 14 34 45.95%

Tier 2

Hero Total Picks 1st Phase Picked Winrate Total Bans 1st Phase Banned Total P + B % of games
Naga Siren 7 1 57.14% 25 6 32 43.24%
Magnus 15 15 53.33% 16 11 31 41.89%
Lifestealer 10 2 20.00% 20 7 30 40.54%
Rubick 18 10 55.56% 12 3 30 40.54%
Spectre 14 0 64.29% 15 0 29 39.19%
Keeper of the Light 13 9 53.85% 14 12 27 36.49%
Templar Assassin 9 1 88.89% 16 0 25 33.78%
Abaddon 13 12 46.15% 12 9 25 33.78%
Riki 14 9 57.14% 10 6 24 32.43%
Nature's Prophet 10 8 50.00% 12 6 22 29.73%
Puck 12 3 50.00% 9 2 21 28.38%
Slark 9 0 77.78% 12 0 21 28.38%
Storm Spirit 8 0 62.50% 11 0 19 25.68%
Clockwerk 11 6 27.27% 7 6 18 24.32%
Alchemist 4 1 50.00% 13 2 17 22.97%
Weaver 7 0 71.43% 9 1 16 21.62%
Omniknight 9 6 66.67% 6 3 15 20.27%
Silencer 10 2 30.00% 5 0 15 20.27%
Troll Warlord 8 0 25.00% 7 0 15 20.27%
Outworld Devourer 7 1 57.14% 7 0 14 18.92%
Bristleback 6 0 66.67% 8 2 14 18.92%
Axe 4 1 75.00% 9 2 13 17.57%
Batrider 8 2 37.50% 5 0 13 17.57%
Sand King 10 3 50.00% 2 0 12 16.22%
Beastmaster 7 5 57.14% 5 2 12 16.22%

Tier 3

Hero Total Picks 1st Phase Picked Winrate Total Bans 1st Phase Banned Total P + B % of games
Tinker 5 0 20.00% 6 0 11 14.86%
Phantom Assassin 9 1 33.33% 2 0 11 14.86%
Meepo 1 1 0.00% 10 9 11 14.86%
Timbersaw 5 0 80.00% 6 2 11 14.86%
Sven 5 0 60.00% 5 0 10 13.51%
Slardar 7 5 71.43% 3 0 10 13.51%
Enigma 6 3 83.33% 4 1 10 13.51%
Dazzle 8 4 37.50% 2 0 10 13.51%
Dark Seer 5 4 40.00% 5 2 10 13.51%
Disruptor 7 1 71.43% 3 0 10 13.51%
Medusa 5 0 40.00% 5 0 10 13.51%
Anti-Mage 5 0 60.00% 4 0 9 12.16%
Dragon Knight 7 0 42.86% 2 0 9 12.16%
Centaur Warrunner 6 1 33.33% 3 1 9 12.16%
Morphling 6 0 33.33% 2 0 8 10.81%
Witch Doctor 8 2 25.00% 0 0 8 10.81%
Faceless Void 5 0 0.00% 3 0 8 10.81%
Bounty Hunter 6 1 50.00% 2 0 8 10.81%
Ursa 1 0 0.00% 7 0 8 10.81%
Arc Warden 6 4 16.67% 2 0 8 10.81%
Pudge 6 0 66.67% 1 0 7 9.46%

Tier 4

Hero Total Picks 1st Phase Picked Winrate Total Bans 1st Phase Banned Total P + B % of games
Earthshaker 6 1 33.33% 0 0 6 8.11%
Windrunner 5 1 80.00% 1 0 6 8.11%
Night Stalker 5 3 40.00% 1 0 6 8.11%
Ogre Magi 5 1 80.00% 1 1 6 8.11%
Phoenix 6 1 50.00% 0 0 6 8.11%
Shadow Shaman 4 0 25.00% 1 0 5 6.76%
Death Prophet 2 0 50.00% 3 0 5 6.76%
Spirit Breaker 3 1 0.00% 2 1 5 6.76%
Undying 4 1 25.00% 1 0 5 6.76%
Winter Wyvern 3 0 33.33% 2 0 5 6.76%
Phantom Lancer 3 0 66.67% 1 0 4 5.41%
Lion 4 1 50.00% 0 0 4 5.41%
Clinkz 3 0 33.33% 1 0 4 5.41%
Doom 4 1 50.00% 0 0 4 5.41%
Tusk 4 1 75.00% 0 0 4 5.41%
Bane 3 0 66.67% 0 0 3 4.05%
Razor 3 0 33.33% 0 0 3 4.05%
Tiny 3 0 33.33% 0 0 3 4.05%
Lich 2 2 50.00% 1 1 3 4.05%
Lycanthrope 3 0 100.00% 0 0 3 4.05%
Chaos Knight 2 0 100.00% 1 0 3 4.05%
Drow Ranger 0 0 ? 2 0 2 2.70%
Kunkka 2 0 50.00% 0 0 2 2.70%
Sniper 2 0 100.00% 0 0 2 2.70%
Queen of Pain 1 0 100.00% 1 0 2 2.70%
Wraith King 1 0 0.00% 1 0 2 2.70%
Pugna 0 0 ? 2 0 2 2.70%
Broodmother 2 0 0.00% 0 0 2 2.70%
Brewmaster 1 0 0.00% 1 0 2 2.70%
Tidehunter 1 0 0.00% 0 0 1 1.35%
Venomancer 1 0 0.00% 0 0 1 1.35%
Luna 1 0 0.00% 0 0 1 1.35%
Huskar 0 0 ? 1 0 1 1.35%
Jakiro 1 0 100.00% 0 0 1 1.35%
Visage 1 0 100.00% 0 0 1 1.35%
Skywrath Mage 1 0 100.00% 0 0 1 1.35%
Elder Titan 1 0 100.00% 0 0 1 1.35%
Oracle 1 0 0.00% 0 0 1 1.35%

Heroes with 0 picks but some bans:

  • Drow Ranger
  • Pugna
  • Huskar

Heroes with 0 picks and bans:

  • Ancient Apparition
  • Bloodseeker
  • Chen
  • Enchantress
  • Gyrocopter
  • Leshrac
  • Lone Druid
  • Mirana
  • Necrophos
  • Shadow Demon
  • Abyssal Underlord
  • Viper
  • Zeus

Shoutout to datdota for the numbers.

submitted by /u/coronaria
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Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:14 AM PDT

Hey r/dota2, a man needs your help for his undergraduate dissertation.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:32 AM PDT

Let me introduce myself first. I'm a 21 y/o college student from Uruguay doing a major in Communication and specialized in advertising and branding. I study at Universidad de la República and I've just entered the final year of my college career, which means I have to propose for an undergraduate dissertation on my area of interest to conduct research through the year.

As a Dota and esports fan overall, one topic that I'd like to research is advertisement and sponsorships in the world of esports, and how that works for all the different actors involved. Now, that comes with a couple of difficulties for me. First, I need to gather sources of information and second, I need to convince the head of the research department that the topic is worth investigating. The latter is completely up to me, but the former is the reason I came here for. Here in Uruguay there is no pro scene, so I have no representatives from organizations I can go to in order to get some info.

Now we all know r/dota2 is a place that players, organizations, tournament organizers and other actors frequently visit so what I want to ask from you is to help me get visibility so that they can see my case and, if they are willing to help, communicate with me. In order to make a good case on why this matters as a subject of research, I'm gonna need to prove that I can gather good sources of information, and as many as possible. So please, help a man raise awareness of esports and maybe even help to the development of the industry if the research comes through.

TL;DR I'm trying to conduct research on advertisement and sponsorships in esports but I need to contact players, orgs, representatives, please help make this visible.

EDIT Wow, this got big faster than I expected. Thanks guys! I will get in contact with the people you've suggested, altough I'll wait till major is over so people are not so busy and I don't bother them. Really appreciate your help! You guys are great.

submitted by /u/tomylapee
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​ ​Made Gyrocopter set for TI7 Collector's Cache Aquatic chest, hope you like it!

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:19 PM PDT

BSJ's calculated hook TP

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:17 AM PDT

1 hour of Sheever silence

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:57 AM PDT

Petition to have 2GD host TI7

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:48 PM PDT

With all those petitions why not try that one!

submitted by /u/PigeonS3
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The top 4 teams of the Kiev major group stage are all qualifier teams

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:17 AM PDT

Nice invites valve kappa

submitted by /u/Dauthfyre
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The enemy team spam pausing left me with a pretty cool shot!

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:38 AM PDT

Kiev Major Fantasy - Group Stage Discussion & Stats / Main Event Predictions

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:09 AM PDT

Group Stage - Kiev Major Hub - Fantasy Tracker

Highest Scoring Lineup - Day 1

Player Role Score
BurNIng Core 82.9
Abed Core 80.7
Skylark Offlane 62.4
kaka Support 84.4
Saksa Support 71.9
Total 382.3

Highest Scoring Lineup - Day 2

Player Role Score
Ana Core 96.1
Abed Core 93.6
MinD_ContRoL Offlane 58
JeRax Support 71.9
BoBoKa Support 70.7
Total 390.3

Highest Possible Score After Group Stage (Without Card Bonuses): 772.6

Group Stage (Top 5) - Fantasy Tracker Overview

Top 5 Core Players

Player Day 1 Day 2 Total
Abed 80.7 93.6 174.3
Ana 64.9 96.1 161
w33 77.6 83.1 160.7
Miracle- 74.3 74.8 149.1
Sumail 70.4 77.6 148

Top 5 Offlane Players

Player Day 1 Day 2 Total
Sam H 58.9 51 109.9
Skylark 62.4 46.6 109
Universe 54.9 50.4 105.3
MinD_ContRoL 45.3 58 103.3
Faith_Bian 42.8 50.7 93.5

Top 5 Support Players

Player Day 1 Day 2 Total
kaka 84.4 69.6 154
BoBoKa 71.4 70.7 142.1
Saksa 71.9 65.5 137.4
Maybe Next Time 65.5 68.5 134
JerAx 60.8 71.9 132.7

Group Stage Averages - Fantasy Tracker Averages

Top 5 Averages

Player Average Total Score
Ramzes666 19.21
Noone 19.11
Abed 19.03
kaka 18.83
Ana 18.42

Main Event - Day 1 Players / Day 2 Players

Day 1 Teams - April 27th

vs | vs | vs | vs iG.V

Day 2 Teams - April 28th

vs | vs | TBirds vs | vs

Discussion points to get the conversation started

  • Your lineups/strategy for the first two main event days.
  • Your performance in the group stage.
submitted by /u/Cyborgmatt
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BSJ with the PERFECT bkb usage

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:20 PM PDT

Can We Have Nahaz At Ti7?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:28 PM PDT

Nahaz always has good stats, and gives relevant information on the current situation to allow the viewer to understand the game on a deeper level. Not only that but especially recently he has been getting more and more involved with the community. I don't know why he hasn't been invited to the past 2 but I for one, would like him back.

submitted by /u/Buffstormspirit
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calling Bing predict Microsoft guy to do bracket prediction

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:50 AM PDT

Can we do the whole "phone number account locked" thing on regional chat?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:37 PM PDT

It's late and I'm tired so there's a good chance the title made no sense.. but I'm getting sick of the advertising spam on my local region chat.

No, I do not want to go to just because you spam that shit every five minutes. Can we do something about this?

submitted by /u/-JungleMonkey-
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ALOHADANCE and his conduct summary

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:01 AM PDT

Best Matches of the groupstage?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:37 AM PDT

Unfortunately i dont have time to watch all the games, so fellow players which ones should i make the time to watch?

submitted by /u/saffagaymer
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How tilt spreads

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 08:22 AM PDT

The Item Categorization Makes Zero Sense

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:24 AM PDT

"Moonshard" sounds like an artifact, but it's under "common"

Diffusal Blade? Sounds like a Weapon? Nope. It's an artifact

How about Manta Style? Weapon? No. It's Armor.

Hurricane Pike? Armor as well. Makes sense. Not.

Well surely Desolator is a weapon? No. It's an Artifact of course

Gloves of Haste... Armament, right? No. It's Arcane.

Boots... Armament? No. Arcane as well.

Infused Raindrops sounds magical... Is that Arcane then? NO... that is an Armament


2 Basics

2.1 Consumables

2.2 Attributes

2.3 Armaments

2.4 Arcane

3 Upgrades

3.1 Common

3.2 Support

3.3 Caster

3.4 Weapons

3.5 Armor

3.6 Artifacts

submitted by /u/Chertograd
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So anybody noticed Team Random's swiss round opponents

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:49 AM PDT

They probably had the roughest group stage, facing off against all top 3 of DAC 2017, and even faced off against Virtus Pro who many consider one of the strongest teams right now (EE says in a recent interview that he thinks VP is the strongest team).

Edit: Oops, 1st opponent is IGV not IG. Still really rough group stage.

submitted by /u/weewaaweewaa
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Please keep using Swiss format for group stages. This was the best group stage of any major.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:30 PM PDT

No wasted games.

No "Easy brackets"

All the games were good matches of pretty equal skill once you got past the first round.

There was no BS about teams knocking eachother out, or needing a bracket update every few seconds, no tiebreakers.

The resulting bracket is probably the best balanced of any bracket ever.

Well done with this choice.

submitted by /u/nastharl
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Anyone here for the Kiev Major want to meet up?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:57 AM PDT


I'm attending my first Dota 2 Major! I've only ever been to one Dota 2 event before (ESL One Frankfurt, 2015). I was wondering who else was here and wanted to meet sometime during the event! I'm very excited to be here and it'd be awesome to meet other (English-speaking) Dota players as well!

I met some guy who was a Dota player, I told him he had a very distinct/booming voice at the hotel lobby haha - he was cool

submitted by /u/TorteDeLini
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Single Elimination doesn't work for Dota2 because of how complex the games is...

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:52 PM PDT

There are many factors that can impact a team's performance such as Drafts, matchups, player skill level, team play styles, their knowledge of the meta...etc. and even if we have a Swiss format it is impossible to create a playoff that is balanced enough for single elimination bracket.

An example of how matchups influence the game is the TNC Vs. Faceless matchup, historically TNC has never been able to defeat faceless in a b03!, but TNC's amazing performances rewarded them with the worse matchup possible for them. Isn't Swiss format there to reward good group stage performances?

I honestly think that Single Elimination has no place in Dota2. No one ever complained about double elimination before.

The biggest difference between Double and single is that in Double you always get rewarded for performing good and punished for performing bad but in single you might even get punished for performing good( TNC Vs. Faceless example)

A combination of Swiss groupstage plus elimination bracket would be the fairest and most entertaining scenario for both the fans and the teams involved.

submitted by /u/ace-s
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Infographic - Season 2016-2017 in Dota 2, especially for Kiev major.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:02 AM PDT

Dota 2 Update - MAIN CLIENT - April 25, 2017

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:22 PM PDT

A new patch has been dispatched for the main client. More info will be edited in as I analyze the patch.

Analysis Status: Done.

Winter 2017 Battle Pass


  • The Kiev Bracket Prediction has been updated with the teams.

UI Updates

Watch Tab

  • The Featured Tab has been updated with more Kiev Major team details & Match Ticker.

Hero Updates

  • New alias has been added for the Keeper of the Light: kotl

Related Links

  • Changelog: None yet.

Patch Size: 75.0 MB (with Tools)

submitted by /u/SirBelvedere
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You're in the enemy jungle trying to finish your Radiance and this guy stops your TP. wyd ?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 03:36 PM PDT

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