Hearthstone - Novice Engineer assembles her crew to explore the Caverns Below!! [pixel art]

Novice Engineer assembles her crew to explore the Caverns Below!! [pixel art]

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:28 AM PDT

Ben brode has reached legend thanks to Hungry Crab!

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:44 AM PDT

About that "Free card day" quest

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:10 AM PDT

With patch 8.0 new quests were mentioned.We got 2 of them,but not this one.

Could anyone tell me what happened?Was it just a bamboozle?

This is what i'm refering to http://i.imgur.com/R9htP0H.png

submitted by /u/JustMeZozzo
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Toast Wild Priest OTK

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:34 PM PDT

Text too confusing for new players

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:28 AM PDT

So we removed it. ALL OF IT blizz please fix


submitted by /u/notesarefortheweak
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This week's Tavern Brawl is 'Servant of Yogg-Saron' Tryouts!

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:01 AM PDT

Help Yogg-Saron find a servant! Your deck is full of wannabes who cast a random spell at a random target when played.

submitted by /u/Garrub
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Why is Uther so obsessed with murlocs?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:13 AM PDT

first anyfin and now midrange murloc paladin.

submitted by /u/TheVindicareAssassin
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He would have won if he didn't concede

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:25 AM PDT


He gave up a bit too soon..

submitted by /u/HyperFrost
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Why one of the most successful and profitable games in the history crashes every time I try to exit the game?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:21 PM PDT

No friends who play Hs, sharing achievement

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:06 PM PDT

In the last 2 days i managed to go from rank 18-> 5 for the First time using midrange Hunter and a zoolock to stay in a Budget

Its the First time i went above 16 and have nobody to share it with, so pls dont get to angry :3

submitted by /u/RedTulkas
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Random Card Generation is Getting Out of Hand

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:17 AM PDT

I was playing Secret Mage today and had four back-to-back absolutely disgusting games in a row.

Game 1: losing, Babbling Book into Meteor for a clutch victory. But this doesn't even count as RNG.

Game 2: losing again, Babbling Book into Sorcerer's Apprentice+Cabalist's Tomb into Fireball for lethal with my Ice Block popped.

Game 3: crushing a Mid Hunter, Macau into King Mosh for instant defeat.

Game 4: just as I stabilized against a Mid Hunter, Macau into King Mosh for a full board wipe. Defeat.

Animal Companion is great RNG. Adapt is an excellent mechanic. I LOVE Shadow Visions. I'm fine with Hydrologist, and Dark Peddler because they have a limited discover pool. As much as I dislike Stonehill Defender, Servant of Kalimos, and Primalfin Lookout, they're okay and deserve a place in the game.

Random card generator Swashburglar, Shaku, Jeweled Macaw, and Babbling Book are just frustrating to lose against and needs to be changed. Here are some suggestions:

Swashburglar: Add a random card from your opponent's hand.

Jeweled Macaw: Add a random 1-cost beast to your hand.

Babbling Book: Add a random Potion/Mage Secret to your hand. (Choose one; either card pool works.)

EDIT: I thought of these changes without much second thought, so they're obviously not balanced. Just take it as a "maybe".

Ofc, Blizzard won't listen and proceed to print 1 mana 1/1 random card generator to every class. As much as I love Hearthstone and Un'Goro as a whole, that doesn't mean that this game has no problems. RNG is the most blatant one.

submitted by /u/Skaliq
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BUG: Tortollan Forager shows your opponent if you got a Sea Reaver

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:40 PM PDT


Playing Wild, when a Druid plays [[Tortollan Forager]] and in the history bar, I could see that he got a [[Sea Reaver]] from it. I couldn't see the card he got from the other Forager.

It's got to be due to Sea Reaver's effect, and the same probably happens with [[Flame Leviathan]], since they share the same trigger.

submitted by /u/Elleden
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Token Card Packs - Ability to Choose Set

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:18 AM PDT

Hello! I'm Rik and i'm a UX Designer by day and a Hearthstone addict by night.

I've seen so many posts about the inability to choose what set card packs comes from during reward scenarios. The largest instance being the pack rewarded in Arena and HTC "Choose You Champion" packs.

I put together some screens showing a method that could be implemented by adding a new currency called "Token Card Packs". This is actually very similar Shadowverse's Tickets, but I think its a bit cleaner. I tried to stay as close to the current UI in Hearthstone as possible.

Having these token packs could open other ways to reward players and give them the flexibility to choose the sets they most need cards from.


submitted by /u/rikcatdotcom
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Met a legend player at rank 17982 hunting pirate warriors today. God be with you, gatekeeper Radi!

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:41 PM PDT

He instantly conceded when I played hunter. "You have my thanks."


submitted by /u/TheObeseOne
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The source of the "crash on exit" bug has been identified and a fix is coming Soon(TM).

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:39 AM PDT

2 Ungoro Legendary in 1 Pack, I can finally be meta!

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:34 PM PDT

When the arena is turn one is fair.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:24 PM PDT

I did not win this one. http://imgur.com/a/9PVb6

submitted by /u/Gwandax
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2017 CN vs. EU Hearthstone tournament

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:39 AM PDT

The 4th annual Hearthstone tournament between China and Europe will be held in Shanghai on May 4-14, 2017. Different from previous years, winner of the tournament regardless of CN or EU team, can take away the Ferrari as grand prize.

Promotion video: https://youtu.be/-b58_DJTXWA

submitted by /u/Sunwall163
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Kibler needs a heal

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 01:20 PM PDT

The key to obtaining legendaries.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:49 AM PDT

Get drunk and buy packs.

Twas a night of drinking, and looking at my phone, I decided to open Hearthstone and buy 40 Un'Goro packs.

I got 4 legendaries, and with one dupe.

Which was good and bad, because in my intoxicated excitement, I then bought 40 Classic packs. I opened 3 legendaries, including a golden Ysera.

Still no Quests though. Wtf Blizzard.

Anyways, get smashed and spend too much money on packs. It's a win-win. If you're underage, sorry Blizzard hates you.

I honestly don't even know if that's a good amount of legendaries, but I was excited. But I'm locking my phone when I drink for now on. Shit.

submitted by /u/bahlgren342
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Just got my 9th arena win from a Tortollan Primalist's Pyroblast that went face

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:13 AM PDT

Amaz sees lethal

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:09 AM PDT

Fun Deathrattle Combo (Spiritsinger Umbra + Moat Lurker)

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:10 AM PDT

So as a F2P player, I just unpacked Spiritsinger Umbra and felt like making a deck.

So with Spiritsinger Umbra, there is a neat combo you can do with moat lurker for 10 mana (or if umbra stays on board for a turn). When using moat lurker on a deathrattle minion with umbra on board, it will summon a copy of the minion and if its a deathrattle minion, you will also get its effect as well, leaving you with a pretty hard to deal with board.

I was having a lot of fun playing Jade/Deathrattle rogue and was having a pretty high win rate with it (even though I don't have Aya, Journey below gave it fairly often xD)

http://puu.sh/vwEsl/7d98655218.png was the deck list I was using if you are interested. Definitely not an optimal list, seeing as how I am missing quite a few cards I wanted to put in, but still did surprisingly well.

submitted by /u/Gizmo235
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