Smite - Official /r/Smite Tier List - v4.6 (Racer Rumble)

Official /r/Smite Tier List - v4.6 (Racer Rumble)

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:59 PM PDT

Three days ago, I asked the users of /r/Smite to vote on the balance of the gods to help me create a community-created tier list. The gods were ranked on a scale of 1-7, and I took the average ratings and arranged the gods in tiers separated by .66 of a rating.

You can see the tier list as seen here, as well as arranged by Class and Pantheon here.

These are the results:

Tier Gods (Average rating out of 7)
S+ Cernunnos(5.83)
S Hercules(5.39) Cabrakan(5.18) Susano(5.08) Thoth(5.03)
A+ Chang'e(4.88) Hun Batz(4.86) Medusa(4.77) Sylvanus(4.68) Zeus(4.68) Poseidon(4.67) Rama(4.67) Thanatos(4.64) Janus(4.61) Bellona(4.57) Awilix(4.55) Khepri(4.48) Anhur(4.45) Skadi(4.45) Fafnir(4.43) Serqet(4.43) Thor(4.43) Bacchus(4.40) Ra(4.39) Scylla(4.39) Apollo(4.37) Ratatoskr(4.33)
A Amaterasu(4.32) Athena(4.27) Terra(4.20) Hou Yi(4.15) Izanami(4.15) Sobek(4.13) Osiris(4.12) Freya(4.10) Ymir(4.09) Ravana(4.08) Tyr(4.08) Geb(4.04) The Morrigan(4.03) Zhong Kui(4.02) Chaac(4.01) Ullr(4.01) Kumbhakarna(4.00) Vulcan(4.00) Hades(3.99) Cupid(3.96) Nemesis(3.92) Nike(3.90) Odin(3.89) Vamana(3.89) Xing Tian(3.87) Mercury(3.86) Ao Kuang(3.82) Fenrir(3.82) Agni(3.81) Kali(3.81) Neith(3.81) Isis(3.72) Ne Zha(3.70) Nox(3.69) Erlang Shen(3.68)
B+ Guan Yu(3.61) He Bo(3.61) Camazotz(3.60) Kukulkan(3.59) Sun Wukong(3.53) Ares(3.48) Bastet(3.46) Aphrodite(3.45) Nu Wa(3.45) Ah Muzen Cab(3.41) Kuzenbo(3.35) Anubis(3.33) Artemis(3.30) Arachne(3.28) Loki(3.26) Chiron(3.25) Sol(3.23) Xbalanque(3.14) Ah Puch(3.02) Hel(3.02) Chronos(3.01)
B Bakasura(2.73) Jing Wei(2.70) Raijin(2.56)

Disclaimer: None of these numbers are based on performance or statistics in-game, nor are they necessarily the opinion of any of the moderators of /r/Smite. These are averaged from responses from users of /r/Smite, based on their own personal opinions.

Some votes were rejected because it was my opinion that the votes were not legitimate.

submitted by /u/DrYoshiyahu
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Crash Course Janus Skin Concept

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:44 PM PDT

Cutesy Thoth Icon

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:21 PM PDT

Hi-rez Should put "Like" button for polite and good players...

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:35 AM PDT

Lets face it there is no reward for being polite in Smite.Controvery as long you play you frustrating more.Toxicity,unbalanced gods,bugs.You eventually losing it.And you moslty get suspend after turning to toxic.

So what about giving polite players to what they deserve.Rotate smite community to being better...

I present you "Like" button...Give your carry some love or reward your optimistic and lovely teammates.

Hi-rez should put that button next to report section and good players can gain points with that way.With this points we can gain skins or other rewards.

So let me ask you is this divert smite players to being more polite and reduce to toxicity?

submitted by /u/SaltBae420
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Why the gods in smite are fighting

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:37 AM PDT

Found a Khepri main......

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:56 PM PDT

Isis Passive

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:33 PM PDT

I think Isis's passive is extremely underwhelming and useless compared to other gods in Smite, especially other mages. It provides passive hp5 and mp5, but it doesn't even give a significant amount. It gains stacks whenever another God dies withing Isis's range which increase the mp5 and hp5 by 2 per stack capping at 10 stacks and starts at 2hp5 and mp5. She loses the stacks on death. This makes it even less useful. The closest passive to this is xbalanque's where he gets physical power per kill, which is stronger than mp5 and hp5, but he doesn't even lose his stacks when he dies. Every other mage's passive has a larger impact on their gameplay comparatively to Isis. Isis's full potential with her passive is 10 hp5 and mp5. Isis could really use an update.

submitted by /u/DookBlast
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[Suggestion] Can we be able to see our team's Relic cooldowns?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:32 AM PDT

Would be nice to able to see.

Like, if you take the wave from solo to protect tower but you don't know if they have TP.

When to engage based on beads and blink cooldowns etc etc

submitted by /u/WillJackman
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Smite needs to work on their hair game.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:41 PM PDT

I think that smite really needs to work on some of these character's hair design. You've some really good looking card art but then you have the character model looking like a chicken (Sub at Mercury). I suggest a team dedicated to nothing but hair physics :D /s

The Morrigan


submitted by /u/Kiyonorii
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Bloodfire Hades fanart

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:50 AM PDT

Still no ETA on console 4.6 patch?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:19 PM PDT

This Tuesday puts console behind two whole patches. Would love some official word on this.

submitted by /u/Officerrabitt1
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Should Terra algo get the Earth emote?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:05 PM PDT

Pretty much as the tittle says, i think it would be a good idea and fun to give Terra the Save The Earth Emote, or at least a similar one.

What do you guys think about it?

submitted by /u/marlonball
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Some heals in Smite are not considered as true heals

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:46 AM PDT


I've noticed that the term 'healing' is inconsistent in Smite. Basically healing in one case isn't treated the same as healing in a different case. That's why I decided to do some tests, and I'm showing the results here.

Why does it matter?

There are effects which are triggered by healing and there can be even more of those in the future, therefore it's need to make clear what is healing and what is not. For now we have: 1. Shield of Regrowth should proc on healing yourself of an ability (according to it's description). 2. Ah Puch's Fleeting Breath (his 3rd ability) deals additional damage and stuns if the target was healed by an ability.


I've tested all gods with healing on their abilities (including passives). Specifically I've tested if they proc Shield of Regrowth or Ah Puch's Fleeting Breath (his 3rd ability). Here are the results:

God Ability Shield of Regrowth & Fleeting Breath proc Notes
Ah Muzen Cab Hive (1st) No Even tho it says healing, so it should be treated as healing or changed to HP5, which would make more sense
Ah Puch Hollow Ground (P) Yes Even tho it says 'restores 5% of his max health', and should say 'heals' i guess. Thanks to AAnubis
Amaterasu Divine Presence (1st) Yes
Ao Kuang King of the Eastern Seas (4th) Yes The movement speed buff gets canceled by the dragon form - looks like a bug
Aphrodite Love Birds (3rd) Yes
Arachne Venomous Bite (1st) Yes
Bakasura Eat Minion (2nd) Yes
Bellona Scourge (3rd) Yes
Camazotz Essence Drinker (P) Yes
Camazotz Vampire Bats (2nd) Yes
Camazotz Devour (3rd) Yes
Chaac Rain Dance (3rd) Yes
Chang'e Moonflower Dance (3rd) Yes
Chiron Herbal Medicine (P) Yes
Chronos Wheel of Time (P) Yes
Cupid Share the Love (3rd) Yes
Erlang Shen 9 Turns Blessing (4th) Yes
Fafnir Coerce (2nd) Yes
Guan Yu Conviction (1st) Yes
Hades Devour Souls (3rd) Yes
Hel Restoration (1st) Yes
Hel Inspire (3rd) Yes
Hercules Mitigate Wounds (3rd) Yes
Isis Circle of Protection (4th) Yes
Kali (P) Yes
Kali Destruction (4th) Yes
Ne zha Flaming Spear (2nd) Yes
Neith Unravel (2nd) Yes
Nemesis Retribution (3rd) No The shield has healing on it, not health returning or anything else
Ra Solar Blessing (3rd) Yes
Ratatoskr Acorn of Yggdrasil (P) No The healing numbers are on the passive, not on the Acorn, so it should work as Thanatos's passive. EDIT: As many of you are saying 'but the heal is on the Acorn' i want to make it clear - the god heals, and to get rid of any doubt they should remove the information on the passive and leave it on the item ONLY. Why is there a healing information on both, passive and acorn? Make it 100% clear and done.
Ravana 10-Hand Shadow Fist (3rd) Yes
Sobek Sickening Strike (3rd) Yes
Sol Radiance (1st) Yes
Sun Wukong Somersault Cloud (4th) Yes
Sylvanus Wisps (2nd) Yes
Terra Monolith (3rd) Yes
Terra Terra's Blessing (4th) Yes
Thanatos Harvester of Souls (P) Yes
Thanatos Death Scythe (1st) Yes
Tyr Power Cleave (2nd) Yes
Vamana Colossal Fury (4th) Yes Even tho it's 'Health regeneration'
Zhong kui Exorcism (2nd) Yes

Test results analyzation

As you can see, healing doesn't equal healing.

  • Correctly implemented healing will proc Shield of Regrowth and Ah Push's 3rd

First of all you can see that if an ability procs Shield of Regrowth it also procs Ah Puch's 3rd ability's bonus effect. That means if an ability is coded correctly as healing - it will proc both.

  • Heals, which are not true heals

Then you can see that 3 gods have healing on their kit, which isn't treated as healing. Those gods are Ah Muzen Cab, Ratatoskr and Nemesis. None of it is an obvious, straight heal, but it is healing according to the description and they should proc the tested effects. That means they're not coded as regular healing, but a health return.

  • Shield of Regrowth procs on passives, but not on all of them

The third thing to notice is that Shield of Regrowth procs on passives (except for Rata). If we consider passives also as abilities, it would be helpful to include that in the description of Shield of Regrowth, just to make it clear.

  • Health regeneration - Vamana's ult

Besides healing there are other mechanics which restore health. We have regeneration, lifesteal and revives. Those obviously are not healing, so they don't proc the tested effects, with 1 exception - Vamana's ult. According to the ult's description it's increased health regeneration, so it shouldn't be considered and treated as healing.


It's not obvious if Shield of Regrowth will proc on an ability and if Ah Puch's Fleeting Breath will deal additional damage and stun. We obviously may get more mechanics that work with healing in the future, so this mechanic needs to be defined more specifically and we need to get rid of the questionably coded 'heals' which are not true heals.


  1. Unify the term 'healing'.
  2. Change the descriptions of abilities which are not healing, or fix the abilities so they are healing.
  3. Add information about passives triggering Shield of Regrowth


Thanks to my clan members for helping me with this. You guys helped me a lot with making the lists, testing everything and writing this. Thanks TuxMark5, Aukees, Sietse, Walruza. - Clan Mount HØRU

submitted by /u/Apster21
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JMacTucker did a fantastic job casting the AVGL finals today.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:44 AM PDT

For those who didn't see it, the AVGL college league championship was this morning on HIREZTV. Casting the games was Anatoliy and JMacTucker. They did an absolutely amazing job casting these games, especially JMacTucker who is not a regular HiRez caster. I really think he did an amazing job and would love to see more of him in the future.

submitted by /u/Borkf
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Adapting is Queuing NA watch out

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:38 AM PDT

Cuisinier Bakasura Skin Concept

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:32 PM PDT

Buff idea: What if bracers of the undoing could be activated at any time like shield of the underworld?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:20 PM PDT

I like the concept of bracers but holy shit is it frustrating to use!

Rather than give it an increase in % hp/mana given back. Why don't we allow you to use it even whilst cc'd.

Half my deaths when I'm using bracers of the undoing I'm dying because I get interrupted as I'm trying to use it, the whole concept of the relic is to use it AFTER damage has been done to you, so why are we punished for trying to use it if we get cc'd? I know shield of the underworld lets you use it at any time and I think bracers should too, afterall antihealing counters the relic already as it is, there should be easier ways of using it.

submitted by /u/Bigfsi
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My best Barracuda back step impression.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:02 AM PDT

Astral Authority vs. Elevate | Season 4 SCL Spring Finals Post Match Discussion

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:03 PM PDT

Astral Authority Elevate


Season 4 SCL Spring Finals



AA eLv
Skadi Susano
The Morrigan Chang'e
Hun Batz Awilix
Ratatoskr Medusa

Final Scoreboard

God K/D/A AA eLv K/D/A God
Odin 3/2/8 MOR Wolves delnyy 2/4/1 Bellona
Cabrakan 3/0/13 KhaoticPurpose DoctorL 1/3/2 Serqet
Zeus 6/0/9 Coviiii oBoronic 0/1/1 Vulcan
Khepri 0/0/16 ElBr0chacho FlatKenshin 0/6/1 Ares
Cupid 6/1/9 Transonics MichaelCheco 0/4/0 Hou Yi
Gold: 70.0k Game Time: 25:48 Gold: 50.7k
Total Kills: 18 Winner: Astral Authority Total Kills: 3


AA eLv
Skadi Susano
The Morrigan Odin
Bellona Chang'e
Medusa Hou Yi

Final Scoreboard

God K/D/A AA eLv K/D/A God
Ymir 7/3/5 MOR Wolves delnyy 5/5/15 Vamana
Awilix 7/3/8 KhaoticPurpose DoctorL 5/8/9 Cabrakan
He Bo 4/8/5 Coviiii oBoronic 3/3/17 Zeus
Geb 0/7/7 ElBr0chacho FlatKenshin 1/1/19 Khepri
Neith 0/2/7 Transonics MichaelCheco 9/1/9 Anhur
Gold: 65.2k Game Time: 28:32 Gold: 72.0k
Total Kills: 18 Winner: Elevate Total Kills: 23


AA eLv
Skadi Susano
The Morrigan Cabrakan
Medusa Ymir
Chang'e Ares

Final Scoreboard

God K/D/A AA eLv K/D/A God
Odin 4/0/13 MOR Wolves delnyy 0/8/0 Bellona
Awilix 6/1/12 KhaoticPurpose DoctorL 1/4/3 Hun Batz
Zeus 10/1/6 Coviiii oBoronic 0/4/1 Scylla
Sylvanus 0/1/19 ElBr0chacho FlatKenshin 1/2/0 Khepri
Hou Yi 3/2/11 Transonics MichaelCheco 3/5/2 Anhur
Gold: 65.2k Game Time: 22:00 Gold: 45.1k
Total Kills: 23 Winner: Astral Authority Total Kills: 5


AA eLv
Skadi Susano
The Morrigan Odin
Bellona Awilix
Geb Hun Batz

Final Scoreboard

God K/D/A AA eLv K/D/A God
Ymir 6/0/11 MOR Wolves delnyy 0/6/0 Vamana
Nemesis 7/0/14 KhaoticPurpose DoctorL 0/6/0 Cabrakan
Zeus 6/0/13 Coviiii oBoronic 0/6/0 Vulcan
Khepri 2/0/17 ElBr0chacho FlatKenshin 0/4/0 Xing Tian
Hou Yi 5/0/2 Transonics MichaelCheco 0/4/0 Medusa
Gold: 59.1k Game Time: 20:04 Gold: 39.8k
Total Kills: 26 Winner: Astral Authority Total Kills: 0
submitted by /u/Probably_Psycho
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Sign up for Smitemon v0.9 ALPHA here!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:02 PM PDT

Hello everyone.

Today I decided to release Smitemon v0.9A. Now, since this is alpha, and the game is pretty much unfinished and has tons of bugs, I decided to make access to it limited.

Note 1: When you recieve the link please confirm that you got it and provide feedback as you play. Thank you all for your help!

Note 2: I am currently on my trip to Spain, and as I said in last patch, v0.9A is pretty much small, whereas v1.0A will be huge, but will be released 2.5.2017. Since I am in a good mood, I decided to put a little game below.

Editor's note:

Personally, I am really, really hyped to bring you guys v1.0A. It will be a HUGE patch, coming with tons of content from both Smite and Pokemon. I have put tons of time into that patch, and I really tried as best as I could to make it awesome, so I hope you will like it too. To show how excited I am, and how much content there is, I will spoil ONE thing down below, without any votes on StrawPoll. :)

How it will work:

  • For every version of Smitemon I release, there will be 20 downloads that 20 fastest people can get and enter for download. Downloads from this patch are avialable HERE.

Small game:

Since v1.0 will be huge, I decided to do 2 things. With Strawpoll link down below you can go and select one of two things that you want to see.

  • Each DOWNLOAD vote will increase v1.0A's capacity by 1

  • For each 20 SPOILS votes I will leak something coming in v1.0A


Screenshots of new stuff V1.0A SPOILS:


  • What is Smitemon?

Smitemon is free to play, Pokemon like game with Smite design and features.

  • In what version is Smitemon currently?

Smitemon is currently in v0.9A, A standing for ALPHA. In ALPHA, there is a bunch of placeholders, and stuff is upgraded with each patch

  • If I get a link for this version, can I download next update too?

Yes, with v0.7A you will now run launcher instead of the game that will automatically check if there is new versions avialable. If yes, you will be prompted to download them so you can continue playing.

  • Will there be rewards for Alpha players?

Yes, there is "8-Bit" Ra skin which you can claim in Rewards center while the game is in alpha.

  • When will updates release?

I will try to release updates each week, but that is subject to change. For example, since v1.0A is huge, it will be set in 2.5.2017.

  • Will there be purchasable content for real money in game?

No! Not yet, atleast. As long as I lead this project, and my word is final, I will not put any content that requires real money transactions to be owned.

  • Will there be LIMITED and EXCLUSIVE skins?

Yes, for example, "8-Bit" Ra is limited which is given away by red square with L in it

  • WIll you ever be able to play on your phone?

Depends on how progress goes.

  • Will you be able to customise your enemies in matches?

Yes, but that is due to later versions.

  • Where can I check all current bugs in the game and update notes?

There is a CHANGELOG document in the game's folder, check it out!

  • In which program this game was built?

I used RPG Maker XP and Pokemon Essentials. For files I used Smite's so I own nothing in the project except few things. All credit goes to them.

  • Can I record playing the game?

Yes, but please read THIS first.

  • I want to record it but I don't have a key.

I will give you one, no problem.

  • I have an error.

Please PM it to me here on reddit.

  • I would like to help with the project somehow, can I sign up somewhere?

Yes! You can sign up HERE. There are tons of positions you may find yourself valuable in. Please note that this is completely volontarely and I can't pay you anything.

  • I would like to donate and support the project.

That is nice of you but we don't accept donations yet. You will be able to donate when the game enters beta so you can know for sure that it won't fail and that you actually can donate to something good.

  • Isn't HiRez able to take this down?

Well, yes they can, I am using their resources. The question is, why would they? I have no monetary gain from this and I could potentialy bring them new people.

  • I am unable to unpack this rar file.

I use WinRar to pack it so you can try to unpack it with it.

  • What are gems?

Gems are Smitemon's special currency (and Smite's too) that are currently only avialable through quests.

  • How do quests work?

Each pach you get a new quest rewarding you with 25 gems if you complete it until next patch. Each 5 patches (starting with 0.5), you will get an quest that gives you 100 gems. Quests sometimes may give different special rewards if events are active.

  • Is there anything special about game versions.

Not much really. The only special thing is that every fifth patch is bigger than those before it, like v0.5A for example. They will most oftenly contain numerous changes, new God and new skins.

  • I can't find Game.exe since v0.7A.

That is because since v0.7A the game stopped using Game.exe and started using Smitemon.exe which has built in launcher to check for new versions.

When will the game come out of Alpha and go into Beta?

Since I don't want to reveal too much for now, I will create a simple checklist. If everything on this list becomes true, the game is in Beta! Also, last one is a little crypted because I don't want to give everything away just yet.**

  • Game has at least 4 playable Gods

  • Arena is finished!

  • Each God has at least 1 skin!

  • You can customise your opponent's Gods!

  • UNKNOWN 1 - Hello friend!

  • UNKNOWN 2 - This is WILD!

Everthing bolded is added new

submitted by /u/Draco9990
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So... I think I've found a new Rat counter...

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:49 PM PDT

[Skins] Ah Maize on Cob + Pizzamir

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:19 PM PDT

Prefer Smite-Like Mechanics in Adventure Mode

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:13 AM PDT

I really liked the Capture the Flag mode because it used Smite game mechanics that we all love (that's why we play the game!). The racing is a cool idea but too far from Smite to make me want to play it. I like new Modes using the same/similar/a-subset-of Smite mechanics. I hope the next mode will be more like Capture the Flag where I still feel like I'm playing Smite. :o) Just a suggestion! Thanks for all the hard work!

submitted by /u/ValynStyx
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PTS players - new meditation?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:14 PM PDT

Hey PTS players, how is the new med now that it doesn't scale off of owner's max HP.

Is it still a good first relic for supps for the early duo lane sustain? Also, is it still necessary for Assault matches?

submitted by /u/pool-party
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Smite Montage - Omnipotence

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:38 AM PDT

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