Diablo - Testing 60FPS video for the first time (Diablo2 in Sc2 Engine). Is it working?

Testing 60FPS video for the first time (Diablo2 in Sc2 Engine). Is it working?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:50 AM PDT

Is it late for me to join Diablo on PC?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:46 PM PDT

I've been playing a lot of PS4 and seeing so many hackers running around with broken weapons made it look so lame. I myself experienced that broken power too but it gets bored really quick. Should I wait for a new season or even a Diablo 4 to play? Does seasonal mean that you restart your character back to the beginning?

submitted by /u/nakada1996
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Where do I get me some pets?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:03 PM PDT

Does anyone have any good farming guides??

submitted by /u/lemi69
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The Elemental Might [ New Jewelry Ideas ]

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:57 AM PDT



As we have only few jewelry pieces that can be used in endgame builds, I wonder if we could come up with some ideas that could compete with high end gear. My suggestion:


THE ELEMENTAL MIGHT - legendary ring

The element you have immunity to, have it's damage increased 75%.


So if you have, let's say Xephirian amulet, you will have immunity to cold and thus 75% increased cold damage along with the amulet's healing part. Could be usable in some builds as it is very powerful but still demands a use of non-dps amulet. So it's like immunity + healing + dps combo. Unlike Endless Walk (set), this legendary ring or the immunity amulet can be cubed, of course.


Ideally they should buff or re-design most of the unused legendary jewelry to be on par. What do you think? Share your ideas!

submitted by /u/ToBeRuined
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Social Sunday - 04/23/17

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:00 AM PDT

Welcome to week 10 of the Social Sunday thread!

Monster slaying is fun, but killing monsters in groups is better! Looking for a group of like-minded players to play with? This thread is for finding Clans, Communities, or other players to defend Sanctuary. Feel free to promote your Clan or Community every week.

If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Help my humans. (Farming)

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:41 PM PDT

So recently I've picked back up Diablo 3 on the Xbox One. At this point I've reached my peak for now on gear and I'm only searching for cosmetics. I've looked around for farming routes for goblins but everyone seems to say something different. If anyone could give me some solid advice that would be fantastic. Thanks.

submitted by /u/ArumashimaSAH
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[Bounties] Absolute fastest T13 bounty build, don't care what class?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:43 AM PDT

EDIT: To preface, I have all achies in the game except 10K bounties (3.5K to go), so this is a focus.

As title, what is the fastest bounty build, regardless of class, in season 10?

I already have a MH Wiz (hate the reliance on In Geom), and an Impale DH (no AOE). My DH also has a full ancient UE spec, but I can't clear T13 efficiently enough wthout augmenting, which I will not do twice (Wiz).

Monk dash spec? Chicken-doc of some flavour?

Recommendations welcome.

submitted by /u/Istrakh
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Gold gear for vault - ideas for improvement?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 08:08 AM PDT

Hey guys, I was goofing around today and made a dude with as max gold find bonus as possible to leech in vault runs on t13. Do you have any ideas how I can optimize the set? https://d3planner.com/709021600

Edit: +Blackthornes 3piece, +Leorics Crown in Cube, + Broken Crown equipped with Emerald, +RoRG in Cube

submitted by /u/Bobbelle
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Question about farming...

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:37 PM PDT

I got my full Raekor set piece and I am ready to farm!

But I have a question around what am I farming for? When do I start taking out pieces of the set for other items?

Do I keep running the grift until I hit an upgrade??

submitted by /u/lemi69
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The Maltheal HOTS Mount

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:45 PM PDT

Really want this, what's the best time to start a Seasonal Character to obtain this?

submitted by /u/HawlSera
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Can't install Diablo III on macOS Sierra

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:51 AM PDT

I recently updated my iMac to macOS Sierra (clean install), but unfortunately I'm not able to install Diablo (or other Battle.net software) on my Mac. It says:

The application "Diablo III Setup" can't be opened

I've looked all over the internet to no avail. Any help?

submitted by /u/raulongo
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Very interested in buying it. Should I get it on PS4 or PC?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:00 AM PDT

I have a gaming PC, and primarily I use the PC for games. The PS4 is just for exclusives mostly, and of course the free monthly games. I have Overwatch on PC too, another get on Battle.Net. It does seem like a very very fun game (and somewhat easy on lower difficulties) to play with my girlfriend, however. She doesn't have the best of computers so we could only play it when she's at my house.

Is it really worth getting on PS4 just so we can play it? She's interested in any game equally, but did say this looks fun. Not sure if the pros outweigh the cons for PC and if I should just get it on there and sacrifice the ability to potentially play it together.

submitted by /u/notarobot45
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Most efficient way to augment gear?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:00 PM PDT

I am going to start working on augmenting gear but had a few questions.

  1. Should I only augment ancient and higher gear? If so, should I only do it if it is the right rolls that I need? What if they are not the greatest rolls such as low str, vit, chc, etc? Should i wait till i come across another better piece?

  2. What should be the minimum rank i use? I can solo 70 in about 10 minutes. So getting gems to 60 isnt hard. Should I start augmenting gear with level 60? Or 50 then with the increased damage push new gems higher and do again?

submitted by /u/quicktdyquestion
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EU Hardcore clan!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:07 PM PDT

Looking for a Hardcore clan on EU that is active, current clan isnt that active and its handicapping my grift possiblities :o

submitted by /u/Dumme123
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Besides Lightning Wiz and Impale DH, which build can do it all? 90+ solo GRs, speed T13, fast bounties, good in groups

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 10:42 PM PDT

Is there even another build that can do it all? How's that one WD build in the groups? UE Grenades? Also don't mention Monk because they need to rely on In Geom and finding elites to kill. That adds time and inconvenience instead of just going straight to the target for bounties otherwise Monks would be perfect although one build wouldn't be able to do everything, they have builds for every situation except for bounties.

submitted by /u/Tuvok-
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Skull grasp

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:51 AM PDT

This ring is the death of me.:( ive spent over 15kbloodshards and countless dbs upgrading rare rings and have still not gotten it.. Why does RNGesus hate me so DAMN much

submitted by /u/Fackintank
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I am at an award point...

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:10 AM PDT

I can't beat Belial on Torment 4 ...Do you suggest I just farm rifts in Torment 1 to get my gear better?

submitted by /u/lemi69
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Monk Gear Tweaks

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:30 AM PDT

Current Gearing: https://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/ycho-11214/hero/87198919

As a pretty casual player, I haven't really previously gotten to the point of complete sets, etc. However, this season I've spent a little more time focused on working season objectives and actually started playing with the cube and enchanting.

I'm probably at the point where I'm close to having the right gear/setup. But, I'm sure it's far from ideal (stats). If anyone wanted to provide some feedback on what to tweak/improve (and optimal route; e.g. re-forge, hold out for a better drop, enchant, etc.), I'm all ears.

submitted by /u/ModernGunslinger
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Just started diablo 3 again, need some help.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 10:17 PM PDT

So I saw the necromancer coming up and I thought I'd give the game a try again. I came back and saw season 10 and it gives rewards.

Can I finish all the objectives alone to get the set? Is the set for the season character or for my main characters?

submitted by /u/GKoala
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