Heroes of the Storm - HGC North America :: Team Freedom vs Team Naventic :: Discussion Thread

HGC North America :: Team Freedom vs Team Naventic :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:30 PM PDT

Previous match thread: HGC North America :: Superstars vs Tempo Storm :: Discussion Thread - can be useful if this thread is posted too early.

Mirroring the Tricked esports vs Synergy matchup on Friday, Naventic vs Team Freedom is a keystone match for both teams. Assuming both teams perform as expected for the rest of the season, winning here could mean safety for at least another six months.

Naventic sure likes to keep things interesting. While they've underperformed for most of the 2017 HGC campaign, they came out of the gate swinging last weekend with their 3-0 win over B-Step. However, in their second matchup of the weekend against No Tomorrow — the last place team in the league — Naventic lost 3-1. Given the inconsistency around this team, it's hard to see them making much of an impact in the playoffs, even if they manage to scrape together some wins.

Team Freedom is similar in nature. While expectations surrounding the team weren't as high, they have also shown inconsistency. Their first five weeks were a roller coaster —they upset Gale Force eSports, but also lost to No Tomorrow just two weeks later. Both Freedom and Naventic have a high skill ceiling in this matchup so preparation will be key.

If you fancy yourself a mathematician you can head on over to the standings page to see for yourself just how close the race for the Mid-Season Brawl has become.



The match is planned to start at 16:30 PST / 1:30 CET, the same time as this post was posted.


Community challenges


Team Freedom vs Team Naventic
daneski flex - ranged bigempct
Insomnia flex - warrior bkid
KilluZiioN support - support Kenma
Nazmas flex - flex Tomster
zugrug warrior - flex Zuna


A single best-of-5 match.

Each team bans one map. Then, the "home" team chooses a map for the first game. In the following games of a match, the losing team of the previous game will have the choice for Battlegrounds selection or first hero pick in the draft.

Initial map bans:

Team Freedom Team Naventic
? ?

Game version

HGC EU/NA week 6 is played on the March 28 balance patch, without Cassia and ETC's rework.

Match reports, VODs

Website Link
Master League -
Twitch -

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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[Concept Artwork] Comprehensive Redesign of Arthas, 100% Lore Accurate

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:12 AM PDT

There have been 100s of posts about Arthas' model. This combines all of the major fixes into one concept art.

  • Arthas is taller
  • Frostmourne no longer looks like a foam sword
  • Improved spikes
  • Shadowy face
  • And more...

The Arthas Rework we all want and need.

submitted by /u/Seanilla
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With 2.0 around the corner, I thought this article would be helpful (Rerolling chests)

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:56 PM PDT

Ragnaros Ruins Lives...

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:09 PM PDT

What if Tyraels Judgement heroic would passively buff his AA damage?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:48 PM PDT

With a buff to his baseline AA from Judgement his AA talents would synergies much better without interfering with his most picked Sanctification. So you couldnt go for damage and sancti but there would still be a use for his other heroic.

submitted by /u/Throwaway13044
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Posted: 23 Apr 2017 08:39 AM PDT

[Illustrated skin concept] Troll Bundle: Over 12 themed skins + raptor mount!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:24 AM PDT

You can check it all at link bellow and know that at the end of post you can still see my other illustrated skin concepts such Lich King Anub'arak and Orcish Sonya. (Last one is Chromie DK so you know when to stop scrolling)



These are probably my last skin concepts for a long time now since I'll be playing more after 2.0 launch and will have less free time from work after monday so I hope you like them! And just to make it clear I love trolls and you'll probably see me on news cover as the man who spent a fortune to look like a troll.


Stay away from da voodoom!

submitted by /u/HexerVooDoom
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Is there any chance we can get DotA 2's feature where you can safely leave a game without penalty if someone has been disconnected for at least 5 minutes?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:14 AM PDT

It's really frustrating having someone leave at around 5 minutes and have the match last for like 20+. You can't lose on purpose too for the risk of being reported as a griefer unless the entire team agrees to give up.

submitted by /u/kimera-houjuu
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This weekly brawl is the most fun I've ever had in a moba-themed game.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:13 PM PDT

My friend and I came back after hearing about 2.0, thinking it'd be worth a try, and we spent the entire night playing the weekly brawl. One game everyone had to play as the Butcher and we could not stop laughing - it was sheer chaos but fun as hell. Overall I was mostly surprised (after a year break) at how many new heroes there were. Honestly every single one I tried in the brawl seem like it was well-designed. I absolutely loved it.

All-in-all we're looking VERY forward to 2.0

submitted by /u/Ser_Humpsalot
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My friend draws heroes of the storm art (anime, he's japanese), i hope you guys can give him some support. He always say that he's not very good but he draw these for his love for it, he has alot of interesting ideas in his drawings.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:51 PM PDT

Custom mouse cursor

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:21 PM PDT

With all of the new cosmetics I think it would be super cool to have custom mouse cursors. Like the cut off orc hand from Warcraft 2 or the skeleton hand from Warcraft 3 there are so many options from Blizzard's other games.

submitted by /u/Vvladd
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Who else is like seriously excited for HOTS 2.0

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:55 PM PDT

Like i've gotten excited for new patches before, new heroes, bundles, maps etc but the excitement i'm feeling now is like the same type of when an expansion for Wow or something is about to be released.

And if you think about it, this is kind of an expansion release. It's a rehaul and transformation of the HOTS we all have known and love and have played til now.

I am beyond excited. I cannot wait to open chests, reroll for fat loot, play the new hanamura map, genji, and just explore all that is HOTS 2.0

Bring it on baby! HYPE TRAIN in full effect!

submitted by /u/egeek84
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bLaDe on his situation with Team Expert

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:44 AM PDT

Is it time to tune up Brightwing a little?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:48 AM PDT

As more and more healers get introduced and reworked, Brightwing is slowly starting to shift into the jack of all trades, master of none position, where literally her only feat is her global.

Brightwing is currently essentially unplayed except for gank compositions with Zeratul.

Could we look at extending the duration of Polymorph again (it was reduced when CC was weakened post stun meta), making her E spell more versatile, adding some more (PVE?) damage to her Q, and overall tuning up her healing output in teamfights?

submitted by /u/ToastieNL
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Can we talk about Tyrael's trait?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:01 AM PDT

I feel like Tyrael trait is very bad, not that it's too weak, it can do some massive damage against team who group up, but I feel like it goes against the rest of the kit of Tyrael. What I mean is that you have 3 abilities (4 with sanctification) who can prevent you from death, talking about a shield, a movement speed increase and a teleportation tool. Why would you give to a hero a trait that activate when you die if your kit prevent you to die? I could add Sanctification here, who makes you invulnerable. Also even if you want to give such a trait to Tyrael, why is it that slow and why does it deal this little damage? One E from Lucio can heal all the damage done by his trait.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/Griinty
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What if the new hero was Gruul the dragonkiller ?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:27 PM PDT

3 claws ? check growl ? check it's similar to the one in the video hatred for dragons ? check

submitted by /u/shard135
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Leeroy Jenkins, the Dedicated Solo Laner

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:00 PM PDT

Many Heroes in this game, such as Thrall, Sonya, Ragnaros, Rexxar, Dehaka, Alarak, and Artanis, excel as SOLO LANERS. This means that on maps such as Battlefield of Eternity and Braxxis Holdout, they can be sent to the top lane while the other four members battle it out in the bottom lane and can be generally expected to hold their own. They all have self-sustain, and generally have some form of engage, as well as light crowd control. Except for Alarak, they are classified as BRUISERS. Unlike Summoners, like Zagara, Nazeebo, Azmodan, Probius, and Xul, they do not specialize in waveclear, but rather focus on OUTLASTING their opponent in the lane.

The concept behind LEEROY JENKINS is that he is the ULTIMATE SOLO LANER, but significantly weaker in full team fights.

This is brought about by his Trait, Lone Maverick. If no Allied Heroes are within 4 range of him, he gets +25% Armor and Damage. His base numbers are tuned such that with this bonus, he is OP, but without it, he's noticably underwhelming. This mechanic of checking whether allies are near you already exists in the game in Valeera's Assassinate talent.

Q: Snap Judgment AOE DAMAGE + SLOW Slams a Hammer down in front of Leeroy, dealing 159 damage in a T-shape. Enemies hit are slowed by 30% for 1.5 seconds. Name is a reference to Judgment, the Paladin attack from WoW, combined with Leeroy's characteristic impulsivity. 50 mana. Cooldown 7 seconds.

W: Blessing of Smashing MAKES NEXT ATTACK A SKULLCRACKER Empower's Leeroy's next Basic Attack to be instant, have 100% increased range, deal 100% increased damage, and stun the target for .25 seconds. 20 mana. Cooldown 4 seconds.

E: Furious Battlecry INSPIRE VARIANT + SUSTAIN Increases the Attack Speed and Movement Speed of Leeroy and all nearby non-Heroic units by 25% for 5 seconds. Also heals Leeroy for 15% of his max health over the next 5 seconds. Usable while mounted. Stacks with other movement speed bonuses. 70 mana. Cooldown 11 seconds.

His combo is E (run up to engage) W (quick stun) Q (followup slow)

R1: LEEROYYYY JENKINNNNS HARD ENGAGE After .75 seconds, Leeroy charges forward, dealing 300 damage in a line and shoving enemies to the side, stunning them for .75 seconds. 75 mana, 60 second cooldown. Think Sundering, except Leeroy IS the Sundering!

R2: Whelps, Whelps Everywhere! ZONE CONTROL SUMMONING ULT Summons 6 Whelp Eggs in the style of Gazlowe's It's Raining Scrap over 6 seconds around Leeroy. They decrease overtime like Anub'arak's Cocoon or Ragnaros's Molten Core; you can attack them to make them spawn quicker. When they hatch, they deal 95 damage in a small AOE around them and summon a Whelp, who attack for 44 damage and have 350 health. 100 mana. 100 second cooldown.

Some Talents

'LEAST I HAVE CHICKEN (Lvl 1) Minions drop chicken on death. They increase Health Regeneration by 0.1 per second. Upon collecting 100 pieces of chicken, Leeroy gains 10% max health.

TIME'S UP, LET'S DO THIS (Lvl 20) Passive Reduce the cooldowns of all of Leeroy's Basic Abilities by 2 seconds.

submitted by /u/riddlmastr
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How to Reroll Chests

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:37 PM PDT

Loot Chest Reroll Summary:

  1. Keep any chest containing a rare or better item you like.

  2. Reroll chests no more than twice

  3. Keep common chests if the chest has 2 rares or 1 epic/legendary (regardless of duplication)

  4. Keep rare chests if the chest has 3 rares or 1 epic/legendary (regardless of duplication)

  5. Re-roll epic chests you don't like unless you are short on gold (but you won't be)



What if I run out of gold?

Based on my calculations you will earn gold for rerolls at about the same rate you earn loot chests to spend it on so this won't be a problem. If you are low on gold, remember that rerolling two different chests is more efficient than re-rolling a single chest twice. The order to cut back on rerolls is: Start by keeping all epic chests, then 2 rares in a rare chest, then 1 rare in a rare or common chest.

Should I spend my gold once 2.0 hits or should I save it for later rerolls?

Based on my math you shouldn't have to save gold. Put aside enough gold for your legendary rerolls then open and reroll your common/rare chests first (it will give you a better idea of your duplicate situation). If you have enough gold left over you can reroll your epic veteran's chests on release. I recommend no more than 2 rerolls. If you have 500g/chest you should plan on rerolling 50% of them once and 25% of them twice. If you have 250g/chest you should plan on rerolling 50% of them once.

Should I use my gold on heroes or loot chest re-rolls?

Wait til after 2.0 to buy heroes since you will get a ton of free ones. Then, open veteran loot chests before spending your gold to see if you get any in chests (saving enough gold in case you don't get them). After the 2.0 release, the odds of getting heroes is about 2% per reroll which means you would have to spend, on average, 12k gold to get an extra hero via re-rolls and would, usually get a hero worth 2-7k. This means you should definitely spend your gold directly on any heroes you want and only use gold for rerolls once you want skins/mounts/etc more than any remaining hero.

What if I want to craft a specific item? How do I maximize my shards?

In the long term you will maximize your shards by following the rules listed above. This will maximize your item rarity which, in the long term, will net you the most duplicates at higher level which will maximize your shards. If you really want some shards now (at the cost of shards later), consider the following re-rolling rule of thumb. If you have a collection of size X%, your average common chest will contain X shards (for example 10% = 10 shards). You can, on average, increase the shard count in that chest by rerolling if you are less than that number.


Summary of Work:

The following is my logic behind the above statements. I needed to determine was the ratio of gold/xp you would earn going forward so I could know how much gold you could afford to spend on loot chests. Furthermore, I need to determine the reroll chances to determine the approximate line where rerolling was worth it.

On average you earn approximately 100k experience per game (40k for an AI game). 25g/game or 10g/game versus AI. As a result our our gold per xp is 25g/100k xp for QM or AI.

Team League + 50%

Play with Friends +75%

Stimpacks +150/100 g/xp

Bonus 500g/5 levels = 100g/1200k = 8g/100k (16g/100k at low level)

Daily quests are worth 369g/day on average.

1.2 Million xp/level at high level. 100k-1100k xp/level from 1-10 (600k average).  

Based on these numbers a player maximizes their gold/experience by playing low level character in solo-QM/AI with a stim pack. A player maximizes their experience/gold by playing 5-man Team League with no stim pack on a high level character. This allows us to approximate our boundaries and determine about how much gold/loot chest we will earn. I included hero league as sort of a middle ground.

QM + Stimpack Hero League 5-man Team League
Low Level (level = 600k) 320g/chest 250g/chest 160g/chest
High Level (level = 1200k) 550g/chest 340g/chest 230g/chest



QM + stimpack (low): 1.5 * 25g/100k + 16g/100k = 53.5g/100k = ~320g/level

QM + stimpack (high): 1.5 * 25g/100k + 8g/100k = 45.5g/100k = ~546g/level

Hero League (low): 25g/125k + 16g/100k = 41g/100k = ~246g/level

Hero League (high): 25g/125k + 8g/100k = 28g/100k = ~336g/level

5-man Team League (low): 25g/225k + 16g/100k = 27g/100k = ~162g/level

5-man Team League (high): 25g/225k + 8g/100k = 19g/100k = ~229g/level


Furthermore, if you complete all of your quests you will earn, on average, 135k/year from quests alone. Last year there were 15 new heroes released. This means if you want to buy all the new heroes once they drop to 10k, you will need to spend all of your quest money and then some on heroes. However, you will likely get a couple free heroes from loot chests or promotions so this may cancel out. However, if you buy all your heroes using real money you will have an additional ~400g/day to spend on rerolls. From a practical standpoint you probably only be earning 1 loot chest per 5-12 games (5 games at high level 5 man team league, 6 games at low level, 6 games at high level with stim, 12 games at high level no stim). So you will have an extra reroll relative to the rest of us.

Based on the numbers above you can see players will have between 200-500g per loot chest for rerolls with most players somewhere in the middle. So, how can we use this information to maximize our rerolls? We could try to write an equations but there are enough variables it is easiest to just look at some examples. Let's look at 4 cases  

Case 1: Reroll bottom 50% of chests regardless of cost

50% - keep

25% - reroll once and keep

12.5% - reroll twice and keep

6.25% - reroll thrice and keep

6.25% - reroll thrice and stuck

Expected reroll cost is (250.25+.125500+.1251000) = 250g/chest. Expected value is 93.75% we get an above average chest, 6.25% we get a below average chest. Expected chest value is (.93757.5 + .0625*2.5) = 7.2.


Case 2: Reroll bottom 50% of chests no more than twice

50% - keep

25% - reroll once and keep

12.5% - reroll twice and keep

12.5% - reroll twice and stuck

Expected reroll cost is (250.25+500.25) = 188g/chest. Expected value is 87.5% we get an above average chest, 12.5% we get a below average chest. Expected chest value is (.8757.5 + .1252.5) = 6.9.


Case 3: Reroll bottom 75% of chests no more than twice

25% - keep

18.75% - reroll once and keep

56.25% - reroll twice

Expected reroll cost is (250.1875 + 500.5625) = 328g/chest. Expected chest value is (8.75(.25+.1875) + 5.5625) = 6.6.


Case 4: Reroll bottom 75% of chests on your first reroll, 50% on your second, and 25% on your third.

25% - keep (top 25% value)

37.5% - reroll once and keep (top 50% value)

28.125% - reroll twice and keep (top 75% value)

9.375% - reroll thrice

Expected reroll cost is (250.375+500.28125+1000.09375) = 328g/chest. Expected chest value is (.25(7.5+10)/2 + .3757.5+.28125 * (2.5+10)/2 + .093755) = 7.2


As you can see between cases 1 and 2, rerolling a third time is basically not worth it. Your expected chest values goes up by only a small percentage but your expected cost doubles. Furthermore, being super picky actually lowers your expected value because it increases the odds you end up re-rolling too much and are stuck with a bad chest. Finally, case 4 tries to balance the cost with the how good the chest is but ends up showing similar results to case 1 but with a higher cost.

From these tests you can see our basic rule. Reroll chests if you think you have a greater than 50% chance of upgrading but no more than twice. Luckily this expected 200g cost matches our expected gold earned (with a little extra to help pay for heroes since quests don't quite cover it).

Now you might be thinking, this assumes that most loot chests contain an item of value. What if only the top 5% of chests contain something we care about and the other 95% are basically garbage… Well in this case we don't really have to do math because you will basically always end up stuck. You will need to reroll as much as possible and spread your gold out as evenly as possible (rerolling two different chests is cheaper than rerolling one chest twice).


  Loot Quality Section:

So… how can we evaluate whether or not a chest is in the top 50%. Well one thing that really helps is our chest rarity odds:

Odds of a single item (remember 4 item/chest)

Common Rare Epic Legendary
71% 20% 7% 2%

This means that a common chest only has a (.714) = 25% chance of coming up all commons and a (.713*.2 * 4 permutations) 29% of 4 commons and a rare. In other words we have a 46% chance of something better than 4 commons and a rare.

We don't know how rare chests work for sure. There are two likely options. One option is that it rolls a common chest and if none of the items are rare (25% chance) it upgrades one. The other option is that 1 of the items has a different percentage table (with no commons). This actually makes big difference because in the first case you have to roll 2 rares out of 4 items to get two rares while in the second case you only need to roll 1 rare in 3 items to get two rares.

Case 1: Only 1 rare = 54%. Exactly two rares = 15%.

Case 2: Only 1 rare = 33%. Exactly two rares = 28%.

Case 2 is obviously better for us (and I think is more likely) but we have 31 or 39% chance of better than 2 rares (case 1 or 2 respectively). It may not look like a good deal to reroll two rares (< 50% odds) but consider the following (even with case 1). A reroll of rare chest containing 2 rares will on result in an average chest containing 1.1 rares, 0.28 epics and 0.08 legendaries. On average this means a reroll is worth -.9 rares but + .36 epics/legendaries. If you consider epics/legendaries worth at least 2.5x what a rare is worth, this is a good deal. In case 2 it is even more obviously worthwhile with a reroll of a 2-rare rare chest netting us 1.5 rares, 0.28 epics and 0.08 legendaries.

Epic chests are weird because they cost twice as much to re-roll. One might imagine this means we should save our gold to reroll common chests since we can re-roll twice as many. However, based on our math from above we are rerolling 54% of common chests at a cost of 200g/chest and rare chests at a cost of 340-380g/chest. Given our expected of earnings of 200-500g/chest we probably have extra gold. While we could use this to try to re-roll more common chests, keep in mind we are already rerolling those 22 chests an average of 1.1 times. As a result, rerolling a common chest with that extra gold will, on average, already be the same cost as rerolling an epic chest for the first time. So we might as well plan on re-rolling some epic chests. However, because an epic chest will only average an extra epic every 3 chests and an extra legendary every 12 or so re-rolling epic chests for upgrades is not as worthwhile as re-rolling epic chests to maximize that epic.


Shard Section:

Okay, so what about shards. Should you keep duplicate items, or re-roll them? This depends on lot on two factors. What percentage of the collection do you own and how much do you care about specific items. Obviously, if you own most of the collection you will usually get shards and your only goal should be to maximize their rarity (as we did above). Likewise, if you really want to craft a couple of items and don't care about 95% of items, maximizing your shards is the best way to get what you want (so you shouldn't reroll duplicates, because a higher level non-duplicate is actually worth less to you than a lower level duplicate). Finally, If you just want as many items as possible, you should still aim for higher rarity since a duplicate epic = any rare you want.

This means the only question we need to ask is, if I got a chest meets our re-roll criteria from above but contains a bunch of shards, should I keep it (assuming short term shards is my main objective)? Assuming I own 20% of the collection, a common chest will contain an average of 22 shards. At 10% of the collection, a common chest will contain an average of 11 shards. This gives us a quick rule of thumb: If I only care about short-term shards my reroll criteria for common chests becomes re-roll (up to twice) if the number of shards is < % of the collection I own.

submitted by /u/SirLancelittle1
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What kind of things will NOT be available via Loot Chests?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:45 PM PDT

EDIT: I found this in the recent 2.0 Q&A Blizzard hosted, "For Loot Chests, with the 2.0 update, all the cosmetic items in a Loot Chest can be crafted with Shards, which means they need to appear in your Collection. There aren't any items that drop from Loot Chests that don't show up in your Collection for that reason."

So that pretty much answers any questions like this. If you see it in your Collection as "craftable" with Shards, it can be in a Loot Chest. If it isn't there, it isn't "craftable." I'll leave the original post up for posterity.

I saw a streamer get the 2016 Heroes of the Dorm banner mount in a Loot Chest, so it got me wondering what types of things will NOT be available this way. Anyone know? Has this been datamined? A few items that come to mind:

  • Alpha/Beta and Gold Alpha/Beta portraits (seems very unlikely and would make them pointless)
  • past season Epic/Elemental reward mounts (again, unlikely and pointless)
  • Wonder Billie mount (tech Alpha or closed Beta purchase reward)
  • Tespa Chen portrait
  • Golden Tiger mount
  • Hearthstone Card mount (play 100 Hearthstone matches reward)
  • Malthael's Phantom mount (Diablo III level 70 season character reward)
  • Void Speeder mount (exclusive via purchase of SC2: Legacy of the Void - Collector's Edition)
  • Orochi Hovercycle mount (reward for playing 30 games with friends during the Nexus Challenge)
  • Vulture mount (Recruit A Friend reward)
  • past BlizzCon "Nexus" mounts (Charger, Battle Beast, Tiger)
  • Mechanospider mount (Facebook linking reward)
  • Ironside Dire Wolf (reward for level 100 character in WoW)
  • Felstalker mount (reward for buying WoW: Legion)
  • Golden Charger (only available in China)
  • past Champion Nexagons (C9, MVP Black, Tempest, Ballistix)
  • Lunar Rooster
  • Treasure Goblin
  • Festive Goblin
  • Ghost Speeder
  • Flames of Judgement Charger
submitted by /u/CarpeBedlam
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Varian treated as DPS is a mistake in QM.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:02 AM PDT

Premade queuing with Varian and 4 DPS in QM and the stupid QM matchmaking will created a 5 dps vs 5 dps game and premade will harvest the profit while laughing at those foolish 5 dps.

submitted by /u/Xixth
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[HGC Europe Spoilers]Goku's amazing molten core

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:09 PM PDT

The Frothy Truth About Chen and the Meta

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:51 AM PDT

Chen's fallen out of the meta, out of popular favor. I think we can all agree on that. I've been spending some time looking around for reasons why, talking to people here and there, and there's actually just one problem on the minds of most: Chen has really good brew. This might not seem like a problem to many, but what I learned from my conversations was that a lot of heroes also really like brew. That's really the overarching problem with Chen - he's drinking on the battlefield, but he doesn't offer it to his allies, and then he goes and literally throws his entire keg at people after saying Kerrigan couldn't have some. This really sends a message I don't think Chen is meaning to send, but it's actually really getting to some of the other heroes on the roster, and it's negatively affecting his pick rates. People don't like playing with that guy, he doesn't share.

Let's have a sit-down with Chen. We all know he's got plenty of that good-good, all he needs is a little nudge. He's happy to share, he just needs the invitation! From Blizzard. The invitation to make Enough to Share baseline.

Make Enough to Share baseline. Or wrap it into Keg Toss as a reward

submitted by /u/Russisch
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All master skins with backstories archive before 2.0, free for historical research.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:00 AM PDT

Ignoring someone should also prevent you from whispering them

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:11 PM PDT

I had to deal with a guy flaming me today for no good reason. Couldn't reply to him because he was ignoring me. Yeah, sure, I could mute him and go on with my day, but man does it grind my gears that I couldn't even reply. He then messaged me while I was playing another game just to say "btw I still think u suck lol". Quality guy.

Blizz pls, can you make it so that if you ignore a player, you can't also verbally harass them without first unignoring them? It seems shitty to make this a one way street.

submitted by /u/MATURE_GAMBlNO
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Spoiler:NA HGC:4-man Boss stun into free core

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:09 PM PDT

Gilly & Dread laughs train doesn't stop

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:21 PM PDT

Naventic vs Freedom game 3:

~Game gets paused~

Gilly: "With all the action the past few days we didn't have a chance to talk about 2.0, so let's do that now -- producer whispers in her ear -- JUST KIDDING!! The players are ready, let's get back to the game!"

I laughed out loud in the middle of the night when people are sleeping.

And if that wasn't enough Dread immediately comments "join us on Tuesday for the event, where that will be I don't know" (he casts it)

-Gilly: "It's on this stream, it's here"

-Dread: "Don't need to go anywhere, It's where you are now"

After these past 2 days they have become my favorite casting duo.

submitted by /u/LordGreenburger
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