Halo - Halo 5: A Guide for New and Returning Players

Halo 5: A Guide for New and Returning Players

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:16 PM PDT

Halo 5: New and returning players

This is an updated post from my June free-to-play week, which was an updated post from my Holiday Newbie Player Guide, which was an updated post of my Welcome to Halo 5 post.


Chapter One: Multiplayer

or "How you will suck at Multiplayer Arena"

Arena comes in almost three flavors, Ranked, Social, and Warzone. Ranked playlists feature highly competitive game modes such as the new HCS Summer Play list, Free For All, SWAT, and so on. Social features Big Team Battle, Infection, Action Sack, Super Fiesta, rotational playlists, and less-competitive versions Ranked's Arena playlist. Warzone offers Warzone, Warzone Assault, and Firefight.

First off, you need to learn the new Spartan Abilities.


Halo 5 offers a greater range of movement than any previous Halo game. Spartan Abilities are universal options every Spartan is given at all times. This includes Sprint, Clamber, Charge, Ground Pound, Thruster Pack, Stabilizers, Slide, and Smart Scope.


  • Sprint: Making a return from previous games such as Reach and Halo 4, but with some modifications. Sprint, in Halo 5, is unlimited, and can be used as many times as the player wants. Players will not regenerate Health or Shields while Sprinting. A big thing to understand about Sprinting is that it will reset the timer of your Shield and Health regeneration, shown by the topmost flashing bar, when you have taken damage. Any time you sprint, that bar will reset, and have to count down all over again before your shields will regenerate.

There is also the addition of Stopping Power, which means that if you take damage before reaching top Sprinting speed, you will stop sprinting entirely.

  • Clamber: Clambering is where the player is able to jump and pull themselves up onto ledges. This is activated by pushing your jump button while facing the object you're attempting to get to. This only works if your Spartan is within a very close range to the ledge.

  • Spartan Charge: Spartan Charging is when the Player is sprinting and performs a melee, shoulder-tackling whatever is in front of them. Charging can only be done when the Spartan has reached their top Sprinting speed. The Charge is activated by pressing the Melee button while under a full Sprint. If not within max Sprinting speed, the Spartan will only do a standard Melee Attack. Charge will deplete any opponent's' Shields if hit from anywhere but the back. If struck in the back, Charge becomes an instant-kill. If a Charge is missed, the Character has to go through recovery frames, which leaves them vulnerable to attack.

  • Ground Pound: While in mid-air, the Player has the option to hold down their Melee button to begin this maneuver. Ground Pound slows the Spartan's fall speed to a near-halt, allowing the Player to target a specific area below them. Once released, or the Player runs out of time to target, the Spartan will thrust downward at high speeds and cause an area-of-effect burst of damage. Characters who are landed on will die in a single hit, while those within the radius of the Ground Pound will have their shields damaged.

  • Thruster Pack: The Thruster Pack offers the ability to quickly thrust in a chosen direction, which can help Spartans gain cover or maneuver through combat. The Thruster Pack has an unlimited amount of uses, but must recharge.

  • Stabilizers: When in mid-air, the Player is able to hold down the aiming button to slow down falling speed, allowing easier aiming and the ability to prolong a jump to gain distant edges to Clamber. Stabilizers can be mixed with both Clamber and Ground Pounds, offering a lot of options to be made.

  • Slide: When Sprinting, the Player has the option to Slide by pressing the Crouch button. This allows the Spartan to slide across the ground, making them harder to hit and a shorter target. Sliding ends with the Spartan crouching, unless the button is pressed again, or Toggle Crouch is turned off.

  • Smart-Scope: This feature is an extension to the Halo universe's Smart-Link scope technology. Smart-Linking, unlike previous Halo games, allows for all weapons to scope-in. Helmet zoom has been largely replaced with Smart Scoping, and is no longer present, even on weapons without Smart Scope.

Second, be aware of your surroundings.

Halo 5's multiplayer combat is usually staged within arena-styled environments. Be aware of your entrances, possible escape routes, and cover. Any wall or piece of cover can also be an obstacle that can win you the scuffle, or leave you completely vulnerable to attack. Your Spartan Abilities are your best tool to survival, if you think you're outmatched or outgunned. Cover can be used to draw in or disinterest opposers, while also allowing your shields to recharge.

Verticality is your friend. Fighting uphill an battle is as useful as a boxing glove in a shotgun fight. Which will happen to you, by the way. Clambering to higher ground is a great tactic to make sure you have the advantage in a firefight, allowing better view of the combat scenario and far greater range of motion.

Staying out of the open is important in Halo 5. The more enemy eyes on your location gives for greater chance of death. Especially in Warzone and Breakout, where kill times are low and the hostility is high.


Stop right there, you may be thinking "Buh muh K/D!" That's as far as you go with this idea. K/D should never be your only worry in Halo. Having fun and letting others have fun is a big part of this, all jokes aside.

Running objective gamemodes means actively participating, and at least making an attempt to properly play that gamemode. CTF is a great example because its one of the only ones in the game because it's the most known type of objective gamemode. You must always remember that killing other players is a focus, but not your only one. That flag needs a captor, and that captor needs protection and backup. Should you choose to be the captor your team needs, but does not deserve, you must make sure your location is cleared before making the flag run. Having backup and sticking together with allies is the greatest asset that Halo 5's gameplay can offer. Make use of it and make sure you're allowing others to do the same.

Forth, The Uncharted Territories

Halo 5 brings many new additions to the table. You need to know them.

A big addition to Halo 5 is the ability to switch seats while in a vehicle. This means that pressing your Jump button will have you swapping seats. This works in all multi-seat vehicles, including the tank.

Make sure that when you play Breakout, you want to cap the Neutral Flag at your opponent's base. This means you must push through dangerous territory. Please read up on Breakout's gameplay, as it heavily differs between anything you've played before.

Warzone is scary, you WILL lose everything you love to a guy who accidentally splattered you with a Ghost as soon as you spawned. This is a feature. As you should know, I am far too lazy to make a write-up about Warzone, so first, READ THIS.

Now that you've ignored that and decided to continue on with my guide, you'll be heading in blind to these next Warzone tips.

  • Use Armor Mods: At level 5, if you have unlocked an Armor Mod from your REQ Packs, you'll be able to activate these. Always make sure you do, they add a bit of an upper hand in many bad situations.

  • Take Down Bosses: Make sure to attack spawned bosses. Scoring a Legendary Boss will net your team 150 points. That's worth 150 Spartan Kills. It's worth it. Remember, the last hit gets the kill and nets that team the points.

  • You will lose your REQs: Do not be afraid to use your REQs just because you'd lose them. Once you start having fun, you'll survive longer and be less stressed over gameplay. You'll lose them, it happens. Just make sure any Rare, Ultra Rare, and Legendary Cards are used sparingly, you wont see much of those for a long time being.

  • Gunners: Always assist a tank or Warthog. Vehicles are very powerful in Warzone. Especially Tanks. Tanks go down easily, so make sure to cover their rear or hop in their turret. A Turret can shoot off people hijacking from the front.

CTF has been overhauled. You must have your flag be present at the base in order to score with the enemy flag. This means that if you see your ally hiding, it's because they're waiting for your flag to be returned. Do not betray them, you'll just lose the flag seconds later because of the next CTF mechanic I'm going to discuss.

SPOTTING. CTF has a new mechanic where the enemy flag carrier location is only shown when they pick the flag up and when you're attacked. When you are spotted, you'll be marked on everyone's HUD until it times out. Stay hidden.


Chapter Two: REQ System

or "Don't get used to your REQ weapons, you'll lose them instantly."

Halo 5's biggest new addition, Warzone, boasts a new system known as REQ. The easiest way to explain how this system works is to totally write up my own, brand new write up, which is in no way stolen from my Halo 5 launch day thread.



  • Requisition (REQ): A REQ is an unlockable item that comes in the form of weapons and armors, skins, assassination animations, and more.

  • REQ Points: Players will earn REQ Points after each match in Arena or Warzone matchmaking, which can then be redeedmed for REQ Packs containing a variety of Requisition Cards (REQ Cards) in the form of unlockable weapons, armors, vehicles, and more.

  • REQ Cards: Varying in type and rarity, REQ Cards offer a massive variety of items including single use items and permanent items. We'll take a look at a few cards today.

  • REQ Packs: REQ Packs contain REQ Cards, and come in multiple varieties – more on that later. Each pack contains a wide array of items. REQ Packs can be purchased with REQ Points earned for free in-game, or with real-world money. A portion of each REQ Pack purchased with real-world money will directly contribute to the Halo World Championship prize pool. As a reminder, while players will earn REQ Packs across both Arena and Warzone, only cosmetic items can be used in Arena Multiplayer.

  • REQ Store: Players can easily access the REQ Store from the Spartan Hub, which will allow them to acquire REQ Packs. It's worth noting that aside from a few select exclusive items, everything in REQ System can be acquired through the regular course of play by earning REQ Points and redeeming them for REQ Packs.

  • REQ Collection: The REQ Collection allows players to view the full suite of available REQ Cards. By filtering through the list, players can see not only the REQs they own, but also examine those they've yet to unlock. Additionally, players may manage their collection by selling individual single use REQs back into the system for REQ Points they can then use to unlock additional REQ Packs.


The new Requisition System (REQ), rewards players for matchmaking and goals completed. Leveling Up will unlock special REQ Packs, which are the equivelant of Silver and Bronze. Leveling up and finishing Matchmaking matches will give you REQ Points, which can be used to purchase REQ Packs, which contain many types of items to unlock, including:

Permanent REQ Cards

  • Stances: The pose your Spartan makes on your Player Card.
  • Assasinations: A selected Assassination that has a random possibility of activating when performing an assassination.
  • Weapon Skins: Allows players to give new appearances to their Primary and Secondary weapons in Arena, or any weapon spawned with in Warzone.
  • Visor Colors and patterns: Customize your Spartan's helmet with a variety of colors and patterns of your choosing.
  • Armor suits: Change your player model from the choice of many suits, over 170 total armor and skins to choose from.
  • Helmets: Not only can you change your armor, you have the ability to choose your Spartan's helmet, separately.
  • Emblems: Unlock new emblems to customize your player card.
  • Armor Modifications: Armor modifications augment the player's abilities, such as carrying additional grenades and increased sprint speeds.
  • Certifications: Once obtained, players have a greater chance of finding related REQ Card types when opening REQ Packs.


Single Use REQ Cards

  • Vehicles: Unlock vehicles for Warzone, from the standard versions to superpowered hyped-up versions, like a Ghost with explosive rounds, or a rapid-fire Guass Warthog.
  • Power Weapons: Unlock special variants of Halo 5 weaponry for Warzone. From smart-link Assault Rifles to legendary versions of the weapons, like the Nornfang Sniper Rifle.
  • Boosts: Boost cards provide players with additional REQ Points or Experience during multiplayer games.
  • Power Ups: Power ups grant temporary power ups, such as Active Camo, Damage Boost, Speed Boost, and Overshield.


Players are able to use their earned REQ Points to purchase their REQ Cards. Players will also be able to purchase REQ Packs with real money as well, and due to the REQ system in Warzone, no balance is lost to gameplay. The players must earn the ability to use the cards they purchased. The prices of the packs are as of the following:


--Bronze Packs include Common, Single-Use REQs, but is likely to unlock a new permanent REQ.

  • REQ Points: 1,250
  • USD: N/A


--Silver REQ Packs include Common to Rare REQs with the added value of two new permanent REQs.

  • REQ Points: 5,000
  • USD: $2


--Gold REQ Packs contain a large number of REQs ranging from Uncommon to Legendary. Players are guaranteed two new permanent REQs .

  • REQ Points: 10,000
  • USD: $3


Warzone Firefight REQ Promotion

Playing Warzone Firefight will earn you gold REQ Packs. Your first and fifth Firefight victories reward you with 3 Gold REQ Packs, while your tenth victory will net you five more. For every Warzone Firefight commendation you complete, you will unlock even more gold and silver REQ Packs that can be used to fast-track your unlocks. Or, you can save the packs for later and get some more of your silver packs out of the way.

Daily Login and Daily Win Bonus Packs

When you first log in each day, you are awarded with a login bonus. This is a silver REQ Pack with a minor chance in unlocking one permanent REQ item.

Your first victory in Ranked and Social will gain you an Arena Daily Win Pack. Your first win in Warzone and Warzone Assault will gain you a Warzone Daily Win Pack. And finally, your first victory in Warzone Firefight will gain you a Warzone Firefight Daily Win Pack.

You can also get the Warzone Daily Win Pack from Warzone Firefight. This means you can get both Daily Win Packs from one victory in Warzone Firefight.


/r/Halo REQ Tracker

There's a lot of posts that spring up asking what REQ packs do you buy, and in what order. This should be your quasi-definitive guide.

First, let's look at a few things about the packs.

Pack Type Bronze Silver Gold
Cost 1,250 RP 5,000 RP 10,000 RP
Perm Unlocks Chance at One Two Two
Common Yes Yes
Uncommon Yes Yes
Rare Yes Yes
Ultra Rare Yes
Legendary Yes

If you're seeking to maximize your gains, you have two options.

Option 1:

Buy Silver packs until you unlock all Commons, Uncommons, and Rares. Then buy Gold packs until you get the remaining Ultra Rares and Legendaries. Buying the Silver packs before buying any Golds ensures that you're not spending twice as many points for a rare out of a Gold pack.

Option 2:

Buy Bronze packs until you get all Commons. You'll know to move on to Silver when you start getting cards that give you 500 RP. Then buy Silver packs until you unlock all Uncommons and Rares. Finally, buy Gold packs until you get the remaining Ultra Rares and Legendaries. Again, do all of one pack until you are done, to prevent spending more.

This method is a gamble. 5,000 RP gets you either 1 Silver pack, with a guaranteed 2 permanent unlocks, or 4 Bronze packs, each with a chance at 1 permanent unlock. If you think that 50% or more of the time, you'll get a permanent unlock from your Bronzes, you either break even or come out on top of the first option.

There are a few exceptions to this all; the Nadir emblem is a Rare that you receive from the last Bronze pack you buy before the 500 RP cards. There are 3 common loadout weapons (the ones with energy bayonets) that wont appear in Bronze packs, just Silvers. But just follow the instructions and you'll be fine.

Ghosts of Meridian Update changed the way emblems are acquired. Emblems no longer take up a permanent slot in the REQ pull upon opening a REQ Pack


/u/Fenris447 created a spreadsheet that will help track all of this for you. Make/download a copy for yourself. All you have to do is put X's by the cards you've unlocked, and it will tell you how many of each pack to buy.


As always, the Halo 5 FAQ has been updated with this (and plenty of other) information.


That about sums it up!

Welcome to the battlefield, Spartan



submitted by /u/Vorked
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I`m Speed Forging Tsavo Highway From Halo 3

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:22 AM PDT

Halo 3 Hunter

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:20 PM PDT

This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:46 PM PDT

The Chief himself identifies his favorite Halo game.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 08:48 PM PDT

Installation 01 ORIGINAL Soundtrack - INSTALLATION 01 MAIN THEME

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:50 PM PDT

Got my first tattoo!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:42 AM PDT

Wished it stayed on for ever, instead of 3 frames.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:34 AM PDT

Anybody else remember the Halo 4 Director's Cut reveal? Far more powerful than the Official reveal IMO.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:18 PM PDT

Unobtainable Achievements in MCC and Spartan Assault

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:06 AM PDT

Hello everyone,

I've been a long time fan of the series and an achievement hunter as well. I recently completed most of the halo games, but I have recently hit a road block and I wanted the community's hand in asking 343 to help us with the broken achievements left in these two obscure Halo titles. First off most people are unaware that Halo MCC has a second list of achievements, but anyone from Asian region has this version of Halo MCC knows that these four achievements are currently not unlocking.

  • "Who needs them" Halo 3: On The Ark, complete the level without entering a vehicle on Legendary.
  • "Hero" Halo 2: Complete every level of the game on Heroic difficulty.
  • "Legend" Complete all campaigns on Legendary difficulty.
  • "Rock and Coil Hit Back" Halo 2A MP: In Anniversary matchmaking, earn a total of 100 Environmentalist medals.

Chinese version of MCC

Lastly the IOS version of Spartan Assault has five unobtainable achievements:

  • "Pension Plan" Earn 25000 XP throughout your career
  • "Weapon of Choice" Score a kill with every handheld weapon (excluding Rocket Launcher and Spartan Laser)
  • "Skull Combo" Complete any mission with the maximum number of Skulls active
  • "Extra Credit" Complete 75 mission specific challenges
  • "A for Effort" Complete all Operation F mission challenges

IOS version of Spartan Assault

I originally was going to post the Halo Wars 2 unobtainable achievement, but seeing as it's a newer game one would imagine that the proper people know of this issue and are working hard to correct it. All of us over at True Achievements really appreciate the awesomeness of the Halo community and how helpful 343 have been with troubleshooting our issues with us.


submitted by /u/Deadi9
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I hear we are posting Extermination exterminations

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:23 AM PDT

Red vs Blue Season 15 Episode 3

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:03 AM PDT

Halo 3: looking at The Ark and The Covenant's environments with the blind skull.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:11 AM PDT

Spotted Master Chief in St. Augustine, FL

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:58 PM PDT

Hey guys I was wondering if you could help w/my Stat. project

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:51 PM PDT

Halo Chin Chin Sacrifice (contest) 死の儀式 - Read Description!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:07 PM PDT

Awesome lighting glitch with sword while using the Assassin.stance

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:24 PM PDT

Auntie Dot Emblem Missing

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:24 PM PDT

My brother is upset that his favorite emblem is missing. He is sure he had it this whole time and got it with the reach pack.

submitted by /u/HaikusfromBuddha
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When will there be a Halo 6 teaser?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:45 PM PDT

Halo Wars 2 came out this year, and people are wondering when we'll start getting things for Halo 6. The earliest we'll get a teaser is a E3 this year, and get the title announcement. Thus, revealing the game coming out next year. Or they'll have the teaser be at next year's E3, announcing Halo 6 to be releasing in 2019. If I had to guess, we'll get a teaser in June, knowing the game will be out next year. I hope they have the Narrative Director position and lead writer position filled so we don't have a problem (possibly). What do you think, will we see a Halo 6 teaser this E3 or next E3?

submitted by /u/DaTruestEva
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Halo 6 Cosmetics Suggestion (REQS and Unlocks)

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:13 AM PDT

Hey everyone! So my friends and I were discussing what we'd like to change from Halo 5 to Halo 6. We got into the discussion about REQS and unlocking cosmetics via REQ packs.

So, I think many of us probably understand why there were so many armor unlocks in the REQ as a way to add padding to the pool itself and prevent people from automatically getting legendary stuff right off the bat. It makes sense for 343 to do so. But, my only issue I have is that a lot of the Mythic armors and character related armor was put into the REQ pool as well.

Back in Halo 3, you unlocked armor by completing achievements or challenges in the campaign or multiplayer, etc. So I propose a hybrid system for Halo 6. I think that there should be a variety of Mythic and Legendary armor available as campaign unlockables in Halo 6 that are tied to specific challenges or achievements. I'll give you a few examples. They could put Carter's Commando armor as an unlock and tie it to an achievement like Host a Full Co-op lobby through the entire Campaign on Heroic or Higher. You could have the Mark IV armor available as an unlockable where you need to get 100 kills with a Spartan Laser in Campaign calling back to Jerome's favorite weapon to use in Halo Wars 2. Emile's Wrath armor could be tied to getting 100 assassinations in Campaign.

Things like this will give players incentive to play Campaign more, and a reason to grind because they want certain armor and can get it, instead of randomly hoping they'll get lucky in a REQ pack. Obviously the REQ pool will remain padded with many different armor variants, but I might suggest rolling back to having way less armor variants, and have them all be more artistically appealing. And they could still balance the REQ pool by breaking the armor up into Helmet, Arms, Chest, and Legs like back in previous Halos. This will give US more customization options and give 343 more REQ pool padding and balancing to keep players playing and buying REQs, while also having very Mythic and Legendary armors available to all players by completing campaign achievements and challenges that have to do with the character who wears the armor.

Thoughts? It's not a perfect idea but I feel some of you could add their input and ideas in this thread if it gains some traction. It seems like it could make everyone happy

Edit: TLDR- Make certain Mythic or Legendary armor obtainable in Campaign achievements and break up armor to Helmet, Arms, Chest, Legs to keep the REQ pool padded and balanced for 343 business purposes.

submitted by /u/PieceofWoods
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Unable to Match HCS Summer Preview

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:27 PM PDT

Simply put, for the last 2 weeks I've been unable to match in the HCS Summer Preview.

Every attempt to find a match is met with approximately 4-5 minute search that always ends in a display of "UNABLE TO MATCH" error message.

I can play other playlists, I can play other video games. I can see other players playing the playlist in my region. I've contacted Microsoft, Xbox, Halo through their chat, through their twitters and through the official HCS Summer Preview feedback thread that is now locked. There have been no responses and only redirection to the same threads and websites where no responses are given. I've also tried the typical trouble shooting steps listed on all of those site. I've tried every mode of search preference and this problem has continued for over 2 weeks consistently.

I'm lost and have no idea how to resolve this so I'm trying Reddit.

submitted by /u/SpudR
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Wired featuring Red vs. Blue - "Once the Darling of YouTube, Machinima Still Lives On - For Some"

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:50 AM PDT

So, Halo Wars : DE came out on steam not too long ago and DEAR LORD!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:57 AM PDT

Im honestly impressed so far, Even if its a 2009 Game that could run easily on integrated graphics, Its nice to see real effort put into this port. Having features such as grouping, Rectangle box drag-select, and other exclusive feautres. Also a freebie strategy guide (I know no one reads them anymore but, Meh.)

Maybe im just a bit fanboying but damn, Im surprised at how stable the game actually is and how good the port is, How do you guys think about the port to steam, And maybe a possible future of halo coming to pc more often?

submitted by /u/Littlealex655321
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Chaotix Gaming Top 5 Clips Of The Week #23

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:14 PM PDT

Anyone know much about the canceled Halo game, Halo Chronicles?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:58 PM PDT

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