Pokémon GO - DEAR NIANTIC - ideas, suggestions, complaints for our overlords [Meta]

DEAR NIANTIC - ideas, suggestions, complaints for our overlords [Meta]

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:01 AM PDT

Hey Niantic! You guys made a game we all have a lot of feelings about...and this is our spot to express those feelings and make some statements about ways we think the game could be even better for us - and by extension, you!

Here you will find ideas and suggestions, requests and complaints - a mix of the positive posts and constructive criticism that reddit's Pokemon Go community have compiled and discussed and up/downvoted by importance and validity for us all. If there's one post on /r/pokemongo you guys should be paying attention to, it's this one, so please do.

Hey /r/PokemonGo Trainers! This recurring weekly post is for you guys - we'll be aggregating a Top 10 list every month based on which top-level comments in this thread get the most user response, so please look for that near the end of each month as well.

Sort posts by "top" to see what has been voted most important so far, but consider sorting by "new" as well to weigh in on the most recent ideas!

Please pay attention to the /r/PokemonGo rules for commenting behavior and civility, and use the report button when necessary to alert the mods to any post or thread that needs a review!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[HUMOR] I never realized how creepily Paras' eyes follow your every move...

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:31 AM PDT

Seriously, why can't we view our captured Pokemon in AR mode?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:56 PM PDT

This is supposed to be an AR game. I should be able to let my Pokemon out in cool spots for pictures!

submitted by /u/Skehoe99
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[idea] Every players dream...

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:25 PM PDT

Just played Pokémon Go for the first time. Walked for an hour with an Apple Watch. That was a blast!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:30 PM PDT

I have kind of kicked myself into getting into shape since January and have been weightlifting for 3 days and running 3 days a week. I have no particular goal other than to try to train for a half marathon and be more healthy all around. Sundays are my rest days, but today I was too restless to sit around and too sore to do anything else today.

I got an Apple Watch recently which has been awesome to track my workouts and calories and it has been a worthwhile purchase so far to keep me motivated. I saw Pokémon go in the App Store and decided to download it today. I ended up walking just under 5 km and had a ton of fun just listening to music and enjoying some fresh air and sunshine

I think it's super cool to be able to see how far I have waked my buddy (a charmander right now) and the progress of my eggs right from the Watch. My new goal is to add an hour of walking every day just to play this game! Really cool community here too, man I am so happy right now.

submitted by /u/gloomdweller
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PSA: Making things rare ain't gonna fix them

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:18 AM PDT

Recently people have been churning out speculation about legendaries and Slaking, and how they will fit into the current gym system. Some suggestions touch on how making these Pokémon very very rare, or otherwise so obtaining them takes a long time.

However, I believe that this will not work for Pokémon GO at all. No matter how rare you make a Pokémon, people will find it eventually. Unown spawns once every 6,000,000 spawns, but lots of people already have caught multiple copies. Plus we have the problem of spoofers/bots, who will very quickly find the required resources. People armed with bots will be able to very easily walk and find all those Mewtwo candy, or simply spoof around for Slakoth (NB Not yet) and suddenly bam 4000CP nut's running astray in Gyms, completely undefeatable. Sir, Making things rare is futile, we'll find them eventually.

submitted by /u/mrlm1105
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Supercell is actively taking down "how to spoof their clash games" + clickbaiting Youtube videos, Niantic please also do this!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:19 PM PDT

I honestly believe taking down those "how to spoof in pokemon go" videos on Youtube could help fighting cheating and spoofing big time. There are so many videos on Youtube explaining how to spoof with hundred of thousands views. Supercell actually takes down any video explaining how to cheat in their Clash games and has warned Youtubers https://clashtoday.com/2016/05/03/youtubers-warned-as-supercell-warns-community/

Niantic just needs to be made aware off this and since we know they read this /r I hope they take action against those videos!

They can easily take down any video explaining how to spoof.

submitted by /u/welovepokemongo
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Played since the beginning and never seen a Jynx. This Thursday I caught three in 15 minutes (far apart, no nest)

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 08:20 AM PDT

[HUMOR] This needs to happen.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:15 PM PDT

Do you think Pokemon Go will be popular again this summer?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:35 PM PDT

I think if they released a big update around June/July Pokemon Go could possibly return to greatness but probably not on the same level as before.

submitted by /u/Odyssey2077
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[Story] The 5 month pokemon hunt - a trilogy

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:43 PM PDT

Everyone has a white whale pokemon at one point while playing POGO. It's probably a pokemon that you just can't seem to find or hatch, or maybe you've even encountered it in the wild and it's fled on you (perhaps even more than once). A lot of the times these pokemon are rare and good for gym battling, sometimes they're just the pokemon you used to love back when you were 10 and you really want it for sentimental reasons.

For me that pokemon for the last 5 months has been Hitmonlee. Hitmonlee was one of the gen 1 pokemon that I just really loved, along with others like Machamp, Raichu, and Wartortle. Out of those, Hitmonlee was the only one I had never even encountered once December rolled around.

Well shortly after the new tracking system was put into place, I finally saw him. I had been playing the game since release and Hitmonlee had finally shown himself via shadow on the nearby pokestops. I hadn't really realized how much of a disadvantage the new tracker was until then. He popped up at a pokestop about 2km away while I was at the grocery store. I always have my game running while I grocery shop, it's easy km. But this time, I panicked - what the hell was I going to do?! Should I continue my shopping and then hope he was still there when I was done??

No. I needed Hitmonlee. I pulled a dick move and set the few items I had aside where they didn't belong, and hightailed it out of there. If I ran fast, I figured I'd make it in time. It had just appeared on my tracker after all. Well of course traffic wasn't on my side. I ran to a crosswalk at a stoplight that I needed to cross to get there and had to wait a full light cycle. By the time I crossed the street, he was gone. I thought "maybe the tracker is wrong, maybe he's still there." He wasn't. I sadly walked back to the grocery store and picked up what I needed and headed home. It had been a solid 5 months and this was the first sighting, I felt incredibly sad.


Fast forward to March. No tyrogues yet and not a single sign of a Hitmonlee since the first encounter. The water event came and passed and I didn't catch the Lapras I needed for my pokedex. I felt a little defeated with my luck in the game but carried on playing. I woke up two days after the water event ended around 6am. Bleary eyed and sleepy, I headed to the bathroom to take my daily morning dump, and opened up the app as I sat down. Since I'm lucky enough that I have a spawn point right where I live, I often open up the app at home just to see what's there. I was half asleep, when suddenly I was rocketed into awareness. There he was, like a holy gift from RNGeezus! Hitmonlee, right in my bathroom as I was taking my BM in the AM. This is karma for doing so much walking during the water event and never finding a Lapras I though. After a few deep breaths and some mental preparation, I razz ultra'ed that sucker, curving it into a great hit immediately. I held my breath as I watched the pokeball. One shake, two shakes, three shakes.. Oh no the pokemon has fled!

I sat their, butt numb, staring into the abyss. "But.. why?" I asked. It was like a cruel joke, especially after my lack of Lapras luck so shortly beforehand. "Maybe I'll get a Tyrogue since gen 2 is out and I can walk my way to Hitmonlee." I thought, determined to not give up.


Time passed again and the Easter event came into fruition and I was loving it, and my very first hatch for the event was.. no way, a Tyrogue! Unfortunately for me, the top attribute was HP, so I knew I still didn't have my Hitmonlee. Many 2k eggs and a full week later, no such luck. I was disappointed about only getting the one single Tyrogue but the event had filled my dex so much I could hardly complain. And even then I had made sure I had 9 2ks waiting when the event ended, hoping for those last few stellar hatches.

So I held on to hope for a few days longer. Yesterday I had finally thrown my last event egg into the incubator and crossed my fingers. I went to a local ferry terminal that has some incredibly awesome spawns and walked around for a while until my last 2k egg hatched with a post event 5k. The 2k was a Miltank. and I was kind of excited, I didn't have one yet so it was another dex entry in the books. But my hope for the Tyrogue I needed was gone. I only ever seem to pull 5k duds normally, and my new drops were proving that. I started to hatch my usual duds of psyduck, paras, and tentacool again.

Eventually I headed home for after several hours of walking. I kept my app open as I drove home because I like to check the tracker and see if I should stop at a different nearby parks at stoplights. Well, this time it really paid off. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. That Hitmonlee shadow was right there on the second spot on my tracker. I knew the park he was at, and it was only 3 blocks away from where I was at. I immediately pulled over and parked on the side of the street and started to sprint. Heart pounding, pokeballs ready, I arrived at the pokestop and waited. What was probably only a few seconds felt like forever, but Hitmonlee spawned right there next to the pokestop. I let out a weird yelp and clicked on him, and started to pray to the RNGeezus. After feeding him a razz I got my ultra ball ready, wound up the spin, waited for him to throw a kick, and tossed. I held my breath, praying, hoping, he wouldn't just run away again. He popped out of the ball and I yelped in anguish. But he didn't run. Again, I prepped Hitmonlee with a razz and tossed my spinning ultraball. One shake. Two shakes. Three shakes. Caught. I nearly cried, and the joy of catching my white whale had me skipping with delight back to my car. My day was made. My week was made. I finally have my Hitmonlee, and that's the story of how I caught my POGO white whale.

submitted by /u/Set-To-Wumbo
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(discussion) Counters to common gym pokemon.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:28 PM PDT

So after fighting many gyms iv noticed alot of pokemon seem to be the same so for those who are not sure what to use heres some pokemon worth holding onto. also for those who may know what the best to use is but do not have it very common in your area maybe one of these alternatives will be more in your area

So lets start with the number 1 most annoying Defender known as Blissey. Blissey is a Normal type so Blissey in turn has only 1 weakness which is Fighting types. It resists Ghost types. Everything else deals normal damage to Blissey otherwise. Blissey can come packed with Psychic/Fairy type moves so if it has those be aware if your fighting it with Fighting types

The best counter you can use against a Blissey is gonna be a Machamp. So long as you got 2 fighting moves on it your good to take on a Blissey with one. just remember to dodge the psychic moves or it may not last too long. If Machops are not terribly common where you live other altenatives would be Hitmonlee, Pinsir (With Fight Moves) , Poliwrath (Gen 2+ ones) Heracross (if you have it in your area) or Ursaring . Pinsir and Ursaring dont get a STAB with the fighting moves and Pinsir/Hitmonlee have very low HP so be careful using them. If even then you lack any of theses the only other thing i can suggest is using something with a powerful charge move like solar beam,hydro pump and hyper beam to give some exsamples. There are many pokemon with these moves so these are good if you lack any of the above

Next we got Snorlax.He is also just a Normal type giving him only weakness to fighting and resistance to ghost. He is not as near of a pain to deal with as Blissey is. He can only have 1 Psychic move making him a easier target for the fighting types. his other fast move is lick so care is needed if your gonna use something like a espeon or a alakzam. The above mentioned fighting types or pokemon with fighting moves are the best counter for snorlax.

With normal types covered lets move onto Water types and lets start with the pokemon who has a strange typing Gyarados. Gyarados is a Water and Flying type (Never understood this). His biggest weakness is Electric so if you happen to have any of those use them and this thing will fall in no time. The best counter seems to be use of a Jolteon or maybe a Ampharos . Lanturn with electric moves is also really good for dealing with this pokemon due to its resistance to any with a STAB Hydropump. Magnetron has resistance to dragon moves which gyrados can actually have alot of (It could learn Dragon breath and Twister before Gen 2 And Dragon tail and Outrage atm) making it also a good choice. the other weakness a gyrados is weak to is Rock so apart from the risk of hydro pump if it has it Golem can work too.

Next is Vaporeon quite possibly the most common defender your see due to how easy a eevee is to find. now Vaporeon is only a Pure water type meaning it only has a weakness to Grass and Electric meaning either of these pokemon will work well match up wise to it

The electric type pokemon mentioned for gyrados are good also for vaporeon but with it weak to grass this brings up some more attackers in the grass department. Namely Victreebell, Venusaur, Exeggcutor,Jumpuff, Vileplum And Meganium. All these pokemon can learn solar beam and thus can deal alot of damage to vaporeon with it.

Speaking of Exeggcutor lets mention him next. Now exeggcutor is a Grass and Psychic type so Bug types eat him for breakfast.Thankfulyl there are alot of bugs who can do this job well.

The best counter for Exeggcutor is probably a bug moveset on scizor. These can usually demolish a exeggcutor before it even gets a chance to use its solar beam on it. Pinsir is another fine exsample with its high damage authough its low hp watch out for. Parasect and Butterfree can also do well. Your gonna want to avoid using any bug types paired with poison as poison get beaten by psychic moves exeggcutor may have. he also has many other weaknesses like fire so be sure to use those if not

Then we have dragonite the big friendly dragon. He has a double weakness to ice being a Flying and Dragon type so take that into consideration.

The best counter would be Lapras even after all its nerfs and all it still retains as the best dragon destroyer. the well loved Jynx is also effective now it has avalanche as a charge move. Piloswine,Cloyster,Dewgong and such also do a good job against Dragonite. Dragonites also has a weakness to dragon making a dragon moveset Gyrados a good option too, Rock is another weakness paving way for Golem

Tyranitar is up next and this thing has a very fatal weakness of Double weakness to Fighting. So the best counters to use against this are all those listed to figthing Blissey. Water pokemon are probably the next Safest option to use (il explain in a sec). Vaporeon can do this job well as well as Feraligatr,Slowbro/King, and such. now why you would rather use these 2 over other typing is the riskt that a tyranitar may have Iron Tail/Fire blast moveset. This makes Grass,Steel,Bug and Fairy a little more risky to use against them.

Rhydon will be the last i cover and this one has a very common weakness of water. Good pokemon to counter with this are Vaporeon, Feraligatr, Slowpoke/King ext. it also has a double weakness to grass so anything with solar beam will wreck this thing

If you got any other pokemon you would like me to take apart or suggest counters like this please let me know and i hope this helps someone

submitted by /u/TheChaoticCrusader
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[Discussion] My post mortem

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:08 PM PDT

Just made my Tyranitar that I have walked an absolute shit ton to finally get and he has Fireblast. I know it's just part of the game and I just have to start saving again for a new one. Im just dead inside right now and want to tell people who understand my pain.

submitted by /u/Speak_These_Words
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[Story] I cracked and spent $10 on this game

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:50 PM PDT

I always swore to myself that I would never, ever make in-app purchases in a game. Ever.

But today, I leveled up to level 27 and got my 7-day streak. I was sitting at 460/400 items. I couldn't bear to throw away my ultra balls and max potions (for the rare times I decide to fight a gym).

So I cracked. I cracked and dropped $10 so I could get 1,200 Poke-coins and up my storage. My gym game is not that strong, and I just couldn't sit with my 150 coins any longer.

I'm sorry I gave money to Niantic, r/PokemonGo. I know they're the "evil" company that doesn't deserve our money because the game is broken and they haven't fixed the rural problem and stuff like that, but I couldn't help myself.

At least I have room for my items now, and a nice pair of jeans.

submitted by /u/meliwazhere
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Do you think we could do with some new Pokémon in the banner of r/PokemonGo every so often?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:29 AM PDT

As we welcome new Pokémon to the game such as shiny Magikarp, new fan favourites appear, or a Pokémon gets buffed making it more popular in gyms then I think it would be cool if there could Mods could make it a more community based feel if some users had a say on the layout.

  • perhaps include some fan art in the banner

  • why not change the Reddit mascot to a Pokémon?

It's great that we have a whole variety of flairs but instead of looking at the same mon every week/month then it would be nice for a bit of variety

Note: I do not hate the layout, but I think if it changed then it would be an improvement.

submitted by /u/BigBootyBirtch
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[Story] Pokegods blessed us with an Unown spawn during the event!

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:41 PM PDT

So to preface the story, a level 40 Instinct player and good friend of mine (I'm Valor) issued out a challenge to who in our city could get the most xp during the event. He's known to grind out xp so he was the favorite going in and I was one of the underdogs trying to put Valor on my back. So a group of us were grinding xp during the event at one of the go to spots in our area where we can lure up 3 stops and hangout. It was close to 1AM so we were all going our separate ways. Get in the truck with my Valor buddy and was checking nearby and sightings for Pokémon from the pidgey, caterpie, and weedle family for xp when I look closely and was like WTF? I show my buddy and yell dude that's a %$&@& Unown! He's frantically trying to get me to tell him where it's at and I deduce it's across the bridge on the other side of the river so we start hauling ass. Without hesitation I call the Instinct friend, who's with 2 other Instinct members, and yell, "GET IN YOUR CAR! THERE'S AN UNOWN!" He can't understand me so I just yell "UNOWN ACROSS THE RIVER!" He starts freaking out asking where so I tell him the poke gym name it's next to and he says got it. I send him the screenshot in the link and we all head that way. We get stuck at a red light, which in the moment feels like an eternity, but finally turns green and we make it to the pokestop within a few minutes. Our hearts are racing as the driver is verifying he's at the correct pokestop. I say "COME ON" as I'm leaving the truck and running into the woods with my phone's flashlight trying to get as close to the pokestop as i could. Freaking out thinking we missed it, THERE IT POPS! We're shaking in shock and nerd happiness, praying it doesn't run from a berry and ultra ball. The ultra ball clicks for the last time and that's it. U.S. pokedex is complete minus the Florida regionals. The other car pulls up and I see them looking at their phones wondering when it's gonna pop. I start yelling go run back there, pointing towards the woods. They all get it and call another buddy (a high lvl Mystic player), and we're all just elated in a surreal gaming moment. We never thought we'd get that opportunity as the only people we had seen with it were known spoofers. It was our best hunt and one of the best moments we'd all had in the game. Everyone there was shaking and in shock. Teams didn't matter, xp didn't matter, nothing else mattered in that moment. We were the only ones in our city who had legitimately found one and we were Team Unown.

TL;DR: group of buddies from all different teams caught an Unown and it was magical.

Unown lead up and catch

submitted by /u/CookEmUpK
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Pokemon Go players that do NOT buy in-app purchases, what's the farthest you've gotten?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:42 PM PDT

Keep reading about players at level 40 with three of every character, but wonder how many of them spend a pile of money on incubators, etc. Players who've never paid to play, what are your:


-gen1/gen2 pokedex counts?

-best mons and their IVs/CPs and move sets?

-how many eggs have you hatched?

-what do you spend your gym coins on?

I'm at level 31 with 143 from Gen 1 and 78 from gen 2. My best mons are four dragonites. Best is 3034CP with dragon breath/claw, weakest has "wonder" IVs with dragon tail/outrage and is at 2715CP and growing. Round out team with a Snorlax at 2700 and Gyarados at 2800-ish CPs with Dragon movesets (Have a dozen including a shiny). Spend all my gym coins on storage and have never bought an incubator. Have hatched 500 eggs and walked 1132km.

submitted by /u/Kmlevitt
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Worth powering up even with average move set?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:13 PM PDT

[Discussion] Gyms aren't even a part of the game for me because of stagnation, and it makes me sad.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:36 PM PDT

I have about 7 gyms around my suburban area, that a few months ago were in constant fight between Mystic and Valor, and rarely Instinct. Then something changed, and Instinct took over almost every gym in the area, and that lasted for a few weeks. Then Valor and Mystic emerged again, but not for long, and now Instinct has been in full control for weeks. I'm on Valor and have no friends on Valor, so I can't attack a gym very well alone. I once tried to take one of the Instinct gyms down, got it to level 8 and left, and then 10 minutes later it was back to level 10. I really hope the gym rework can do something about this, is this the same for anyone else?

submitted by /u/mariokid45
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[idea] Complete Quests with your Buddy to power it up

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:52 AM PDT

Since star dust is on the very short end for most and implementing quests seem popular why not fuse the two to be able to power up your buddy?


  • You must walk the distance with your Buddy to gain the candy you would need to normally power it up (1 to 4). This Candy will be consumed upon powering up with Quests.

  • You will have a certain amount of Quests to complete. However you can leave out 1 of those but you always need to complete your Buddy walking. (Being able to leave out a Quest to complete the set is because it might be hard to complete this one for certain players).

  • The amount of Quests could be tied to the the egg category of your Buddy or its Evolution Tier (e.g. Charmander = 1, charmeleon = 2, Charizard= 3);

    • 2 KM/ Evolution 1 = 4 Quests (3 must be completed)
    • 5 KM/ Evolution 2 = 6 Quests (5 must be completed)
    • 10 KM/ Evolution 3 = 8 Quests (7 must be completed)
  • You can only complete one Quest set a day. However in most cases you might need around 2-3 days to complete a set if you are not super dedicated/lucky in completing them.

  • Switching Buddies will reset your Quests (to prevent abusing walking distances etc.).

Example Quests:

  • Spin X (different) Pokestops.
  • Hatch X Eggs.
  • Win X Battles in the Gym (does not have to be your Buddy)
  • Feed your Buddy X Berries of Type Y.
  • Do X nice/great/excellent throws.
  • Catch X Pokemon on your first attempt.
  • Catch X different/the same species Pokemon.
  • Catch X small/tall/light/Heavy Pokemon.
  • Catch X Type Y Pokemon
  • Evolve X Pokemon.
  • Collect X of item type Y.

Example Quest set:

Buddy: Dragonite

  • Walk with your Buddy: 40/40

  • Catch Ice Pokemon: 1/10

  • Feed Razzberries to your Buddy: 10/10

  • Win Battles: 6/10

  • Do at least great throws: 24/30

  • Collect Revives: 1/10

  • Spin different Pokestops: 9/10

  • Hatch an Egg: 1/1

  • Catch small Pokemon: 2/5

Quest set: 2/7


submitted by /u/Shyndora
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What percent of gyms in your area are stagnant?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:41 PM PDT

In my city ( Portland, OR ), I estimate that 2/3's of gyms are mostly stagnant. I don't have rigid definition of stagnant .. maybe L10 gym where only bottom gets changed? Of the stagnant gyms, i would guess 1/3 are bubbled/volted back soon after any action, 1/3 are just in territory where other teams have given up, and 1/3 are spoof/botted. I guess there can be some overlap with the reasons.

Anyways, what do others see? I would love to see changes to prevent bubble/volting. And of course, harder crack down on spoofers.

submitted by /u/ReligiousWacko
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[Question] How much better is Solar Beam on Venusaur?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:46 AM PDT

Okay, so I now have two Venusaurs, both with similar offensive sets & both at 89% IVs. One of them has Vine Whip / Petal Blizzard @ 1667 CP snd the other has Vine Whip / Solar Beam @ 1085 CP. According to pokemon.gameinfo the SB set will deal 10% more DPS...

Setting aside the stardust cost, should I invest in the 1085 one as an attacker and then leave the 1667 one as a prestiger, or should I do the opposite?

My real question is, how do you find petal blizzard vs solar beam IN ACTUAL BATTLING? Is one better than the other and how? How do the animations compare to each other?

submitted by /u/ShitsNGigglesdTB
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Donphan performance with all movesets against hardest defender in Pokemon Go

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:53 AM PDT


I made calcullations for all Donphan movesets at lvl 40 against perfect IVs Blissey lvl 40.

Basically Counter/Earthquacke is the best one but it seems like that when Donphan has attack Iv value of 14 or 15 it allows him to better use Counter/Play Rough and Counter/Heavy slam to finish off Blissey the fastest.

Bare in mind that it is due to Blissey weaknes to Counter (fighting move) that makes Counter movesets superior in this mathematical model against Blissey, against opponent that isn't weak to this quick move DPS and time needed to defeat another defender may vary.

Link to spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nCwH6Ua0g7za7r4WvQ7JgWLJYjlxDZZ_5I7GotatwBY/pubhtml

Link to slideshow: https://youtu.be/YgRRSPLyu1E


submitted by /u/Endert
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Playing on an S8 in full screen

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:47 PM PDT


Mostly it works fine... Except that dank loading screen.

I also noticed when you bring the menu up, it has a gap above it http://imgur.com/7fUA8EZ

submitted by /u/jpak88
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Go Big or Go Home

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:04 PM PDT


Bit the bullet and powered up my sweet sweet little shiny Gary. 135600 stardust and 134 candies later he is one of my top mons! I know the move set isn't the best, but gyms don't stay up anyways so he will be at the top for all to see in his brief moments of glory!

submitted by /u/brutusq13
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