Smite - [HUNTERS] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of April 24, 2017

[HUNTERS] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of April 24, 2017

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:06 PM PDT

Welcome to /r/Smite's weekly God Class Discussion Megathread. This is a place for the community to get together and discuss, theorycraft, and ask for help on playing each class.

This week we are focusing on HUNTERS.

Some ideas to get you started might include:

  • Tips and advice for playing any or all Hunters
  • Good builds, bad builds, and everything in between
  • What roles in each gamemode to play Hunters in
  • Where Hunters fit into the meta
  • Buffs or nerfs you would make and why
  • Questions about the gods or class as a whole

And anything else you can think of!

Please stick to gods that are HUNTERS. This includes:

  • Ah Muzen Cab
  • Anhur
  • Apollo
  • Artemis
  • Cernunnos
  • Chiron
  • Cupid
  • Hou Yi
  • Izanami
  • Jing Wei
  • Medusa
  • Neith
  • Rama
  • Skadi
  • Ullr
  • Xbalanque

See here for an archive of all the previous Class Discussion Megathreads!

Check back next week when we'll be discussing Mages!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Ganesha Banner Voting Thread

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:28 PM PDT

Every time a new god or goddess is added to Smite, we update our banner to honour the addition to the roster. You can see some of the previous banners here.

After Ganesha's announcement, we received two submissions, and the winning submission, based on your votes, will be the banner of /r/Smite until the next god release. The artist of the winning design will receive a one-time opportunity to select a single seasonal or limited flair to equip, excluding tier five skins and the beta flair. See here for more info about this prize.


To vote, simply upvote and downvote the comments below that correspond to banners you do and don't want to see win. You can upvote and downvote as few or as many designs as you would like. The design with the most upvotes will become the banner.

Commenting on the designs is fine, but top-level comments will be automatically removed.

If you would like to submit your designs for the next god releases, we begin accepting submissions the moment the patch notes go live (and the design of the new god is therefore revealed.) We take submissions until the day before the patch goes live, at which point we allow you all to vote, so that the banner can be updated on patch day!

You can submit artwork either by sending us a modmail, or by sending me a direct message on reddit or on Discord (@DrYoshiyahu#0145).

  • Submissions must be 1920x200px, .jpg or .png, and less than 500kb.
  • Moderators reserve the right to reject any artwork if they believe it is not of a high enough standard. (We're not taking MS Paint drawings)
  • Designs are listed on imgur in the order in which they were submitted. The early bird gets the worm!
  • In the case of a tie, the moderators will decide a winner from between the designs tied for first place.

Good luck! :3

submitted by /u/DrYoshiyahu
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MOTD Idea: only Scylla in arena, but she's always in her ult

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:20 PM PDT

NShadow's reaction fits the music perfectly 10/10

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:59 PM PDT

Why isn't Kawaii Pop Bastet in the Such Kawaii chest?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:03 AM PDT

You'd think it'd go without saying but I guess not.

submitted by /u/SentoriGunnah7046
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Dmbrandon Awilix Combat Guide!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:07 PM PDT

Serqet Penta Ult!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:30 PM PDT

Forge for Smite iOS app item builder released

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:29 PM PDT

tl;dr - third party Smite app got an item builder, check it out

Hi, r/Smite!

A few months ago I released the app Forge for Smite on the App Store, and it was well received here on r/Smite. I'm glad to announce that it has been updated with an item builder! You can create and save builds, write notes, and look at calculated stats. An image is worth a thousand words, so I give you three thousand words!

Build screenshot

Stats screenshot

Builds list screenshot

I've worked hard to bring this feature to iPhone and iPad users, and I hope you all enjoy it. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements! And yes, I am working on build sharing :)

Check it out on the App Store!

There's also an Android version available. The Android app is getting a bit old and cranky, but it is getting a rework very soon!

submitted by /u/Puffdot
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JMacTucker, Caster for AVGL, AMA

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:26 PM PDT

What's up guys, my name is JMac. I'm a caster for the AVGL. I casted alongside AnatoLiy this past weekend for the AVGL Finals on Sunday.

Feel free to ask questions to your heart's content. I'm also open to feedback and advice!

Twitter: AVGL_JMacTucker

Twitch: JMacTucker

submitted by /u/JMacTucker
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SMITE Console Patch Process

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:19 PM PDT

Thanks to the new Forge for Smite app, I can now easily keep track of my builds!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:17 PM PDT

So 4.6 is coming tomorrow.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:48 AM PDT

Does anything happen when you report players?? (console)

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:15 PM PDT

I have so many games with "needs work" and "avoid me" rep players who are just so toxic in game and when things don't go their way they either DC or sit in fountain pinging and spamming the rest of the match. Is there any punishment with this reporting system or is it just there to make you feel good like something might happen?

submitted by /u/SwervinIrvin
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Serqet and Hydra's Lament: The Numbers

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:46 PM PDT

So there's been an ongoing discussion about Serqets passive and it's interaction with the first Hydra's lament passive, specifically to properly utilize Hydra's lament you need to auto attack in between every ability usage but Serqet gains bonus percent damage by auto attacking once after using multiple abilities which leads to the common idea that Serqet benefits more from buying items that aren't hydra's lament. I was interested if this line of thinking actually holds water so I went into jungle practice and did some testing. Theses are the results:

Before we get into hard numbers let's talk testing methodology. All damage was preformed on the Odin bots in jungle practice at level 13 with 5 points in Deathbane (Serqet 1) 4 points in Cobra's Kiss (Serqet 2) 1 point in Ambush (Serqet 3) and 3 points in Last Breath (Serqet Ultimate) With the items:

Warrior Tabi, Jotunns Wrath, Titans Bane and either Hydra's Lament or Brawlers Beatstick

I chose brawlers as the substitute for Hydra's because it's only 50 gold more expensive and has the same amount of power making the test become purely about additional penetration vs hydra's lament. This leads to some interesting results and actually low balls the non hydra's lament builds damage as Serqets ult does true damage and is not effected by penetration. This is important to keep in mind as we discuss damage output a little bit later but the goal here was to show a standard Serqet build against the hydra's build not the optimal Serqet build against hydra's as being totally optimal in your build depends largely on the enemy teams composition and items.

Alright now let's look at the order of abilities I used for these damage numbers:

Normal combo: Cobra's Kiss --> Deathbane --> AA

This is the most common way to apply damage as Serqet. It's the main gank tool and major form of combat.

Efficient Combo: Deathbane --> Cobra's Kiss --> AA

This combo actually deals higher damage as applying Deathbane poison reduces the targets protections by 15% which then raises the damage you'll get out of Cobra's Kiss which starts to add up and can sometimes be the difference between killing a target with the combo and needing another AA afterwards to finish off the opponent. The major downside to this version of the combo and why it isn't used as heavily as the normal combo is that it's much harder to confirm all three hits of Deathbane without the Madness CC you get from hitting Cobra's Kiss first and missing even one hit of Deathbane drastically lowers your DPS but there are certain cases (like fighting an enemy in melee range that chooses to try and box you instead of running away) that make this combo easier to confrim in total and thus the better option for damage.

Full Combo: Cobra's Kiss --> Deathbane --> Last Breath --> AA

This is just the extended version of the normal combo for that maximum burst

Efficient full Combo: Deathbane --> Cobra's Kiss --> Last Breath --> AA

And this is the full length version of the efficient combo which has the highest damage of the four (note: Deathbanes 15% protection reduction doesn't increase damage of Last breath)

Now as for the Hydra's Lament combos we have:

Hydra Combo: Cobra's Kiss --> AA --> Deathbane --> AA

This combo makes the most out of the hydra's lament passive but is much slower than the normal combo due to having an extra AA

Efficient Hydra Combo: Deathbane --> AA --> Cobra's Kiss --> AA

This combo is the first place we start to see some weird things going on with calculating damage output for Serqet. Because of the way Serqets AA chain works (1, 0.75, 1.25) you will occasionally perform this combo very quickly and end up with the lower damage second AA which lowers the over all damage significantly. It isn't always an issue andif you want to avoid it just wait for madness to be part way through the duration of the CC before activating Hydra's.

Full Hydra Combo: Cobra's Kiss --> AA --> Deathbane --> AA --> Last Breath --> AA

and Finally

Efficient Full Hydra Combo: Deathbane --> AA --> Cobra's Kiss --> AA --> Last Breath --> AA

Ok lets get to the actual numbers

Normal Combo without Hydra's vs Odin Bot: 1,323 total damage

So with the amount of penetration in this build at level 13 I actually hit the top end of pen effectiveness against the Odin bot so this number is probably a bit low. Adjusted for bonus percentage damage you'd be getting due to higher average player health at level 13 and the penetration being slightly more effective you'd be doing about 1,550 damage with this combo. This number will of course fluctuate depending on how tanky of a target you pick so take it with a grain of salt.

Efficient Combo without Hydra's vs Odin bot: 1,323 total damage

Because I hit the pen cap the efficient combo doesn't get any bonus effectiveness from protection reduction but adjusting the number the same as we did with the last one will put it at about 1,600 total damage.

Full Combo without Hydra's vs Odin Bot: 1,833 total damage

Damage adjustment put this at around 2,300 damage

Efficient Full Combo without Hydra's vs Odin bot: 1,8,33 total damage

Damage adjustment put it at around ** 2,350**

Normal Combo with Hydra's vs Odin bot: 1,365 total damage

Adjusted damage 1,570

Efficient Combo with Hydra's vs Odin boy: 1,3,71 total damage

Adjusted damage 1,580

Full Combo with Hydra's vs Odin Bot: 1,875 total damage

Adjusted damage 2,400

Efficient Full Combo with Hydra's vs Odin bot: 1,876 total damage

This one was very odd. I tested it 4 times and every time the AA at the end did 5 less damage with Hydra's lament than the AA at the end of the non efficient variant with Hydra's lament. I don't know what caused this and maybe I was doing something wrong with the testing. This still came out on top in terms of damage but only by 1 health point. Adjusted for damage it should be about 2,450 but maybe it would still end up doing less damage then it should so I don't know about this one.

Alright now that we've seen these all out it's pretty clear that Hydra's lament is better than penetration when it comes to the normal combo even without weaving auto attacks in after every ability. With this you get a bit of the best of both worlds with the percentage damage from Serqets passive and the Hydra's proc. With literally no game play change Hydra's lament does more damage than an "Average" Serqet build. There's probably some perfect item combination that makes Serqet do more damage but if you don't know what to build and were just thinking about buying another pen item it's mathematically better to just by Hydra's.

So with that out of the way let's look at how utilizing Hydra's passive goes damage wise.

Hydra Combo vs Odin bot: 1,552 total damage

Efficient Hydra Combo vs Odin bot: 1,572 total damage

Full Hydra Combo vs Odin bot: 2,284 total damage

Efficient Full Hydra Combo vs Odin bot: 2,304 total damage

So these all do higher damage than their normal counterparts if the target is squishy but quickly deal less damage the tankier your target becomes. This combo stops being more effective in any way around level 15 and more importantly these combo's are all much slower and much easier to miss damage on. So while these combo's can do surprisingly high damage all things considered (managing to out damage percent damage is pretty crazy no matter how you look at it) they generall aren't worth it at all so you're better off just playing Serqet the way you've been playing her with the addition of Hydra's lament.

TL;DR: Buy Hydra's lament on Serqet and don't change your playstyle at all and you'll end up dealing more damage than if you bought extra penetration instead

Thanks for giving this a read I enjoyed putting this together as best I could and it satisfies me to know that I finally have hard numbers instead of just the vague idea that building serqet with more pen is just "better"

submitted by /u/Tropagius
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Wonders if there will even be a Chinese smite team this year...

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:22 AM PDT

Feel like the game is really going under in China.

All the pro teams (sponsors) left Smite and all the pro players themselves (the famous Maker solo kill on Zapman included) left Smite.

Ranked in diamond and above is the all about having actors controlling the match outcome (People using multiple account to have their other accounts on the opposite team). There was this incident where a game become a 3v3 when two actor groups run into each other.

The spring split is coming to an end in the America and China Smite is still in season 3 @_@

Currently China Smite's most recent update is Morrigan, at one point I think China Smite is actually only two or three patches (maybe even one) behind. Patches become every month or longer....

So....good luck to China Smite. There was rumours that Hirez may be taking control back...but so far nothing sigh

submitted by /u/sskydragon
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Discussion of Hi-Rez Choices and Smite (couldn't think of a better title)

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:33 AM PDT

So this may get downvoted into oblivion, but I can only hope some people see this.

I like smite. I like the community for the most part. I even like Hi-Rez or at least some of the individual employees (Pon, Hindu, and crew can be hilarious). Honestly, I don't blame Hi-Rez for putting skins in chests like it seems like everyone else does. If it's what keeps the lights on for a studio that makes a game so many people seem to like, I don't see a problem with that.

It's not like this is some shitty "pay to win" kind of game. The skins don't effect gameplay whatsoever and I've never gotten any or bought gems before (my only smite purchases being the god pack on both PC and PS4). So what's the big deal? We get hundreds (many even thousands) of hours of entertainment from a game that really only costs as much as we want it to.

Sure some may call it corporate greed or some bullshit but honestly, they use that money to pay employees, fund new projects, and improve current ones. And I'm fully aware they're using some or maybe even a good deal of that money on things I have no interest in such as Paladins, Tactics, and the adventures, but I (we) still get to play Smite, which in my opinion is still a good game without skins and visuals that don't matter at all.

Maybe I'm seeing things from a different point of view, but I'm totally open to discussion before you smash that downvote button.

Yous truly, A player who actually still enjoys playing smite

Edit: Removed an accidental "s" as the end of "opinion" as it was bothering the hell out of me.

submitted by /u/davemfstrider
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MOTD idea: Ullr but hail of arrows only

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:20 PM PDT

1v1 me rust

Similar to he bo's MOTD, give ullr over 90% cdr and you can only use his 3.

submitted by /u/Bigfsi
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Amaterasu FanArt

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:35 PM PDT

Is it just me or has limited skins lost their value?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:25 PM PDT

As closed beta player and someone who has 95% of limited skins (cacodemon, poolseidon, german xbala, archon, ragnarok force x etc.), I don't get excited of Limited skins anymore.

Hi-Rez is pushing out limited skins almost every single patch and I am like "meh, another limited". This same goes for exclusive skins. I bet over 50% of all skins in-game is either exclusive or limited.

Back in the days I was excited when they released a new limited skins and I got them immediately, now I am just "meh, another limited skin but I will collect them anyway".

Edit: I would be completely fine if they (for example) released only 1 limited skin per 6 months but it would cost 1k+ gems. I would still buy it. It would make them actually valuable and rare. At the meantime they could release regular normal skins for players (which they want; more normal skins and less limited skins).

Edit 2: Like I said, I only own around 90-95% of limited skins, is because I started skipping some. For example, I skipped this event where I can get Star Stribe Thoth after buying 4 skins, because I don't think its "worth" it. If they keep releasing limited skins like this, I keep skipping more and more limited skins and only buy those which are actually cool. You already lose newcomer customers Hi-Rez, but soon you will lose long term collectors (like me) if you keep slapping Limited tag on every 2nd skin you come up with.

submitted by /u/Whobbeful
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Concept Medusa skin

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:05 PM PDT

Saw this on the front page and how cool would it be to get a royal Medusa skin? Her snakes wearing little tiaras.

submitted by /u/codeklutch
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Ragnatoskr fanart

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:22 AM PDT

What exactly is instalock ?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:26 AM PDT

What exactly is considered as being an instalocker ? In my head, it's someone that instantly lock a god within a couple of second of being in the lobby ?

Yesterday I went to play an arena with my girlfriend, I told her I will play Chronos as I have unlock him a while ago but didn't had a chance to play him yet. So I pick him, but didn't lock, just in case the others players got something that I can combo with. After 40 seconds of waiting (nobody pick a god yet), my girlfriend decide to chose Sylvanus and lock him, so I lock my Chronos as the timer was almost done. Then, the 3 others guys (they were in the same clan), all go with guardian (ymir, athena and khepri).

Game start, we were a lot behind in kill, but manage to push some minion, so the score wasn't that bad, it was 240 to 270, when one of the 3 other guy decide to start a surrender vote, all 3 of them voted yes, me and my girlfriend no, as 30 pts is not a big margin. As soon as the vote was available again, they started another one, for a No again. They then decide to just go in the enemy fountain and die there.

I sent a message to everyone in the game (it's on ps4), to report those 3 players, some guys on the other team agreed to report them.

Then, one one guy said it was because Sylvanus instalock, so they decide to go with the same role as him, and that we were F7 warrior.

In my head, being 40 seconds on the timer to pick a god, is not really instalock.

submitted by /u/MetalHead_84
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SPL S4 Spring Masters LAN Bracket Challenge

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:53 AM PDT

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the second SPL S4 Bracket Challenge. This time, it's for the Spring Master LAN. Like the previous Bracket Challenge, this is 100% free, and requires no registration or anything. For the first challenge, we had 17 participants, with /u/NotVirgil taking first, /u/CrimsonArrow17 taking second, and /u/DroganSmite placing third. This time around, I hope we have even more participants - the more we have, the more fun it is for everyone.


Winners will be based on the total number of points of the correct picks. The top four contestants with the most overall points will receive the following rewards:

  1. 3500 gems
  2. 2500 gems
  3. 1500 gems
  4. Pro League Bellona Skin Code (only 1 available)

If someone manages to get every single pick right, they will instead get 8000 gems.

If multiple people tie, the places will be filled from top to bottom and everyone that ties gets the rewards (If five people tie for first they all receive the first place prize, but none are awarded for second and third, etc.) The exception is 4th place, as I only have one skin code. If there are multiple winners for 4th place, I will instead hand out 800 gems to the winners and roll the skin forward The spirit of this encourages actual competition and not collusion. Let's keep it fun.

Winners will need to send me their in-game names, but you do not need to do so until the Masters LAN has been completed. For console players, we can either figure out a solution, or you can receive a gift card for the amount.

Point Scoring:

You pick the overall set winner, overall set score (2-1, 2-0 in favor of your winner, etc), and the team that scores the most first bloods, most first gold fury kills, and most first fire giant kills. You can choose "split" as an option for any of the "most" categories.

All correct guesses are worth 1 for the first round, 2 for the quarter finals, 4 for the semi finals, and 8 for the finals.

I changed up the scoring from last time due to the different set lengths and to make it a bit easier to make selections. We'll see how this one goes and evaluate for the rest of the year based on what I have seen so far.


Here is the Spring Masters LAN landing page:

Assuming normal bracket progression, here is what will follow (I've asked for further clarifications, and hope I can get it from Hi-Rez)

Thursday Matches:

LATAM Finals: Isurus Gaming vs. Valorous Team (Winner is 7th seed)

NRG Esports (8) vs. LG DireWolves (9)

LATAM Winner (7) vs Black Dragons (10)

Friday Matches - Quarterfinals

QF 1: Obey Alliance (1) vs. NRG Esports (8)/LG Dire Wolves (9)

QF 2: Team Eager (2) vs. LATAM (7)/Black Dragons (10)

QF 3: Team Dignitas (3) vs. SoaR Gaming (6)

QF 4: Luminosity Gaming (4) vs. Team Rival (5)

Saturday Matches - Semifinals

SF1: QF 1 vs. QF 4

SF2: QF2 vs. QF 3

Sunday Match - Finals

SF1 vs. SF2


Send me your picks for the Spring Masters LAN via message of via email to If you send a message, line breaks to make it easier to read are appreciated! An example of an easy to read format is:

Bracket can be found here: (thanks /u/Necromann )

NRG Esports (8) vs. LG Direwolves (9) (Bo3): NRG Esports

Score: 2-0

Most Total First Bloods: Split

Most Total First Gold Furies: NRG

Most Total First Fire Giants: NRG

Bo# designates what the series is a Best of - either Bo3 or Bo5 in this tournament.

The numbers in the brackets represent the seeding as per the official website.

Entries are due by 12:00 GMT on Thursday, April 27. Sorry for the short time frame, but I was hoping they would have some more official information available.

You can track everyone's Spring LAN choices here:

You can find the website I built about SMITE here:

submitted by /u/WinklePinkle
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New player experience..

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:22 PM PDT

How to keep making exclusive skins but keeping the community happy.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:01 AM PDT

Making exsessive amounts of exclusive skins is clearly a good way to make money for HiRez since they keep doing it even though 90% of the community is complaining about it. I found a solution that would make Hirez more money as well as keeping the current 3 exclusives per patch system they have currently.

At the beginning/end of a season, right after the hype of SWC, Hirex could "unlock"/remove the exclusive tag on all skins marked exclusive that are MORE THAN a year old. This would mean that at the beginning of season 5 all exclusives (with some exceptions of course, no limited skins would unlock and skins recieved through special manners such as social media would stay exclusive, as well as holiday skins) that were released in season 3 or before would be unlocked for 400 or 600 gems permanently. And then at the beginning of season 6 all s4 exclusives would be unlocked. This means that an exclusive skin would stay exclusive between 1 and 2 years which still makes them EXCLUSIVE but not ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to get which is the case for most exclusives right now.

Take DJ zeus for example, cool skin in a 52 item chest. The people who really wanted the skin would purchase the chest and thus making HIrez money. The people who were appalled by the heavy amount of items would then spend their 600 gems on it 1 and a half year from now.

Please tell me if this idea sucks but it's the only thing I can think of that would make this system of 20% directly purchasable skins sustainable in the long run both for current and new players. Poor nu wa mains

TLDR: Remove exclusive tag on skins older than 1 year at the beginning of a new season

submitted by /u/DjReindeer
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How difficult is it to complete all 9 victory laps in Apollo's race to get the Awesome chest? How long did it take?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:03 AM PDT

Title- console player and the new patch comes tomorrow!

submitted by /u/HammysNutz
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