Heroes of the Storm - Hanamura and Genji Live Q&A!

Hanamura and Genji Live Q&A!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:00 AM PDT

Hey there!

Heroes 2.0 Developer Update

Hanamura Overview

To answer your questions related to Hanamura and Genji Shimada, we're hosting a Q&A right here on the Heroes of the Storm subreddit!

Attending today will be:

The Q&A will be starting at around 11:30 am PDT and will last between 1.5 - 2 hours. Please feel free to post your questions below!

Please note: We'll also be asking players from non-English speaking communities to partake in the Q&A by submitting their questions to the Community Managers representing their regions. As such, you might see a few Blizzard Community Managers posting questions (in English) on behalf of their communities during the Q&A. Feel free to upvote those questions if you'd also like to see them answered.

submitted by /u/Ravinix
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Genji Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:00 AM PDT

Everything we're getting in just a ONE WEEK PERIOD.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:57 AM PDT

Lots of people seem to be neglecting how much we are getting this week. Looking over it all, it's completely mindblowing. Here's a list of everything being added;

Seriously, Blizzard. Thank you so much. ALL THIS STUFF IN A 7-DAY PERIOD. This is insane, and we all appreciate how much hard work you've put into this, not only to improve the game but to keep all of us happy. Thank you for your transparency, your dedication, and your vital and constant communication with the community. I've booked a day off work for this, it truly feels like we're getting an expansion here. This is 2.0.

submitted by /u/MasRemlap
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Heroes of the Storm Q&A summary

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:52 PM PDT

Not too much this time, as it was focused mostly on Hanamura and Genji, but few interesting things here and there.


  • Lt.Morales rework is coming soon. (It was already known from previous Q&A. Also Tyrande and Alarak were confirmed to get more significant changes)

  • Fact that Genji talent tree is improving his kit rather than expanding it, is a conscious decision. They don't want to give him too many tools (like CC or so)

  • In one of implementations Genji's Deflect worked exactly like in Overwatch, but there was a problem with „deflecting" abilities like Flamestrike, and due to some other technical difficulties they changed it to something that „better fits heroes of the storm"

  • At first, Genji was able to pull out a sword with a Q ability, but because of the fact that Genji using his sword is a huge deal, they made it his heroic ability.

  • They started working on Genji around mid-late August

  • There are much more auto attackers in nexus than casters, and it's something that they're working on to balance out.

  • Silence mechanics were meant to counter casters, but they're as useful against them as against other heroes. There's lot of room for improvements there.


  • They don't want to make complicated or nuanced hints on battleground loading screens (mercenaries, boss, timers), because they want them to be basic and easily understandable.

  • They don't have a set formula for making mercenaries available during objectives or not. It's a shifting decision during map development.

  • Map veto system is not planned, but map rotation is coming relatively soon.

  • They want to be more „aggressive" with updating battleground, maybe even in line with constant heroes changes.

  • First version of healing pulse (Hanamura merc drop ability) had AoE cleanse.

  • While testing 8 core HP Hanamura, game times were pushed to average 24 mins which is longer than they want. It's on their radar tho, and they'll adjust it accordingly if needed.

  • At first they were afraid of Hanamura being too complicated with all mechanics, but as much excited with implementing them, so they sticked to that route.


  • They are trying to implement some kind of lose forgiveness regarding those affected by other players toxic behaviour, and possibly while someone in a team disconnects.

  • They'll consider adding some animation variations as loot prizes (MVP screen poses for example)

  • Streamer/Caster announcer packs are possible and they're looking into „out-of-Heroes" loot items. Same story with HGC/Esport items.

  • New collection content may possibly come in „theme drops".

  • Requirements for ranked play won't change with patch 2.0

  • Matchmaking still takes into account hero levels, and the formula was updated for 2.0.

  • Current brawl portraits are considered as „achievement" and will be most likely impossible to obtain. New brawl portraits are not planned as of now.

  • Environment team would love to make some minion spawning animations.

  • HGC info, and Esport tab in game client is something that they have on „to-do" list.

  • Rerolling normal chest will cost 250/500/750g. Epic – 500/100/1500. No response about veteran chests so there's a possibility that we won't be able to reroll them.

submitted by /u/Thebrambor
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If you think a huge dragon doesn't fit in HOTS

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:09 PM PDT

Talents and abilities that interact with percentages of damage are SOMETIMES additive, instead of multiplicative. This has weird and unintuitive interactions, and is very inconsistent, even on the same hero.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:04 PM PDT

After a few hours in Try Mode, I have come to the conclusion that many, many talents in Heroes of the Storm seem to be inconsistent, bugged, or inconsistently bugged.

Many interactions between XX% bonus damage are added on top of each other: two talents that both add +100% to an ability's damage will effectively be 3x the normal damage of the ability, instead of 4x the normal damage of the ability were they multiplied by each other. There are examples of both cases happening.

Here's a list of the interactions I've tested. For specific details, please see the document I linked at the end of the page.

Cassia: Additive.

Leoric: Multiplicative, but bugged.

Zarya: Multiplicative with 1 Q talent and AA talent, additive with baseline Q damage decrease to structures and energy.

Shrink Ray: Multiplicative.

Spell Power: Additive with itself. Inconsistent as damage modifier.

Li-Ming: Additive with spell power bonuses, multiplicative with W damage bonuses.

Gul'dan: Multiplicative.

Azmodan: Additive.

Gazlowe: Additive.

Zul'jin, Tyrael, Greymane: Additive.

Abathur clone bonuses: Additive with all tested cases.

Alarak's sadism: Additive.

Sandbox mode multipliers: Multiplicative, bugged.

A lot of +XX% damage interactions which used to be, and should be multiplicative, are additive instead. However, this is inconsistent between talents and abilities, even on the same hero such as Zarya. A lot of synergies between talents are a lot worse, and stacking multiple +XX% damage talents together is much weaker than imagined in some cases, yet fine in others.

For full details:


I'm hoping for a Blizzard response on this, because this has been bugged for a long while now and it seems completely random on whether or not a modifier is multiplicative or additive, and I know for a fact some of these worked multiplicatively before semi-recently.

EDIT: As a clarification, I'm not talking about percentage of HP damage, I'm talking about talents and other abilities that read "This thing gets +50% damage"!

submitted by /u/lemindhawk
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Click-bait titles are not popular on /r/heroesofthestorm. If you want to be seen on this subreddit make the title informative.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:21 AM PDT

Heroes of the Storm is getting a hell of a lot more attention and will get an influx of new players soon. That means this subreddit will get an influx of new users posting and commenting.

Let us squash the click-bait titles once and for all.

Click-bait titles are annoying for viewers, and also just negative for the original poster, as people will downvote click-bait titles regardless of the content inside the post.

So for the sake of everyone here on this subreddit let us just Stop. Please. ♥

Alternative title - /u/VirgelFromage knows the secret to Reddit success. Click-baiters hate him.

submitted by /u/VirgelFromage
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This game is Amazing!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:51 AM PDT

I know I know, another shit post. I want to say it anyways because frankly none of my friends like this game. So far I've convinced one of my friend to play it and he seems to enjoy it as well.

Anyway, this game is amazing! Is just so much fun. I've tried DotA and Lol but both don't compare. The matches are to long and frustrating. The shop is either too complicated (DotA) or just basic stat increase (lol). HotS removed the shop pretty much removing tedious micromanging. Its more casual sure but I never understood why casual is such a bad word in the moba community. People have this thinking that a moba has to be devoid of any fun and has to be hardcore. If I wanted to be hardcore I'd just play chess.

Point is hots is amazing. The talent tree is complex enough and has diversity so that you could change up the play style if you wanted to. The heroes are fantastic. They're very unique. That's one problem I had with lol because the heroes felt to samey. And my God I love Murky, he's so fun to play with, and surprisingly very hard to kill even with his small life pool.

I'm so hyped for 2.0. I can't wait to try out the new map. I don't much care for the new hero, but everything else looks amazing. I can't wait to get my bundle. I want to get the support. I'm not very good at mobas but I love playing disrupt/healer/support heroes.

I've started playing this game like a month ago, and now I could never see myself coming back to League. I'm so glad I gave this game another try, and if you're someone who's thinking of trying it I highly suggest you do. Don't listen to all the "hardcore" moba players. Another thing I'd like to mention is that this game has the less amount of haters towards the game. I see more DotA and Lol haters in their own community but this community freaking loves this game.

EDIT: Woah, this post somehow got to like top 10. I just wanted to tell at least 3 or 4 people that I enjoy this game. Thank you to everyone who read and commented, really shows the great community of this game.

submitted by /u/dvladbrat
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Sneak peek at tomorrow's trailer!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:02 AM PDT

Twas the Night Before 2.0, when all through the Nexus...

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:39 AM PDT

Twas the night before HotS 2.0, when all through the Nexus

Not a hero was stirring, not even Sylvanas

The skins were all set in lootboxes with care

In hopes that their loot drops would be at least rare.

Visions of banners danced through their heads,

and announcers like Brightwing who says "You are now dead."

The gems were all polished to a bright shine.

With shards to craft any skin to be mine.

The sprays cans were filled with beautiful art,

while voice lines were ready to do their part.

Emojis were ready for people to see,

even though most players will use them to type :GG:

The megabundles were filled with assassins and bruisers

or even flex and support if you felt like a loser.

Star queen Li-Ming is ready to fight,

while Prime-Evil Diablo is about to show her might.

Or Mistress Kerrigan is ready to tease,

Except the Sakura Auriel will knock you to your knees.

It was finally time for the attack of Genji

At least until Cyberdemon Zarya says "Ogon' po gotovnosti!

Daelaam Artanis raised his warp blades high

For the update for 2.0 was nearly nigh.

The payload is waiting to get a push.

But enemy team is hiding in a bush.

The merc camps are ready for their cap

While minions were memorizing the layout of the map.

For Genji, the payload may feel like a chore.

But you only need 7 hits of health on the core.

A new cinematic awaited the Heroes

Will it be Deathwing, nobody knows!

The new hero could be D.Va or Broll,

Although Kel'Thuzad would be quite the troll.

2.0 has lots in store, so just wait and see,

Afterall the new features will be free.

When Blizzard patches the game after this night,

Happy 2.0 to all, and to all, don't be late to the team fight!

submitted by /u/TophsYoutube
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April 20th Update - 4 Days Later

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:59 PM PDT

Previously on Reddit....

Dropping this one a bit early, since 2.0 releases tomorrow. I will be using a separate spreadsheet to track these heroes, and any other changes, over the next week. So don't worry, I'll still be tracking these heroes for a while longer! This is just a quick "before 2.0 hits" update.

Disclaimer (please read!):

As usual, keep in mind that my numbers may differ slightly from Hotslogs's "official" figures as the site regularly updates older information as more games are added. Therefore, our data may not match up perfectly, but it should give a generally accurate view of how the week progressed.

So, here's our progress so far:

Anub'arak: 55.4% (-1.9% in the last 4 days)

Auriel: 48.2% (+0.5% in the last 4 days)

Cassia: 47.9% (-1.8% in the last 4 days)

E.T.C.: 43.8% (+2.6% in the last 4 days)

Greymane: 50% (-0.9% in the last 4 days)

Li Li: 53.7% (+4.7% in the last 4 days)

Nazeebo: 53.4% (-0.5% in the last 4 days)

Stitches: 50.1% (+5.9% in the last 4 days)

Tassadar: 41.5% (-4.1% in the last 4 days)

Zarya: 46.1% (-5.1% in the last 4 days)

Here is a link to the spreadsheet with the data I've collected.

Initial evaluations:

1) Minor, generally good adjustments for Anub'arak, Auriel, Greymane, Nazeebo. All of these heroes went up or down in the right direction towards a more balanced win rate, though their changes are also small enough that it's hard to judge them this early.

2) E.T.C. didn't get nearly enough adjustment to bring him back, so he's still put out to pasture for now. It seems unlikely that he'll climb out of this situation in the week to come, but we'll see. Perhaps the devs will have pity on him and give him an additional buff in the 2.0 patch.

3) Cassia's changes haven't improved her standing at all, though I still chalk this up to her heightened popularity rate after the patch hit. She's being played a bit more frequently than she was, and not always in the right situations, so that's hurting her. We'll need more time and data to see where she really sits now.

4) Big buffs for Li Li and Stitches. Stitches is probably rather deserving of the change, as his win rate was rather low and this put him back into contention. Li Li, on the other hand, is perhaps a big too strong now, as her win rate has hovered at the 54% mark for the last several days without much change. I like the notion of making her Blinding Wind a viable build, especially when paired with heroes like Cassia, but she'll need some tweaks elsewhere if she's going to be shifted towards a more damage-oriented half-support/half-battlemage hero as the devs seem to be going for.

5) On the other side, the biggest downgrades go to Zarya and Tassadar, the kings of the "shield meta". And as much as people dislike the "shield meta" in the pro scene for not being terribly exciting, I have to say that neither of these changes looks very good. Zarya's been knocked back to her original energy decay rate....you know, the one that had her sitting on a terrible win rate when she first came out because it was much too fast. Tass, similarly, is hurting from the rather severe weakening of his shields while the devs continue to try and make Khaydarin Resonance a good talent (its win rate is now worse than before, so it's safe to say that it's still not). The devs should probably look for other ways to fix the "shield meta", because this has only left the rest of us non-pros with two considerably weaker heroes, and hasn't really "fixed" much of anything.

I know that many of you, like me, are looking forward to 2.0 hitting, so we'll have to see where these heroes end up after the first week of 2.0. As I said above, I'll be doing another week of tracking on a separate sheet, and I'll post an update about that one on May 2nd. So expect my next spreadsheet and update on that date.

Oh yes, and that "special project" of mine....it took a good chunk of my weekend to fix the rather major issues that cropped up, but I've finally got it all sorted and worked around. I'll be posting that in a separate thread a bit later tonight. I'm very excited to finally be able to share it with you all, and I hope you are excited for it, too. :)

submitted by /u/CriticKitten
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By far my favorite HoTS 2.0 Spray

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:08 AM PDT

Here is what it's based off: Original

Here is the Spray: Spray

submitted by /u/MaylkleemX
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5 Reasons to Try out Heroes of the Storm 2.0

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:46 AM PDT

MFPallytime - Deathwing Revealed Tomorrow?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:55 PM PDT

[Illustrated concept] Hooded Death Knight Arthas

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:24 PM PDT

This one has been requested since ever by community and it was just too simple for me ignore to it when /u/Zin333 asked it to me. This one took me no time at all so I could do it even though I said I was taking a break for a while... Hope you like it! If don't, please, send me feedback so I can make it right. I'm aware of how important this one is!

&nbsp So I did two version as you can see on link. For both I added the hood and made the shoulder pauldron half the size.



Also, I've created this new album and a deviantArt link ( https://tinyurl.com/n4mlqcj ) where I'll be posting anything new I create. When I get enought for a new bundle I'll post it here in reddit like before.

Please, keep this post around Death Knight Arthas as much as possible!

See ya!

submitted by /u/HexerVooDoom
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Oh boy, here starts another addiction

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:28 AM PDT

I just started playing (like a week ago) and i'm hooked, after playing league for roughly 2700 hours mobas got stale for me, i was tired of all that bullshit like farming minions for 20 minutes then have fun for 10 and worrying about being behind with items.

But this game has nothing to do with all that and i fucking love it.

I played jaina and valla a lot, now i got my eyes on valeera but i don't want to buy it since hots 2.0 is coming soon and i'll get the assassin bundle.

submitted by /u/crapp7y
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Making Lucio's Crossfade more Intuitive and colorblind-friendly

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:58 AM PDT

I'm sorry, before I get "this again" replies, I understand that the green/yellow crossfade matches his Overwatch crossfade. But I did queue up as Lucio for the first time yesterday, and there's something about the yellow/green specifically in HotS that made me derp pretty hard for my first few games. I've also heard from people that to some types of colorblindness, it's nearly indistinguishable.

So I took another look at why Lucio's crossfade is so intuitive in OW, and realized that it's not about the colors so much as the HUD in the middle of the screen showing healing plus-signs, vs speed arrows. And I came up with a minor change that I think would help both color-blind players, and derps like me.

http://imgur.com/a/kXN24 The bottom row shows how close the two colors look to people with Protanopia-type color blindness (as according to Photoshop's colorblind previews).

Adding plusses and arrows would greatly help ease the learning curve of crossfade for people new to the character, as well as make it more obvious than "bright yellow with an open mouth" vs "slightly less bright yellow with open eyes" to colorblind people.

submitted by /u/msafunk
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Samuro is teaching me to be a better player through patience

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:18 AM PDT

I could not figure out how to play this hero. I really wanted to learn because I loved the Blademaster in Warcraft 3. I struggled because I didn't understand the lesson that Samuro was trying to teach: Patience.

Like Chen before him, Samuro is a martial arts master. Chen's style is one of Balance. Jump -> Auto Attack -> Keg Smash -> Auto Attack -> Breath of Fire -> Auto Attack -> Drink. Maintain this pattern and you will be able to fight forever. Do not maintain this rhythm and you will find yourself starving for brew and everything will be on cooldown.

Samuro's style is the way of Patience. Samuro has long cooldowns. Critical Strike is 8 seconds and Windwalk is 13 seconds. You are incredibly vulnerable without your abilities. However, they both reward waiting and being patient.

Critical Strike affects the next Basic Attack within 8 seconds and the cooldown starts counting down immediately. Windwalk lasts for 8 seconds and the cooldown starts right away. Activating these abilities before you need them let's you use them sooner. That's the genius of Samuro.

If you attack your opponent just before the abilities expire, you will have an incredibly short cooldown on both Critical Strike and Windwalk. You can jump in, launch a pair of Critical Strikes (three with the Way of the Blade talent) and jump back into the shadows.

These martial art styles make both Chen and Samuro feel incredible to play. They both have their clunkiness but they force you to adopt the mindset of a discipled master. They reward thoughtful play and remaining cool under pressure.

Please give us more martial arts, Blizzard!

tl;dr: Attack near the end of your Windwalk and Critical Strike for the best effect. Don't spam your abilities. Be disciplined and strike with purpose.

submitted by /u/Itshardbeingaboss
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Europe Tryhard - For Good!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:29 AM PDT

Cow King Leoric Think About it

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:21 PM PDT

Entomb would be farm fence posts like on the cow level, all voice lines are D2 moo's

submitted by /u/TheRagDollRat
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Friendly Reminder: Dear Vets, loot is generated when OPENED, not when awarded. You can save chests for when new heroes/skins are released

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:22 PM PDT

Just like in Hearthstone, duplicate epics and legendaries are nice, but not worth anywhere near as much as ones you don't own. If you're able to save your Epic / Vet chests for the next wave of new skins, heroes and other goodies are released, you significant improve your chances of getting less duplicates


submitted by /u/apcom
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Revamping Team League to the Premiere Heroes of the Storm Queue

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:23 AM PDT

In celebration of Heroes 2.0 coming soon, let's remember & listen to this HotS a cappella cover made shortly after "Heroes 1.0" released.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:36 AM PDT

Heroes 2.0 text inconstency

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:07 AM PDT

http://imgur.com/a/Pnw3C It says cho'gal and gal. Shouldn't it be Cho and Gal? I don't know Warcraft lore so I might be wrong

submitted by /u/framed1234
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Just Glaurung Medivh Things

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:20 AM PDT

2017 - A Year of HotS in Review (an ongoing project!)

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:07 PM PDT

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