Pokémon GO - She really had to go...

She really had to go...

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:39 AM PDT

Had a blast! Team instinct won the Lapras badge from the Long Beach tournament ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:06 AM PDT

Who here is still playing Pokemon go daily?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:40 AM PDT

Are you guys still playing Pokemon go daily like the way we use to play when it came out?

submitted by /u/Arqumgt
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That moment

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:32 AM PDT

[Complaint] Suddenly my phone doesn't support PoGO

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:35 AM PDT


Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:42 AM PDT

87 million eggs hatched during eggstravaganza event.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:47 PM PDT

[complaint] The battery drain is getting ridiculous.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:02 AM PDT

I usually play with a power bank because taking down multiple level 10 towers drains a lot of battery. Yesterday, for the first time, my battery was actually decreasing slowly while fast charging on an S6 Edge. I know this isn't an issue with my charger or phone because I could close PoGo and it would fast charge just fine.

This is completely ridiculous. No other app drains nearly as much battery so fast while doing so little. Does Niantic expect people to "explore the world" for an hour at a time? And no wonder level 10s stay up for so long when it takes like 30% of your battery just to destroy one if you're not plugged in (and even more if you don't have optimal matchups or are against several Blissey).

What has your experience been with this game's battery drain and what have you done to prevent it?

TL;DR: Fast charging via power bank. Battery still goes down. Niantic pls.

submitted by /u/RedWarpPrism
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looks like Ninatic have managed to close another tracking site

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:16 PM PDT

Gyarados cruising down the river.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:50 AM PDT

Caught my first wild Gyarados today, and luckily it spawned right next to a river so I could take some nice AR photos of it.


submitted by /u/smokeythemaaan
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An extremely hectic 4 minutes

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:00 PM PDT

How many of you don't fit the ''nerdy'' type but have found happiness through pokemon go?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:54 AM PDT

I thought about this after the upvotes I got on the story of how I met my gf through pokemon go. TL:DR on that is I used to be on the basketball team and always hung out with ''the kinds of girls / people in general who hangout with the basketball team (literally the stereotype of boring / fake people)'' but fell in love with a girl while playing PoGo by the water (old dratini nests).

I mention this partly because I'm hiding behind a computer screen and wouldn't have the balls to throw some feels out like this IRL, but it seems like the accepted stereotype is to make fun of ''the nerds'' (whatever that means) while rarely acknowledging that many people HIDE their nerdy side to begin with to avoid such poking.

So this is basically me. I've always been a ''closet videogame player'' who SPAMMED anime episodes at home. Today I still watch the new Dragon Ball Super series that's mid release now (I watch it with english subtitles) and used to be a platinum ranked player in League of Legends (not very impressive but I don't play 20 games a day so I'll take it haha). I play PoGo daily on the way to and from work and CAN'T WAIT for the next Star Wars movie in december.

That girlfriend I mentioned? She's probably the only person in the world that knows any of this except for my parents, 1 or 2 long time friends and now all of you. I've just always been the type to hang out with people who would think that that stuff is stupid and not only has PoGo helped me ''catch'' (har har) the most amazing girlfriend in the world (we do everything together - Pokedates are a legitimate activity and she doesn't think I'm a fn loser for it lollll) but it's also made me realize how much I've missed while thinking I was getting the most out of life when I was younger spamming sports and so on while hiding that nerdy side.

Anyone else feel ''set free'' by Pokemon Go and the community it attracted? I'd also love to hear the reverse stories of people who HAVE been in the more ''nerdy'' community (I use the word ''nerdy'' only because I feel as though it's universally understood although often run through the gutter) and have found pokemon go rewarding as an experience.

submitted by /u/NAQuinn
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[Humor] giddy up... paras!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:38 PM PDT

[Request] Can we please get a tracker that goes of pedometer rather than GPS?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:59 AM PDT

Seriously, if the egg/buddy tracker went off pedometer rather than GPS not only would it be way more accurate, but it'd mean being able to hatch eggs while on a treadmill.

submitted by /u/kittenwolfmage
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Niantic, Please Give Us Fighting Type Event, or Spoofers Win!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:46 AM PDT

In my opinion, Niantic did two very foolish things when rolling out Blissey.

1) They made getting a good Machamp moveset very difficult. I'm on my 3rd Machamp, and I still have yet to get a Machamp with duel fighting type moves. Machop isn't that easy to come across in my region. 375 candies later, I'm becoming frustrated.

2) This is the most egregious mistake in my opinion: They made Chancey, and Blissey common in Desert Biome, but stupidly rare everywhere else. I'm level 31, and been playing avidly since July. I have never ever seen a wild Chancey. This makes it very easy for spoofers to go to a place like Vegas and pick up Blisseys.

There is one spoofer in my town who has over 20 accounts. Each one of these accounts has over 10 Blisseys that are ~3000cp. Slowly but surely, every gym in my city has become a level 10 filled with nothing but blisseys.

At the very least, Niantic could give us a Fighting type event to help combat these Blisseys.

submitted by /u/Socrahauer
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Are gyms supposed to be impossible for new players?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:09 PM PDT

I'm not hardcore into pokemon, but I like the idea of being incentivized to exercise. I finally wandered over to the local gym today and all the pokemon I could fight were cp 2000+. My best ones are a bit over 100.

Well now I have 6 dead pokemon :(

Can we add a way for new players to battle? I don't care about taking over gyms or playing hardcore but I do want to play with the pokemon I find!

submitted by /u/Dubandubs
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[screenshot] Found this guy's home!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:50 PM PDT

I discovered today that Donphan with Counter absolutely destroys Tyranitar.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:10 PM PDT

Took me less than 20 seconds to take down a 2774 HP Tyranitar with my 1995 HP Donphan. I didn't even need to dodge once which surprised me a little as all the forum postings I've read about Donphan have been a bit "meh".

What's the deal here? Are we slightly underestimating the attacking potential of Donphan or is Tyranitar not such a 'bad ass' dinosaur after all?

Thoughts welcome.

submitted by /u/Chapcatch
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Caught my 1700th Rattata today, still far from completing the Youngster medal. Anyone got it yet, how many catches does it take?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:53 PM PDT

[Humor] "Ah! Get it away from me!"

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:10 AM PDT

Ex transferred Pokémon from my account, anyway to get them back?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:19 PM PDT

It sounds petty, and it is. I really shouldn't care as much- but I recently just got out of a long, abusive relationship with my ex husband. He knew the password to my PTC account. The story is basic: he left his phone charger in my car. I was leaving his house to pick up our son for my days to spend with him. I was already ten minutes to my house (I live an hour and a half away) & he demanded I turn around to bring him his phone charger back. Obviously I'm not going to do that with a two year old at 9PM, so I refused. He deleted a lot of my high CP Pokémon including a Donphan I just evolved today that I've been walking with forever. I emailed Niantic & I'm waiting for a response. I read the disclaimer saying they cannot get back transferred Pokémon but I added screenshots of him threatening and then deleting Pokémon from my account via text. Has anyone had a situation like this & had Niantic helped? Not sure if any of this is allowed, and if not- I apologize in advance. Aside from my son, this is one of the few joys I have left lately so any help regarding getting my imaginary friends back would be helpful! Thank you :)

Edit: I was ten minutes away from my house, not ten minutes into the drive. Sorry. Written in a fit of anger.

submitted by /u/crimewaaave
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Luxury Ball GO+

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:48 AM PDT

Good morning!

I shared this in another reddit a couple of days ago and thought r/pokemongo and r/thesilphroad might enjoy this, too.

I love how the luxury ball looks, so I decided to dress up my GO+ a little after getting inspired by seeing some cosmetically modified Pluses in a thread about a week ago. Some of you guys are pretty creative!

Previously, I was just using a metal button over the stock plastic button to make it easier to push while it was in my pocket, but I felt like my Plus needed a little more of a personal and pokemon friendly touch.



I know that the red is supposed to have brass around it, but the metallic paint was being very uncooperative, so I used white instead.

I also got some Dritz 1/4 inch (6.35mm) eyelets I saw in the store and had a "hmm" moment, which just so happened to fit perfectly over the stock plastic button while still allowing you to push the button just fine by pressing down on the metal ring. I sanded down the length of the eyelet 'stalk' so it sat closer to the surface of the GO+


I hope you like! Has anyone else painted or modded their plus? I'd love to see what you've got.

submitted by /u/GaiaMike
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Leveling up to 25 with an already full bag left me with a lot of bag overfill, whats the highest overfill you've seen?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:11 AM PDT

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