Smite - [CONSOLE] Patch Day Discussion/Bug Report Megathread -"Racer Rumble" 4.6

[CONSOLE] Patch Day Discussion/Bug Report Megathread -"Racer Rumble" 4.6

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:35 PM PDT



Patch Notes can be found here

"It's time for Patch 4.6, featuring large scale balance adjustments to Hades, a more Mystical Rush from Ravana, and probably our craziest concept yet : Apollo's Racer Rumble.

With the upcoming Spring Split LANs, this patch is light on balance changes, instead focusing on more specific aspects – like Healing or the Hades adjustments. We expect to ramp this back up in our 4.7 patch where we begin to get ready for the Summer Split.

You also didn't read the first sentence wrong. Our next SMITE Adventure drops this patch and it is a racing mode. Pick from a cast of gods, get in their themed cars (yes, cars) and drive through two tracks with obstacles, items, and drifting.

We are excited to see your reactions to the latest Adventure and we will see you on the Battlegro…ahem…Road of the Gods!"

Console Specifc Updates!

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where an invisible God Pack advertisement could be opened in the Gods menu.

  • We fixed an issue where players are unable to cycle through all Gods from the God -> About scene.

  • We fixed an issue where the Surrender vote UI was too large for some players.

Known Issues

  • Users may be unable to highlight players stats in the End of Match Lobby.

  • Spectator lobby may only show one team.

  • Players may see an incorrect door sort order in the Vault at times.

  • In-game button call-outs for Relics on Savage, Lefty and Berserk layouts are not displaying

Other updates:


submitted by /u/Unforgettable_
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[PC] Patch Day Discussion/Bug Report Megathread -"Pillars of Success" 4.7

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:43 AM PDT



  • Passive - Good Fortune - Upon killing an enemy God, Ganesha will instead give the nearest friendly God the Kill credit and receive the rewards for an Assist. In addition, his Assist range is increased by 20 units and the duration for his Assists is increased by 5s.
  • 1st Ability - Turn of Fate - Ganesha curses his enemies with his considerable willpower, damaging (90/150/210/270/330 +55% of your Magical Power) them. For each enemy he hits (up to a maximum of 5), all allied gods within 55 units of Ganesha gain Bonus Damage. Cost: 65/70/75/80/85. Cooldown: 14s. Bonus Damage Per Stack : 2%.
  • 2nd Ability - Ohm - Ganesha begins chanting and rises into the lotus position, where he is slowed slightly but allows him to travel freely in all directions. While chanting, he silences enemy gods in a cone in front of him and increases Physical Protections for all nearby allied gods. Cost: 55/60/65/70/75. Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s. Duration 1s Protections 20/30/40/50/60
  • 3rd Ability - Remove Obstacles - Ganesha charges forward, hooking an enemy with his goad, holding them in place and damaging (75/120/160/200/240 +45% of your Magical Power) the enemy before knocking them up. While dashing, Ganesha passes through player-made deployables. Cost: 70/75/80/85/90. Cooldown: 15s.
  • 4th Ability - Dharmic Pillars - Ganesha summons the Four Great Pillars of Righteousness to imprison his enemies. Between each pair of pillars a magical field is created, and enemies who pass through the field take (95/135/175/215/255 +40% of your Magical Power) damage, are slowed, and have their protections reduced for 3s. Cost: 80/90/100/110/120. Cooldown: 75s. Slow: 20/25/30/35/40% Slow Duration: 3s. Protection Reduction: 15/25/35/45/55.

Updated the description of this ability with the correct radius for this ability

I will edit this when I have some time.

submitted by /u/TripleCharged
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Skin Concept: Garden Keeper Fafnir

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:37 AM PDT

Vampire Scylla skin gives you pentas confirmed!

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 01:50 PM PDT

Direct, Exclusive, and Limited Skins | Blog Post by HiRezAmanda

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:24 AM PDT

Two Ganesha passive requests if possible.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:49 AM PDT

First off i'm enjoying Ganesha quite a bit, but there are a few things i'd like to have adjusted if possible and wanted to see what others thought.

1) Passive meter shows kills bestowed

2) Passive meter shows who assist goes to based on proximity.

submitted by /u/ShellFlare
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I feel like Ra Ult use to be visible and atleast somewhat audible

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:53 PM PDT

Kukulkan Sketch I'm Working On

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:28 PM PDT

The Diary of a Ranked player

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:07 PM PDT

Entry 1

Dear Diary. Game 1. This game I played Bellona and got completely thrashed. everything I did was wrong and everything I did wrong got capitalized on. the loss was my fault and my fault alone and I hate myself for it. After the game was over and my friends asked me how I did, I told them that I completely THRASHED this one guy in lane but thanks to a shitty jungler we lost. So it goes.

Entry 2

Dear Diary. Game 2. This game went a lot better. I played the dancer of the moon Change and while my laneing phase wasn't strong against the feared man known as The Numbers, i got a few return kills on him. More importantly, my quick thinking allowed to dance around team fights, earning me two double kills and two won team fights. with a rocky early game under my dancing dress, the glory of victory was truly upon us. The ADC called FG and went to left lane to split push. we were wiped. So it goes.

Entry 3

Dear Diary. Game 3. Loss 3. What have I done to the High-Resolution gods to anger them so? I know just as well as the other players that all these wins can be prevented if i stopped bitching and tried to learn the game, alas it is in the human nature in me though to blame my failures on others. We had Terra refuse to listen to retreat calls. upon the second death at the minute mark of 3 minutes, she left the game to never return. While the ADC and his winfull ways showed signs of hope the tragedy was too much to bare. The third loss was laid upon me. Is there no end to my suffering? is this what the gods call karma? is my pitiful life only going to amount to a few wins in this dreadful game? why must I play it? So it goes.

Entry 4

Dear Diary. Game 4. ahhhhh, a sight for sore eyes, on the enemy team a man called Sky Ghost. a fellow solo main. In the past years we fought each other hand in hand, trying to get better, never really getting the better of one another. however I had taken a 3-month break from solo while he had not, this would be fun but another loss that I was so used to. however, i surprised myself and one solo kill after another lead to another. a jungle gank lead to a jungle buff and a death in the left lead to the enemy's gold fury. this was close. I FELT IT. the rush of running head first into danger. of giving the enemy my all and they giving me there all back in the form of mitigation. The grace I felt running in and out of attacks and living with 8 health points. the power I felt when i dropped the bludgeon on the dying jungler. the honor and comradery I felt watching my allies rise and fall to the occasion. the RUSH I FELT when we wipped them at the gold fury and ran down mid. the trust I felt after being both sword and shield and gladiator to my team. The trust i felt after falling in battle and watching my team finish the rest. the satisfaction I felt when we ran down the middle phoenix and brought down the titan. I remember why. I know why I both pray and curse the Hi-rez gods. I remembered. I love smite.

submitted by /u/zemgosl
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FDot, this isn't season 3 Spear of Desolation

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 04:01 AM PDT

Please stop telling me every game when someone buys Spear of Deso how expense it is, every single game man. It's 2600 Gold thats it. Do you want to know what magical power items are equal or more expense that a mage might buy, here I made a list:

Book of Thoth, Soul Reaver, Gem of Isolation, Warlock's Sash, Ethereal Staff, Rod of Asclepius, Chronos Pendant, Rod of Tahuti, Telkhines Ring, Stone of Fal, Book of the Dead

Sure its not a bridge item and the jump from Enchanted Spear is 1200 but its just not expense as far as mage items go. Please bro, this week at Masters can we just chill on the Spear of Deso

submitted by /u/hektorial
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The new God is insanely fun. Well done Hirez!

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:43 AM PDT

Absolutely love Ganesha. Everything about this God is fun. Hoping you guys work as hard as this on the upcoming gods!

submitted by /u/GladsGG
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Is anyone else happy to have the Hindu theme back for the menu?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 01:20 PM PDT

The Hindu Theme hasn't been in game in a long time, what must be a two or more years now, and having it back is a refreshing blast from the past.

I remember logging into SMITE and this was Smite's theme, it just defined it. I still associate this melody with SMITE's beta.

submitted by /u/beatlesboy67
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Dearly Departed Izanami Skin Concept

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:29 AM PDT

Ganesha is the dream.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:52 AM PDT

As a support main, I love the fact it now doesn't matter how bad my team is because I can get them fed by just being aggressive. Props to Hirez for such a good idea.

submitted by /u/GrevLFC
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Incon leaving flashpoint

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:23 AM PDT

Just said it on twitch.... some are staying.... some are leaving. Incon is gone though. More details coming soon

submitted by /u/LIfeabovetherim
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Maybe if players knew they were reported?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:33 AM PDT

What if there was a system message every time a player gets reported?

  • System: You were reported for [Leaving the Game (AFK)]
  • System: You were reported for [Harassment]
  • System: You were reported for [Intentional Feeding]
  • System: You were reported for [Other]

Perhaps (I know this is a stretch) if people see that they are being reported for certain actions they might reconsider those actions.

submitted by /u/Dos2X
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Remember that 100 death game? This isn't as bad but it was still in Conquest.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 03:39 PM PDT

Cutesy Scylla in 4.8

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:50 AM PDT

This is why I have trust issues with randoms.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 04:21 PM PDT

Skins That the Community Hates but You Like?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:50 PM PDT

What skins in Smite do you guys enjoy, but the majority of the Smite community hate?

For me, I'd say one of my favorite skins is the Chronos 64 skin. I just love everything about that skin. It looks great and the voice pack sounds just like an N64 game.

submitted by /u/RouthMetal
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Favorite God voiceline?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:37 AM PDT

"Oh Bastet if you only knew" pant pant pant (Anubis)

submitted by /u/TrustMe_IAmDocto
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Can someone tell me why smite takes like 10 minutes to launch.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:32 AM PDT

Can someone tell me why smite takes like 10 minutes to launch? it's not a cpu issue, what am I missing?

submitted by /u/dukeboy1323
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As Ganesha you can kite around the corner of your ult to hit the gold fury multiple times.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 03:31 PM PDT

It's a little weird but once you get it down in practice it does a bit of damage to GF.

submitted by /u/privatepeanut213
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Anyone else notice an increase in bad players in games on Xbox?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:16 PM PDT

I swear like all the good players just stopped playing ranked. For some reason every game I get in recently is full of shitters and I'm in Diamond and getting with like Gold 4 and 5 players with trash elos. My friends who are in Diamond and Masters are experiencing the same problem recently as well. Even in casuals with people who have no idea how to play the game but then again people in casuals are always shit lol

submitted by /u/zaale
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Virgin to mobas needs help

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:19 PM PDT

I want to start playing this game. My sons play it, and they live in another state so i figured this would be a good way for us to spend some time together. I've downloaded it and tried it out.... ummm i have no fkin clue what I'm doing in this or any other moba.... i am very used to mmorpgs, and just video games in general. I just don't know what to do, where to start, what god i should play, wtf i should be doing when i get in a game... is there any help i can find on play styles and what the hell I'm actually supposed to be doing???

submitted by /u/zrexx83
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(Discussion) If season 5 get a bigger map

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:59 AM PDT

Wouldn't gods such as Loki, Arachne and Baka be much better off?

As we all know. With the map being it's current size people grouping is very common. Especially having 3 in mid for most of game.

One of the biggest problems for gods like Arachne and Loki is a team grouped up. They are very much 1v1 gods.

My question is would a bigger map make Loki and Arachne viable at high levels of play?

submitted by /u/DaCrash96
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PS4 players thoughts on SMITE Racing Adventure

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:40 AM PDT

It's boring, extremely lackluster and not a lot of effort or complexity was put into this mode. The steering and gameplay is very sloppy, bumping into people is terrible.

The whole gamemode sucks and finally I have begun to realize that these adventures are just a cash grab. They just want you to buy the bundle so you actually get rewards from it and even then it gets so boring after 5-10 matches.

IMO adventures suck and I've been extremely unimpressed by these waste of time decisions. It's a moba game for fucks sake. Maybe siege will be fun and interesting but I doubt it. Adventures are not worth the time and effort for hi Rez. Focus on balancing the game and fixing bugs instead of this cash grab adventure crap.

submitted by /u/AbyssalOrca
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