Heroes of the Storm - [Megathread] Loot Crate Rewards

[Megathread] Loot Crate Rewards

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:00 PM PDT

Post your Loot Crate rewards here, whether they're all Legendary or just four Genji emojis.

All other Loot Crate posts will be removed.

Happy unboxing!

submitted by /u/Thunderclaww
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Fans create false expectation and now they blame Blizzard? STOP IT

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:58 AM PDT

Stop hyping yourself if you're not prepared to the possibility that you're wrong. It's okay to be disappointed, it's not okay to whine. It happens in every community and it is so toxic.

Saying Blizzard is selling out. Saying Blizzard never listens. Saying Blizzard disappointed your own fan-made expectation. Scratch marks =/= Deathwing. There are many people excited for D.Va, be happy for them and stop whining.

EDIT: There was a thread a few weeks ago that gave way more proof that the next hero was going to be D.Va. How the hell do you expect Deathwing to simply scratch a Wooden wall??? The Cataclysm cinematic shows him literally burning everything in his path.

submitted by /u/KeimaFool
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It looks like I'm the minority here, but I'm really excited for D. Va

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:52 PM PDT

I've wanted her to join the nexus for a long time. Why? Because she's a Starcraft pro, and this game has Starcraft characters! I hope Blizzard gives her special interactions with SC heroes.

submitted by /u/achilleasa
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Heroes of the Storm 2.0 – Hanamura Showdown

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:46 AM PDT

D'VA-Discussion Thread

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:45 AM PDT

I AM SO THRILLED!!! (Not really, I wanted Kel'Thuzad, Mephisto or Deathwing! >:( as the reveal was said to be a ''highly anticipated'' character.)

What about you? Disappointed, hyped or pleasantly surprised?! Share away!

submitted by /u/Mozerath
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Don't forget the best thing about D.Va being added: We have now achieved maximum gameception

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 01:04 PM PDT

Heroes of the Storm is a game that contains characters from a bunch of other games Blizzard has made. D.Va is from Overwatch, a universe in which Starcraft exists and she plays it. Now she's gonna be fighting with and against characters from a game she plays in the game she's from. In a new game.

Who needs Deathwing when you've got a new supply of meta memery?

EDIT: I've been informed that Fighters of the Storm is a thing in Overwatch, and there are references to other Blizz games. The rabbit hole keeps getting deeper!!!

submitted by /u/Pacmanexus
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Heroes 2.0 Launch Patch Notes

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:51 AM PDT

hots #4 on twitch with 90k+ viewers

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:06 AM PDT

hots #4 on twitch with 90k+ viewers

i feel so happy guys =)


edit: 100k!

edit2: 110k!

edit3: 120k!

edit4: 128k! passes LoL with #3 on twitch


submitted by /u/nydas3k
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Heroes team sent out actual loot boxes to some community members.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:46 AM PDT

Remember to update your Nvidia Graphics card driver for the optimization for Hots 2.0!

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:33 AM PDT

Nvidia just released a new graphics card driver (v381.89), which have specifically saying an optimization for Heroes of The Storm 2.0!

Remember to update it for better experience! (I guess so.)

Nvidia Latest patch notes

EDIT: Sometimes Nvidia Geforce cannot find a new driver, happened to me as well, try to:

I have a relatively old GTX 750 ti graphics card, any card newer than this one should get an update!

submitted by /u/jamiephan
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Everybody is super excited for the new trailer... except Arthas...

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 04:36 AM PDT

Poor, poor Lich King ... https://imgur.com/a/LtA7v

submitted by /u/Funda_HS
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Heroes of the Storm – Nexus Challenge 2.0

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:50 AM PDT

I hope there are more meta-breaking 'weird' characters in 2017.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:25 AM PDT

I love weird heroes. Heroes that don't play like every other ADC carry or bruiser and don't seem to belong in the game.

My great hope was that Probius was going to be more base reinforcement and building oriented. I love Rag's trait- I wish it had even more uptime. Aba is terrific and I'm able to lay mines and destroy lanes.

So a lot of folks are hoping for DW and so am I- but only if he's spectacularly weird and brings something brand new strategy wise to the nexus.

Anyone else holding out for a super original character like the Overmind or Adjutant?

submitted by /u/Gadgetstorms
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D.Va Enters the Nexus!

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:45 AM PDT

D.Va's Rewards from the Nexus Challenge: http://i.imgur.com/JRiU4ZU.gifv


She was just confirmed on the HOTS 2.0 Stream. What are your thoughts on this reveal? Was this the hero you expected? Are you H Y P E D? Are you disappointed? Post your opinions here!

submitted by /u/GDAetha
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Overwatch player here. Didn't care about Genji at all. D.Va just got me to download the game.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:27 PM PDT

Having played LoL, DotA2, and Paladins, I was pretty sure that HotS was just going to be more of the same.

And then I saw the Hanamura cinematic, and told myself "I can grind this up long enough to get the D.Va loot." Oh. They're going to give me a Mega Pack of heroes? Shiny. I was quite surprised to find out that the game's actually... fun.

GG, Blizzard!

Is /r/NexusNewbies the best place for new players to go to?

submitted by /u/Halaku
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For 100% complete clarification: Heroes of the Storm 2.0 is not until 8am tomorrow morning in EU.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:02 AM PDT

I've seen a lot of people who are taking the NA launch time and simply working out what time it will be in EU at their launch. This is not the case, and it will be launched at 7am BST (London) or 8am CEST, or even 9am for more eastern areas of Europe. For 100% clarification, the patch does NOT go live at the same time in both regions. I'm not a hater but I wish Blizzard had made this clearer so that I didn't have to.

Edit: Source

submitted by /u/MasRemlap
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With the introduction of Genji and D.Va, Warcraft finally no longer holds over 50% of the roster

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:35 PM PDT

Whether this is worth celebrating or not is up to you, but I thought it was at least worth noting. I think this was true at some point last year also, but it was overturned with the large string of WC heroes later in the year.

Might hold out for another hero or two before updating my flair.

submitted by /u/PakarRhoy
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We did it HotS community!

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:47 AM PDT

I know that this spike is caused only by the event and that it won't stay like this for long, also I know that DotA i still far ahead. Still, it means a lot to me. https://puu.sh/vvX0q/c7222bdd1e.png

submitted by /u/lmaginary-Friend
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So let me make sure I understood the trailer...

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:21 PM PDT

So if I got this right, Diablo will be the next hero released after Genji, and D.Va is going to be an available mount? Genji riding her around looked kinda awkward, but I guess it has the potential to be pretty cool.

submitted by /u/Blawharag
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The level portraits are really underwhelming

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 03:28 PM PDT

You can't even tell relative account level from the portrait. Who do you think has the highest account level in this picture?

submitted by /u/aqouta
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Early Ad Possibly Leaks New 2.0 Hero *SPOILERS*

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:59 AM PDT

An advertisement on GameFAQs as previously posted by /u/krosber04 (but removed due to spoilers in title) potentially shows the next hero, if legitimate. Reposted with permission from OP.


submitted by /u/WriggleN
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Spent $400 today, have sunk hundreds more since launch, now I own every item in the store

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:12 PM PDT


Theres literally nothing left for me to buy/craft.

I freaking love this game.

submitted by /u/egeek84
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Pro Tip: Abathur doesn't care if you can't purchase new heroes.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:57 AM PDT

If you are too poor to buy Genji upon release, or just in general are always poor when new heroes come out, use Abathur in QM to clone the new hero so you can get a real in game feel for them without having to buy them.

submitted by /u/CRGRO
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Annoying UI Oversight.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:49 AM PDT

Look at my hero collection. Can you guess which heroes I own?


If you guessed all the colored ones you are incorrect.

This second pic is my suggested fix for this issue. It clearly shows which heroes I own, which I don't and which are currently on rotation.


Looking at a hero collection on any account should clearly and quickly display which heroes are owned. This is a pretty significant piece of information for a hero collection panel.

submitted by /u/Sindriss
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BStep McIntyre here bringing you all of my favorite up to date builds for HOTS 2.0 from a pro player's perspective

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:26 AM PDT

As I know lot's of new players may begin/come back to play heroes of the storm today I wanted to provide my favorite builds for all the heroes that are currently in the game so you won't have to guess when looking for the most optimal builds.


Some of these are competitive and take some time to learn others are easy and meant to be fun.

While I don't want to take anything away from players who want to talent on their own I know that I would immediately look for the best builds when starting a new game so I figured I'd hook it up

If you have any questions feel free to ask them below as I'll be answering them throughout the day

Edit: You can also check out my tierlist when looking for top rated heroes here


Edit2: added some build changes to a few heroes, still sticking to my guns on most builds

submitted by /u/Mclntyre
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Give Diablo some love guys

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 04:11 PM PDT

He was the only not-overwatch thing in today's cinematic. He didnt seem to know what was going on, where he was, why he was there, and on top of it all he was being annoyed by some asian punks.

So if you see big red in your matches today, let him hug you, he might need it.

submitted by /u/Hairo-Sidhe
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