Skyrim - When you really hate the sun!

When you really hate the sun!

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:18 AM PDT

Forest Path

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:47 AM PDT

I finally met the cousin who's out fighting dragons

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 01:03 PM PDT

What are your biggest hopes for ES:6?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:48 AM PDT

I personally hope that there are more options to play an evil character as in Skyrim I found that no matter what I ended up fighting the good fight. I also hope that we can play in Elsweyr but what are your hopes for the game?

submitted by /u/LordSnow0302
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I can't see shit.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:58 PM PDT

Found an Interesting Serena Bug

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:17 AM PDT

I brought Serena with me to the Forsaken Cave to knock out the White Phial quest. Once in the Forsaken Crypt, if you hit her with any spell (Magelight, splash damage from Fireball, etc.) you will instantly become a Vampire, no gradual degradation... instantly. Annoying as hell because I had started experiencing the effects well after I completed the quest while I was in Windhelm and had to reload saves in increments until the point I had not converted. It was a very small window. Once I discovered the point just before my conversion, I tested out all possibilities. Just FYI... in case someone in a rare moment actually takes Serena into the Forsaken Crypt with them. It doesn't seem to happen in other dungeon locations.

submitted by /u/SupraDork
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I put Nazeem through FaceApp and now I won't be able to sleep for a week.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 01:27 PM PDT

Yeah, how do you like it? You bastard.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:05 PM PDT


Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:24 PM PDT

My small list of mods to make the game more immersive (*More difficult)

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:38 AM PDT

I just wanted to share a relatively short list of plugins I've been adding to the game with the intent of making it more challenging and in a way realistic and immersive. I've been playing Skyrim for 3 months and my biggest issue with vanilla was simply how easy the game was after level 20-30 even if you are playing on legendary


This mod overhauls the entire perk system. It provides over 400 different perks and it is very vanilla friendly, while allowing for many different builds even if you are playing a similar archetype with a similar character to your previous save.

Also, Ordinator buffs magic schools in general and makes skills more distinct. For example, there is no perk in Heavy Armor to make it weightless, but you got lots of interesting Heavy Armor perks. With Light Armor, you get perks to make you faster and one perk to increase your damage and critical strike damage by the mere fact you're using light armor (since you have less weight in you and can strike more effectively).

Ordinator also makes trees like lockpicking and speech more unique and have better perks overall

Another thing I enjoy is that it replaces the generic "Do 5% more damage with your weapon" that frequently have 5 available perks with just 2.

Overall I'd say the issue with vanilla perk system is that it provides too few perks, many useless perks and many trees force you to take paths you don't want just to get that one perk

I won't lie, Ordinator can make you OP by endgame but in a game like Skyrim, you'll always become OP if you invest in certain skills


Wildcat is a combat overhaul, but just about any combat mod can work, it's all about your preference.

Wildcat, like other combat mods, makes enemies smarter and changes many small things about combat to make it more realistic and immersive, such as the injury feature or regular attacks costing stamina

Aside from that, I strongly recommend enabling Wildcat's custom difficulty settings - The difficulties are the same as vanilla, but with more damage for both sides. So for example if you play on adept on vanilla it's 1.0 damage for both you and opponents, but wildcat is 1.50 for both sides. You can also tweak these values as you please

Deadly Dragons

This is only important if you care about the main quest and enjoy dragonslaying. You will find that with this mod dragons become really strong depending on your settings and it also adds unique and immersive dragon species

Personally I recommend testing it using the Extreme preset with a high level character

I won't lie, this mod was probably made for people who create really OP characters, like those almost completely immune to magic damage with capped armor sets. I personally find balance in using the extreme settings for the extra HP and armor, but use the vanilla damage settings because I can adjust the damage with wildcat.

Also I haven't installed other dragon combat mods but you certainly can

Trade & Barter

This mod overhauls the economy of skyrim and comes with custom settings. I personally suggest keeping the default settings and using custom barterMax and BarterMin with the "Hard" preset suggested by the author.

With this mod, prices and trade in general is overhauled and is much more realistic. You will find that many things about trade have changed. For example, you can get better prices with the same race or with friends, in some cities prices are lower, some vendors have more gold available, certain actions such as equipping a weapon before a trade make prices higher, etc.

I highly recommend tweaking the settings as suggested because just the small tweaks don't face the issue of being too easy to get rich in Skyrim


This mod is simple, it reduces loot available on NPC corpses, chests and other similar objects.

I suggest using the author's recommended variables.

You will find much less gold and objects (specially enchanted ones) available and vendors will have different inventories and won't have anything available at all times. So you think you can just buy 20 iron ingots to craft iron daggers and boost smithing? Too bad, today the blacksmith literally has zero iron ingots available


This is a small plugin that allows you to tweak killcams. I personally disabled them entirely. Something I hated was the dragon bite killcam. It activated even when I was using a full set of dragonscale tempered armor with 90% HP. So I disabled killcams for both sides.

You can manually tweak many things about killcams with this mod. This is important for those people doing a one life run so if they die they start over

Improved Dragon Shouts

This is a simple mod that overhauls most shouts by reducing cooldown and buffing its stats, though a few like slow time are actually nerfed. Overall shouts don't become OP but for something that is supposed to be special, shouts are very weak in the vanilla game. Another thing this mode does is it adds interesting options to your meditation for shouts, so for example meditating on Feim (Become Ethereal) now grants 200% faster health regen, basically a low tier and slower restoration spell (obviously this only works under the effect of become ethereal)


This is my most recent addition and I'm yet to test it thoroughly but according to the description what it does is it sets the minimum level for many areas to be higher so you will be more frequently outleveled in the beginning, plus many areas have higher caps than before and will be harder or impossible for a low level

Skyrim's leveling system isn't exactly like Oblivion where bandits would wear full sets of ebony or daedric armor, instead you get minimum levels for areas and a maximum level for most enemies, but this level is very low and past level 25-30 you can easily go anywhere and wipe out most places. This mod fixes this issue

Also, I am using other mods like cloaks of skyrim that add immersive content but I wanted to post just the difficulty and realism mods I'm using.

I hope you guys enjoyed and if there's other difficulty mods you think I might enjoy please share

submitted by /u/Riddle0219
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That's one strong tent.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:04 PM PDT

My Skyrim experience since 2011

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:21 AM PDT

I had a playstation 3 in 2011, and there was a new game coming out called 'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim'. A lot of people were buzzing about this new game, I just didn't understand the hype. Somebody told me that Skyrim was a sequel to Oblivion (Which I had heard of, but not played.) I decided to buy Skyrim when it came out, to see whether it would be fun (To understand the hype). This was one of the best gaming desicions of my life! I got heavily addicted to the game! :D Now i'm a big Skyrim fan.

Anyway... I had only played it on console. I even bought the SSE on PS4! It didn't feel the same. I prefer vanilla Skyrim (IMO).

So recently I sold my PS4 and I got a PC, and it's been a dream of mine to MOD Skyrim on PC. Now that I own vanilla Skyrim on PC.. I'm having the time of my life! These mods are amazing :D I made a good desicion :)

Also I just bought Oblivion, I can't wait to try it. I understand that it will be different to Skyrim though. Also I have just bought ESO, and i'm becoming a master crafter.

ANYWAY.... I would like to say that I have just joined Reddit and subbed to the Skyrim Reddit. I'm having a ball! Some of these posts are so funny xD I check it every day when i'm in work and it get's me through the day.

Keep up the great posts everyone :D

submitted by /u/PinkDragonRS
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Clear Winter Sunsets

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:13 PM PDT

Am I do Frostfall right?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:14 PM PDT

Silent threat. Shat my pants.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:15 AM PDT

So I was playing this lvl 1 character, fresh from Helgen (I used alternate start though so I actually started further south, and just sort of passed by it) and on my way to Riverwood, mostly because it's the closest settlement. I make my way down the montainside, and then the game stutters a bit (lags), and while it does, I hear this soundeffect for footsteps on the grass. Doesn't sound threatening at all. No other sounds but those light footsteps. Finally, the game gets over the stutter and I look to the direction of sound.

It took me a few seconds to realize that was a fucking werewolf charging at me. Being that this was a lvl 1 character, the only thing I could do other than straight up die was to shit my pants and run away. Thankfully there was a river I could jump into, but the whole way to Riverwood I was looking over my shoulder, anxious that the werewolf would come out of nowhere and maul me.

submitted by /u/Agrannd
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Looking for love. Anyone wanna wingman me?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:44 AM PDT

I'm playing SSE on ps4 and I'm trying to get the platinum trophy. I put on the amulet of mara and thought the get married achievement would be easy. I tried to marry aela and the prompt didn't appear. Weird but I assumed it was a random bug so i fast traveled to riverwood and talked to camilla or whatever tat traders sister is called, no marriage prompt. I have done the prerequisite quests for these characters and looked up bugs and couldnt find anything. Anyone know what the problem would be or is my dragonborn gonna be an incel? Plus i have a twenty dollar bet with a friend that i can plat skyrim before he finishes his city on minecraft so any help is appreciated.

submitted by /u/treadbone
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Is there any way to find out which mods were used on your save?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:33 AM PDT

So, as the title says.

It's been a year since I've played Skyrim, and, in the meantime, I did a reinstall on my Windows so I made a save backup.

The thing is, I modded the save so much it already has some issues and I'd like to continue with where I left off, but I'm not sure which mods were active when I played the save last time.

So, in order not to mess it up even more, is there any way I can see which mods were active during that period?


submitted by /u/brukidm
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Deciding between normal or SE. Status on the number of SE mods?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:42 AM PDT

I want to do another runthrough after several years but am wondering if I should install the normal version or special edition. Can someone comment on the % of mods that have been redone for SE? Or should I just stick with the normal version? Thanks!

submitted by /u/mikitric
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Well Okay, Just Leave Me Here On Solstheim. Living Is So Overrated, Eh?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:57 AM PDT

I saw a couple other people doing a kind of character log/roleplay thing for their characters on here and since I'm bored, I thought I'd give it a go. I used the Alternate Start mod and a mod to play as a Snow Elf, because I could. This is purely for comedy and fun, so please don't take any possible lore breaking too seriously.

Day 1: Oh Look, I've Been Robbed.

Bandits. I hate bandits. They took everything! Not that I had much on me, but that isn't the point. And they left me on some ashy place. Yay. At least they let me keep my clothes. Would be awkward to run into someone and explain why I don't have any clothes on.

Ah, dammit, they were right. I should have just stayed hidden.

"Don't leave, Lea!" they said. "We're safe here, not out there!"

"Oh, come on, who even thinks we're still out here? Pretty sure the other races think we're all, you know, blind and underground."

Although now that I think about it, they'd have the blind part right. At least with me. Eh, whatever.

Also not the point. Off I went, ready to see if we could venture out into the wide land of Skyrim and not get murdered by Nords or Betrayed or, I don't know, mudcrabs.

No, I just get almost murdered by some bandits that for some reason dragged me to this ashy place? Am I even in Skyrim? I don't think Skyrim is this ashy??

And before anyone goes, "But Lea, you're blind! How do you know there's ash?" I do know what ash feels like, thank you.

But really, I ought to find somewhere with people before I freeze to death out here. It's cold. And-

Eww! Did I just step into water?!

Noo, I'm surrounded by it! I'm on an island. A really tiny island. There might be some bigger land somewhere, hopefully inhabited, but exactly how am I going to find that?

Take a wild guess and try not to drown, I suppose. Lovely.

submitted by /u/TheConManAndTheGhost
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Unarmed Non-Khajiit

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:15 AM PDT

I know it is relatively bad to go for an unarmed run with a non-khajiit but after contemplation i thought it could be viable, at least on adept. So I googled if someone tried it already and stumbled over runs but with khajiits only. Anyone tried to do it and could give me tips? I'm familiar with robbaz' video and I know that it is primarily for comedic purposes but a couple of his points were at least somewhat good to know. Another point, I got it right that "Fist of steel" only adds the base value of your gauntlets towards your damage right? So upgrading would only result in better armour but not better damage.

submitted by /u/InstantClassic714
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I've just realised, the Thalmor are basically Nazis, banning the worship of Talos and imprisoning anyone who disobeys. Claim to be the superior race and torture people. Fuck the thalmor. Also why aren't they any other race of kids?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:59 AM PDT

How to gain gold without exploits?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:43 PM PDT

Legendary difficulty, and trying to do it without dying. However, most of my ways of getting coin are things like stealing after autosaving, which is restricted. What is a safe, non cheating way to get money quickly?

submitted by /u/Im_The_1
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