Pokémon GO - hey guys remember that subreddit holiday thingy we told you about when we set the sub to text post mode for gen 2 release

hey guys remember that subreddit holiday thingy we told you about when we set the sub to text post mode for gen 2 release

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 02:57 PM PDT

Many of you know, that today/tomorrow (depends on where you live) is April Fools' Day.

In this post, we had told you about an incoming "subreddit holiday".

Now, considering the circumstances, we would make today the subreddit holiday!

Over the last few months, we've had some memes sprout out from the subreddit, such as:


...That's about it, yeah. We really need to up our game.

Enjoy, or cringe at, whatever kind of shitposts this horribly depressed, salty subreddit can come up within the next 32 hours or so.

eXtreme circumstances, such as a major announcement from Niantic, would warrant an immediate halt to this holiday, and the sub will be put in text-mode temporarily.

That aside, mods won't be removing anything that aren't spam sites, porn, or the like.

Feel free to blatantly beg for karma, bamboozle, make upvote threads, or even post generic screenshots shudder. Effortless shitposting is strongly encouraged! Just avoid shitposting in the comments of the Q&A Megathread or legitimate news/question threads - they're no-shitpost haven.

In case someone thinks that this is just an annoyance, we haven't gone many major news today, and this is a good way to have the subreddit let out steam like once a year.

eXpect this subreddit to return to normal around 00:00 PDT on April 2nd, unless there's a major announcement from Niantic.

Everything aside, we hope you enjoy the saltiness.

Shitpost away!


no nsfw tho srsly

submitted by /u/PokemonGOmods
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I asked my dad if anything cool happened. This is the answer I got. Snorlax!!!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:02 AM PDT

Every. Single. Time.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:10 PM PDT

LPT: Shuckle has a butthole.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:47 PM PDT

589 million Magikarp were caught during the festival

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 09:03 AM PDT

My kindergartener is learning about life cycles. He educated his teacher on Pokémon evolution and now it's part of the curriculum.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:17 PM PDT

[Screenshot] Catching a 200CP Pikachu often felt harder than catching a 2000CP Dragonite. Glad this one's over :)

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:15 PM PDT

[Idea] Dear Niantic... Just in case some day we will have a Fire event

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:15 PM PDT

Blissey is coming for you bitches!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:09 PM PDT

With Every Update the Game gets Slower

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 10:30 AM PDT

Now it won't even run on my samsung 4 unless I reopen the game 20 times on a strong wifi, even if a Lapras showed up at my doorstep I probably couldn't catch it anyhow. There is literally no point in playing in this condition. Any ways to speed up the game or is it time to delete and move on?

submitted by /u/Xenobladefalchion
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[Screenshot] Harassed by street performer in Amsterdam

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:03 AM PDT

Definitely caught a Legendary. Can't prove otherwise.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 02:10 PM PDT

Photo of mods

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:42 PM PDT

[Screenshot] Thank me when pineco gets moved to 5k's and when there's a double candy event during easter after I hatch these

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 11:56 AM PDT

Local Map having a bit of fun on April Fools Day.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:49 PM PDT


Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:50 AM PDT

Premise: we can't be out catching pokemon 24/7 and we spend a lot of time at home. Pokemon have been added to our world why not make our houses pokemon houses?

First step: everyone gets to GPS tag their home and when in range they have access to features that can be unlocked based on trainer level.(Disclaimer: The actual level requirements are arbitrary)

Feauture 1: Healing pod

Place your pokemon in here to recover health over time. Idk what the right level distribution is but here is an attempt.

Level 5: 1 pokemon at time 10hp/hr

Level 10: 2 pokemon @ 10hp/hr

Level 15: 3 pokemon @ 15 hp/hr

Level 20: 4 pokemon @ 15 hp/hr

Level 25: 4 pokemon @ 20hp/hr

Level 30: 5 pokemon @ 25hp/hr

Level 35: 6 pokemon @ 25hp/hr

Level 40: 6 pokemon @ 25%hp/hr

Thoughts: I struggle to keep my pokemon healed and if they added PvP or NPC battling we will need an alternative method of healing or increased drops

Feature 2: A PC with expandable pokemon and item storage.

Unlocked at level 15. Stores 100 pokemon and 100 items.

Extra storage can be purchased in the store. This generates revenue and addresses the problem that as they release more generations and new items space is non expandable from the generation 1 release.

It also is a better balanced imo than letting trainers carry 2000 pokemon and 2000 items around. At least make them stop at home to restock.

Feature 3: An exact IV evaluator.

Unlocked @ Level: 25 This would give us something to do while at home and would replace third party software.

Feature 4: AR Pokemon play pin

Unlocked from level 1

Watch and interact with pokemon of your choice in AR mode.

Feature 5: Training area

Unlocked @ Level 30

This one is least likely to happen but I'll list it anyway. Basically train with your pokemon and over time get either candy, stardust, or xp. Somehow make it balanced. Hell you could even make this how you learn new moves. Spend 20 minutes training and 20 candy to learn a new quick move.

Let me know if there are any features you would like your home base to have and your thoughts on the ones I came up with.

submitted by /u/frozenmosin
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[Discussion] Hang on, why can't 10k eggs just contain awesome Pokémon?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 01:25 PM PDT

The argument against removing disappointing Pokemon hatches from 10ks (Gligar, Mantine, Pineco, Sudowoodo) appears to be that to do so would remove variety and the thrill and surprise of hatching something good.

But, wouldn't it just make receiving a 10k egg way more exciting? Sure, there would be fewer of them, but when you get one (maybe just once every two months as a result of a much reduced drop rate with a smaller pool), boy, wouldn't that be exciting?

Plus, everyone has their own hopes of a 10k egg hatch, which can change depending upon where you are in the game - maybe what you want most is a Lapras, Snorlax, or Aero to complete Gen 1. Maybe you want Chansey to power up your Blissey, maybe Mareep to finally make progress towards Ampharos. 10ks would still be more or less exciting for different trainers.

Plus, don't we all prefer the experience of hatching Onix, Scyther, the babies, etc now they're moved to 5ks? Doesn't seem to disappointing any more. In fact, it can be a rather nice alternative to hatching yet another Paras, Psyduck, etc

It just seems win win.

submitted by /u/Chipperville
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Be careful out there trainers.. My scary experience..

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 12:47 PM PDT

A little background first.. I've been playing pogo since September. I'm a 45 year old mom. My son started playing, and after a few weeks, I joined him so we could play together. We play mostly in the town he goes to school in. There are 13 stops and 4 gyms spread throughout the town. Obviously, over the past few months, I've spent a lot of time driving around that town and playing the game.

There is a small park in the town that exhibits nest activity and contains a gym. I spend a good bit of time there. Either catching pokemon or fighting the gym. As it's been winter, I've done most of this in my car unless it's a particularly nice day. On those days, I park and we go sit at a picnic table to fight the gym. So not only have I been around for months, I've actually gotten out with my son and walked into the park.

Last night, he had practice, so I was playing alone while I waited for him to finish. I went to the park and parked my car. I caught all the pokemon and went to leave. I started my car and pulled out into the driving lane. I was near the end of the road which intersects with a cross street. I didn't get 5 feet and 3 men in a beat up red buick raced up and pulled in front of me. An old guy quickly got out of the back seat and approached my car from the front. Holding his hand out like, "Don't go anywhere". Now.. when I play, I tend to just sort of get in my own head space and was dumbfounded by what was going on. So I just figured he was getting dropped off and didn't want me to run him over... but then he walked over to the passenger side of my car and tried the door handle!! Luckily my car locks itself when I put it in drive, so he couldn't get in. Then he starts angrily pointing at the lock, like I'm supposed to let this strange guy in my car, no questions asked. I used some language that would make a sailor blush to basically tell him there was no way he was getting in my car and I took off. Looking back on it, I suppose I'm lucky they didn't block the entire street in front of me, only half, so I was able to get my car past them.

My heart was literally racing and I went over to the local police station, but the door was locked and I couldn't find any police officers. I was just in absolute shock because I'd never had any issues like this before. I always consider calling 911 as something you do when a person is dying, so I didn't think my experience warranted that sort of phone call, but maybe it did.

So this is my "be careful out there trainers" post. Especially if you're like me and you play alone sometimes. I'm so glad my doors were locked, as I have no idea what that mans intentions were, and I wasn't sticking around to find out either.

submitted by /u/purrsian
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Guys I caught Mewtwo

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:24 PM PDT

My First blastoise! Had to walk 100kms for it but it payed off!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 09:45 PM PDT

What should I use my last Pinap berry on?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 11:08 AM PDT

Shower thought on April fool's event

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:26 PM PDT

Niantic not having an April Fool's event while everyone speculating on how an April Fool's event would take place, is the real April Fool's prank.

submitted by /u/lightninglemons22
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My lunch break was a heartbreaking experience today

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:29 PM PDT


Posted: 31 Mar 2017 01:40 PM PDT

73 year old dad reaches lvl 40 & cures himself of diabetes!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:30 PM PDT

Can, anyone help me get this news out there? He's such a passionate player.... After 15 years of taking medication, for diabetes, today my father was found cured. A new investigational medication, one may ask? However, this is not the case. Today, Doctor's have found diabetes no longer a threat to his health, thus taking him off all daily injections. The cure? After, introducing my father to Pokemon Go almost a year ago, he has quite possibly become the most emphatic of senior citizen players. He, vow's to reach the level 40 before the end of the month. Which, only a few privileged 1/3 his age have done. Today, my father stands free from fear , and inconvenience, diabetes has brought. All due, to free download, which has brought exercise to my father, in a new profound way. I'm certain my father would like a story published, no matter how small. Thank you, please email me, bourelljohn@gmail.com Thank you!

submitted by /u/johnchristianb
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