Heroes of the Storm - Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | March 30 - April 05

Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | March 30 - April 05

Posted: 30 Mar 2017 10:00 AM PDT

Remember to scroll down to the bottom or sort comments by new to make sure all questions are answered please.

Welcome to the latest Thursday Teaching Thread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced HotS players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url. If you have any additional questions after this thread starts to disappear from the front page, /r/nexusnewbies is happy to help.

Previous Teaching Threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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In Development: Talandar, Co-op Missions, and More!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:56 PM PDT

So Prime Evil Diablo has an EXTREMELY creepy voice line....

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 02:52 PM PDT

4th or 5th joke line, you hear Leah calling out for help (really chilling delivery from Jen Hale as usual) and it slowly warps into Diablo voice. Super creepy, wish they did that kind of stuff to freak you out in D3, perfect flavor for the Lord of Terror. Here

Edit: Also here is a wicked taunt when you kill a nephalem. Also files for Leah crying, maybe when killing Cain later?

submitted by /u/Dimartica
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Hero Mastery Taunts!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:18 PM PDT

How can you call it Heroes 2.0 without Brightiwng 2.0?!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 01:48 PM PDT

Any chance that we'll get it...ever?

I hope her not getting even a new tint in Beta just means art team is holding on until thr remodel.


submitted by /u/Zin333
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In Development Vedio Leak In Chinese Forum: New Hero, New skin and New Mounts

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 12:21 PM PDT

Can we have old launch screens as collectibles for the 2.0?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:20 PM PDT

Blizzard developed so many cool launch screen for the new hero releases over the game lifespan... It would be really cool if we could earn them via the new progression system and set the launch screen to our favorite - or random. Of course they could be overridden by a new hero launch screen in the release week.

Dehaka launch screen

Lunara launch screen

submitted by /u/anmr
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Heroes of the Storm 2.0 – Hero Mastery Taunts

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:22 PM PDT

A veteran player convinces his friend to try out HotS 2.0, and they finish a game together. This conversation follows.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:35 AM PDT

New Player: Wow, a loot box right after my first game.
Veteran: Garden tends to make long games with lots of exp, I'm not surprised you got an instant level up considering your account's new. Shit's pretty busted.
N: Huh? How so?
V: I've been playing for two years since the technical alpha. I've got all the heroes above level 10 and even bought all the master skins before this patch went down, so I'm away and done with all of the early levels and now level ups come once every 6-7 games or so rather than one level per game.
N: Ah, makes sense that the experience to next level would scale.
V: Yeah, also means you're going to get way more boxes than me while we're playing today. I'm kinda bummed about that.
N: That's kinda fair. But you got a fair amount of shards from opening those 70 you started with today right? Considering if you open a hero, it counts as a duplicate and you get like 100 or 400 shards each.
V: Those 70 are nothing close to the number of boxes I'd have if I started today like you and got to where I am now.
N: That'll not be true for me until like two years from now, though.
V: Still feels like all my efforts playing the game over the past two years got wasted.
N: That portal wizard guy from our last game looked kinda cool, actually. What's his name? Medivh?
V: Yeah, he's really fun to play. Pretty hard too, though. I don't mind if you want to give him a shot next game.
N: I don't have him though. And he's 10k gold? Man, that'll be a while before I get to play him. Especially since I want to work towards getting that Diablo Wizard first.
V: Oh right, I forgot new players start with only the free roster. It's been quite a while since I was in that position.
N: Yeah, you've had two years to farm up the gold from daily quests and brawls to get all the heroes you want.
V: I didn't buy everything, actually. There were a few events over the while like last December where they just gave out like 5 recent heroes for free. Liming's actually one of those.
N: Damn, wish you'd got me into the game when that was happening.
V: Yeah, well if I did, you wouldn't be getting those boxes so fast.
N: Don't really care about some random emotes or voice lines, to be honest. I wanna throw missiles and orbs around and watch people blow up.

N: Hey, what's that portrait that enemy Jaina's using? That pink one with the alpha inside it.
V: Oh, that guy hit the old account level 40 during the alpha two years ago. I have that too, just switched to a cooler one after a while.
N: How'd you get that 2016 Diablo one then?
V: Was a reward for watching some competitive games last summer.
N: And what's that really cool mount you were using that left a pink trail everywhere?
V: Wonder billie. Bought a stimpack back when the game was new and I got it as a side deal kind of thing. I like using it, no newer mount's come close imo.
N: So all I have to do is buy a stimpack to get it?
V: Nah, can't get it anymore, they replaced it with another billie a while back.
N: Wow, your old account's got so much stuff.
V: Still doesn't compare to all the loot I'd be getting if I'd started today, though.
N: But you have stuff I'll never be able to get. I don't get why you're so fixated on these boxes.
V: It just feels like... I'm being punished just because I decided to play before this patch instead of waiting to play after the patch.
N: It's not like you can't play now just because you played before. I mean, just go make a new account if you want these fast boxes so much.
V: It'd be better if I could just keep everything and reset all my levels to 1, though. I'm missing out on so many easy 25th level gems.
N: Wow, dude. It's not like there's a difference between the gem reward at 25 or 1025...

The moral of the story being that the one advantage that veterans will always have over new accounts even under 2.0 is time. You have had two years' worth of daily gold quests, two years' worth of special events, two years' worth of limited edition goodies, which are all carrying over to Heores 2.0, which you can use to reroll chests, show off your veteran status or be so much further ahead than any new players. Of course, neither this nor any argument will ever keep people from wanting more...

submitted by /u/hailcrest
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Blizzard, please keep the option to buy heroes, skins, and mounts with cash.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 12:11 PM PDT

One of my favorite things about Heroes has always been the way I can just pay cash for an item and get it, no additional transactions, no opening chests, just a simple, one-time transaction. Getting rid of this in 2.0 is the biggest concern I've ever had with this game. I don't mind if you keep everything new that's coming to 2.0, it all sounds great, but at least keep the option to just buy stuff with cash. That way you still keep all the customers like me, who don't like risking everything on lootboxes, but you still draw in all the gamblers who will spend a little for a chance at something big.

submitted by /u/StretchyPlays
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If Genji were to be released, there's an important feature to keep in mind.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:49 PM PDT

If he's below 90% health he should have an "I need healing" voice line.

submitted by /u/EmersedRhyme
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Free chests is not the issue - Fair progression is

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 09:58 AM PDT


Nobody disagrees that we have a huge head-start on new players in terms of gold and hero unlocks. What I'm arguing against, is making veteran players progress at 50% speed in the all-new purely cosmetic progression system.

If you want to give new players faster gold progression to build a hero collection, I'm all for. Adding easier gold income from the brawls didn't punish veteran players or make anyone lose out.

The problem

2.0 gives a bunch of retroactive rewards (up to 70 chests), but existing players lose out on a ton of future progression. A new player leveling each hero up to 10 earns about twice the rewards of a veteran player who puts in the exact same amount of playtime. The initial free chests help offset that issue a bit but:

  • The retroactive chests don't nearly make up for the reduced future progression. Even with retroactive chests counted, the new player has 50-100% more cosmetic rewards for the first 350 million xp (5400k for level 10 * 65 heroes).
  • Progression is fun! We don't need a bunch of free stuff up front, but we want to earn future (cosmetic) progression at the same rate as other players.

Why it feels punishing

  • The system punishes exactly the kind of behavior that the old system incentivized. Players, who have leveled most of their roster up for the gold incentives in the old system, are now worse off than if they had not done so (the gold rewards are still there for new players).
  • All veteran players are hit differently. Players who mained Nova for 3000 games, get the best of all worlds, while players who made an effort to learn all heroes, suffer worst of all.
  • Many demoralizing breakpoints that penalize players harder their progression: If your new hero level ends up at 525, you miss out on a huge reward, compared to if you had stayed at 524. Any hero you leveled to 9 for the gold, just barely hit the breaking point that now made you lose out on the most important hero-specific reward. It sucks to feel that you had earned more if you'd played less - doubly so when it happens because you played exactly the way that game taught us would be most rewarding.
  • Players who paid for stim packs (and/or teamed up for xp bonuses) will now receive fewer rewards than if they had never used

Fair solutions (that feel good)

There are two ways Blizzard can go on this, which would both feel a lot better.

Solution 1 - Make progression equal (and remove retroactive rewards?)
  • Make veteran players earn cosmetic progression roughly as fast as players who are doing their first 1-10 leveling.

Without a level reset, this could be messy to both implement and communicate to the players. The simplest way to do this is probably to estimate how much hero and profile progression they lost out on and add a single catch up mechanism that makes the long term progression even to that of a new player (much like the "rested" mechanic in WoW, but longer term). After estimating how much progression you lost out on, the mechanic could look something like: "For the next 212 levels, you gain 25 gems each level up." or "+150% xp gain until that bonus has earned you 168 million xp."

The progression difference between a veteran and a new player is at worst 1.83 times slower (i.e. leveling 10-20 or 990-1000 takes 1.83 times as much xp as leveling 1-10). This is low enough that simple and steady bonuses can be enough to ensure a veteran player will have the same cosmetic progression as a new player who plays the same amount.

The estimate is based on which future progression the player has lost out on: Hero level 6->7 might be almost no loss (just a basic chest slightly easier), but level 9->10 or profile level 424->425 would be major. This fixes basically all the issue with punishing break points and how the retroactive rewards were uneven between players.

With fair future progression, Blizzard could scrap all the retroactive chests. Or if they want to stick by their promise ("up to 70 chests"), this can still be combined with estimating how much future progression you're losing out on, and compensating enough to make your total cosmetic progression in line with that of a new player.

Solution 2 - Balance retroactive rewards to make up for the future progression you're missing out on

Blizzard's current approach but properly balanced:

  • Eliminate as many frustrating breakpoints as possible.
  • Make retroactive rewards proportional to how much future progression you're losing out on (i.e. you get fair rewards regardless of whether you leveled every hero to 9 or played nothing but Nova for 3000 games)
  • The goal should be that if you earn the same xp it would take to level all current heroes from 1-10, your total cosmetic progression will be the same as a new player who did the same.


This is an entirely new progression system and fresh accounts stand to have 50-100% faster cosmetic progression for the first 350 million xp (even counting all retroactive chests). We don't need a bunch of free stuff from having played the game in the past - just make sure future progression is fair, and try to fix some of the many cases that feel horribly penalizing.

p.s. The veteran vs. new player numbers don't need to be exact. We already got some free tints and I wouldn't mind if new players progressed 50% faster for the first 100 profile levels. But the current numbers are up to 90% faster progression for the first 650 profile levels.

submitted by /u/EjnarH
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This is it! The first release of the best way to review your Heroes of the Storm replays and to help support a new stats site's development

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 12:25 PM PDT

Hey guys - this is the initial launch post for the awesome replay analyzer I just finished - I want to open it up to an initial group for testing and server load issues, and get your support. I have spent seven (7) months of my life working on it so far, and it is really kickass in its current state. Here are some of its many features:

  • Custom Awards - Get funny positive AND negative custom rewards, custom illustrated by my wife (such as Feeder - died at twice the rate or more of teammates, or Big Talker)
  • Preview Screen - Know who to be weary of and who to focus, and see win rates by hero / map / ally / enemy for every player before the match starts
  • Draft Selector - Get personalized guidance on who to pick in what situation
  • Detailed Reports - Get awesome customized reports
  • Chat History - Not for the faint of heart
  • Voting History - See who voted for who
  • The Replay Selector - Find only the replays you want to see
  • Replay Viewer Player Summary - See the most important information about allies and enemies in a glance
  • Replay Viewer Statistics - Satisfy the stat junkie lurking within, with over 40 stats, some that you can currently only get through this replay viewer (such as nukes dropped from Warhead Junction replays)
  • Replay Viewer EXP Graph - See the ebbs and tides of victory and defeat
  • Replay Viewer Graphs - Automatically generate the most important graphs from the match
  • Graph Maker -Become a HOTS graph ninja by making multiple kinds of graphs for any stat
  • PTR Parsing (optional) - Add PTR replays to your replay history, if you would like
  • Automatic replay uploading (optional, but highly encouraged!) - Help build a better stats site for Heroes of the Storm
  • Export replay reports to full length images that you can share with others

You can find pictures and more details about many of these features (although they are not a comprehensive list) here. Want it? Get it by clicking here.

I will take down that page after a certain number of people have signed up (~1000) so that I can sift through the automated bug reports and find out if there are any major bugs I missed, and release a better version to everyone in a few days to a week later. I have already spent a ton of time finding and fixing bugs on my own, though, so it should already be in a very good state.

(Full bug comment: There are some bugs, but they are almost always self-correcting on restart and don't happen very much. Unless this program behaves very differently on different Windows versions, it should be a very smooth experience. There is one bug that isn't really a bug: clicking on the command console pauses the program, a strange issue in Windows that happens for any program with a command console. This can easily be addressed by following the steps outlined on this page. Also, the initial install size of the program is not what is listed on the installer, but about 1.7 GB, as many files are unpacked on first launch. The program makes a bunch of graphs that also take up a fair amount of disk space, so expect to need at least 2 GB of disk space. Here is the CRC64 checksum for the current installer: Size: 271559627 bytes, CRC64: E147B6ABAE09E042)

One note, to use the program you need to first verify your Battlenet account through Blizzard's OAuth system (you'll be taken to a Blizzard login page), from which all I will get is your username and an internal Blizzard ID (it's not the same as the Battlenet IDs in the replay files). After this, you will be able to download the program itself and user credentials, which you need for the program to work (you will be prompted for their location as part of the launch process). I'd appreciate some people discussing the legitimacy of the OAuth system in the comments.

You can see the original video I made about it here, although I dropped the idea of a Kickstarter after the abysmal feedback I got with my first post about it. Since then, I buckled down and did the work necessary to make it into what I think it should be, without any financial support whatsoever. Now that it's coming out, I would very much appreciate it if those of you who really like this program and want to support its past and future development would become a Patreon supporter.

This is not just a really cool replay analyzer; it automatically uploads replays in the background; I intend to use them to displace Hots Logs as the primary statistics site for Heroes of the Storm! (Yes, it will be advertising supported, and no, it won't use malware networks.)

I fully intend to spend a significant amount of time and effort making a better statistics site than what is out there, but if this program doesn't get widespread support, I will not be able to do so because of the lack of replays. Please let me know if there is demand for a lightweight standalone replay uploader.

I really hope those who are able to get the program a little early (you can get it here) will leave comments about how it is below!

submitted by /u/HOTSHits
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Adding different poses for the MVP screen.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:37 PM PDT

I think it would be a cool cosmetic idea for lootboxes just like in Overwatch, where everyone has different poses right before the play of the game highlight. Imo, It would fit perfectly for this game as well.

submitted by /u/Trollaxethrowerrr
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Give hero specific bonus chest for each hero 10+ in 1.0

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:21 PM PDT

This could shut down a lot of dissatisfaction:
Give every player one additional hero specific chest for each hero that is lvl 10+ in 1.0.
(additional to that up to 70 chests)

submitted by /u/nakno3
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Hots 2.0 LvL converter and Lootbox Chart

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 09:22 AM PDT

Well since a lot of people dont like to do math i think i make a google spreadshhet that does it for you. All you have to do is put in the amount of heroes you have of each lvl and the sheet will automaticly give you your total new hero lvl. Right below the calculater there is a table where you can see how many lootboxes you will get with that amount of hero lvl.


This link will give you a copy of the original since otherwise everybody will be trying to edit the same document xD.

This document does not include the exp you have between lvls so if you fill in the current lvls the total wil be somewhat higher in the real 2.0 since those stray exp might be a few lvls if you have high lvl heroes.

Hope this helps! If you run into any problems let me know

Btw this is a post of fact and data gathered from blizzard. This is not a discussion post about if we should get more. If you want to do that go to 1 of the many other post out there discussing this already.

EDIT: Adjusted the hero LvL total. The LvL 1 of each hero does not count so the previous calculation gave a number that was 64 higher then the actual LvL. I have made an adjusment in de calculation so the number you would get now should be the correct minimum lvl you are in the hots 2.0. Keep in mind that in this calculator the stray exp is not calculated so the actual hero lvl has a high chance to be slightly higher then this thing would say.

submitted by /u/Yangzhoui
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Bring on Carbot

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:38 AM PDT

With the coming of 2.0 and all the new features, we NEED Carbot banners, sprays, portraits, and hell why not announcer packs. They already have portraits in Starcraft, how cool would it be to play Raynor with his carbot model spray, portrait, and a Carbot Style Terran Banner?

P.S. If you don't know what Carbot is, YouTube it before we all murder you.

submitted by /u/BloodandThunder98
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Actually fine with 70 chests, but now I no longer want to play until 2.0

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:00 AM PDT

Just feels like a huge waste of time to play now and miss out on a buttload of rewards.

You get negative value by playing as far as rewards go atm if you have hit the cap. We can play for fun obviously, its just that lingering thought that I am wasting chests that is throwing me off.

There has to be something to compensate. Maybe free rerolls on chests for every X levels or something.

Getting all the chests I would have earned as a new player with all the stuff I have already unlocked wouldn't feel good at all. I would just unlock everything on release, as would many others

submitted by /u/kpap16
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2.0 : Don't make Skins & Mounts Shards only : Add Gems as a way.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:29 AM PDT

  • Heroes : Gems & Gold.
  • Skins and Mount : Gems & Shards (with Master skins : at least level 15 with that said hero to be able to buy it)
  • Rest : Shards.

Problem solved. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Titebiere83
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IDEA: Can I get a 323 banner for ever time I lagf?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:43 AM PDT

Like, normal banners are cool for taking camps/structures, but I need one right in the middle of lane to explain why I died to tower alone.

submitted by /u/RainonerBoner
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LU offering eSports scholarships

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:51 AM PDT

Greetings! Lourdes University is looking for more Heroes! We are recruiting eSports athletes for the 2017-2018 school year; Not only are we recruiting, but also offering athletic scholarships to play as well! Our new Recreation Center will be housing the striking eSports arena being installed next month! It will be equipped with some of the best computers to ensure players have a perfect game while practicing and competing. Lourdes University is located in Sylvania, Ohio along the Michigan border. We have a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs including pre-professional career paths; Coupled with some amazing housing and a beautiful campus makes Lourdes University a pretty enticing if you are looking for post-secondary education! The Lourdes eSports department wants several teams, including teams for Heroes of the Storm. So if this sounds interesting to you, email me at bbriner@lourdes.edu or message me via any medium you can find me on! You can follow our development and watch our arena go up on our Facebook page or Twitter.


Benjamin Briner eSports Coach Lourdes University bbriner@lourdes.edu www.lourdes.edu

submitted by /u/LU_eSports
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We need Dustin Browder (as a voicepack)

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:23 AM PDT

All I want now is someone screaming about "terrible terrible damage" every time someone gets nuked in HotS

submitted by /u/halgari
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In particular, we’ve received quite a bit of feedback surrounding Loot Chest rewards for veteran players. We’re still actively discussing everything you’ve sent our way this week, and will have more information on this topic to share with you soon."

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:30 PM PDT

Tips for Maximizing 2.0 Rewards

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:04 AM PDT

I've been following the various threads and wanted to create a space to talk about how to maximize our time in Live from now until April 25 to get the most rewards. Here are my thoughts:

  • Do not level your low level heroes (sub level 8). You will get loot chests easily and still earn all the gold in 2.0. However, if you want quick leveling of heroes and don't care about the lost chests, then level them in live now as 2.0 will take longer to level to 5.

  • Stop leveling heroes around level 8+1774xp. This will allow you to get the hero specific chest in 2.0. If you are under level 8 with 1774xp, you should probably hold off for level 10. Edited below to include Level 20/30/40/50.

  • You get a hero specific rare box which may or may not be worth 500 gold (cost 250 for one reroll). however, if you are above level 8 with 1775 xp but LESS than level 9, you should level up to 9 in live so that you get the bonus gold in live.

  • There's a misconception to level up to current level 8 to get the new base skin tints in 2.0 but Blizzard has confirmed that you will get all the tints whether level 8 or not for any and all skins you own including the base skins.

  • If you spend real life money, buy the 50% off bundles. The current one has Mecha Tassadar and Mecha Dehaka (2 legendaries) in addition to an epic and 3 other rares in 2.0 - that is fantastic value you will probably never get again. Next week there is an Ultimate Best Friends bundle that has Raider Rexxar and Buccaneer Falstad - two legendaries that will be priced at $5 as part of the package and 50% off. Even buying the Epic $5 individually on sale is a good deal as the price even with gems will never be this cheap again (3 tints).

  • Buy any other skins you really want - especially current "epic" skins that will be "legendary" in the new system. You may have to pay an arm and a leg in the future so the $10 investment may be worth it now.

  • Don't spend 10k on master skins - your gold is worth more than that as they cost just 100 shard per tint. Re-rolling has shown great value in PTR and your gold still has value in buying heroes. Only buy master skins if you really want the master skin in all 3 tints and even then, not a great deal. Purchase any heroes that are epic/legendary that you would like so you can get shards for them in PTR if opened.

EDIT to add:

  • Common question on what to do with gold and whether or not to use gold to purchase heroes. The reasons for buying heroes with gold are that the current gold prices are fixed AND you may get some shards for any duplicate heroes when you open boxes. However, the reason to wait and not buy heroes is that there is a Nexus Challenge 2.0 which may give you free heroes you are missing and you can still buy heroes with gold after April 25th. The only unknowns are the pricing of the heroes (presumably the same but not confirmed) and it has not been confirmed that you receive all base tints with the purchase.

  • Other milestones where you should STOP playing a hero: Level 11+425XP = Level 20 in 2.0; Level 13+1925xp = Level 30 in 2.0; Level 15+3425xp = Level 40 in 2.0; Level 17+4925xp = Level 50 in 2.0. In all cases above, if you are close to those thresholds - best to stop playing that hero to get hero-specific lootbox in 2.0.

Any other tips to share?

submitted by /u/infinite007
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the biggest missed opportunity in 2.0: Making songs from games a collectible.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:57 AM PDT

So, I was reading a lot of comments about HOTS 2.0. A lot of hits and misses, but there is one subject that has not been mentioned at all.

Ever since HOTS was a thing, I have always been disappointed with the lack of music from other games. The fact that each battleground has their own original music shows that HOTS is not about recycling old assets but also building its own legacy. However, with the introduction of 2.0 and ALL the cosmetics you can earn, I see a huge missed opportunity with music. Imagine if Blizzard took all the songs from all their franchises and allowed you to play them while playing. That would be amazing. Each song could be a rare or epic drop from crates and the songs can be played in both the menu and during games after the event songs (featured hero song in main menu and Dragon Knight song in DS) are over. You could choose which songs can or can't be played during those times. This could be really awesome!

submitted by /u/JEEPY_007
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Stitches plushy is on sale for $10. It comes with the Bikini Stitches skin, which costs $10 in-game by itself.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:43 PM PDT

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