Learn Dota 2 - What makes a hard carry a hard carry?

What makes a hard carry a hard carry?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:50 PM PDT

Certain heroes are often referred to as "hard" or "late-game" carries, such as AM and Spectre. What distinguishes carries like AM from carries that are known to "fall off" in the late game like PA, Brood, or Sven? (Let me know if I'm miscategorizing any of the above heroes.)

AM, for example, is considered maybe THE most late-game hero. AM has high AGI gain, but not off the charts compared to other heroes. Sure, Mana Break scales with attack speed, but so does Coup de Grace. Spell Shield and Mana Void also scale as enemies get more mana / more magic damage, but this alone doesn't seem that convincing.

Is it because of Blink, because AM can jump from jungle camp to jungle camp with very high efficiency? If this is the driving reason, wouldn't AM as a hard carry be severely crippled by the 7.00 jungle changes?

submitted by /u/ttovotsttnt
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Learn How to Draft, Shot-Call, & Lead Teams with the help of Coaches in Tonight's Community In-House Event: #TeachYOUTuesday Week 11

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:11 AM PDT


This Week's Focus, 4/25:

Pre-Draft Communication, Drafting to Your Team Strengths, Strategy > Meta

Tonight, Tuesday 4/25, at 7:30 PM ET, we'll be focusing on creating a cohesive draft based on strategy development (rather than meta-picks), along with playing around your team's strengths as players with the heroes they like to play. We will still be discussing gameplay of both teams in depth across the game with a panel discussion at the end.

For Game 1 Tonight:

Our coaches will teach you how to be effective in communicating strategy in the pre-phase (drafting) and making active decisions throughout the game (shot-calling). We'll specifically be focusing on how to develop a strategy for a drafting and playing around players' abilities rather than meta picks. Since these players will need to draft and shot-call in conjunction with playing with strangers, it's an added layer of difficulty for our novice players who may still be new to Captain's Mode.

What to Expect as a Viewer

You will learn how to develop a strategy for a proper draft and how to communicate effectively by watching tonight. As such, the casting style will be different. I'll be sitting-in with one of the teams on Discord in order to allow the entire stream hear how coaches are impacting the way the players are shot-calling, communicating, and affecting their habits.
I will be muted in the Discord to the players, and I will be providing commentary on how the coaches are leading and organizing the team. The format change for tonight should hopefully allow for more knowledge to be available to more players with a concept that is incredibly difficult to learn on your own -- creating cohesive drafts that accomplish something while playing with new players. For each game I will be focused on one team, either Radiant or Dire, for the entire match. We may have 2x streams running simultaneously, one for Radiant, one for Dire, details still TBD.

If you're a coach with experience in live team coaching, have dabbled in casting, and can stream, contact me regarding casting the opposing team's communication feed and providing commentary.  


Game Format is the Same as Last Week

  • Game One: Estimated 7:30-7:45 PM ET Start Time
  • Novice Skill Player Game
  • Preferred game average of 2.5k MMR or less based on registrants, could be higher


  • Game Two: 10:00pm ET Start Time (time is based on previous game, could be earlier)
  • Open Skill Player Game, Novice & Advanced Players Welcome
  • No MMR skill cap, games balanced to the best of my ability based on registrants.
  • Note: Coaches may need to participate rather than coach depending on skill levels of players involved in the match.

If you signed up for a previous week and have not yet played in this Weekly Community Event, please DM me on Discord or post here and reference your sign up name. I'll do my best to get you included tonight.


Last Week's Focus:

Communicating & Playing with Strangers Effectively

Last week, Tuesday 4/18, we focused on team relations, communication, and drafting along with gameplay of both teams across the game reinforced with a panel discussion at the end.

Special Thanks to Our Coaches From Last Week:


VOD's for Previous Week, 4/18:

Note: There's a brief lapse in audio in the draft for G1 due to production issues


Teach YOU Tuesday is a weekly educational series that will give new and experienced players an opportunity to play in a competitive setting without the pressures of toxic team members.

Anyone who participates in the game should be able to review the cast (along with having a coach live in the game) and should receive insight to improve their performance. Best of all, you can join as a solo player or full team!

Click HERE for the Sign Up Form


Note: Have you signed up in a previous week and see this message screen or want to update your info? Click the edit button, scroll down, select which game you'd like to participate in, and I'll see you tonight!



Schedule for Tonight's Games

Our goal here is looking to teach you something that will impact your future games in a friendly environment. Participants should be able to re-watch the game and learn something in conjunction with getting live feedback from a coach in-game.


Are you a passionate coach who is skilled at their craft and are interested in #MakingDotaGreatAgain? or have you never tried coaching before but are interested in trying? Please DM me on Discord, fill in this form & mark Coach, or email me if you're interested in future events: thedotadoc@gmail.com -- We're a growing community based on helping everyone getting better together, would love to have you join us.

The Schedule for 4/25:
All times are approximates, and may vary by up to 30 minutes

  • 7:00 PM ET - Stream start, either one matchmaking game or going right into creating the teams for the first match while waiting for people to join the discord!
    During this time, join us on the sKai HIGH Gaming Discord to be considered for the In-House Games set to take place after this match. Please have your solo MMR visible in your Dota 2 profile to participate in the In-House game. If you do not have MMR, we recommend over 200 games in order to alleviate frustrations over skill gaps. Smurf accounts are not allowed in the in-house games, all teams will be balanced based on this information. Get pre-authorized for the in-house here: https://goo.gl/forms/d3WJd0k9SspRo2gs2


  • 7:30 PM ET - Team Creation Starts for Game 1 - Novice Skill Game  

  • 7:45 PM ET - Game 1 Start  

  • 9:00 PM ET - Post-Game Analysis & Item Raffle to Participants  

  • 9:30 PM ET - Team Creation for Game 2 (if not already done earlier)  

  • 10:00 PM ET - Game 2 Start (if not already started earlier)  

  • 11:30 PM ET - Post-Game Analysis  

  • 11:45 PM ET - Item Giveaway to Participants & Viewers  

  • Time TBD - Possible Third In-House Match?

  • Time TBD, end of stream - Immortal Item Raffle for All Viewers/Registrants

You do not need to be here for the bonus raffle at the end of the stream in order to be able to win the prize. As long as you've pre-registered, you'll be contacted via Discord, Twitch, or E-mail to claim your prize.


Upcoming Events for your Calendar:

Dota 2 'Newcomer Stream' for Kiev Major Main Event

Full schedule of games as a bracket will be posted as soon as available, along with all games posted to YouTube.

#TeachYOUTuesday Events
  • Tuesday, May 2 - 7:00 PM ET (Matches start near 8pm)
  • Tuesday, May 9 - No Stream, details TBD for event this week


See when I'm going live on twitter: @Reach4sKai

Best Regards,



Streamed (Almost) Daily, Starting Around ~7:30 PM (19:30) ET

See what time it is for you, here!

I am actively looking for someone to help manage the stream video content I create. If you enjoy watching dota, are well written, and want to make highlights or recap videos from these events, contact me for available work experiences.

Note: I highly recommend a microphone for any in-house events and be relatively fluent in English. If you do not have a microphone or aren't verbally fluent in english, you're still welcome to join, but this event is catered to an English speaking demographic.

submitted by /u/Reach4sKai
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What are the rules of vision for ward hills?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:18 AM PDT

Some times when I try to deward and place just a sentry I get a tiny bit of vision uphill and can attack. Some times I don't. Why? Why not?

submitted by /u/GladiatorUA
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Sven item builds

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:49 AM PDT

The build seems to be MoM, SnY, Blink, BKB, AC now, as displayed by Burning, Ramzes, uuu9. Why SnY, why not Armlet?

submitted by /u/WilliamZappa
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Wondering what I could have done better in this Lich game (1.9k MMR)

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:50 AM PDT

I just played as a position 5 Lich. Everything was going fine in the early game and I even got most of the river runes at the first 10 minutes. We had a enigma so we also had some great team fight abilities. I had wards to protect my Spectre safelane and I used my sacrifice on our ranged creep off cooldown but we just lost the late game.

I hope someone can tell me what I could have done to prevent the loss like item choices, ward placements and all. Also, I was 1988 MMR before the game so I was going to be 2k if I won :(

Match ID: 3139814425





submitted by /u/enjoythecode
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How to play as Clinkz

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:05 AM PDT

I haven't played this hero and I want to learn how to play him.. I want to know what his item builds, laning phase, who to target during team fights, when and when not to gank, skill builds + talent tree, advantages and disadvantages, and when and when not to pick

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/DeadInvoke
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In praise of Terrorblade

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:52 AM PDT

I've been loving Terrorblade lately. I'm not sure if he's particularly strong this patch or if I've just been missing out on his awesomeness until now, but I've enjoyed the hell out of playing TB. He's a hero that has very pronounced strengths and weaknesses, which makes him very interesting and refreshing to play. Here are a few reasons why I love this hero:

  • TB's power is tied very closely to Metamorphosis, which is both good and bad. With it, TB is able to do insane physical damage from level 1, but can also scale into a lategame monster. It creates an interesting dynamic where you feel consistently strong throughout the game, but have to play carefully around Meta's cooldown.

  • Reflection heavily punishes 4-5 core lineups that are common in low MMR. 5.5 seconds of invulnerable illusions doing 100% damage against the whole enemy team? That's stupid strong. Protip: these illusions get all of the passive abilities and auras that normal illusions get (e.g. mana burn, radiance burn, etc). Oh, and you create reflections of enemy illusions and summons too, so that PL with 10 illusions is going to be fighting an army of 10 dark reflections. What a ridiculous ability.

  • Conjure image allows you to farm like a Naga Siren while having greater impact in teamfights. With just a few items (PMS, DLance) your illusions are strong enough to clear jungle camps and creep waves on their own, so you can start farming 2-3 places at the same time. Great way to practice your micro while also improving your GPM.

  • Sunder means that you are insanely difficult to kill as long as you aren't stun-locked. "Oh, you jumped me and bursted me down to 20% HP? Let me just steal all of yours, kill you, and then walk away laughing and healthy." It also works on illusions, so you can cast conjure image and then heal yourself to full. Because it's percent-based, it's amazing against tanky opponents (you'll steal 80% whether they have 1000hp or 8000hp). It even works through Abaddon's ult. Think about that.

Of course, you have to be careful about who you pick TB into: he is weak against magic damage, AOE damage, and anything else that is effective against illusions. Popular picks like Axe can be a nightmare to play against. Also, because he is so heavily tied to his Meta cooldown, he doesn't handle constant pressure well. But part of the beauty of TB is that he is so uncommonly picked that people often do not know how to counter him. So... actually, ignore everything that I said. Terrorblade is a stupid hero that no one should play. Thanks.

submitted by /u/jtaulbee
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Is there a way to play enigma not in jungle?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:29 PM PDT

I like playing enigma, but I'm not too good at him in jungle and I think jungle is still out of meta. Are there any good guides out there that have enigma play in lane?

Is roaming enigma a thing?

submitted by /u/Frostbite999
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Returning to Dota 2.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:47 AM PDT

I played Dota 2 from beta up to about 2014/15 and I'm now looking to make a return. I watched some games from the major and noticed a lot had changed, the interface, shrines, talents and even the map layout. Would anyone like to give me a quick(ish) run through of important things that I should learn?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Sebbelol
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do you guys use keyboard to move map and what keybinds you use

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:08 AM PDT

So, i messed around with keybinds and i still cant find which are the most comfortable for me so i would like if you could write what you use or give some tips so i can try it and maybe i figure out which is best for me

also is it better that my items are on more comfortable position or my control groups

submitted by /u/Firefly_v2
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Linkens vs Aghs AM

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:57 AM PDT

Which one is better and why?

submitted by /u/Waffels08
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Help with Nature's Prophet Offlane ?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:38 PM PDT

I've started playing NP in Offlane and I'm started to like playing him, but I've been struggling with the hero's itemization in the early and mid game, as well as my role. Should I build Burst items, Rat items ? Initiation items ? and when's the best timing for ganks ? The hero is confusing for me and clarifying would be much appreciated

submitted by /u/ElPod
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I've seen Zai building yasha before diffusal a lot on Riki. Any thoughts?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:36 AM PDT

Couple of questions about Wraith King

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:40 AM PDT

He's always been a very high win rate hero in pubs, so I figured I'd start learning him a bit even though I wasn't a big fan of him in the past. What I'm curious to know is -

1) Exactly how good is support WK? Unlike other heroes that I usually play (CM, Rubick, Earth Spirit) all WK has is a single target stun/slow and lifesteal aura. How should I play him in this role and what items should I get?

2) Speaking of items, how should I itemize core WK? I believe you go Treads>Armlet>Blink, but I'm clueless after that. a) Is skadi better than abyssal in any case? b) Is it worth going BKB against heroes like Antimage or Diffusal Spectre/PL? Or should I go Midas and try to hit my lv25 talent? c) Are Echo Sabre, Maelstrom or Desolator viable mid game items?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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matchmaking and what am i likely am doing wrong.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:05 AM PDT

hi as a recent player i have to ask is the matchmaking always so skewered that i am in match with level 28 players as a level 3.

and recently i had my first game as mid the Green ghost hag lady. vs a Tinker. since i never played with one before is it normal for them to be level 8 when i am level 6 i was hitting about half of my last hits but he proceeded to explode me and then snowball into taking all T1 towers at level 11. btw he was a level 1 account so is it that tinker is an easy carry optio for new players that i should be looking at?

and if i report someone for smurfing with them typing in chat that they are using a fake account to kill new players will any action like banning be taken?

submitted by /u/alid610
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Dual lane versus dual lane supporting -- let the carry get full xp or fight with him in the lane?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:43 PM PDT

Here's a match I just played, turned out to be an easy game but I wonder whether or not the way I played the laning stage was the right idea.

I was CM with Jugg against rubick/sven duo lane -- in general I like to stay out of xp range as much as I can, but the double stun from the enemies in this case is pretty scary. The enemy lane had strong kill potential at will with lift into stun, and jugg wouldn't have had a chance to spin out of sven's stun.

Did I make the right choice in general to give jugg space? He did give the first blood but we recovered nicely later. Was it because the enemies were just really bad or is that a good idea at higher levels of play too?

Match ID 3138699686 if you want to look specifically how it played out.

submitted by /u/ritopl0xfix
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Maximising Farm

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:27 PM PDT

In pro games or even simply high MMR ones, the pos 1/2 players seem to find farm at an exorbitant rate, with last hits around 250-300 at the 20 minute mark and picking up items at 15 minutes that might not appear until 40-50 mins in lower tier games. What do they do to find so much farm in such a small space of time?

submitted by /u/xinexcess
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How to climb the 3k bracket?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 01:19 AM PDT

Well i was a 4k player and got a bit tired of supporting so I tried to spam carry with my smurf it was 3,5k at that moment, now im on the 3,1 trench and cant win, im literally losing all my games if they can be called that.

Is just a nightmare playing with this people, maybe because the account is calibrated at 6000 behaviour and my main is like 9000.

I should be stomping, but instead im getting retarded and enraged at them, they do nothing like they just play the ricing or RUNATTHEM aka feeding game and "suddenly" their jungle its semi-god bloodseeker and the supports are pure trash if you play carry, if you play support then is a shitfest of cores throwing away all the advantage, I just cant stand it anymore and im getting lower and lower averages ... Teach me 1v9 should I play mid?

I should go back to my ever easier 4k supporting games, but im just feeling dumb because i dont know how to win this games on my own and really want to climb as a core/carry.

submitted by /u/MiloTheSlayer
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Need some of you insights on how to change you mentality.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:30 PM PDT


At some point in time i decided to start playing ranked to win again, so I did, and i got 1k mmr in a short time, playing a like 40% omni and random heroes.

Now, this is where i need your insight (like your strategies, ideas, tricks, idk).

All of a sudden (a bit after 6.88f, right when they started adding numbers on attacks but no major patch or anything) i start losing games consistently, as opposed to before where the opposite happened.

If this ever happened to you or you think you might have some idea on whats happening here feel free to say something

submitted by /u/boltyboltbolt
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