Civilization - Civ V will soon allow you to rewrite the world history in 1939 AD.

Civ V will soon allow you to rewrite the world history in 1939 AD.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:26 AM PDT

Not gonna whine about this spawn

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:08 PM PDT

Why I Like Civ VI: Phillip II

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:21 AM PDT

What a punchable, smarmy asshole.

Civilization VI is my first installment, and one the first opponents I found friendship with was Phillip II of Spain. Phillip II's AI has a delightfully arrogant personality. He is the epitome of self-righteousness, and has the gall to only narrowly avoid calling your delegation heretics. If you want to play the religious game (which is kind of suboptimal to begin with), he's going to give you a hard time if you try any funny business with his cities.

But generally speaking, this makes Phillip pretty easy to appease compared to some of the other, more irascible AI - Frederick Barbarossa, I am looking at you. As long as you don't spread your heretical religious beliefs to the poor, easily misguided souls in his great Catholic Empire, Phillip is pretty easy to make friends with. He's on the aggressive side, so if you want to start a joint war with him as your partner, he'll happily oblige - and if you can satisfy his minor agenda, you'll stay in his good graces.

As an added bonus, Phillip is pretty happy to launch an inquisition at the tiniest provocation. If you happen to like Relic-whoring like I do, you can suicide apostle after apostle into his inquisitors for mucho tourism.

Did I mention his snobbish personality? This guy, to me, is almost the personification of character design in Civilization VI. Flamboyantly aggressive when he's your enemy, and extravagantly polite and obliging when he's your friend, it's just as fun to see him swashbuckling at you when he's calling you a Judas as it is to enjoy him bowing to you when you make a friendly trade deal with him.

Spain is also one of the clearest examples of how much the AI has improved since the start. Before the last couple patches, you could pretty much always count on Spain to be in dead last in every category, except maybe for religion. Poor Phillip played like a borderline mental deficient. Nowadays though, if I find him on the next continent over, just as often as not, he'll have happily carved out a sizable empire for himself, and maybe even have conquered one of his neighbors' capitals!

I like Phillip the II because to me, he represents a lot of the successes of the way Firaxis has handled Civ VI - he's a cautionary tale with a happy ending about how well sloppy mechanical development can be remedied with some attention after the fact. And he's also damn fun to play with, whether he's your friend or your enemy.

submitted by /u/DragonHeretic
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This is bullshit

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:21 PM PDT

Life of a worker

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 01:19 AM PDT

2800BC - After 700 years of training, I am ready for a few milennia of hard work.

2800 BC to 500AD - The raw wilderness is transformed by my hammer and my shovel. Beautiful, productive and wealthy farms, mines and plantations spring up throughout the land. Food, production and cash flows to the capital to be spent on new buildings, amazing Wonders and a powerful army.

1000AD - While I continue to transform our land, our glorious military is garisoned in our cities, enjoying the great works of art and writing that are starting to appear there.

1200AD - I notice the king has been paying for my army compatriots to get expensive new equipment - swords, pikes and crossbows. I however am happy to continue sweating for the glory of my people with my trusty hammer and shovel.

1400AD - We are at War, and to my excitement I am called up to march with our troops to attack a great neighbouring city.

1450AD - You want me to advance towards the city first? Ok. You're not giving me any weapons? Oh. It's called 'Using workers as bait'? Well I never did understand hifalutin tactics - OK, I'll give it a go.

1460AD - I am attacked by the enemy and forced into slave labour

1470AD - I am recaptured

1480AD - I am attacked by the enemy and forced into slave labour

1490AD - I am recaptured. War is hell.

1600AD - Hang out the bunting: the War is over. The army has gone back to barracks for another few centuries, but I am told to build roads to all our newly captured cities.

1800AD - Phew, that's the roads all built, perhaps I'll get to see some of those bright city lights now.

1810AD - You want me to build railroads where? ... but we already have ... ok, I'll do it.

1900AD - I see our great general has a car. The trade caravaners have been given trucks. The great engineer has a mechanical digger - now that would make my life so much easier! I'll put in a request.

1901AD - Request denied. Guess I'll keep going with my 4,000 year old shovel.

1910AD - Been thinking. The farmer that works one of the farms I made tells me he is a citizen allocated to work the land by the king. But he says I'm not a citizen and could be deleted any time. I told him that couldn't be true and that the king loved me because I had created everything in this beautiful land. Couldn't sleep last night though.

1930AD - It's funny, I've never been abroad (since the war 400 years ago) and radio and tv's not been invented yet, but I've heard a load of books have been written and pictures painted someplace on the other side of the world and now I'm feeling this hankering for the king to run the country the same way as this other place. I went to the doctor about it. He said I was suffering from 'ideological pressure' and gave me a pill.

1940AD - Apparently there's not much work around. The king says all the farms and railroads he needs have been built. All that's been available for me lately has been mining (which I hate). First coal, then aluminium and now this uranium. Have developed a terrible cough.

1945AD - Have now been sent to this freezing tundra no-one thought worth working before to build trading posts. I mean there's no-one here to trade with and I bet the king doesn't even allocate a 'citizen' to work here anyway.

1950AD - We're at war again. First I knew was this mushroom-shaped cloud above the capital city. Apparently that b'stard Gandhi has unleashed a terrible weapon and if you go anywhere near the blast site for like 500 years you get real sick.

1951AD - You want me to go in there!? With a brush!?

1960AD - I've been talking with the other worker units. We reckon we've been looking at things all wrong. How come we've had to slave away for 4,000 years with never an upgrade or a holiday while the king plays politics and whores with Wonders? It's like he thinks this is all a game. It's us who created this country, and it's time for us to seize the means of production and make it ours. Workers of the world unite!


Sadly its not my OC, but I could not resist sharing it with you guys.

submitted by /u/Burlaczech
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[Civilization VI] What a shtty City-State

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:54 AM PDT

Do you play multiplayer?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 01:30 PM PDT

I know there is a Multiplayer Civ community but for the average person you probably won't be exposed to one of these groups. What I'm wondering is are there any reddit users here that actively play MP? I feel like the Reddit community is single player minded.

submitted by /u/Google_Favalava
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r/civ new design concept | April 2017 (More in comments!)

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 01:43 AM PDT

191 turns in and these men still roam the Earth.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:02 PM PDT

Civilization VI - Culture Win (Victory Movies)

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:04 AM PDT

Any idea what's going on with the blue graphics when I play Civ 6 on my MacBook Pro? It's only on Civ and I've reinstalled twice with no change.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:44 PM PDT

First ever Diety victory. Was going to go for a religion but saw how far ahead I was and said screw it lets do science!

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:40 AM PDT

Do you consider disabling certain victory conditions (in single player) "Cheating"?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:31 PM PDT

I personally HATE religious victories because I have personally lost a few games to each where an AI just out of the blue converted the last arbitrary city they needed to meet the quota (even if all my cities were still following my religion) and won. It just feels so...ugh. I tend to disable everything but Domination, Science and Culture nowadays, but I always feel like a bit of a coward for disabling Religious Victory, because I know I could just learn to be more proactive in countering enemy religions.

How about y'all?

submitted by /u/Aesmis
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CRB Mark 2 in the works

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:40 PM PDT

Bill Nye Saves the World confirmed Civy

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:40 PM PDT

Mods for civ 6?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:31 PM PDT

What are some good mods for civ 6 that make the game more fun or just improves the overall experience?

submitted by /u/williamq27
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[Civ VI] Player Survey

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:18 PM PDT


Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:06 PM PDT

Ideas on porting CiV's leaders to VI

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 04:37 PM PDT

So I've been playing Civ V recently and thinking about how to port some of the leader (and civilization) abilities over to Civ VI. Here are some of the ideas I've come up with. This isn't the precursor to a mod (at least not from my computer impaired self), just some ideas. A few of these differ more from their predecessors than others do, based mostly on what I thought would be cool ideas.

Ashurbanipal of Assyria

UA:Assyrian Sappers- Your units get +5 combat strength when attacking city centers. Support units built in half time.

ULA: Treasures of Nineveh- Great works of writing grant +3 science. Your units get +2 combat strength for each great work of writing you own. Your libraries have a slot for a great work of writing. (Since units getting created with experience isn't a thing anymore, I felt like it was better to just grant bonus from great works).

UU: Assyrian Siege Tower- Production cost 100 (same as generic unit). Grants +5 combat strength when defending from ranged attacks to adjacent units.

UU: Light Chariot - Replaces the Horseman. Costs 100 (up from 80) but has no penalties against anti cavalry units.

Augustus Caesar of Rome

ULA: Glory of Rome- +25% production bonus to all buildings and districts that exist in the capital (by adding districts to this, the ability turns from mediocre to good).

Pacal of the Maya

UA: The Long Count - After researching divine right, at the end of each long count (394 years), all your current great person points are doubled (for example, if you had 300 great musician points stored up, they would double to 600.)

ULA: Builder of Monuments- The first district in each city is built in half time (in history Pacal is known for overseeing some of the greatest construction projects of the Maya).

UU: Atlatist- Replaces the archer. Costs 60 production up from 50 but has +10 strength when defending against melee attacks (They have spears, they shouldn't be as vulnerable as people with bows).

UB: Pyramid- Replaces temple. 120 production up from 105 but grants bonus science equal to the holy site's adjacency bonuses.

Genghis Khan of Mongolia

UA: Steppe Tolerance - Cannot found a religion or earn a great prophet. Whenever you conquer a holy city, you get all of the religion's beliefs (works like Kongo's ULA and is based on the Mongol empire's religious diversity.)

ULA: Khan of Khans- +30% combat strength against city states and city state units. Light cavalry, heavy cavalry and Keshiks have +1 movement and can pillage without cost.

UU: Keshik- Unlocked with stirrups. Costs 200 production. 4 movement. Uses the siege unit promotion tree and upgrades to artillery. 40 ranged combat strength, 35 melee combat strength. Earns great general points from combat (1 point for each experience gained) and can move after attacking.

UB: Yurt- Replaces stables. Same building cost. +1 production and +1 production for each adjacent pasture. +1 housing. No gold cost.

Harun Al-Rashid of Arabia

ULA: Arabian Bazaars- Trade route range extended by 50% if they originate in cities with commercial hubs and all your trade routes spread your religion 100% more effectively.

Sejong of Korea

UA: Scholars of the Jade Hall- Completing a wonder grants you a random eureka of your era, and wonders provide +2 science.

ULA: Nongsa-Jikseol- +10% food in each city with a campus district.

UA: Turtle Ship. Replaces the frigate. Cheaper and more powerful (240 production rather than 280, 60 ranged strength up from 55 and 50 melee strength up from 45), but it has a range of one and a penalty moving through ocean tiles (cost 2 movement).

UU: Hwach'a- Replaces bombard. Same cost and stats, but gets +50% combat bonus in friendly lands.

Attila of the Huns

UA: Nomad Empire- Occupied noncapital cities are automatically razed at the end of wars but their territory is retained. Unworked resources grant +1% of whatever their bonus is to that bonus' yield in your capital (example: unworked tobacco grants +1% faith. This stacks with each other unworked tobacco in your empire.)

ULA: Scourge of God- When you raze a city you get two free light cavalry units, one near the city and one near your capital. Units ignore ancient walls and deal full damage to medieval walls.

UU: Hunnic Raider - Replaces horseman. Same production but lower melee strength ( 30 down from 35). However it also has a ranged attack at 30 strength and has no cost to pillage.

UU: Hunnic Battering Ram - Replaces battering ram. 75 production up from 65 but gains the movement of any cavalry unit escorting it and grants adjacent units +5 combat strength when defending against ranged attacks.

submitted by /u/Xyronian
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This is getting ridiculous.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 04:28 PM PDT

I'm a Civ noob, but don't know how, or in which direction, to improve.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:44 AM PDT

As I'm typing this, I have 190 hours in Civ 5 complete with no real plant to boot it up again and 66 hours in Civ 6.

I believe I'm in the minority of players who mostly play mutliplayer, and I do so (mostly in civ 5, exclusively in 6) with two other players that have played the game about as long as I have.

I tend to pick a different civ each game mostly because a lot of them are interesting to me, and also because I try to change which victory type I'm aiming for. That said, while I've had no issue beating AI at least on Prince (in Civ 6) with Domination, Science, and Religion victories, I'm always far, far behind the other two human players when I play multiplayer. So much so that by turn, say, 150 at most, I can tell from the victory progress sidebar and form their chatter that my game has become hopeless. Yet I don't know what is it I''m doing wrong!

I've recently started my games by building a monument and immediately following up with a settler, but that's not enough. In Civ 5 I've had lots of issues with barbarians stealing workers so since I've made it a rule to always have some form of soldier escort them, at least early game, but that's not enough. I've tried competing with one of my friends that always builds lots of wonders early game, but no matter which one I build they get theirs first. Yesterday I sacrificed a copper (as the tile to build the wonder on) and woods tile (to get a production boost) while switching to a government that passively gave me 10% boost to wonder production AND took the economic policy that boosts ancient/classical wonder production by 10% (I was attempting to get Oracle), and it wasn't enough.

Long story short, I feel like when I try to focus on one thing like Religion, I'll fall behind hard in everything else and still be late in that. When I try to be more jack-of-all-trades, I'm still behind in everything. Cities, culture, religion, soldiers, districts, you name it.

TL;DR : I've tried looking up help online but all I can find is basic stuff like "be careful about barbarian scouts!" and "workers are instant now!". I know at least most of the basics, I just don't seem to know how to apply them. Is there any higher-than-novice guide that could help with that?

Forgot to mention, probably one big area of improvement is city management. How much districts should I have per wonder and tile improvements on average? If farms are so good because of their food boost and small housing improvement, do they take precedence over everything else? How many cities should I have founded by the time I hit mid-game?

submitted by /u/Darkunov
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Looking for opinions and strategy on current game of Civ VI.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 04:20 PM PDT

First off I have played civ alot but mostly on prince/king difficulty. Have won on Emperor before but only once. Decided to up the difficulty to immortal, having issues. The current game is me as Scythia, tiny Pangaea map with Norway, Greece (Pericles), and Congo. Congo has become unmatched in science, culture, and tourism. Even with Norway and Greece combined we barely equal Congo. Normally I would have declared an early war since I know how deceptively dangerous Congo is, but he started much to far away to make it possible. Looking for advice on how to tackle Congo it if I should just quit and re-roll the dice or duke it out for at least a few dozen more turns. P.S. it's only turn 117

submitted by /u/crispypancake25
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Why Does it Lag - Civ VI?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:13 PM PDT

Hey all,

Technical questions for you. I've noticed a marked slow down with my Civ VI, starting pretty much immediately the game loads the map. There's a huge wait time/lag between clicking the next turn button, of about 7 - 10 seconds; even on a "duel" sized map with no city states, the game just seems to not want to chug along.

Tech specs:

Processor: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core (4.00GHz) RAM: 16 GB OS: 64-bit Windows 10 Video Card: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB

Mods installed:

A bunch of JFD civs, CQUI.

I've dropped the graphics quality as low as I can on every front, and it still chugs like it's running through molasses in the winter uphill. And that's just at the literal start of the game; by late game, the lag between turn end click and load is closer to 20 - 35 seconds. I don't know what's going on and would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions.

I haven't tried uninstalling and re-installing yet, but that's next on the list if nothing else works.


submitted by /u/sstelmaschuk
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Can you hide the icon for trader units?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:58 PM PDT

In games where I am keeping 10, 15 or more trader units I always find they over-crowd the screen and it gets really annoying. Is there a way to hide the icons of trader units in use?

submitted by /u/GodardWaffleCakes
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