Learn Dota 2 - Quelling blade AND Iron Talon?

Quelling blade AND Iron Talon?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:58 PM PDT

I've been watching DAC these past couple days and one thing I'm noticing is that people are buying Iron talon AND quelling blade. At first, I thought it was just a simple mental error and thought nothing of it. But the third or forth time I saw it on carry players and junglers in these professional matches I started to get curious. What's the point? What am I missing?

Thanks Friends for any info!

submitted by /u/MintyManRazor
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Tips on LH, GPM & XPM

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 02:24 PM PDT

i would like to know how to increase my LH, GPM and XPM.

I have tried to farm a lot and it still didnt help.

P/S: im still a noob in dota 2. My mmr calibrated at 1k

submitted by /u/amirgambit
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Is HotD a bad item?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:19 AM PDT

I've seen people stopping to recommend HotD in many builds and on many heroes, but IMO HotD is still a great item.

Lots of people have been suggesting Aquila on Jugg instead of Dominator as it has efficient damage and mana regen.

Personally I think the Dom build on Jugg is better (especially if anyone else is building aquila). Sure it's good to get early damage from aquila, but for an extra ~900 gold you get incredible sustain AND much more extra farming speed from extra AS and Damage or MS or even more sustain from Wolf or Kobold or Satyr.

HotD doesn't give as many stats anymore which is a downside, but Aquila doesn't give much more than Dom anyway.

Same thing on Drow Ranger. Someone told me that Morbid Mask can offer sustain for the hero.. but WHY? Dominator offers much better pushing power for the team and much better sustain as well as extra AS.

Same thing with Luna. A casual morbid mask can sustain you, but HotD lets you take ancients and even stack ancient if you want as well as offer more damage and AS.

TLDR: I think some people are overestimating the nerfs. Nerfing an insanely good item doesn't make it a bad item.

submitted by /u/GotSodium
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Few naga questions

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 02:14 PM PDT

Hey there, looking for some experienced naga players. I want to ask few questions. 1) difference between mid and safe lane? (item + skill build+radiance timing), 2) how to be more effective early game, i try to send illusions to lane while farming jungle camps, but i have no idea when my illusions are strong enough to just kill stuff without casting rip tide too much. 3) after radiance, how should i decide when to send illusions farming lanes, my jungle or enemy jungle? 4) some super secret naga tricks? hotkeys, anything usefull

submitted by /u/Redlinxerino
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Quick question about sub

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:55 PM PDT

Why is my mouse an Io? Is this for april fools?

submitted by /u/TheMutantHotDog
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So whatever happened to Lone Druid?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:48 PM PDT

He was probably the most picked hero in the game 7.04, and now all of a sudden I haven't seen him at all anymore - I'm pretty positive he hasn't been picked in DAC even once. What happened?

submitted by /u/gwynn-
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How to offlane magnus

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:38 AM PDT

He's been a fotm hero in pros, so I think I'm gonna give him a shot. Iron talon makes sense on him, since he has little lane presence and a cleave. I see some pros go midas on him? Why would they get that over a faster blink, your biggest peak point? I know some things like turning when casting rp to make it easier to skewer, are there any other little tips like these I should know? How to play in lane pre iron talon, very passive not going for last hits in most tri lanes and some dual Lanes I assume

submitted by /u/Lavamites
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How do i lane as magnus

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 02:21 PM PDT

I am a pretty good magnus, but every game that i do well in the midgame with some sick RPs that totally win us the game 100% my credit, i notice that i tend to get destroyed in lane. Usually i play mid, and i get bottle, if i get nice farm early and our team lacks good earlygame i get an echosabre, otherwise it's just me wandering around losing mid, trying to catch up in the jungle. Should i concentrate on getting a super early blink (or other core item), or should i concentrate on zoning the enemy mid?

tldr: i dont really know what to do earlygame

submitted by /u/pantyhose4
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Dota Picker: good or bad?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:00 AM PDT

What are the pros and cons of using Dota picker? It seems to help players get an advantage if they have decent versatility, but I have heard it isn't smart to use. Why is there negative views on Dota picker?

submitted by /u/Parmejon
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I want to learn Windranger

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:16 PM PDT

I like to play as windranger because her ult is deadly with agh + deso + daedalus to easily destroy the tower and can kill hero in just a seconds and I wanna know how do I lane with her? Is she good with duo lane? What role is she good at, support or semi-carry?

submitted by /u/DeadInvoke
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Want to learn Phoenix.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:02 PM PDT

So I still don't understand how that hero works to his full potential. He just looks so interesting(maybe because I have no idea what makes him strong). I've played against him plenty in my bracket (while going to 5k), and he was pretty much always underwhelming. What are exactly his strengths? What do I do in lane, how do I make the most impact? (mostly looking for offlane role). Would love any tips from Phoenix-lovers.

submitted by /u/Parashroom
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Stupid theory-crafting ep.1

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:38 PM PDT

I named it ep.1 because i like to do theory-crafting in unexpected ways and think about stuff that is rarely usefull but interesting as a mechanic. So probably there will be more stuff like this coming and also everybody should feel free to post his own stupid theory-crafting ideas in this or following posts.

So to start with i want to ask a question about AXE ultimate. It deals 150 damage BUT kill everybody that has less than 250 hp at level 1. Now technically you could buff up your spell damage to MORE than 250 magic damage by having 6 aether lens and being buffed by bloodseeker, veil of discord to reduce magic immunity.

The question is: What if you kill an enemy with culling blade who was not below the kill-threshhold? Do you get the movement speed bonus? Does Culling Blade go on cooldown? I'm happily looking forward to an answer.

Feel free to post your own Stupid Theory-Crafts below.

submitted by /u/laurelup
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Technical risk analysis in DotA: Is there a coaching video for that ..?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 12:12 PM PDT

As a ~1.4K DotA player with ~2K+ hours, I cannot just be told what to do, I kinda need to be able to fully understand the why of something to be able to get myself to reflexively do it during the game. That said, Purge's coaching video with SirActionSlacks turned on a lot of light bulbs for me in that it seemed to be more detailed with low-level explanations of certain item and movement choices than Purge's other videos tend to be, so watching that made a huge difference for me in terms of Dota performance and winning since I watched it.

The problem I currently have that I want to focus on is not dying. I tend to die a lot (I usually have the worst K:D ratio and/or most deaths each game), and often times I make very risky choices that seem like they're worth dying for at the time, but probably were not. Sure, getting a last hit on a rax or a T4 may often be worth risking a death, but the other 90% of the time I knowingly take a risk that kills me, it probably wasn't really worth it.

So, what i'm wondering if Purge or another caster has a video that specifically talks down at a low / technical level about when to risk dying vs. when it's not worth taking a risk. Any chance there may be any videos out there that I have missed that are similar to how Purge was coaching Slacks, except on the specific topic of risking death or risk analysis in DotA..?

submitted by /u/FixerJ
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How does one counter Shadow Fiend in lane and after?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:13 AM PDT

All I can tell is he nukes down the wave after a few levels then jungles with his ridiculous early soul damage. Then he comes back and nukes the wave and it's just ridiculous. How does one actually beat him? In lane? After? Because he seems EXTREMELY overpowered right now.

submitted by /u/Furkman53
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Critique my Troll Warlord Build

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:11 AM PDT

Starting: Boots of Agility (150), Ring of Protection (175), Tango (125), Salve (110)

Early Game: Wraith Band (335 w/ Agi Boots @ start)(485 total), Boots (400), Aquila (325 build)(985 total), Band of Elvenskin (450)

Core: Phase Boots (840 build)(1240 total), Morbid Mask (1200), Yasha (1600 build)(2050 total), Sange & Yasha (2050 build)(4100 total)

Note: These items are what you need: Damage, Attack Speed, Health, Attack & Movement Slow, Movement Speed Bonus, and Lifesteal.

Situational: Dragon Lance, Vladimir's Offering, Crysalys, Blink Dagger, Diffusal Blade, Shadow Blade, BKB

Dragon Lance: Need slightly quicker stats than Yasha and want 240 health over a little bit more agility and +8% movement speed. Can also disassemble for S&Y later. The boost in range has its usefulness (just barely get the last couple hits when enemy is running away), but not super useful because Troll likes fighting in Melee form.

Vlad's: Would like your team to benefit from the bonus damage, lifesteal, and armor, as well as help sustain your creep wave during pushes. Decent power spike for the price. Can also disassemble Aquila for this as well. Aura does not stack with Aquila or Basi. Troll's ult makes him a good team fight hero, so Vlad's can help his team's team fight sustain immensely. I usually skip Vlads for a later Satanic because Morbid Mask gives more lifesteal in both forms, as Vlads shaves the 15% lifesteal down to 10% for ranged, which can be problematic in some situations. Vlads is a good teamplay/grouping item, whereas going to a later Satanic is more of an item for when you want to rely on yourself.

Crysalys: Decent damage item that builds into Daedalus later. Worse damage than Demon Edge when crit does not proc, but good when crit does land. The crit will occur frequently when considering Troll's attack speed abilities. It's good to rush Crysalys into Daedalus after Morbid Mask and S&Y, maybe even after just Yasha, if you are doing lots of damage to their comp and want to further it. S&Y isn't as strong damage-wise when considering the crit, so it just depends if you want the all-around benefits of S&Y or more damage and offensive impact with early Crysalys.

Diffusal Blade: Good pickup vs heroes who already have mana problems or very reliant on mana. The extra int is helpful for Troll's mana pool as well, due to the fact that Troll only has +1 int gain. The agility is also helpful for obvious reasons (more attack damage, attack speed, tiny bit more armor). The purge also helps to slow and purge buffs on heroes w/out escape mechanisms. Decent lockdown item for Troll, especially considering his chase-based playstyle.

Shadow Blade: Decent damage and attack speed item. Gives Troll some initiation and an escape mechanism. Good to build if your build is still slow after S&Y. Building Silver Edge could replace a Skadi if the Shadow Blade is doing very well and you want some more stats and the break effect. Another thing to note is that you should switch to melee form before going invis because it's Troll's stronger attack form. The bonus movement speed from Melee form combined w/ the Shadow Walk bonus allows him to go a lot faster as well, letting you initiate or escape quicker before the invis wears off. The max damage initiation combo is to land the bonus damage attack from invis, press ult, then use melee axes all in quick succession. I'd pick this up over Blink if you want more damage and attack speed over a faster initiation, like maybe if you are focusing more on pushing and farming instead of pickoffs.

Blink Dagger: Need to close space and would like the initiation. Not a reliable escape for obvious reasons. Would pick up vs heroes that I can take down quickly or need to take down quickly that can simply escape when I run at them, as opposed to just appearing on top of them. Blinking in, then doing the previously mentioned max damage combo is great. Sometimes the sudden initiation and gap closing is sometimes more helpful than Shadow Blade if they have detection or need instant initiation.

BKB: Many put this in Troll's cores, but the gold could be put towards stronger items if he is ahead and safer/cheaper items when he is behind. I only pick this up if I really need the active during team fights or 1v1's. Troll doesn't want to be stopped by stuns or bursted down when focusing down a target because it lets your victim get away. Pick this up if you find yourself missing kills by getting locked down or by your health getting too low all due to magical stuns and spells.

Extension Items: Satanic, Daedalus, Skadi, Moon Stone

Satanic (Troll's Strongest Sustain/Tank Item Choice): Usually first extension I pick up so I can be more tanky and do some more damage. I pick this up first because it's safer to have a sustain/tank item over damage. Combined with Troll's great attack speed, this allows him to have a hard time dying. This is a more active tank item than Heart because Troll is often in the fight and wants active sustain over sustain that would suit those who weave in and out of fights. Getting a bonus damage bash from melee form, as well as a crit from Daedalus or Crysalys also grants more life for you and does more damage to them, which is a synergy you should consider. His attack speed abilities also allow him to heal really quick.

Daedalus (Strongest Damage Item Choice): This is my other first choice option if I want more damage over survivability. Sometimes I pick this up first if I'm doing great and the enemy team can't do much. The Crit makes him do tons of damage and gives him ridiculous survivability combined with Satanic's Active. Troll's high attack speed abilities allow him to attack more, therefore allowing the crit to happen more frequently time-wise. Your damage can also increases a lot if you get the melee bash and crit to proc on the same hit.

Skadi (Strongest Stat & Chase Item Choice): This is a great item to build if you need a lot of stats and would like a slow. The slow is twice as long (5 seconds) when in Melee form, which is the form Troll usually fights in. This is Troll's strongest stat item and disable item. The slow also stacks with S&Y's. Troll is know to switch to Ranged form to use ranged axes and a ranged attack to finish off his enemies and Skadi helps him hunt them back down and catch back up. There is possible synergy between this and blink dagger so you can jump back in after a ranged slow, and then switch back to melee form to get the kill.

Moon Stone (Strongest Attack Speed Item Choice): Gives him tons of Attack Speed. Good Item to Eat if 6 slotted. Can honestly just continue to build Moonstones. I prioritize this lower than the others because attack speed is less important, compared to stats, sustain, and damage, because Troll already has amazing attack speed abilities. I go into what to prioritize in my Ideal 6 Slot Build Section at the bottom.

Situational Extensions: Butterfly, Monkey King Bar, Boots of Travel, Linken's Sphere

Butterfly: Situational pickup because it's a good damage and attack speed item for Troll w/ a good defensive Passive. Mediocre pickup if enemy team is already building to counter evasion on your team. Good pickup vs right clickers w/out true strike. It's not a bad Luxury item to pick up if you want +65 damage, some decent armor, burst of movement speed, and some evasion. Also a better defensive item pickup than BKB vs right clickers. The evasion from this + the blind effect from Troll's Melee Axes lets him be even stronger in 1v1 situations.

MKB: Need true strike to counter evasion. The MKB bash does not get negated by Troll's bash. Very situational pickup for Troll. Only really good on Troll for the True Strike because he can get other items that give him better damage (Daedalus, Butterfly). Not a great item for Troll, but it's something to consider against certain enemy heroes. Sometimes building a Silver Edge is better against like PA if you already have Shadow Blade so you can break her evasion passive + do some bonus damage on your first hit.

Boots of Travel: Need to be around the map and want more movement speed. Should sell Phase Boots for these when the +24 damage becomes negligible. Troll will picks these up to push out other lanes quicker. Pretty standard item.

Linken's Sphere: Good pickup if you want more stats, regen, and to block a single target spell every 13 seconds. Better than BKB if one occasional spell is affecting Troll's aggression rather than a couple sources of interruptions. Troll also really likes the regen and gives him even more sustain with Satanic lifesteal.

My Ideal 6 Slot Build: S&Y, Satanic, Daedalus, BKB, Tp Boots, Skadi.

This build is fairly safe vs most comps and gives Troll damage, stats, sustain, slow, great movement, and semi-global presence. I'd say that building significant damage (30+ damage imo) and significant stats (8+ or so imo) stats are your main priority.

Building damage is important for Troll because he already has Fervor and Battle Trance, which are strong attack speed-related abilities. Because of those abilities, building damage becomes very important so you can put that great attack speed to proper use.

Building stats (Aquila, S&Y, Skadi, and sometimes Dragon Lance, Vlad's, Silver Edge, Linkens) is important because Troll already has good agility gain (21 + 2.75) and decent strength gain (20 + 2.2), as well as weak int gain (13 + 1), so building more stats furthers his resources (also helps his weak mana pool), damage, sustain, and attack speed all at the same time. While the damage might not be significant from the majority of aforementioned stat items, Troll doesn't want to max out on damage because he'll lack a dominating presence without extra armor, health, and mana that could be provided from stats. Hypothetically, hitting Troll with a Desolator at level 15 and 25 takes away most of his itemless armor (7.5 @ level 15, 11.43 @ level 25) and makes him an easy target. Stats are a good investment to prevent Troll from being a character who attacks things really fast without being able to be attacked himself.

submitted by /u/Liamrun
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Learning to use Shadow fiend effectively requesting help from experienced mids. [SEA]

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:25 PM PDT

I am a safelane carry player who wants to delve into midlaners and currently i am trying to learn shadowfiend effectively any help would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/T3rraN0va
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Coming back to the game after a long time. Where to start?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:33 AM PDT

Hey everyone!

After a long break, I am reinstalling DotA 2. I haven't played since the latest big patch (the one that added jungle runes etc). I used to play support a lot, but I wish to change that, since I want a bigger impact on the game, especially late. How would you approach getting to a higher MMR (I was at about 2.2k)? What would you focus on? What's the game like nowadays?

submitted by /u/AstroSmash420
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Double Wraith Band on Sniper?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 12:47 AM PDT

I've seen a lot of high level and/or pro players going for two wraith bands, and I don't understand why. Any hints on this?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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What are your favourite learning resources?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:38 AM PDT

I've recently been on the receiving end of a pretty brutal loss streak and now I have the upcoming challenge of needing to claw back my lost MMR!

I'm not the type to blame my losses on allies although I will say that I do think that toxic behaviour has note ably increased over the last few months. There's a thread on the main r/dota2 right now which seems to suggest that's a trend for lots of people. Maybe all those changes to matchmaking has "released the plebs" so to speak. But anyway I know that I won't gain any MMR by blaming bad allies or people that flame and tilt the team. Statistically I am more like to benefit from that than lose since I am not a flamer myself...

So I'm wondering what are the various guides, videos, lobby match practices, custom games and other things that people have found that have helped them improve. If enough people respond then we could also try and create a list to help people in the future.

submitted by /u/Sir_Joshula
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Some questions regarding the Battle Cup

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:18 AM PDT

From what I understand, this is some kind of weekly tournament that you can participate in if you have a battle pass (or maybe a battle cup ticket? I think that was a reward at some level - I have level 30 battle pass). Anyway, here are my questions:

1) It seems to start pretty late on saturday night (for me, at least - 9:00pm or 10:00pm I can't remember with daylight savings time recently kicking in). How big of a commitment is this? How long does the battle cup last?

2) How do I even enter the battle cup? Do I need to join with 4 friends or can I be slotted into a random team of others?

3) What are the possible rewards for participating in the battle cup? The only one I know of is the achievements for getting certain milestones for battle cup points.

4) How many battle cup points do you typically win? Will I get a lot of battle points from the achievements or will it be hard to get the amount of battle cup points those achievements require?

submitted by /u/CptnSAUS
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Coaching for sub-1k MMR Player

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:48 AM PDT

Can anyone help me get better at dota 2 pls

My dota buff : https://www.dotabuff.com/players/311333971

submitted by /u/viper11101
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New Player from League

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 02:56 AM PDT

I am currently taking a break from LoL and I've been watching a lot of Itmejp since he switched to playing Dota. I've been wanting to give Dota a shot but I have a few questions before I start.

If I mained ADC/Mid in League, what role would those skills transfer to? What are some of the things I need to know? Are there some good resources for newer players?

I want to know the basic of basics before I get started so It would probably be best to assume I don't know anything.

submitted by /u/Maximus200820
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Could I have some feedback on this game? (roughly 3.2k avg, SEA)

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 02:44 AM PDT


I was the shadow shaman. I admit, I was pretty tilted during the 15-20min mark because my economy was ruined by buying sentries to counter riki as well as babysitting magnus who was getting outlaned by lina. I warded defensively mostly, but it always got dewarded by cm. Even when I had no gold to buy wards or sentries or when they were on cooldown, my sniper just kept spamming the wheel chat "We need wards".


I'm not sure exactly how to put it, but i felt pretty suffocated and useless, as i kept dying in teamfights and couldnt do anything, and as a lone support who was constantly dying when i was warding/dewarding, but i couldnt just "not deward" because it meant that they would have map control and snowball (though they did in the end). Ill really appreciate it if anybody could help me out and provide some advice.


Also, does anybody have some general tips how to play as a lone support? Thanks a lot!

submitted by /u/evisceraze
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