Guild Wars 2 - Tribulation()


Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:40 PM PDT

Game Update Notes - April 1, 2017

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:20 PM PDT

The reason Anet hasn't finished W3 in SAB...

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 10:06 AM PDT

gw2efficiency - Easter lottery (6883g total prize pool)

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:09 PM PDT

Hello there,

We had a lot of items to give away (thank you to all the donators, we really appreciate it!) and since Christmas is sooOooOooo far away, we thought we'd do a Easter lottery instead!

Enter the lottery here!

The format of the lottery is the same as the Christmas lottery, so you can enter for a different prize every day. The prizes unlock/get drawn at midnight UTC. There is also a big prize at the bottom, which you can enter from the start and will be drawn at the end of April.

In sum, we'll be giving away 4887g 82s 31c in daily prizes, and the main prize of 1995g 90s 86c, adding up to a total of 6883g 73s 17c across all of April.

Hope you enjoy, and happy Easter.

The gw2efficiency team.

submitted by /u/queicherius
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We cracked the code boys, time for World 3!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:01 PM PDT

Updated DPS Benchmarks (3-31-2017)

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:06 PM PDT

NoNo-clouds as finisher!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 02:58 PM PDT

How amazing would it be to have the NoNo-clouds as a finisher. I mean i can totally see someone jumping me in wvw and i kill him and finish him off with the NoNo Clouds, that would be epic! Please Arena Net give us that! Also whilst on topic and wishful thinking can i have a bunnyado too?

submitted by /u/Lovaa
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[Spoiler?] Super Adventure Box - Conspiracy Theories

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 11:32 AM PDT

Edit: Before anyone else gets too into this, please do remember its only WiLd SpEcUlAtIoN. This thread is for fun. Don't take it too seriously, don't get upset when it doesn't happen. With that out of the way:

There's actually a lot of theory pointing towards... something, being off with SAB this year.

Edit: Additional reasons listed

  • The new SAB release page talking about "Can you find the CODE?"
  • Having comments from Princess Miya in the release page code
  • "Tribulation()" function in the page
  • The Genie being on the Release Page
  • A lot of new dialog between Moto and new NPCs in Rata Sum about it
  • New weapons set which is specifically colored for what would theoretically be the World 3 weapon colors (despite having an alternate source)
  • Additional "Hardcore" music (W1Z2 hardcore music was corrected to have an additional song to match the "initial dark woods" section)
  • This note in the datamining from that_shaman: TO DO: Finish holo-rendering art assets. —Moto
  • A 6th additional heart slot locked from nowhere just confirmed, it was here in 2016 too. Sorry.

However, perhaps the most convincing to me, is that when Arenanet refuted the existence of World 3... they never said it wasn't happening:

Josh talked about this in his blog post last year: "Guild Wars 2 is a huge game, and keeping it strong means making tough decisions about where to spend our time to best serve the most players. We decided we couldn't justify the sacrifice to Guild Wars 2 to make more new worlds for SAB." ~RB2


Its very similar question aversion to what happened just before the reveal of Lake Doric - quoting a previous article doesn't necessarily mean they're refuting it. Quoting the previous article just says "we talked about this a year ago".

A year is a long time, priorities change.

Guildies are proposing that tomorrow we'll get World 3 as an April Fools surprise, but it could be some kind of ARG as well.

That being said, either way... these are a LOT of updates for what was supposed to be just a recurrence of a festival. Look how much changed for Wintersday: Not much, in comparison.

Anyways, it's less than 24 hours away, so we'll see what happens.

A lot of credit to my guild leader for a lot of this.

submitted by /u/SergeAzel
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ArenaNet: Please add a stat swapping recipe like the ones for Moto's Unstable Bauble Infusion... to the standard +9 AR / +5 stat infusions!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:32 AM PDT

I have a number of these expensive +9 AR / +5 Stat infusions sitting in my bank right now, mostly because of shifts in meta but also a few that were out of stupidity. I'd gladly pay the ~10 gold for each of these to swap to a new stat and be usable again! It seems a precedent is already in place for stat-swapping infusions, so why not expand it to all +9 AR / +5 Stat infusions?

submitted by /u/swatkins818
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Yep, I think Anet messed up ice physics in SAB.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 03:41 PM PDT

A tiny tap sends you sliding at high speed almost half the time. Unless that was intended?

submitted by /u/Zaybiel
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Anyone else misses the hilariously cruel original World 2?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 01:35 AM PDT

[qT] has updated their website for April Fool's Day.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:05 PM PDT

Oh great now we have to see her here too.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:15 PM PDT

Guessing she always has to be under the damn spotlight wherever she goes!

This brings backs nightmares you know! Do you know how much I suffered for not becoming the almighty being that I was supposed to be?


submitted by /u/oretoh
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S3 Episode 5 speculation!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 09:35 AM PDT

I know these type of threads get down voted immediately, but I haven't seen a thread about it so I'd reckon I'd start one!

Does anyone have any idea where we might be going next? Before Episode 4, a lot of people were speculating we might be going to Lake Doric or the Isles of Janthir. This time, we haven't received any clue what so ever!

Where do you expect we'll go this time? What story advancements do you expect to see? I'm personally betting on another Ring of Fire map. I'm also expecting to encounter who the fake Lazarus really is (and I'm almost confident that it won't be the human Gods, as the story would get too convoluted).

Truthfully, I'm hoping for Kasmeer to be Lazarus, and with a possible revelation that Kasmeer is the real heir to Divinity's Reach (with Queen Jenna being a place holder).

A lot of exciting stuff going on! Pretty sure that we'll get the new story at the end of the festival as well (20th of April).

I'd like to read your speculations and wishes about the upcoming episode!

submitted by /u/Igloocor
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[WvW] Mode Breaking Bug - T1 - Cannons, Oil (probably Mortar at T2) are enemy for the server having them

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 11:36 AM PDT

Title Some Screenshots

Edit: If you don't know, the build sites gonna respawn after time and the NPCs gonna kill them over again, that will contest the keep/tower almost non-stop.

submitted by /u/KallorTesThesula
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[Guide] Super Adventure Box

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:26 AM PDT

Second -red bubble cat?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 11:29 AM PDT

are we sure there isnt another "cat" in world one with red bubbles? Like we got two insusion with blue and red bubbles -so mayby there is anotehr cat somewhere in world one?

edit - we got one in world 2, with title from world two, with bubble infusion from world two. Logicly there should be another one in world1, with title from world 1 and infusion from world one

submitted by /u/Servel85
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Super Adventure Box - Tribulation Mode Song

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 05:13 PM PDT

I'm bringing this back because it's relevant again YAY FOR TRIBULATION MODE!!! Credits goes to my friend who wrote the lyrics and sang the song!



Dumb Fun Ways to Die - Tribulation Mode

Give tribulation a try

Got continue coins stacked up high

Jump on a rock, get stopped by blocks

Land on lethal spikes and instantly die

Fun ways to die, so many fun ways to die

Fun ways to die-ie-ie, this really wants to make me cry

Walk into explosive plants

Jump in a hole and never land

Fall in lava pits, death from a glitch

Spikes are underneath that place you stand

Fun ways to die, so many fun ways to die

Fun ways to die-ie-ie, this really wants to make me cry

Think you made it past the gap?

A boulder moves and knocks you back

See a monkey there, with an evil glare

Watch the checkpoint squish you, wasn't expecting that

Fun ways to die, so many fun ways to die

Fun ways to die-ie-ie, this really wants to make me cry

Find a cloud that's really close,

Orange balloons gonna need one of those

But it's over there, in the pit of despair

That's a lot of lives I don't wanna lose

Fun ways to die, so many fun ways to die

Fun ways to die-ie-ie, this really wants to make me cry

Get messed up by that tribulation cloud

Type in rage and anger, screaming out loud

Jump inside the guts of a shortcut worm

Thinking it'd be easy and that it would work

But then find out it's filled with spikes and

Extra green boxes that would hurt more

Dumbest ways to die, dumbest ways to die

Dumbest ways to die-ie-ie-ie

This really wants, this really wants to make me cry

Enjoy~ now go play more SAB tribulation :D

God what is formatting on reddit...

submitted by /u/Schyphrus
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Crimson Assassin Warhorn Sound

Posted: 30 Mar 2017 08:42 PM PDT

Can we just get rid of the "no direct image links" side-rule?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:20 PM PDT

No one seems to either know or care about it.

submitted by /u/Jay-Pee
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Mini Storm Wizard

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 02:00 PM PDT

Since minis dont unlock when you roll them in the forge, is anet really expecting people to buy Mini Super Trio twice from the gemstore? Once to unlock the Spider, Bee Dog, and Monkey, then again to actually roll them. That doesn't seem right.

submitted by /u/Fexcad
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Anyone else getting severe TP latency?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:51 PM PDT

Been like that for the past 24 hours or so. Several seconds if not minutes when trying to load TP listings, making orders, etc. Haven't seen any posts about it so thought I'd check if this was happening to anyone else.

submitted by /u/oldTruck3r
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Solo Twilight Arbor Forward 12:55 (Restricted)

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 09:56 AM PDT

Why do you play your class?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:33 PM PDT

I didn't see one of these posts recently, and I always like reading people's responses for what sells them on their class.

So why do you play yours? What is it that makes it your favorite?

submitted by /u/CrsIaanix
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It took the entire night, it was definitely not worth it and I am most certainly not proud of it, but I finally beat 101 Tribulation.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 12:04 AM PDT I lost track off the hours, but it must have been around 8 straight. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll kill myself go to sleep. Thats all.

submitted by /u/Calenhir
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