Learn Dota 2 - Coming from LoL to Dota2, I'm kind of Lost.

Coming from LoL to Dota2, I'm kind of Lost.

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 03:56 PM PDT

LoL's new client update straight broke the game, and I didn't have fun playing the game anyways. So Nows the time to move to dota for good.

Also I spend 10$ on LoL and got 1 skin. I spent 5$ in Dota and got 9 outfits and made a custom one for death profit that's super cool. I think I know where my money is more effective now.

Anyways, I've got some 200 hours played and I have a bunch of characters I really like playing, but I realize

I have no idea what I'm doing.

My favorite heroes right now are windranger, Winter Wyvern, Lina, Death Prophet, Luna and Mirana.

I'm realizing I really have no idea what items to build and why.

In LoL items usually directly affect your hero's abilities, and after some testing, in the sandbox thing... Items in Dota dont really do this? The increase is insanely small. It's obvious that the items increase the rightclick damage by a noticable amount, but does this make the game more rightclick based? I'm rather lost when it comes to items.

I've been watching the Kiev major and trying to watch items they build but I'm realizing I have no idea why they are buying them items they are except BKB and eye of skadi.

Does anyone have videos or a rundown of the way to look at itemization?

submitted by /u/girlwithruinedteeth
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New player coming from HOTS! How can I start?

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 02:12 PM PDT

Hey guys! I've always loved Dota 2 but I've never played it for some reasons. I watch a lot of streams/videos about it(actually I'm watching the Kiev Major) and I think it's time to start my journey on this game! Do you have any advices on how to learn the game's mechanics? Any heroes to play at the beginning? How to learn all the items and which ones are better for my hero? Thank you so much :D

submitted by /u/Illidan27
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How is lycan mid? Viable, doable, awful, etc.

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 04:32 PM PDT

I play in a 5 stack where 90% of the time we keep to our roles, and our carry dislikes lycan (or more specifically, the "teamfight" lycan build where you go MoM/echo and armlet). I was wondering how viable a mid lycan can be. I can imagine it would depend on matchups, but could it work? I've been inspired by all the kiev lycans and he looks fun to play.

submitted by /u/Lavamites
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Why is Crystal Maiden Picked in Competitive?

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 11:36 AM PDT

I have been seeing Crystal Maiden picked more often lately in the competitive scene but why?

submitted by /u/Ultimategamer5z
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Why exactly is Slark considered bad in the laning phase?

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 06:19 AM PDT

I always thought that the weaknesses of the hero are 5v5 teamfighting and/or getting kited by more mobile heroes (AM?) and being useless against early 5-man push strat lineups. During laning however, he has Essence Shift which is imo one of the better passives for trading hits, along with the ability to quickly jump and provide psuedo-lockdown with Pounce and lastly Dark Pact which serves as a okay-ish flash farming tool given its low CD and mana cost.

Of course his ult gives him regen which makes him impossible to harass out of lane, but even before lv6 why is he considered a bad laner? I'm probably missing something here.

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Is "autocasting" - eg, having an item's ability cast automatically, over and over, a thing? If so, how do you set it up?

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 06:47 AM PDT

For example, recently I saw a video in which it seems that the player's phase boots where on some type of auto-cast; they kept getting activated over and over. There wasn't a hot-key key assigned to the item, so how does that work?

submitted by /u/heally_tonest
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Midas For support after 20mins

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 06:49 AM PDT

I saw in pro matches that a lot of supports buy midas even after 20mins. Why is it worth it? like you could buy another item instead of midas. Like before midas changes it was recommended not to buy midas after 20mins buy what is the recommended timings now?

submitted by /u/chrome199
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Wraith King build advice

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 01:12 PM PDT

Hi.I am trying to learn wraith king,but my problem is that I don't really have an idea on what to build on him because he is so versatile and can use almost every item to some degree. What is considered to be his core that he must always have?

submitted by /u/gambitflash
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Slark lvl 10 talents

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 12:36 PM PDT

Hi, redditors! Mainly in my pubs i see slarks picking talent for 10% lifesteal that looks pretty effective in late game. Now at the Kiev major i find many slarks picking lvl 10 talent for +15 damage. What are your thoughts on that? These slarks are aiming at early aggression and want to boost their damage. But is this actionally worth of it in a long time period? I am not actually sure that these 10% of vampirism are good enough because if you have 200 dmg and make 10 hits it is only 200 hp you can get.

Your thoughts?

submitted by /u/T-Me-Control_IX
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PA problems

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 04:19 PM PDT

Any tips to deal with her as a squishy disabler, like Invoker / Storm Spirit?

Does anyone feel like Phantom Assassin, is really out of place in DotA 2? For a game that is known because of the high skill ceiling it has. A hero that relies as heavily on RNG to work as PA just seems wrong. Also, the way her dagger interacts with buffs and items is crazy, being able to cleave and stun you at range every 6 seconds.

Any help on how to deal with her is appreciated and thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Unorthy22
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can any hero play mid?

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 09:25 AM PDT

3 noob questions

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 10:34 AM PDT

  1. How do u pause the game?
  2. How do u bottle runes and use them?
  3. I am a semi noob in actual play so what heroes should I pick consistently which don't usually get banned in pubs? Thanks for reading.
submitted by /u/Ud_is_cool
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Winning the safelane

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 09:42 AM PDT

My favorite heros are AM, Slark, Jugg, Luna, and Morph. Lately it feels like winning the safelane as a carry is extremely difficult, I just want to know the steps other carry players take to ensure their lane isn't terrible. I know clicking your opponent is one way to bully them out of lane, but with the offlane shrine being so close it's extremely difficult to genuinely shut down an offlaner.

submitted by /u/Buttstinker
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Looking for advice on Puck.

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 06:32 AM PDT

Posted here before, and I think I've gone from being bad to being 'ok', But I know I can improve on... pretty much everything.
Here are my two most recent games with links to dotabuff. All the others have had their replays expire I think, but feel free to look through those as well on dotabuff I guess? If you feel like it. These two are at 2.2k mmr btw.

Match 1 id: 3146467223
Match 2 id: 3146596735

Anything you feel like pointing out from these is appreciated, but here's some general questions I have.
When do I buy dagon? How much dagon should I buy? I feel like I buy this item waaayyy too much, like every game.

What boots do I buy? I've tried treds and those seem decent. Mana boots let me just spell spam but maybe I should be buying a better mana sustain item? BoT's seemed to help me farm a lot faster though I think I could use them better.

Viel/euls/lotus? Viel seems ok early on, feels a bit worse lategame, depends on team I guess. Euls is cheap and I usualy buy it when I need a quick purge, tried lotus and it also seemed ok, is it ever worth it?

Good starting build? People in my mmr rarely if ever pool tangoes, but perhaps I could have a better starting build than null - tango. Though I figure most of my early problems can be solved by being better at last hitting.

...I guess these all ended up being about item choice... so anything else on that would be great.

submitted by /u/InfiniteSquirrels
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How to play against an Invoker with Radiance?

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 10:17 PM PDT


So I just had this match. Invoker was a smurf, obviously(lv1). But I had never seen something like this, he was basically destroying us.

It was all fine until Invoker got Radiance. He then started following us around with Ghost Walk and basically killing us, especially PA, without doing anything. Abaddon and Sniper then started buying a lot of dust and wards in hopes of catching him. But no, he would just Tornado us. And if we were escaping he would just use Sun Strike in a pinch.

My question is: what should we have done differently? Either in the laning phase, midgame or late game, or even when drafting.

I think the biggest error on our part was not supporting Sniper enough in the laning phase. He was doing ok, but we didn't see that coming.

Thanks for your help!

submitted by /u/direfulsalt
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How to not feed my lead away after early game is done

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 11:38 PM PDT

I have been playing pretty much just safelane core for awhile now and with my friend supporting me (party ranked). There have been multiple instances where we completely win and it's gg I won the lane.

However once 10 minutes + starts rolling around idk what to do. Do I push towers/farm jg. At what point do I group with the others to "5 man". Lately i end up just fucking up trying to fight and die, or I just end up falling behind. And idk what it is.

submitted by /u/morning32
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How to return to the game?

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 11:08 PM PDT

Stupid title; I'm sorry. My brain is dust right now.

Long story short, I've been a Dota player since it was called Defense of the Ancients in Warcraft III back in ~2003. Since then I've put in countless hours and had played the game strong for about five years and then sporadically played, less frequently, for another five years. Recently, I've come back to the game to play with some World of Warcraft friends. Problem is, I've been away for almost two years.

My issue is that my account is level 18, it's showing my ranked MMR as 3867 solo, 3709 teamed but I know that's not anywhere near where I should be. I don't even know if that's good/bad/average as far as brackets go.

So, I've taken to playing normal games but it seems I'm being matched with people that are just flat out better than me regardless of their level (although I haven't played against anyone lower than level 70 in the ~5 games I've played since I returned).

Usually this wouldn't be a problem for me but I'm finding it difficult to get used to the game and all the new mechanics again when I'm just getting ass-blasted around every corner.

Without intentionally tanking my MMR which I absolutely despise and will never attempt in my life, is there a way to play with people on a more level playing field or do I need to strap on the boots, suck it up, and get to grinding?

submitted by /u/detoxcs
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I'm a 1.4k MMR player who has hit a ceiling. Tell me what wrong we do when you see us play ?

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 12:01 AM PDT

I try my best when I play. Be polite, ward and support as much as possible when I pick a support hero. Suggest what to do and what not to team. I mostly solo queue so communication isn't there at all. But what common mistakes or blunders you guys can see us do ? What 2-3 tips we desperately need to adopt ?

submitted by /u/ParallelConversation
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How do you play against huskar early?

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 05:34 AM PDT

I just played a game as offlane legion into Huskar/CM dual lane. I got totally destroyed basically just getting levels while huskar completely free farmed. How do you play into a decent huskar in the early game?

submitted by /u/Apoth75
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