Hearthstone - Most of you guys probably have not seen the "Fandral form" of Shellshifter

Most of you guys probably have not seen the "Fandral form" of Shellshifter

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:15 AM PDT

Just opened a golden one and decided to find out how it looks with Fandral. More than satisfied!


Fandral form !


Stealth option

Taunt option

submitted by /u/delusion54
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I hate my life.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:38 AM PDT

It's unacceptable that after 3 years we still have the most basic collection layout

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:53 PM PDT

I've played since hearthstone was released and, no, my complaints aren't about [insert strongest deck], it's about the frustratingly basic UI. Hearthstone has 0 game manuals or official Blizzard rulebooks that could instantaneously remove a lot of ambiguity from the game.

Why have we not yet gotten the ability to fully analyze our cards? If I craft Ysera, I shouldn't have to play it in game numerous times to see what a dream card is, I should be able to do that from my collection. Minions that are spawned from deathrattles should be shown side-by-side in the collection when you inspect a card. Spells that generate tokens or minions should be shown when you inspect a card.

But the biggest thing I don't understand is why Blizzard chooses to waste all that time and money on incredible voice acting, only to let you hear it the 1 time you play something in game. I shouldn't have to disenchant and recraft a card so I can listen to it's awesome intro. Adding a button that you can click to hear a minions intro would be a much better addition to the game than any other changes imo.

You could make the argument that the internet exists for you to look these things up, but it's such a huge cop-out and so lazy on Blizzards part. I shouldn't have to use external sources to learn/experience something about a game this caliber.

submitted by /u/saystruethings
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Jaraxxus after getting his hands amputated would be worth 1 Mana

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:44 AM PDT

Looks like his Fists are the most important parts of the body.

submitted by /u/fourpickledcucumbers
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I really hope Blizzard goes all in with the crab 'tribe'

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:20 PM PDT

We got a crab that eats Murlocs.

We got a crab that eats Pirates, that's it.

Where's the crab that eats dragons? The one that eats beasts? Machines? Totems to. Don't forget demons. Oh, and Elementals.

Don't let it stop there. We need crabs that can eat a minion that has battlecry. And a crab that can eat a minion that has deathrattle (Make it silence it first, because powercreep). Let there be one that eats a minion that has stealth (Can say destroy one random minion that has stealth). Let there be a crab that gets to eat a minion that has divine shield.

What about a crab that eats a minions who receive any kind of Attack/Health Buff?

Lets have one that eats Common minions. One that eats Rares. One that eats Epics. One that eats legendaries (Make him a Legendary).

Lets have one that eats Hunter class minions. One that eats Mage class, one that eats Druid minions, one that eats Paladin minions, one that eats Warlock minions, etc.

Lets have one that eats 1 mana minions, one that eats 2 mana minions, one that eats 3 mana minions, etc. Make them cost the same mana as the one they're eating. So 10 mana crab eats 10 mana minions.

We need a crab that can eat Damaged Minion.

We need a crab that can eat Silenced Minion.

We need a crab that can eat the next Minion that gets played.

We need a crab that eats the last played Minion.

Need a Crab that can eat a weapon.

Definitely want a Crab that eats a secret.

Bliz needs to f***ing go all in on this. I want to play a deck full of these things.

submitted by /u/Horrowx
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The removal of cheap silence was one of the best decisions Blizzard made for the game

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:20 AM PDT

There´s a lot of controversy as far as balance of Hearthstone goes, but we really have to give this one to Blizzard.

I think we can all agree that we were happy when Owl was nerfed. But only recently when I was going through UnGoro cards in the meta did I realize how much this decision has done. People hate "design space" argument, but the removal of "pocket silence" has massively opened up card design. Just look at some examples from UnGoro.

Sherazim,one of the most interesting new Rogue cards would have been completely unplayable if Owl was still in the meta

Spikeridged Steed, one of the best new Paladin cards would have been countered by a 2 mana 2/1

Giant Anaconda would have been utterly worthless

Pyros being a 2 mana 2/2, nothing else

Cards like Ravenous Pterrodax (generally Adapt, but more multiple Adapt cards) would have been dealt with easily

Taunts like Direhorn Hatchling would be neutered. Also generally Deathrattle cards would have been easy to play around and aggro would have an autoinclude cheap card to get through strong anti-aggro tools like Tar Creper

That´s not all from the latest expansion, but there´s tons of more cards from the previous expansions or classic set-like Tirion, Rag Lightlord, Aldor Peacekeeper, Wickerflame Burnbristle,Rat Pack, Savannah Highmane, Ysera/Cairne, Faceless Shambler or Aya Blackpaw, which would have lost a lot of their viability if Owl was still around.

Silence is generally a very un-fun mechanic, your opponent essentially telling you "no,you can´t do that" is something a lot of players don´t enjoy playing against. It´s good when it´s in the game as a tech choice, but it has massive effect on the meta when it´s available cheaply for all classes. And seeing cards like Sherazim or Faceless Shambler truly have an impact on the game makes me want to appreciate this decision even more.

EDIT: Guys please, read the entire thing, even the last paragraph. I never said that I'm against Silence as a mechanic or that Silence doesn't exist anymore. If you feel the need to remind me that you are playing Silence Priestor whatever other deck with silence as a tech card -sure go for it I never said that's bad. I'm talking about cheap (2 mana) neutral silence, not the mechanic in general.

submitted by /u/Yourself013
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Reynad makes an appearance during Collegiate Grand Finals

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:19 PM PDT

Toast forgets Kill Command can go face

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:27 PM PDT

Who needs Radiant Elemental?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:53 AM PDT

Please BBrode! We need an achievement system!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:06 AM PDT

Instead of new cards and the new expansions and new legendary's that we probably won't be able to play anyway I would much rather have more content having to do with the UI and decent achievement system with rewards include legendaries which can only be obtained through the achievement system. (or a lot of dust or gold) How much fun would it be to do something etirley different instead of mindlessly grinding on the ladder for only 3 golden cards... Just my humble opinion...

submitted by /u/zcengel
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If you ever get frustrated by Hearthstone, start counting the moments when YOU are being the lucky one

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:36 AM PDT

Like when you get your topdeck/perfect curve/random effect/etc.

It helped me to prevent getting tilted after playing a ton

submitted by /u/Darkzbane
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Gotta give Blizzard props in one major aspect: Probably more than any other expansion, Un'Goro has made previously vastly underpowered cards playable in the meta.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:05 PM PDT

Blizzard has said that a lesson it learned from LoE was that people really seemed to enjoy having cards that they could build decks around. And with this expansion, it seems as though they've learned a new lesson that people also enjoy seeing previously underpowered cards having their potential truly unlocked with new cards.

Prior attempts at such synergy have been on the rather Far ends of the Spectrum. On one hand, we have results that were less than stellar. They've been trying since GvG to make Beast Druid "a thing" (remember Druid of the Fang?), and they've gone 2 rotations of it not being "a thing". And it's still probably not "a thing" yet as of Un'Goro. They've been trying since Bolster in TGT to make Taunt Warrior a thing, and only with the Quest in Un'Goro have they accomplished it.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the spectrum, they've introduced just 1 blatantly overpowered card such that an entire section of the meta be effected by it. We all remember our good friend Mysterious Challenger, who did revive Paladin Secrets, but was quite obviously a bit too powerful even after only a few weeks.

But then we had the release of Kun with Gadgetzan. And it was widely celebrated as making Aviana, whose potential was obvious but never realized, into a very powerful, but not overpowered deck.

And now with Un'Goro, they seem to have been more successful at finding more that happy medium between Beast Druid and Secret Paladin that Aviana-Kun fell into. We've probably seen more previously-unused cards having their potential realized in this meta than any other.

Just on the Quest Rogue side of things, probably very few people thought that Stonetusk Boar would ever see play in the meta. Gadgetzan Ferryman was considered a joke of a card. Vanish only saw play in the off-meta with Mill Rogue. Freaking Wisp is being played in some builds.

And it doesn't just stop at Rogue. Let's move to Paladin. Murloc Tidecaller was revived from not seeing play since Beta/Classic. Vilefin Inquisitor, never saw play since being released in Old Gods. Small-Time Recruits and Steward of Darkshire, their potential rather clear, has been given a place as well alongside Grimscale Chum from MSG. And with the rise of Murloc Paladin that runs more Murlocs than the Anyfin lists, Hungry Crab is seeing play as a tech card.

Purify, a card that caused almost a kind of revolt against Blizzard's Card design/release schedule, is now considered to be a good card. Inner Fire Priest is in the meta. The examples go on and on.

And none of these seem too overpowered at the moment. So here's hoping this is a good sign of things to come in the future. Players like successful attempts at making previously bad cards good, but also like a happy medium that aren't too OP like Mysterious Challenger.

submitted by /u/xtreemmasheen3k2
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Ready to eat that sock?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 08:19 PM PDT

Shortly before Journey To Un'goro was released /u/Ajfree said he would eat a sock if The Marsh Queen did not see play.

https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/62tjqg/it_is_time_for_that_thread_again_what_will_the/dfpihym/ https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/618zrn/hunter_quest_and_reward/dfcn0c3/

Let us know where we can find the video!

submitted by /u/Triggered_Trumpette
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You guys wanted to see more crabs...

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:07 AM PDT

This pack triggered me

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:05 AM PDT

2-2 in arena vs Mage. Turn 4 the Mage plays Bright Eyed Scout into turn 5 Ultrasaur. I can't clear it. Turn 6 the mage plays Primordial Glyph into Molten Reflection. I concede and open this pack.

submitted by /u/sospill
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Which New cards have you tried hardest to make work but hasn't?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:03 AM PDT

For me it would be the Druid Quest. I've tried both Standard and Wild. I've tried Midrange, Beast, Jade, Ramp, and even super quick variations but just can't find a deck that seems to work out well with it so far.

Which Quests have you guys tried to make work but haven't? Tried any odd routes to try and make it work or not? Love to hear all of your guys crazy stories.

submitted by /u/Meeqs
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What happened to Kripp clicking the button?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:38 PM PDT

Hearthstone cake

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:05 AM PDT

Yesterday was my birthday and my fiancee made me this surprise cake


submitted by /u/sr1v3r
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How to make a Paladin concede turn 2

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:15 PM PDT

Can we get a discount on Wild legendaries?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:31 AM PDT

All discussion about expansion costs aside, legendaries are quite expensive to craft. 1600 dust takes quite some packs, but you might get lucky to get one you want.

However, for Wild you cannot get lucky.

I like the gamemode a lot, but I surely won't spend 1,6k dust on a legendary I cannot use in all gamemodes.

So please, if anybody sees this thread... Can we consider a discount?

submitted by /u/Ronsude
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Servant of Kalimos discovering Kalimos is like an employee calling the manager to deal with a bad client

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:31 AM PDT

Just a shower thought I had while playing Shaman today

submitted by /u/Exorrt
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[Spoiler] Congrats to the Hearthstone Collegiate Winners!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:04 PM PDT

Congrats to Rutgers! #Northeast Pride

Good playing /u/n0blord & team

submitted by /u/Dj_Nu12
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I play a lot less hearthstone on days when I get a basic quest.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:18 AM PDT

Would love it if they removed these quests (3 victories, deal 100 dmg, play minions 2 mana or less).

When they introduced the new set of quests (play x class cards, play x tribal tag) they should have taken away these ones. Feelsbadman when you log into your daily and its unavoidable to complete, if you want to play the game, for only 40g.

Not F2P BTW but I'm trying

submitted by /u/dilllonius
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Tracked my mouse movement for few quest warlock games

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:09 AM PDT

Got inspired from that hunter post and wanted to test it with quest warlock.


submitted by /u/Seakorv
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