DayZ - Another DayZ screenshot that can be used as a wallpaper. Enjoy! <3

Another DayZ screenshot that can be used as a wallpaper. Enjoy! <3

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:21 AM PDT

I edited a normal DayZ Screenshot into this! I loved making it, what do you guys think?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:27 AM PDT

Over 3 years later and this is still an issue. Step it up Devs.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:18 AM PDT

This patient needs urgent hospitalization

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:24 PM PDT

Thought I was done for.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:37 PM PDT

Lesson learned.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:03 AM PDT

The next time I'm on a rooftop I will not be pressing vault to climb the edge wall to get a higher vantage point.

My name is Lemansky in game, please do not hit me if you see me.

submitted by /u/ChipFromTheShow
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Whats the main gameplay difference on public and private servers?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:15 AM PDT

I have always played on private, because ive heard that there are less hackers. Is there any other reason to chose either one or the other?

submitted by /u/MouthHero
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A cool screenshot I took about a year ago.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:43 PM PDT

After 600 hours in SA, I tried the thoughts.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:29 AM PDT

I never tried the mod when I first stepped into Dayz, I always kinda looked at it as I usually do all mods, not a full experience per say in comparison to a full blown project. That being said I knew nothing about the mod and never looked into it even during my time in SA. So, I saw Arma 2 on sale, knew that Dayz mod ran through that...and said what the hell, why not. So here goes, before hand...don't bite me off mmkkk. Just some opinions.

I spent 10 hours yesterday in the mod. Played on nothing but vanilla servers via steam, didn't use the launcher.

Mod to me has less focus on survival and disease, more on pvp in a nutshell. Has more weapons, and vehicles...helicopters. When I first saw a helicopter flying over I was like wtf, woah ha. Zombies are kinda different, I spent about 6 of my 10 hours playing on the insurrection server, but I came across some servers with zombies that aggro overwhelmingly strong, more so than SA. Kinda tense to even go anywhere near where loot may be. Same can be said for SA, but it was different...also the variations on infected was nice to see. So on to the cliff notes version on what my thoughts are...

MOD, what I think is better currently or what I was surprised about...

  1. Desync, was better for me in the mod. Some may agree or disagree there...

  2. Performance, more or less about the same. However, I changed to a different server last hour of my play time and my fps went up 20-30fps on average which I thought was odd vs other servers. This was on the GTA, 222 vehicles server. I had excellent frames there. Once again, I don't know why. For the most part it felt like playing 0.59 SA version improved as far as performance goes. I averaged 30-40fps @ 1800p, close to max settings...on other servers. GTA, 222 vehicle server...was close to 60fps at all times. Strange eh..? I did have visibility turned down at 500 to reach that level of performance however. I think what I'm trying to say here is how surprised I was at the mod performance, being on DX9...and how 0.59 SA compared to the mod. I'm sure SA has overall better performance, in fact I know it does.

  3. Sound in general, minus the gun sounds...

  4. Vehicles, seemed to work right off the bat.

  5. I thought the base stuff was neat, something to defend/fight for...

Didn't like...

  1. Less focus on survival, although I don't even know about the in game disease mechanics etc.

  2. Atmosphere, better in SA.

  3. Graphics, better in SA. Lighting perhaps gives the SA an edge.

  4. Buildings, I kept going up to those houses and other buildings...yeah can't go in those.

  5. No melee with fists, huh..?

Ok, so just some thoughts. I'm interested to see what others think. I spend all my time on DUG so it was almost culture shock for me to be going in blind.


I have to say I had a blast playing the mod, getting rescued by some guys in a heli was epic to say the least. I know we have sometime before SA can have mods to add this or that, but when thinking about longevity I see nothing but greatness coming from the community, here's to the future.

Getting rescued by some cool guys in a heli...

submitted by /u/NvidiatrollXB1
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On the John (34s)

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:48 AM PDT

Any plans to add the Czech made vz. 58 to the game?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:04 PM PDT

just wondering, as the game already has a lot of other czech weapons, and I quite enjoy the pain/frustration of finding similar looking AK-type weapons/parts which arent compatible!

submitted by /u/miraoister
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Truck battery

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:11 AM PDT

Anyone around to possibly trade a truck battery? Been looking for so long and I just can't find one! Any help?

submitted by /u/DribbledIntoABalloon
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Yo dawg i heard you like Cars

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:35 PM PDT

Looking for players

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:20 AM PDT

What am I supposed to do if not pvp?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:12 AM PDT

I'm 800+ hours in and I haven't died to the environment in ages. I can easily get enough food to survive and hide out in the woods until the next time I need food, which is what I would do if this were the real zombie apocolypse. So what is the plan?

submitted by /u/thygod504
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Unplayable due to rubber banding/d-sync

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:25 AM PDT

Every time I try and play this game its completely ruined by rubber banding and d-sync. Today I ran into two people and was unable to speak to them (no idea why), my character then teleported about 30m back followed by me getting shot because I could not move from my position, being stuck in place.

Why is dayz the only game that has these problems? Is there something fundamentally broken with the network code?

submitted by /u/thedinosaurseesaw
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What the heck do I do in this game?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:15 PM PDT

So I just got a semi decent rig, and I had DayZ on steam already. I always wanted to try it out when I built/bought a better rig.

I hopped on and it felt like a loneliness simulator tbh.

I ran around and found some loot, hit zombies with a garden tool, and that was about it.

I've been playing ark survival on console for a while (it's the first survival game I've experienced) and was excited to try some other survival games with this computer.

So what should I be doing other than trying to find loot and kill zombies?

submitted by /u/FrothyCrustyGash
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DayZ > Arma 3?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:31 PM PDT

My pc will run DayZ on pretty average settings, could I also run Arma 3?

submitted by /u/nowandthen6991
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Completely out of the DayZ loop. Anything I missed?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:52 PM PDT

I used to play NONSTOP from versions .44 ish to .5 around, and then from like .5 to .55. Then i stopped, barely touched it since. I want to get back into it desperately. What did I miss? Where is all the loot? Where do people go when they first spawn, what do people do... etc. Any advice to me like I'm a new player (except i know the basics ofc). Thanks!

submitted by /u/almar12tb3
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Fox in the Henhouse

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:41 PM PDT


Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:04 PM PDT

I have 22 pieces of netting and 5 pistol suppressors, anyone want to trade for some burlap?

submitted by /u/BoerboelFace
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Are cars still in experimental branch?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:05 PM PDT

Just running through Chenarus on an empty exp. server and can't seem to find any cars. Are they still in experimental branch or just stable?

submitted by /u/blinktodeath
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How long does your character stay after exiting a server?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:46 PM PDT

Debug Island and the impossible dream?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:04 AM PDT

About a month ago GamingJunkie87 tried his luck getting to Debug Island,, and more recently i_am_lukes_father has tried atleast two times, once alone and once with me

All three recent attempts have all failed because of hypothermia. GamingJunkie87 got it within 15 minutes and me and i_am_lukes_father got it within 20-25 minutes.

The biggest difference between our attempts was the clothing. When me and i_am_lukes_father tried we had all waterproof clothing except no gasmasks/working gloves (gloves have 40 % absorbency though but 0.26 insulation) and no clothing inside our clothing for insulation like raincoats.

What I and i_am_lukes_father would like to know before we make our 2nd joint attempt is mainly mathematical.

Here are some questions that I hope can be answered:

  1. Does waterproof clothing actually work in this current version of the game? From our limited testing waterproof clothing still leads to becoming cold/hypothermic very quickly and is this the intended behaviour?

  2. Does clothing insulation stack and does it have an affect inside already waterproof clothing?

  3. Will heated cooking pots/animal guts/animal meat heat you up and if so, at what rate? Is the rate fast enough to neutralize/slow down the cooling effect of cold/hypothermia? Will items in heated cooking pots become ruined?

  4. Can you get hyperthermic without wearing a ghillie suit and will I cool down slower with a ghillie suit on me instead of a waterproof bag?

  5. Is temperature a global stat across all servers or can admins change it on their own? If it is global, what is the current temperature? As far as I know it is colder than before but how much colder? Is this temperature the main limiting factor in getting to debug island? If so when will the temperature increase?

  6. What matters more when swimming, absorbency or insulation? If these values on clothing are still accurate, &, you would think absorbency but maybe heat retention trumps having waterproof clothing. Thoughts?

I'm hoping the experts can help and shed some light on the mathematics of getting to debug island. Hopefully it's possible in this patch but if not then maybe this post can serve as a possible guide to others willing to make the trip in the future.

Edit: Added a sixth question

submitted by /u/RoboPuG
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