Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:31 PM PDT

It was honestly painful to look at earlier. Thanks for rolling it back to what it was

submitted by /u/BobHogan
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ESL Guild Wars 2 will be officially shut down

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 07:26 AM PDT

My dog Tybalt and his Namesake

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 03:00 PM PDT

Guild Wars 2/1 Location Screenshot Comparison

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:00 PM PDT

Whats going on with this game? Barely any communication anymore for the past year.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 12:21 PM PDT

I'm starting to wonder whats going on with this game's development in general lately and it all points to negative if theres such silence.

1.) We have no roadmaps where we're going anymore (I understand they strayed away from "promises" because it backed them into a corner but its unheard of for a game to remain so silent on any of its development or anything to be excited for.

2.) ESL is shutting down Gw2's page (meaning the PvP scene..well what was left of it is gone) yet ANET is still silent about its development/events/nothing for it going on for months. All the Pro League people have been moving on to different games, it speaks for itself.

3.) The 3rd of their game types WvW has been so silence for the community that its no mystery that this game type is slowly trickling away with what enthusiasm they still have. I feel sorry for these folks the most because they haven't outlined anything for whats to come for them and been in the dark for so long, I feel for them. If somethings not working, then announce it and own up to it, don't leave your community in the dark for so long or else you'll end up with another dead game type.

4.) We know a expansion is in the works, we know we're getting more LS3 but we have nothing else to go on or look forward to as a game. What are they improving, looking into, whats on the table..if that table is even there anymore. Nothing, no communication, barely any transparency and whats happening within any of the development cycles or in any features.

submitted by /u/Aiaran
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Could we please revert back to the old subreddit theme?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 01:05 AM PDT

I understand that the mods have a boner for SAB but still.

submitted by /u/Raknel
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Fixing Black Lion Chests: Improvements, Recycling and adding Progression

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 03:08 PM PDT

I'll start by saying that I think Black Lion Chests(BLC) are in the best place they have ever been right now, and I know that will leave a bit of a sour taste for some people right now but the truth is they really have come a long way since their original implementation. With all of that said however, BLCs still have a long way to go, and they still have a bunch of glaring issues that need to be addressed. Also no TLDR because it's really a lot of small changes and some big ones that need explaining in high detail.

The Fourth Slot

The first suggestion I would make takes into account the actual value of the contents of a BLC. In its current form, a BLC will always drop one seasonal item, currently a Dab of Destabilized Ecto, and two additional items; one convenience item like a Trading Post Express and one account-progression item like a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock. In addition to this, you have a chance to receive a bonus fourth item which can be any of the Uncommon, Rare or Super Rare listed items in the BLC preview.

The problem here is that 90%(or higher) of the time you will not roll the bonus fourth item. That means you will only receive the three item slots listed above, and those items have terrible value in comparison to the cost of opening a chest. That makes you feel bad, it feels awful to open a BLC and receive a Tome of Knowledge(we'll get to you in a moment) or pretty much any of those drops. They have some use but right now it just feels unrewarding opening BLCs unless you get very lucky.

And so onto the first suggestion: a permanent fourth slot. This slot will be guaranteed to at least drop a convenience or account-progression item and will be replaced by the higher tier item if you get lucky and roll an Uncommon, Rare or Super Rare. I know you are thinking more useless items doesn't make it any better, but hold on, we will get to why this makes it much better later on. For now though, a permanent fourth slot means extra chances to commonly get more wardrobe unlocks or dyes, which are always nice.

The Drops

The next part of this suggestion focuses on the actual drops themselves. Getting straight into it, Tome of Knowledge is gone. It's done. That is the only item in BLCs that makes literally no sense, they are already found everywhere in the game and when I open a chest the last thing I want is another damn tome.

In the same vein, lets not have items like Metabolic Primer in the Uncommon tier. That is simply another item that feels terrible if you get it, especially when you know it could have been one of the other Uncommon tier drops.

Moving on, I think the quantity of Unidentified Dyes dropped from BLCs should be increased from 1 to 2. This is more of a worth thing, with Unidentified Dyes dropping in value, almost in half over a long period of time(mainly from ranked PvP rewards), they have become less rewarding as a drop from BLCs. I would also suggest doing the same with Transmutation Charges).

Removing the Full RNG Factor

One of the biggest problems with the current implementation of the BLC is the 'rotating' rare drop items that are only obtainable from BLCs. These items are account-bound too, which means they are very literally only obtainable from a lucky BLC drop. That's pretty sad, especially when those items are things like the Elemental Sword, a skin which a lot of core Guild Wars franchise fans will want to get their hands on.

This brings me to the first part of the recycling method: Black Lion Essence - "Feels like it could become greatness itself!". Every time you open a BLC you will always receive 1 Black Lion Essence(BLE). There will be a new NPC in Lion's Arch that will trade items in exchange for varying amount of BLE. This NPC will have three tabs: permanent, seasonal and recycling(which we'll get to soon). The permanent tab will offer items like Black Lion Chest Keys, Total Makeover Kits and Black Lion Claim Tickets. For example a key could cost 10 BLE, a makeover kit could cost 8 BLE etc. The seasonal tab will offer items tied to the current seasonal BLC rewards, like the Elemental Sword. This will maintain the idea of seasonal rare rewards but also offer a form of progression and perhaps more importantly, allow players to always ensure a method to acquire a desired seasonal item.

You may argue that this will reduce key sales but I can't really see it. For as many people that there are who spend insane amount of cash on keys, there a many more who won't want to gamble at all. They are missing out on a lot of potential sales with the full RNG items. With this method, if the items are good(like the Elemental Sword) then people will buy the keys because they know they can get the item. There is a fun factor involved where you could get lucky and obtain the item you want after a few chests, but you also know that you can get the item whether you get lucky or not.

The Recycling Part

The second part of the recycling method is the recycling itself. You know those items that are kind of useful, but you still hate getting them like Teleport to Friend and Merchant Express? Well they'll have a secondary use now. You will be able to recycle them by trading them into that new NPC, and in return you'll get more BLE. For example you could trade 5 Merchant Express for 1 BLE, 2 Miniature Egg for 1 BLE or even 1 Black Lion Claim Ticket for 8 BLE.

By adding this, you get even more progression towards an end goal. You get less inventory clutter that you never use. That fourth slot? When it gives you an item you want, great! But if it gives you another item you don't want, that's another item you can recycle. This also means they can charge 20-25 BLE for a seasonal item. By doing this they can secure the potential sales I was talking about above. Opening 10-20 chests guarantees you will get the item you want. You may say "but that is double or even two and a half times the gem price of a normal gemstore skin". You have to remember you'll be getting all of those guaranteed seasonal items(like Dabs of Ecto), you'll be getting all of the other stuff that you keep from the chests and moreover you'll have the chance still to get the rare items too. Also, you can't compare these skins to normal gemstore skins, they should be BLC-unique skins and should stay that way. Some players will get lucky, some won't, but in the end they will always be able to get the item that they really want.

submitted by /u/Dreamcore10
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SAB: killing yourself

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 10:16 AM PDT

If you get stuck somewhere (such as falling through the floor at W2Z2 checkpoint 3) with no way out, you can dig with your spade and eventually you'll dig up a hostile bunny that'll happily kill you. Then you can carry on without having to restart.

submitted by /u/Rawwbin
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Asc 25 slot bags

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 08:17 AM PDT

Just the idea of having asc bags . 25 slot ones or maybe even more. Been able to craft them with asc crafting materials or maybe even be able to buy them from Form for relics . Raids , WvW and Pvp could get some as well . And then Legendary 50 slot bags wich you need to craft yourself in Mistic Forge with Gift of Fortune xD. No thats a bit to much but those asc ones could be nice

submitted by /u/Sw0rly
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[Decor Purchase Limit] May the Gods have mercy...

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 07:41 AM PDT

[Data] Salvage results of 7700 Bloodstone-Warped Hides

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 09:35 AM PDT

TL;DR: T5 leather is by far the most common. Under 10% for all other tiers individually.

I was going to get more to get a larger sample size before posting but I can't be bothered with people overcutting me so here's the result of 7700 salvages.

Kit used: Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

The results:

Tier 1: 724 (7.43%) - 15 to 33 / stack

Tier 2: 798 (8.19%) - 11 to 36 / stack

Tier 3: 685 (7.03%) - 14 to 33 / stack

Tier 4: 819 (8.41%) - 16 to 44 / stack

Tier 5: 5915 (60.72%) - 169 to 217 / stack

Tier 6: 800 (8.21%) - 17 to 41 / stack

Keep in mind that I used the silver kit which gives higher tier materials than say, copper fed on average. Unfortunately I didn't record my data on the copper fed salvages but from what I saw, both methods basically netted me the same profit but since I had actual use for T6, silver-fed was a better choice for me.

A fellow player posted his results comparing copper and silver-fed kits here on the official forums last week for those interested:

As for profits, it was profitable for me when I buy ordered them and refined (except T1) and then sold the leather. The profit wasn't that great but it was there (4.94% ROI). Of course this has since shifted due to fluctuating prices so do the math.

Also a full stack of these hides can't even make an exotic insignia which is kinda funny to me.

Here's the google sheet of raw data if anyone cares:

submitted by /u/fishball_7204
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Free Super Adventure Box'o'Fun at TP

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 09:26 AM PDT

Remember to take your free box.

submitted by /u/DarkLeafz
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Always keep a Health Potion on you in SAB, especially in tribulation mode.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 07:20 AM PDT

There's a bizarre bug that can sometimes occur whenever you die and lose all your lives. The bug will throw you around in the continue room/place and sometimes out of reach of moto, meaning you will not be able to continue.

However I've found that if you keep a health potion on you and drink it, it will refill your hearts and allow you to move towards Moto so you can continue playing.

Hopefully this will help prevent any future frustration for someone who might be at the very end of a tribulation run.

submitted by /u/ViiktorH
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A restaurant is opening up in any map you choose. What is it's name, jingle/slogan, and house speciality?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 06:28 AM PDT

Spring Synergy BLC Changes

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 08:25 AM PDT

Hello everyone, some of you might know me, many will not. I'm MMO Inks and I run a series on changes to the BLCs and do my best to give feedback on how to make BLC better for the buyer and hopefully in return better for Anet to sell.

Newest video Here I look forward to any feedback here or in the video. Love discussing this stuff.

submitted by /u/inkthedink
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Cannot play at all - It's been 3 days of trying.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:29 PM PDT

I am really at a loss here, Australian trying to play. Shouldn't be an issue. I am running Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit.

What happens:

9/10 times when I try to login on the launcher:

1/10 times I can login to the launcher, but then this:

0.01% of the time, I get a flash of character select and this:

What I've tried:

Opened all ports (80/443/6112/6600)

Set my PC as DMZ to make sure.

Uninstalled all Antivirus for testing.

Disabled Windows Firewall.

Disabled Modem/Router Firewall.

Used -clientport commands.

Reinstalled the game twice.

Reinstalled Windows once.

Run as Admin + Tried Compatibility modes.

Seriously WTF am I missing? I just want to play this game :( and literally every single other game I own runs just fine. Including GW1.

submitted by /u/bobfuse
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My custom theme for r/Guildwars2

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 06:17 AM PDT

Hello everyone! I like to browse GW2 reddit a lot and I'm not big fan of current SAB theme. Instead of bitching about it I made quick custom styles (based on Naut 4.0 reddit theme) to override it until event is over. Maybe some of you have same first world problem like me, so I'm sharing this styles for those interested.




How to install:



  • I made this while procrastinating and I don't have any future plans to improve and update it. Maybe some bugfixes, but don't count on it.
  • It was made for Google Chrome browser. Might work in others but I didn't really check.
  • Yes, this is very lazy approach but keep in mind that I made this for myself and just want to share it "as is". Unfortunately, I don't have time to develop fully featured reddit theme right now. Also I think its not necessary, because reddit styles here are usually great. SAB is just not my thing… ¯\(ツ)
submitted by /u/ThyrRhodarien
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Gemstore Update - Miniature Super Trio - Series 3

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 09:02 AM PDT

New Items

Returning Items

submitted by /u/dulfy
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Fear not this Night made me fall in love with this game. What hooked you up to it? [Question]

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 10:31 AM PDT

With the recent news about the end of PvP E-sports League, I have seen a lot of people say that guild wars 2 has become a bad game and that they hate it. People have the rigth to have their opinion but a lot of the ones that say such things are still playing the game meaning that they still enjoy it and those comments can genuinely hurt the game I came up to love.

So in order to bring a little bit of positivity I would like for people to share what originally made them love this game. For me honestly it was the song Fear not this night, up until the moment I listened to this song I had been enjoying the game, it wanst until I finished the story that I got to listen to such a beautiful song, I felt like my journey had a meaning, that I actually enjoyed the adventures I had until then, that I met a great community and was excited to go in new adventures with them.I came to love the characters, the story, the world and the people of this game. That was the moment I felt in love with Guild Wars 2.

I know a lot of people might want to use this chance to say that they loved some stuff that got ruined in their opinion, and I also know that I might get downvoted for posting this (which I dont care about). But all I want is to read some stories of very special moments this game has given you in its 5 years.

submitted by /u/GladiusNocturno
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Whoa, these prices...

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 01:19 AM PDT

I was going to make an exotic set of Marauder gear but then I saw the prices for Gossamer Patches. I assume I need about 30 gossamer patches to make enough insignias for the set. That's over 70g+ for just those though...for exotics?

I don't remember prices being this high... What happened? I've been gone for about a year or so.

submitted by /u/EDF-Pride
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This w2z3 50 bauble dig spot was never removed yet somehow it disappeared from dulfy's site

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 08:36 AM PDT

QoL: Would it be a good idea to have friends show another color and maybe on the map?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 06:35 PM PDT

Primordus weapons price drop

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 03:59 PM PDT

I noticed that over the last few days Primordus weapons dropped heavily in price, 50-80g drops. Is there a particular reason for that ?

submitted by /u/HomoMilch
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New Rig - 45 FPS?!

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 06:39 AM PDT

Just finished my new rig.

7700k, gtx 1080.

Just downloaded GW2, currently only getting 45 FPS at 1080p in LA.

Any suggestions? I built this rig to run 1440p @ 144hz but she's struggling with 1080p @ 60hz..

It crushes every other game I've tested 100+ FPS

Seems to be an issue with GW2

submitted by /u/aeniklast
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