Guild Wars 2 - ArenaNet is really going all out to hype up the Deep Sea Dragon release

ArenaNet is really going all out to hype up the Deep Sea Dragon release

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:13 PM PDT

I'm always surprised how beautiful this game looks.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:55 AM PDT

Returned after a year break... opened a single black lion chest and got the unlimited hair change item. 3800 gold!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:47 PM PDT

This is insane. Not in a guild so just wanted to share with someone. I can literally buy anything. I might convert a thousand into gems to get all of the cash shop items I could never afford.

submitted by /u/collocation
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Home Sweet Home - My Guild Hall House

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:36 AM PDT


Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:55 AM PDT

Can't login or reset my password

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:03 PM PDT

Anyone is having this issue ?

submitted by /u/mavirus151
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4K GW2 Eternity White wallpaper

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:45 AM PDT

So found a nice area to take some large 4K screenies of Legendary GS Eternity.

submitted by /u/davebaggins
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[TIL] Guild/Shimmering/Tenebrous Weapons are souldbound on acquire and...

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:59 PM PDT

I was planning on crafting the Tenebrous and Shimmering weapons for a while and went ahead and bought the 16 terrestrial weapons twice (since you need one for each new guild weapon) on a character that was supposed to store them until I got the missing materials to craft them to their new versions.

Then I realized they are a 'souldbound on acquire'-item. 218 guild commendations lost. Great...

Also, turns out you can't use souldbound items stored in your bank tabs to refine them. Another TIL

Before you're asking. This character, my second ele that I don't play a lot, has only artificer at level 18 and tailor at level 4 and you need all 3 weapon crafting professions at 450 to refine them. :"D I put in a support ticket and we'll see how this ends :D Hope you guys know now and don't repeat my mistake :/

PS.: If any dev is reading this. PLEASE for the love of all six gods remove this souldbound-on-acquire tag from them! who needs that anyway?

submitted by /u/Sagiso511
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Thief in the Mists - Wallpaper PM & Mixed Media

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:56 AM PDT

TIL: Flying under Rata Sum is a jail-able offense.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 08:29 PM PDT

Jumped off the edge of Rata Sum, decided to glide around to appreciate the view. Eventually I reach the bottom of the pyramid, expecting to get warped and/or killed. Instead it lets me glide down further, and just when I think I could fly underneath the center of Rata Sum, bam, loading screen. Then I ended up in an Asuran jail cell.

submitted by /u/TrustyWrench
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What is it that dungeon can offer but Fractal can't?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:23 AM PDT

I saw WP asking this question in one of his videos and given it some thoughts. And I struggle to find an answer, Fractal just seems o be a way superior game type.

Difficulty: Fractal does it better with scaling difficulties for hardcore and casuals.

Story: Fractal is capable of delivering coherent story if not better at it. Although one could argue that Fractal delivers unconnected mini stories rather than the grand scale of dungeons of single story that is connected.

Reward structure: This one I am not sure, because dungeon token is something Fractal doesn't have.

Is it better if Anet steps away from the dungeon idea and make all dungeons fractals? For people that likes the dungeon system and not Fractal, What is it that the dungeons can offer but Fractal can not?

I'm not hating on dungeons, just want to start a discussion.

submitted by /u/AshfordThunder
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[Guide]The Silverwastes Dive Master in ~4 minutes!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:47 AM PDT


Please leave some feedback, i would like to improve ;)

submitted by /u/MerlinME
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TMW you realize gemstore tools have less QoL than merch ones

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:07 PM PDT

I recently picked up a set of Molten tools from the gemstore when they were half off the other month. I've been enjoying the lack of running to a merch, and though I do still have a fair pile of Frostbitten Toolboxes, I'm not really worried about the tiny snowflakes enough to care about keeping track of them. To be clear, this has nothing to do with tool-based gathering bonuses.

For those that aren't aware, since about 2014, plain mining picks that you buy from the merch get an 'extra swing' with each interact. When you hit F to interact, the third animated swing is actually two-in-one. For regular 3-swing nodes this is often irrelevant (unless you get an extra gather use from e.g. Power of the Mists), but when it comes to rich nodes (10-swings) it means you only require 3 interacts (4 swings from the first interact, 4 swings from the second, and you finish on the second swing of the third interact) instead of 4 interacts (3 swings, 3 swings, 3 swings, finish on the first swing of the fourth interact).

Apparently molten picks (and I'm guessing likely other gemstore infinite tools) never got this update. Meaning merch tools are objectively better on rich nodes. This seems super-silly particularly considering at this point you'd need hundreds of thousands of uses to break even on cost at these days' gold-to-gem rates, even when you factor in the convenience (not having to visit merches) and cool (unique animation).

So I'm complaining on Reddit. Hi Reddit. I complain upon you. Sympathize with me or yell at me to suck it up and git gud as you will. I will continue to love(ish) you either way.

submitted by /u/Tanetris
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Whats your favourite raid boss?and why?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:44 PM PDT

Title says it all ^

submitted by /u/domky123
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Peakitten scepter on the gem store for 600 gems.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:01 AM PDT

It seems they're bringing back a weapon skin every day, fingers crossed for kurzick dual axe.

submitted by /u/Dronelisk
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How do you show the best of what MMOs have to offer to friends who have never played and don't understand the appeal after having played it for a while?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:18 PM PDT

I've played on and off gw2 since beta and I don't quite know how to show my friend this game. Is it just not for her?

We play a lot of competitive games together and I wanted something more chill

submitted by /u/Krilesh
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Completed Burdon of Choice, but received only a Broken Shadowstone. Could someone point me in the right direction?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:54 PM PDT

Maezz is not a fan of me :( I feel like I am missing a step to received the Reforged Shadowstone.

submitted by /u/zappoman
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Use the level 80 boost? Or level a toon from scratch?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:15 PM PDT

So I'm new to the game and got HoT. Was wondering if there's any benefit from starting at a lower level. Like if I were to use the level boost,what I have to go back into other lower level areas and grind? Personally would think starting from scratch would be less boring to do everything on the way to 80. Unless the boost gives you all the hero points etc etc.

submitted by /u/Atrocity713
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Is key farming still a thing?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:16 PM PDT

As the title says, just wondering if key farming is still a thing.

submitted by /u/Alexgonebananas
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Guild Wars 2 and Samsung Gear VR?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:35 PM PDT

Was wondering if it's even possible. Does anyone here have GW2 hooked up to play with this Gear VR headset?

submitted by /u/teryxc
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Really want to return to GW

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:32 PM PDT

So it's been at least 2 years since I've played GW2. I remember it being a lot of fun and I was in a guild and participated in a bunch of event stuff. The last thing I did was try PvP and WvW but iirc I wasn't too fond of them. I guess I'm posting here for some inspiration to come back to the game! Has anything changed or been updated? Would I recognize it if I came back? I had a couple level 80 chars also I believe, are there new classes or new level limits or anything? Mainly some inspo to come back would be amazing!

tl;dr Haven't played in years, want inspiration to come back.

submitted by /u/bigcockcavalier
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More connectivity issues, again.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:19 PM PDT

People are constantly unable to load into new maps, characters getting locked in maps due to no available requests from the server to handle them, can't log back in through the login server, etc...

I have to post this here instead of the forums since Gaile gets extremely wet when she sees a potential thread to remove since it's not "constructive enough". So please fix your servers, at least acknowledge something is going on, this has been going on since this morning.

submitted by /u/seques
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What happened to activities?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:56 AM PDT

They deserve way more interest, why don't we have a separate daily category? At beginning they felt a very relaxing way to spend your time while discovering those new and seasonal ones but now the only ones that feels so are halloween and new year ones and still don't make it to be as fun just because there is no real reward...

Maybe we need a rework of the reward system... Just as raids we could get currency by playing them and buy pets/skin/fluff with them. It is just an idea though.

What do you think about activities? Do you still play them as early gw2 days?

submitted by /u/kjeldorans
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