Civilization - So much for "International" Games

So much for "International" Games

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:51 AM PDT

Does anybody remember when the Declaration of War required approval from Congress if you were a democracy?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:33 AM PDT

... and when you didn't receive it you, changed your government to Fascism while suffering through 3 turns of anarchy? But if you were India, you bypassed the anarchy phase.

Sigh... Good old Civ 1 (or 2). When wars used to matter and bankrupted the state.

What ultimate combination of all the features from all the Civilizations games past would you like to see in a mod? ie. True terraforming (AC), rising ocean levels (C2), stacks of death (C4), etc

submitted by /u/civgarth
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Gajah Mada suffers a fate worse than death

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:40 AM PDT

rare picture of Russia with only 3 cities

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 10:15 AM PDT

TIL that a Polynesian Trireme captured by a Privateer in the ocean cannot move from that spot

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 05:47 PM PDT

I think my happiness levels may be a big bugged.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:48 AM PDT

My most successful great wall.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 02:26 AM PDT

just won my first ever deity game, and first holy victory.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:50 PM PDT

Just wanted to share, but I'm especially proud of this.

Played a standard map, set difficulty to Deity, and ransomed Gandhi.

Started on a continent in the middle of America and Poland. I got lucky with a couple tribes and got an early relic, plus inspirations of Mysticism. Just barely got the last great prophet. I decided to turtle with 5 cities and beeline all religious wonders and techs. Also met Yerevan, which came in clutch to recruit prolestyzers.

Anyways, while I was still in the medieval era, the other civs were pushing into modern era. Meanwhile, with Yerevan, Habia Sophia, Mahbohdi Temple, and Mont St Michael, my apostles starting spreading the great religion of Hinduism. I quickly took America and Poland's religions out and started sending them overseas.

However, Poland surprise wars me and quickly overcomes my crossbowmen and Varus with AT crews and infantry. He takes one city before we make peace.

About 20 turns later, America colonial wars me and blitzkriegs the Fuck out of me. At this point, I had 6/8 civs converted to Hinduism. The last two, England and Persia were across the world. America quickly takes 2 of my cities with Mech Infantry.

I withdraw all of my forces, some 15 odd mix of crossbowmen, field cannons, and Varus to Delhi and buy two military engineers. I make as many forts as possible, while spending the last of my faith on 6 apostles to send across the world.

America's navy catches 3 of them, but 3 slip through. After about 25 turns of a slowly losing war, I'm down to a couple of units and Delhi is being served. I convert Persia, and need two more cities from England.

Finally, with maybe 2 turns to a loss, the victory screen pops up as one of England's city's automatically flips. VICTORY!!.

submitted by /u/VitaAeterna
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City center district should have an option to specialize

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 08:02 AM PDT

In real life, there are sometimes things like workshops, theaters, museums etc in the center of a city. I think we should have an option to choose a district to emulate in the city center

submitted by /u/coredem1
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Hello my name is Peter and I am Great with People!

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:17 AM PDT

one of the worst wonder positions i've seen to date

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:03 PM PDT

Behold - The Stronghold of All Mankind!

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 10:25 AM PDT

CPL Major 1 : A $500 Pool Civilization 6 Team Tournament : Come Compete! : All Info Here

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:34 PM PDT

Hi Everyone, My name is Favalava and I'm proud to present the 1st Major Tournament hosted by The CPL, Civilization Players League. Our tournament 1st place prize is $250 for the winning team on the CPL's own Competitive Team Maps, Flat Tire. The Tournament will be May 20th and 21st and will be live broadcasted on Twitch.

Our map is designed to be completely balanced and gives no player an edge over any other. While the map is static the resources and terrain are diverse enough to allow you adapt to the map other players giving a unique experience each time. As with everything in the CPL, there will be some rules to play and bans that help make the game a fair experience for all those participating.

If you would like to see the map and are serious about competing please click the link below.

If you would like to join and participate, please click this link for all the details which are found in our Discord Server. Feel free to say hi in the Text Channel and an Admin or Moderator like myself will help you get up to speed!

submitted by /u/Google_Favalava
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Graphics glitch? Please help...

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:29 AM PDT

Instant defeat? (VI)

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 05:28 PM PDT

I am experiencing defeat on Turn 1. I load the game, found my city, and am instantly brought to a defeat screen with no information or one more turn option. It's happened on small/standard/large maps and fractal/island plates and solely with England if that helps.

Has anybody else encountered this?

submitted by /u/GnarlyArlie
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"The real news from all of Civilisation, broken down into what it actually means."

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:22 PM PDT

How does Persia already have industrial roads at turn 84?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:57 PM PDT

Tips for someone who is extremely overwhelmed?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 04:44 PM PDT

Hi guys, got this game a few months ago but I've been shying away from it becuase it seems super complicated. I have Civ 5, any suggestions/tips?

submitted by /u/LookAtMyWristAbout10
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Ahh! Who is this giant head/hands guy on my map?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:50 PM PDT

What life lessons do you think that CIV teaches?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:24 AM PDT

I wish the diplomacy surrounding declaring war was more complex. It's overly simplistic and more often than not, makes you the "bad guy" for no reason.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:07 PM PDT

After a long break I'm having a fantastic time with Civ VI again. But this is my biggest pet peeve. There are just SO MANY situations that call for war or at least a skirmish to settle differences, but only a handful present you with the option to kick some ass without being deemed a warmonger.

Furthermore, the system is overly simplistic. There are so many missed opportunities for simple features that would add depth to the game. Where's my "fuck off and gimme that" dialogue option when the AI settles in the middle of my territory? And yes, I'm going to fucking obliterate Gorgo if she starts shit with my trading partners. That should be part of the game's logic too.

submitted by /u/CashingOutInShinjuku
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13 mines and quarries with Petra and Ruhr Valley.

Posted: 21 Apr 2017 08:49 PM PDT

What religion/pantheon choices are good in CivVI?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:38 PM PDT

In CivV, it was reasonably obvious what you wanted (Pantheon that gave faith, unless something else was really good; Tithe for money; Pagodas for happiness; spread enhancer (e.g. Printing Press) for the enhancer belief). In VI, I'm not so sure: Getting a religion is no longer a matter of faith output, but rather Great Prophet points (aka. "build a Holy District or Stonehenge"); I have no idea if gold generation (via Tithe) is as good as it used to be; I kind of think that the Meeting House (+3 faith, +2 production) is the best building, because Production is best, but I don't know?; also I don't know if passive spread is better than going for missionary/apostle spam.

What does Reddit think?

submitted by /u/AlannaBe
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Bug with Carl Sagan

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:09 PM PDT

There's a bug with great scientist Carl Sagan, who instead of granting 3000 production towards only space projects, currently grants 3000 production towards anything. Hope it gets fixed, because it can be very inconvenient sometimes.

For example in my current game I havent yet researched all the mars projects and I have to spend that extra production on units or something else because something must always be produced until I research, therefore I'm wasting the production that would normally go towards the mars projects.

submitted by /u/Trumpislife
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