Learn Dota 2 - How do you win with Keeper of the Light? I can manage a ~70% winrate on Naga but can't even break 25% on KotL. Is there anything I'm doing wrong?

How do you win with Keeper of the Light? I can manage a ~70% winrate on Naga but can't even break 25% on KotL. Is there anything I'm doing wrong?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 05:16 PM PDT

Luna Aghs is good for breaking high ground

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:42 AM PDT

I love playing Luna and today I learned how she can be super effective against a high ground turtling Sniper. You just build Aghs! Drop your ulti on the enemy team and even if they don't die they take so much damage they have to go back which gives you enough time to break the barracks.


submitted by /u/StingBull
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The boy who climbs from 1K and streams it

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:43 AM PDT

Hope I don't get banned or so! Already read a lot of posts about people offering to start recording themselves or streaming from the way of 1k upwards to help others learn. So will I. I started playing about 2 years ago and always thought I could be better. But due to my job/study I didn't have a lot of free time and barely got in 2-3 games / week. But since a month I changed jobs and now have more time to play. My goal always was to get better in MMR since I love being competitive. Already made a goal to reach 2k before last years ESL One Frankfurt (I'm german/american) but didn't make it. This year I'm trying it again! Currently at 1.1k I wanna reach atleast 2k before ESL One Hamburg (which will be on the last weekend of October). If you wanna join me and maybe give tips or just say hi swing by on my new Twitch channel. I plan to stream atleast on the weekends and depending on my shifts also for a few games in the mornings or evenings during the week. Most streams also will be uploaded to my Youtube channel so you can watch it if you can't make the stream. For more infos send me a PM :) Another stream will be up tonight in an hour from now (around 7.45-8 PM CEST) Hope to see you there! ;)

submitted by /u/judge_panther
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Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:03 PM PDT

Hi so I am a unranked player (i have not unlocked ranked play) and i love visage. I would like some tips on him I will put a link to a recent game I played. (just so you know I play mid Visage)

submitted by /u/Forest-Guard
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beginner question

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:48 AM PDT

Hi, im new to dota and im very low mmr and I do not understand alot of things. If i played Lich, is it mandatory to stack/pull and if so, when should it be done and which camps. Also, how often do you ward and where should u. Should beginners use sentry wards or can u wait till u get a little better for those? If i were to hop into a game as support lich, can someone tell me what i do early, mid, and late game

submitted by /u/Hugetooth62
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Treant is getting banned a lot. How do you play him in a way that makes him so scary?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:08 AM PDT

Are pros maxing Nature's guise or living armor? Are they roaming or lane support? I remember that treant could jungle a while ago, I'm guessing that's not the case though. What items? What talents?

submitted by /u/Weastie37
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I've been losing a lot with Slark lately, despite excellent farm and high KDA. What do?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:10 PM PDT

A compilation of questions I have about midlaners

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:04 PM PDT

I'm still learning this role, and apart from the questions I have, if you have any additional tips that would be helpful!

  1. For sniper, when to go phase vs treads? I like treads but I see quite a few people go phase. Is it preference or just based on match-up?

  2. For DK, talents, not sure what to pick. I usually go the attack speed at 10, not really sure on 15. xp is good on dk but hes already 15 and levels aren't super important on dk after 18. Same with gpm at 20, its a lot of gpm but you will probably have 3 items + boots done at this point right? Is it really worth that vs 300 hp? Also 75 movespeed is so much but the regen is really nice when doing the armlet build.

  3. For storm spirit, When to go orchid first vs bloodstone first?

  4. For TA, what should my early game items consist of? Is bottle necessary every game?

  5. For core kunkka, what exactly would I get? Maybe drums-armlet-crystalys? I don't think bf is still viable on him.

  6. For shadow fiend, how should I approach the lane and the game in general?

  7. Lastly, how to deal with the annoying match-ups (counters, items, etc.) of sniper, lina, and viper? viper is supposed to win his lane but should I just ask for support rotations? Sniper is just annoying hitting me constantly w/o drawing aggro and shrapnel spam. Lina I think I just need to remember to buy raindrop but anything else would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/Lavamites
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Should I turn off music when I play solo ranked?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:20 AM PDT

I can still hear ALL game sounds and voice chat when i have it playing but my friend says I would improve a lot more if I didn't. Should I turn it off?

submitted by /u/NUFCjamsterA
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So how is Bristleback since his changes?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 08:53 AM PDT

According to Dotabuff he's had a 3% win rate increase since he was buffed, which is really nice putting him at about 53% win rate. I played a few games with him at my trash tier and he does seem a lot stronger now, also he's not picked enough that most PA/LC spammers at low levels know what he does and they end up killing themselves a lot. He's also pretty flexible enough he can be a tank that does a lot of damage, and he can definitely help a harder carry make it to the later parts of the game. He seems to have really good mid-early late game presence, but probably falls off when everyone is six slotted, but hopefully it wouldn't matter at that point.

What are other people's thoughts about how BB is doing?

submitted by /u/hntd
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Positioning in a fight.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:14 AM PDT

My current phase in DotA is to cut back on times I'm dying. I've been reading online various tips and one I see frequently is "work on your positioning in a fight". I have no clue what to look for so if you all have some advice it would be appreciated!

Edit: For context I typically play supports like shaman etc. I like the supports that have a good ability like shackles to setup up my lane partner for a kill.

submitted by /u/Cloversoulride
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Damage output Mjollnir

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:56 AM PDT

I know, you should have similar Dameage and AS to maximize your dps. However, I don't know how much damage the procs do. You buy Mjollnir to increase your AS for heroes like DK, WK, LS. You also buy it for Agi carries to proc. Does it mean that Mjollnir is always a good item (if you have enough stats already)

submitted by /u/WilliamZappa
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Does Moonshard as a buff stack with Moonshard as an item?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:52 PM PDT

I just played a game where the enemy sniper had consumed a Moonshard and also bought one on him. That's a lot of attack speed if they stack, but I can't find any information on weather they stack or not. Anybody know?

submitted by /u/_shredder
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Why is that?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:54 PM PDT

Suddenly the game does not allow me to search for All-Pick, I can only play Single Draft? Why is that? I want to play all types of matches!

submitted by /u/TimeWanderer84
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What carries do well without any support?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:43 PM PDT

I play a very low skill bracket, in which most likely everyone plays carry, and none of them farm. I have tried playing support, but what good is a support with no carry? So I've been playing more carry, with good success, but there are a few problems.

In my games, I usually have no support, and am usually against a dual offlane (probably with an axe and a dagger spamming PA) so i can't reliably farm lane, and I won't be able to afk jungle, as the it takes too much time, and by the time i get fully farmed, we've already lost a few barracks.

I have come to the conclusion that a farming based carry like Terroblade that needs a lot of a farm and supports to guarantee that farm are not viable in this bracket. What are some other carries that can win mid-late game that don't really require much help from their team farming wise?

submitted by /u/MustafaKadhem
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What could I improve in this Terrorblade game?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:37 PM PDT

I was farming for the first 30 mins, using illusions to splitpush waves, while my team were constantly taking fights and losing. In the end, we won due to my constant pressure on lanes however I feel like I could have done something differently. (I also do not feel like I am 2k, and if my mistakes could be highlighted to me I'd be very happy :D)


submitted by /u/Longtimelurkerq
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Any advice on game concepts that i am missing?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:57 AM PDT

Hey guys. I have been playing the game now for a few hundred hours and am facing a point where I feel I should have a grasp on general gameplay. However, after countless games I still find myself getting crushed and in a few games the weakest link on the team.

The intent of this post is to see if anyone has advice which considers methodology for fighting. In so many cases I will find I am farmed 'appropriately' but get rekt...My team will sometimes escape or then shortly fall after me. However other times I will watch cores or carries just walk into a battle (or what appears so) and dominate my entire team or the other team.

Probably winded post, but if anyone can help with like a check list or behavioral issues to take into consideration when playing. I don't want to be a 7k carry, just want to survive or put up a challenge at this point.

I have a DotA buff link but not sure how much a person can really grasp from it.


Edit: Just to clarify I am speaking to concepts of team fighting.

submitted by /u/wiigy89
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How to find a schedule that uses time well?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:35 AM PDT

I try to get myself to do things like practicing last hitting before I start playing or practicing combos with heroes and I find that works pretty well but the thing I constantly struggle with is when to review the game. I feel if you wait after every game for the replay to come up you waste too much time (5 minutes per game) but I feel if you don't review the replay after every game you're doomed to make the same mistakes from last game, any ideas?

submitted by /u/Honey_Dope
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Buyback Rule of Thumb

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:42 AM PDT

Are there any general parameters which must be met when deciding to buy an item or saving for buyback?

Over the past few games I've been between two minds when it comes to this question.

In my head, if item prevents death, then it prevents buyback: buy it.

But if an item provides a counter, it could prevent death or kill hero who could kill me, but a buyback could kill him too when I rejoin.

What I've been trying to do is check surplus and buy what I can. But very rarely will you have 5k surplus to get that big ticket item.

submitted by /u/Skiinz19
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? About Ranked MMR formula

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:41 AM PDT

In the scenario I often find myself in a position of sacrifice to save our Core from death, would winning the game outweigh a horrible K/D ratio, or is my MMR fucked?

submitted by /u/Realistik84
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Need help

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:24 AM PDT

I have 3.3k hours play time. When I started it was just unranked and I was very, very bad. Slowly started to learn a little about most of the heroes, slowly found a few heroes I could play, started feeling confident enough to play ranked, calibrated at 500mmr.

Started playing a lot of games every day. Eventually made it to about 2.9k and was playing with 3.5k mmr players, holding my own. GF left me a year ago, quit dota for a while. Came back and my mmr absolutely plummeted. Been playing every day for 9 months and still can't get back where I was. I know mmr doesn't matter but it's the number that drives me to play.

Anyway I sometimes play well and I think I am much better than I used to be and I don't understand why it feels so tough now to climb. Has the overall skill level of people improved fast? It's that, or I'm in a pitfall of error somewhere and can't pull myself out.

I didn't make my matches public so I can't link to my dotabuff but I'd love to play a game with you and get some feedback if you're down

submitted by /u/plyo2
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Tips for a beginner?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 05:52 AM PDT

I started playing Dota 2 recently and obviously I'm a noob. I started looking some heroes to find which fits me best but it is difficult to learn all the hero system so I wanted to ask which heroes should I choose as a beginner. You know, I would just like to get less insults from other players xD

submitted by /u/TimeWanderer84
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Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:26 AM PDT

What build should I follow now that the 2 forge spirit split pushing build is over?

submitted by /u/jack96_sparrow96
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How do you save your carries from rupture as a support?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:12 AM PDT

In the teamfight, how do you save your carries from rupture as a support? Glimmar won't help, forcestaff is impossible, magic immunity isn't gonna help, eul bloodseeker is just 2.5s and other enemy will kill your carry. It is even hard to save that than doom. Most bloodseeker go dagon radiance blademail now and solar crest is also not so effective...

Guys, team fight, now just bloodseeker alone. It's about my helpless carry cant do anything in TEAM fights.

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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Pro Players

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:23 AM PDT

How can I possibly be as good as the pro players are? They are so confident in their skill and they know exactly what to do everytime. Even the spammers like Vurtune on invoker or attacker on kunkka? HOW?

submitted by /u/jack96_sparrow96
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