Guild Wars 2 - Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - April 22, 2017

Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - April 22, 2017

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:07 AM PDT

This thread is dedicated to questions that you've never really felt the need to start a thread for, but would still like to see answered/discussed.


Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Mesmer + Golden Fractal Weapon = Cool Effect

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:13 AM PDT

How many Shatterers is too many Shatterers? They were on sale, so I picked up a few extra just in case.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 02:14 PM PDT

Elite Specialisation Quests

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:07 PM PDT

WP made a valid point about elite specs, and at the release of HoT, I saw a LOT of players asking for a simple elite spec quest to introduce this sudden change from a lore point of view.

So, do you think they'll add elite spec quests in the next expansion? If yes, do you think they'll include the first generation quests?

Idea's for elite spec quests might include:

  • Reading a book which starts you off at a small world tour, talking to NPC's all around the world about it and finding other books containing information.

  • A mini-instance, that explains the story of the specialisation. This could happen in the Fractals of the Mists, giving us an excuse to go to never-seen before places if it fits the lore.

  • An item hunt that unlocks a lore book for reading

I'd be interested to hear what you expect, as I'd personally LIVE for something like this!

submitted by /u/Igloocor
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The Apple vendor in LA does not actually sell apples.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:20 AM PDT

Hi, I bring disturbing news from the heart of Lions Arch! The apple vendor near the Trader's Forum does not actually sell any apples. What trickery is this? She even yells "Fresh Gendaren Apples" and has a pie on display.

She gets 2 apples stolen every~ 10 minutes by unruly youth, she needs to sell product or she will go broke! Anet I beg you, please help this vendor out by selling her apple products!

Pic related.

submitted by /u/asheblade
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The Elemental Sword - The Case of Unfun RNG

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 05:59 PM PDT

It's been 2 months since the skin came out in Black Lion chests as a random "Uncommon" drop and yet it still eludes me. I've beaten Zhaitan, vanquished Scarlet and even put Deimos to rest but I couldn't beat the greatest enemy of all: RNG.

For those of you who played GW1 and wanted the skin for nostalgia or are a skin collector (I'm both), it probably felt kinda bad that something like this was put as a random drop in the black lion chest and was untradable but we mostly just sucked it up and tried to get it despite complaining because we love the game.

However, it's gotten to the point where I feel like this is seriously demoralizing for me when it comes to GW2.

I've spent over 15000 gems (182 keys) in an attempt to get this skin but I have gotten nothing. That would almost be equivalent to $200 US in real money (I used gold though; apparently I have to highlight this fact not that it matters). The worst part is, this is untradable so it's not like I can just buy it for 2000g. It is also time limited (gone with next LS in a few days?) which means despite spending so much gems I have nothing to show for it and never will.

I've even tried support to see if my account is bugged but all I got was a copy paste about how I should post gem store suggestions on forums. I've even tried asking friends to see if ANet will let them gift their duplicate Elemental Sword skin but nope. Sigh.

Some of you might think - well you could just stop, it's just a skin and I think this is a fair comment. However, skin collecting is kinda my end game so if I stop that I might as well just quit the game and I don't really want to quit hence this post.

As to why this matters to others - ANet has also been adding more and more things to the black lion chest as "RNG drops". First it started with semi useless things like the vantage point scroll, then they moved onto the glider/candle skin and now this. Even if you got lucky this time, you might be unlucky the next time and never get what you want. This practice has got to stop.

If ANet wants to keep the exclusivity at least let us work towards it kinda like in raids where you have magnetite shards to buy the skin over time if you have bad luck. Which is really what Black Lion Tickets were for in the first place right?

TL;DR: Untradable, account bound, RNG AND time limited black lion chest skins have got to stop. It is extremely unfun.

submitted by /u/fishball_7204
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Fractals 1 -> 100 Marathon Event! Going on now!

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:49 PM PDT

Hello again /r/GuildWars2!

I posted earlier this week about a 1-100 Fractal Marathon that my guildmate and I would be hosting. The original post is here:

Well, that Fractal Marathon is going on now!

If you'd like to watch, my non-healing/non-damage Druid POV can be found here:

And my guildmate is streaming his "I do all my damage from down state" Warrior POV here:

And if we have an open slot, we're looking for Good(TM), experienced, well-equipped T4 Fractal frequenters to join us on the journey. Feel free to join for as long as you want, no obligation to stay until the end.

Hope to see you on twitch or in game!


submitted by /u/ninefourteen
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Condi PS rotation misconceptions (with vids)

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:21 PM PDT

TLDR: People over value the 7th sword burst and under value shattering blow. Use shattering blow as often as possible. Its worth it even if you only have 6 bursts.

Hey all,

There has been some discussion lately about the condi PS rotation. It can be challenging and frustrating to perfect the meta rotation, and even if you do, some RnG can screw you over. This is due to the amount of adrenaline you need to gain in order to use the 7th burst skill on sword. This also requires permanent alacrity.

This adrenaline comes from: Fan of fires, Sigil of geomancy, sword auto attack or blazebreaker

If there aren't enough crit across those 3 skills in a short window, then you wont have enough adrenaline to use the 7th sword burst. The extra adrenaline from the Furious trait in arms is what gives us more adrenaline on crit.

There has been recent discussion about how to get around this. One idea is to save shattering blow and only use it after you use fan of fires. This way, you guarantee you have enough adrenaline and can weaponswap right into the sword burst.

However, based on the investigation that I've done (vid below) this is NOT worth it. Using Shattering blow off cooldown is a DPS increase, even if you only use 6 bursts skills.

0:00 - Meta rotation with 7 bursts and using shattering blow as often as possible. I was able to get 27.4k dps on the golem and I messed up 1 sword bust. Lets call it 27.5k.

2:28 - In this rotation I always did 6 bursts, even if i had enough adrenaline to do 7. I also used shattering blow almost off cooldown. I was able to get up to 27.4k dps using this method, and its much easier.

4:55 - Using 7 bursts but saving shattering blow. 26.5k in this video and this was pretty consistent.


Using shattering blow close to off cooldown is a bigger DPS increase than the 7th burst on sword. The 6 burst rotation is way easier and it allows for mistakes such as: alacrity downtimes, dodging, bad crit rng, etc. The 6 burst rotation is a bit slower to build up because it has more bleed damage from sword auto and less overall burn damage. Using the 6 burst rotation you guarantee you have enough adrenaline to use berserk off cooldown. Saving shattering blow and with bad crit RnG you could end up delaying berserk which is a huge dps loss.

Overall, if you know you are going to have issues performing the meta rotation, then you should be using shattering blow off cooldown and just forget about the 7th burst.

EDIT: I've seen about 26.5k without using sword burst at the start. Either you have 5 LB bursts and your cooldowns line up, or you have 6 LB bursts and you delay your next berserker due to weapon swap. 5 LB bursts was better for me.

submitted by /u/ButterPeanut91
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Raid lfg heavily flawed

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 02:20 PM PDT

"Your message was surpressed due to excessive messaging".

'Excessive messaging' being changes to Lfg as ppl come and go and need to update whom/what i'm looking for.

If a-net doesn't like the idea of ppl frequently changing the lfg message (which is fine with me, as that typing interface is a torture to deal with), then at least give us a panel where we can select roles we need to fill in our raid, along with professions (though that's to one's discrection to specify or not), and have that auto update as we get/lose desired members in squad.

submitted by /u/Zefirez
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I started this game 2 weeks ago...I learned about the mystic forge from a post that was made like a week back...third roll..

Posted: 21 Apr 2017 11:46 PM PDT

1K FotM Chests Opening

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:15 AM PDT


I've spent last 3 months on doing daily FotM's.

Here you can see some results of chests opening.

I also opened 1.5k encryption chests, but i forgot to press record button ┻━┻︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻, anyway from 1,5k of those I get around 600 fluid gold after just selling junk items. Next time I promise i will record it.

Here you can find link to drop spreadsheet.

submitted by /u/silmelumenn
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The Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns Review | Elite Specialisations

Posted: 21 Apr 2017 11:40 PM PDT

Request: Add a small icon to locked skins.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:38 AM PDT

So I've been finding myself scrolling through merchant and black lion lists to make sure I'm not walking away from skins I havent unlocked yet.

So I was thinking it would be very nice to have an /!\ icon much like how icons in the wardrobe have a notification that you can obtain those skins.

submitted by /u/Ixillius
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Any GW2 players jump on an AMD Ryzen or Intel 7700k

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:43 AM PDT

If so what has been your experience with either CPU :3

submitted by /u/HGLatinBoy
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Did they switch the position of Ember bay and Bloodstone fen in the achievement panel?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 05:32 PM PDT

Maybe I'm crazy but its been driving me nuts for a couple days. I seemingly have been clicking Daily Embay Bay by accident instead of Daily Bloodstone Fen as of lately.

submitted by /u/Darkcool123X
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[GW1 Reminder] The 12th Anniversary Celebration is starting today!

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:20 AM PDT

get your "free" balthazar and decade weapons!

submitted by /u/kalamari__
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The Guild Wars2 Heart of Thorns review | Raiding

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:50 PM PDT

Psst! Hey kid, want to rent a SCRAP 80-T?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:40 PM PDT

[Video] PvP Burst Mesmer Montage - A trippy trip to PvP

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:51 AM PDT

Hi as promised back with the mesmer pvp montage. hope you can enjoy it. Music special: Psy. Pls notice the vid description as always! thx :)

Some very bad news: i accidently deleted all the footage for the planned next 2 vids (second pvp montage and second uncut pvp match i already promised) together with the footage i used for this vid. that rly destroys my content-plan for may. sadly i also will not have that much time to play until end of may. Last hope is footage i hold in other folders, maybe i can find some okish stuff in the outsourced "will not use"-footage and puzzle something together. Stupid me meeeeeeh :(((


submitted by /u/JazzXman
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MOP Podcast - What can mmos do to make content accessible but desirable, challenging and rewarding and fun? They reference GW2 between the 55min and 65min marks. Text in comment

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:20 AM PDT

Guild Wars 2 Ambient ASMR - Waterfall near Windmill

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 04:43 PM PDT

Where's the gw2 funko pops ��

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:26 PM PDT

GW2 is a HUGE game so it boggles my mind that there's no funkos of zojja, rytlock or even t-dog himself.

Or was there and did I miss the train?

submitted by /u/PvtSparkle
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Dragon Kama skin available in the gem store

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:13 PM PDT

  • Dragon Kama Skin: 600 gems
submitted by /u/Dronelisk
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Cool job to have as a necromancer ?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:38 PM PDT

Suggestion for Expac 2: NPCs named after specializations

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:34 PM PDT

Very simple suggestion, but one that would greatly increase immersion in the game world.

Currently, Specializations suffer from being nothing more than a part of the UI.

There for, for expansion 2, would it be possible for ANET to name generic NPCs involved with events after the specializations?

For example, if you have a healer npc, instead of calling it "Pact Medic", give it a staff and call it "Pact Druid"? Or if it's a frontline range unit, instead of "Pact Crusader" call them "Pact Dragonhunter" and give them bow/traps? Maybe have a group of NPCs honoring Trahearne's fighting style as "Pact Reaper"?

Maybe even retroactively add these NPCs to Heart of Thorns?

If you make the specializations feel like a natural part of the game world, it would make the system feel a lot better.

submitted by /u/Lishy1_5
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