True Dota 2 - As a support should you ever tp back to lane after healing/dying? Kind of an epiphany moment for me.

As a support should you ever tp back to lane after healing/dying? Kind of an epiphany moment for me.

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 02:51 PM PST

So the other day I got flamed really hard at 3.6k MMR and I really felt it was justified. I guess I never really thought about the cool down on tp, I just want to get back in lane. I understand to always have a tp but I always took my own xp priority over 70 seconds. Kinda just a realization for me wanted to know what the consensus was

submitted by /u/demon_eater
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Has anyone found Morphling's Scepter to be useful?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 06:17 AM PST

I love this spell (Hybrid), but for the life of me every time I have used it in-game I find the duration of it to be so lackluster that I can barely achieve anything from it.

The things I can mostly achieve off it are;

  • A second Undying Tombstone in a teamfight.

  • A second Pugna Netherward in a teamfight.

  • A second Beastmaster Hawk/Boar for scouting/push. Hawk duration is same as Hybrid cooldown so this can be 100% uptime for dual-hawk scouting.

  • If Io and a Hybrid Io tether to each other it will fully heal both Io and Hybrid Io instantly.

  • If you have a Shadow Demon Luna/Terror strat you can copy SD then cast another Disruption on the carry.

These interactions are so specific, has anyone found some kind of viable use from it? Morphling has a cooldown reduction talent if that impacts anything.

submitted by /u/Fisti91
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Help me understand +damage talents on non-right clickers

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 09:33 AM PST

New player here. I'm trying to understand the impact of some of the talents, and I noticed that traditional carries tend to have very weak +damage talents (e.g. Luna +15), while other heroes have very powerful ones. How do you think about these talents? Do they change your playstyle on the hero, or the hero's itemization? It almost seems that these talents are a replacement for a right-click steroid. Lich +150 plus the skadi talent is an obvious one to transition Lich to a semi-carry late game if he can get some farm, but the others are less clear to me. Here are a few that stood out to me:

  • Omniknight +100 damage
  • Venomancer +75 damage (he's already an agi hero--is it worth it to build him as a semi-carry, given that wards are not item-dependent?)
  • Axe +75 damage (comes early at level 15. Can he be a str-based hard carry?)
  • Bounty Hunter +100 damage (hard carry with Jinada talent?)
  • CM/Lion/Dazzle/Enchantress/Earthshaker/Ogre mage/Skywrath/Rubick/WWyvern +40-50 damage (why?)
  • Treant +65 (with the attack speed talent, is he supposed to be a brawler?)
  • Witch Doctor +75
submitted by /u/ak1247
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Made a very short video explaining utility consumables for new players. Let me know what you think

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:33 PM PST

This is the link:

Please let me know what you guys think. Any feedback would be great.

submitted by /u/umalpz
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Double stout shield on axe?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:51 AM PST

Saw a 5k offlaner doing this the other day. How effective is this?

submitted by /u/slaps_on_deck
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How to play the new Offlane?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 02:11 AM PST

Hello guys. I am a 4.5k player and I have a question regarding offlaning. You can assume in your answers that I have decent knowledge about offlaning. My Question is about balancing jungle farming and pressuring the enemy carry. Lets assume I play an offlane hero that can jungle reasonably well and needs a blink dagger to really come online. My heroes are Axe, Cent, Magnus, Tide, ... . I've found good success in this patch by doing the following:

Try to stay in the lane first. Maybe hide in the trees for the first levelup against a trilane, since the supports are most of the time waiting for you for maximum harrass and you would just waste HP without getting a last hit or exp when entering the lane directly. Assume that you dont get a good block since one support will intercept the ranged creep you moved to front. When the supports leave, I can enter the lane and go 1v1. If they stay and would bully me out I don't waste time and go directly into jungle to farm my Boots + Blink.

Now however, the supports are free to do what they want and often make my midlaners life to hell or they kill safelane. Of course I will go 1v1 their carry as soon as the support show up somewhere else but then it is often too late and your midlaner/safelaner is already dead. Therefore I am considering to take a beating in lane and sacrificing my farm to keep the supports busy. Of course this is not the optimal way in every game because I don't know how good the supports really are. The big question now is how to balance this and if some more experienced offlaners than me have an opinion on that.

submitted by /u/MMRAssassin
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How does Medusa's Mana Shield Work?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 04:05 PM PST

[Theorycrafting] What would be the best Necro right-clicker (item-)build if you don't get a lot of farm? (2K MMR)

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 03:13 AM PST

I love playing Necrophos. And, I love his lvl 10 talent, +40 damage.

I used to play Necro a lot as an int hero. Build arcane, mek, aghs, octarine. Start out with ring of health, amulet, and branches.

However, the +40 damage talent gives him a viable right clicking option.

Unfortunately, in my trash tier, Necro is not often seen as a viable core. I often have to play him as a solo pos 3 or 4, and therefore I don't get a lot of farm, having to live from potential hero kills. If those stay absent, I can't really get rolling.

I start out with ring of basilius and tango. Go boots into treads, into blademail. By then, I have achieved the lvl 10 talent and the farming (creeps+heroes) game can commence.

However, after blademail, I don't really know what to get next. I often go aghs for the decreased cooldown, or shadow blade if I need an escape against 5-manning mobile heroes. I also think Orchid could be useful, for the extra int, attack speed and damage, aswell as its active.

Skill build is mostly 3-1-1-1 into 4-1-3-2.

Do you guys have any suggestions? I don't think phase will work, because then my mana pool would be too low. Yes, I could counter that with null talis', but I don't really like veil or dagon on Necro.

Now sorry that my 2K MMR scrub-mind is thinking outside the box, I play Dota to have fun. And, what I really think is fun right now, is playing Necro as a right-clicker (who can still spam Q to survive and dominate teamfights).

submitted by /u/FelixR1991
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Eating Iron branch instead of a tree

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:21 PM PST

I'm seeing this constantly. Why do so many pros eat a tango from iron branch ? I understand that it's saving you time, especially in mid. But I've seen scenarios where people just could've eat from tree and do not lose any time. Iron branch is giving you +1 to all attributes which is good at the game start. Also it can be assembled into Magic wand later so it's not a useless item.

submitted by /u/holtaf
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Aggressive naga siren?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:35 PM PST

Has anybody tried to play an aggressive naga build with an early diffusal? I feel like it would be like pl but with net and song.

submitted by /u/Hobo124
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Chen advice and what position he should be for the team?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:09 PM PST

1k trash here, recently found myself enjoying Chen when playing in a party. Usually I build Lace with Arcanes into Helm and Vlads before getting Guardians. The thing is, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be the one constantly buying wards, dust, etc. or if I should be focusing on full utility. This leads me to ask what the Holy Knights overall role should be on a team, and his position for farm prio. Thank you for reading.

P.S.- Is there any special trick or advice for group bindings? I've always been a bit irritated having to spam my next unit button to hit the centaur stun I need on time.

submitted by /u/PingusDerf
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Changes that needs to be done!

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 04:00 AM PST

I focus mostly on useless aghanims and forgoten heroes.

Natures Propeth aghanim - he's treants are useless. My suggestion: damage done by natures ult heals him at the end.

Broodmother: his Q applies on attack effects.

Brewmater aghanim: he can get back to his form at anytime.

Leshrack: some buff like: his aghanim now cast E every 4s (like mirana)

Visage: aghanim - reduce cooldown to 60s.

Oracle agha: cast flames on targes of promise (in addition) or "false promise can be casted on enemies - doubles taken damage / stops healing effects

Razor: decrease cd statick link. He is useless when he breaks it too fast for about 25s.

Riki: if he was so nerfed as roam and diffu was nerferd he could get some stats buff - mb agi gain up to 2.5 to make him more carry?

Shadow demon: now his E is really mana expensive - bring it back a bit. let make multiplayer: 1/2/6/11/20.

Slark agha: give allys health regen also

Sniper agha: some buff is really needed! Change multiplayer to 3? Or reduce multiplayer to 2.5 but let headshot damage be multiplayed also!

Warlock: 25lvl talents are bad. Make that two as one - golem survavibility increase and add buff for shadow word: increase duration to 20s?

Zeus: nimbus is pretty fine but make it not targetable by towers and creeps. Let it proritize heroes over units and it will be useful.

What do you think about those changes? I focused on things like: Brewmaster cant cast his ultimate in lategame, or sniper aghanim no one wants. I want to talk about those to make volvo change it and bring back useless aghanim to the game!

submitted by /u/Mattioz
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