Smite - Sand Crawler - Chiron Skin Concept

Sand Crawler - Chiron Skin Concept

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:31 AM PST

Taste my BaRRaCCuDDa auto's

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:12 PM PST

My friend drew my favorite Khepri quote for my birthday!

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:33 AM PST

SMITE Items Sorted By Pantheon

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:26 AM PST

Apophis Bait

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:31 AM PST

Zyrhoes comes up big with scylla ultimate and Trixtank with the best reaction

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:25 AM PST

Sylvanus QoL Improvement

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:06 PM PST

Please make it easier for us to hit structures with his basics. It's hard enough having to avoid splashing any enemies there to avoid aggro, but half the time you can't even A) see the targeter because it's all hectic and shit sometimes, and so B) can't always even tell if you're not hitting it.

submitted by /u/LordOfManyDucks
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Update 4.1 for console has been delayed until Monday February 13th

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:27 PM PST

Im ready to go pro I think

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:34 PM PST

Hi-Rez should not be trying to juggle released 3 games and running 2 games at the same time

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:52 AM PST

Who told Hi-Rez that trying to ship 3 new games out (one of them mobile, mind you) in a year and a half's time while upkeeping two other games is a good idea?

They made a breakthrough with SMITE which has skyrocketed their company from where it was ~3 years ago, but that doesn't mean that they're ready to take on and support all of these new games AND make them ALL quality products.

You may say "But Blizzard is supporting 6 games" well, Blizzards oldest running game is nearing 13 years old, and Hi-Rez's is 5 years old (Tribes Ascend).

My thought is to put Tactics on hold, end Tribes Ascend (who plays that game anymore anyways, honestly) and focus more resources (budget, people power) on SMITE and Paladins. Quality takes time. If your games are released/updated buggy, unfinised (paladins still has smite icons -_-), and unstable connection-wise, nobody is going to want to play them.

Just my 2 cents

submitted by /u/shenmoki
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Smite guru website change no longer allows you to see overall god stats, only for specific game modes.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:59 AM PST

I really hope I am wrong about this and just am missing something, but I can't seem to find an option to view stats outside of a specific mode.

submitted by /u/anewchance
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When you sneeze so hard your beads feel it

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:31 PM PST

Athena's third AA looks like it should be a cleave..

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:06 PM PST

I know it would probably be OP somehow, but I think it would be pretty cool.

submitted by /u/Rossandliz
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Valentine's Day Nox Skin ?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:10 AM PST

Ranked will only be back tomorrow

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:59 AM PST

The new bumba's mask relies too much on your team

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:13 AM PST

The new bumba's is great, but it requires a competent team for it to be viable.

I'm talking about the fact that you don't get health and mana back unless you last hit the camps. If your midlaner steals the last hit, the jungler doesn't get the heal, for example.

At very high levels of play this wont be a problem, but for the majority of the population, it is incredibly frustrating to rely on randoms to not last-hit jungle camps, and can really set the jungler behind.

It seems this "last-hit" mechanic really has no purpose, its frustrating to the degree of when someone last-hits a kali target and you don't get the heal. I think that bumbas should be changed to not rely on randoms, and should heal on assists, like old bumbas.

submitted by /u/RSbooll5RS
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Skin Concept - Voodoo Crow Morrigan

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:42 AM PST

I started playing Smite again today. I made the play every noobie wants to make.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:08 PM PST

I thought there was only four... we were all mistaken.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:49 AM PST

Former Coach for Dignitas twitlonger

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:16 AM PST

Goodbye Chronos

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:59 PM PST

You were my main for years. Rest easy, killer. You will be missed.

submitted by /u/WhiteWalker85
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SPL rosters due Tuesday, will be public on Wednesday

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:45 PM PST

When will console get lifetime god stats/history like pc... i hate that i have to use an unreliable 3rd party outlet to get that information...

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:14 PM PST

Would also like to see the little realtime stats pc players have during a match instead of having to go to the item menu..... i dont know why these two things havn't been implemented yet and really hope they sneak it into the s4 patch...

submitted by /u/Yum_Yums_Smite
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Dear Duo Lane,

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:19 PM PST

A poem written by Umiyuri on PC Smite.

I am jungle, you see

My duo lane is a premade, actually

They pick Bacchus and Jing Wei

I played this game through all the way

Duo Lane has no clear

I just want to chug a beer

When I see they blame me

For not attacking Minions

Saying that I shouldn't speak, as I am, "a worthless piece of opinion"

Sadly we lost

My soul, gone, I tossed.

submitted by /u/Maeriii
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[QoL] Change the shown relic cooldown accordingly when we buy ritual dagger

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:47 AM PST

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