Smite - Patch 4.2 - King of the Kappa - Feb 8 2017

Patch 4.2 - King of the Kappa - Feb 8 2017

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:16 PM PST

Sorry for being late! We didn't have anyone ready right at 4!

You can watch Patch Notes here!

The stuff missed will be edited back in later!


Skins, VPs, APs, etc.

  • Dreadlord Fafnir!

  • Queen of Hearts Nox!

  • AMC Mech skin!

  • Angsty Jing Wei! Dance emote!

  • Morrigan Masteries!

  • Xbalanque masteries!

General Changes

  • Can no longer waste team boosters on unrelated maps

  • Demonic Pact Anubis size reworked

  • Map Changes: Clash

    • Apophis given more HP, gives less power
    • Mana buff Enhanced nerfed
    • Longer respawn on mid red camp
  • Channeling FX for Titan when you kill Portal Demon


  • 8-Pointed Shuriken cost increased to 1700 gold

  • Wind Demon cost up to 2800 gold

  • Poisoned Star cost up to 2400 gold, down to 20 power

God Changes

  • Aphro: 70% mana share that was a tooltip error fixed

  • Chiron: Giddyup gives a scaling power buff, Centaurus gets increased damage per shot

  • Chronos: Wheel of Time 3rd and 4th sections buffed to more power scaling on abilities and autos respectively. Increased MS on Accelerate. Stop Time gets more damage

  • Nike: Passive MS and Power nerfed. Rend cooldown increased to 14 seconds.

  • Skadi: now retains MS for 3 seconds AFTER leaving the range of Permafrost

  • Sylvanus: Base damage on Autos reduced from 38 to 35

  • Tyr: Defensive Power Cleave now only heals once on the first target hit, not twice. Therefore you can only get 3 instances of the heal.

  • Xing Tian: Numbers that were not dealing the correct damage AND ability ranges are fixed.Technically bugfixes.

Kuzenbo #Kappa

  • King of the Kappas!

  • Japanese Guardian

  • The 9000-Beast

  • Passive: Water Bowl: Fills up as he takes damage, gains True Mitigations as he takes damage. For every 2%, he gains one stack, stacking up to 10 times. Drains over time. If hit by CC that is Displacement, cuts stacks in half.

  • First: Nei-Nei-Kappa: Turtle bounces like Hou Yi shot. Passes through minions and jungle camps. If it hits a god or reaches the end, Turtle spawns and fights as a minion.

  • Second: Shell Spikes: Damage Reflect shield. Shortens the cooldown of his 1 the more hits he takes in this ability.

  • Third: Sumo Slam: Displacement push, damages minions and grabs an enemy god. Pushes through teammates and holds them against a wall. Extra damage every time you hit another target along the way.

  • Ult: Watery Grave: Spins around in his shell, with water spouting in a circle around him. CC immunity, true omni-directional movement, knocks people back if they get hit with the water.

submitted by /u/Srixis
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Relegations spot

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:54 PM PST

Hello, I am Sibi and I play for the Optimus Gang, a team that went 4th in the Open Brackets. Just today we found out that dignitas signed Vnt, and instead of giving the spot to us, like this picture from THEIR website clearly says ( ) , they gave it to Shadownightmare, with the excuse that they are doing it because dignitas kicked them out too late and they didn't have a chance to play Open Brackets. Now, you tell me, why should me and my team not play relegations because their organisation kicked them out when it was too late, in what way is that my problem?? They didn't play any games to deserve that spot, but Hi Rez gave it because they are biased af, and just because they were SPL they deserve the shot in relegations instead of the team that played open brackets and got 4th place?? I really don't understand the logic behind that move, but hey, Hi Rez says that if they were SPL they must be given the shot, not sent to smite combine like any other normal team, lets fuck over the cc team, despite us saying that they will play relegs if any of the teams dont have a roster during the beginning of the open brackets. I would like to hear your opinion on this, since Hi Rez clearly doesn't care about mine.

submitted by /u/SibiWasTaken
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Combat Blink on a 750 gold cooldown is one of the stupidest thing Hi-Rez has put in the game yet.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:38 PM PST

It really doesn't make any sense. When combat blink was an active in the game it was on a 180 second cooldown. 3 full minutes. Now at late game, the enemy adc, jungler or whatever can dash into you, and when they get low turn around and blink out, then run back to base and get a new combat blink.

I think the best remedy for this is to put a cooldown on being able to purchase multiple in a row to prevent this consumable being abused. Players should be punished for having poor positioning, not have a get out of jail free card.

edit. English is hard

submitted by /u/Mr-Lisp
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If this were a skin, would you buy?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 05:47 AM PST

Dragon Knight Ao Kuang Drawing By Yours Truly

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 02:08 PM PST

So with the new "Queen of Hearts" Nox skin incoming and "Jockey" Loki being associable to "The Joker" card, why not make a card skin theme?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:58 PM PST

  • Guardian: Cabrakan "King of Diamonds"

Imagine him with the "diamonds" as his shields, or even 2 card decks, with white hair and beard, and a crown

  • Warrior: Erlang Shen "Ace of Pikes"

His spears has a pike on its tip

  • Hunter: Xbalanque "Jack of Clovers"

Imagine him throwing cards with his autos

What do you think? Got any better ideas?

submitted by /u/Alexorz
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Describe a god in smite using only a photo

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:59 PM PST

Pretty much the title.

For example: Ne Zha

submitted by /u/SIRUNKLYDUNK
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A very important tip for ranked.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:56 AM PST

Dear players,

When you queue ranked and get into lobby, please say something(your role,what u can't play etc) because it is SERIOUSLY useful. Don't just sit there and wait because it's seriously annoying for first pick especially when you have top picks that are open. The amount of people who get into roles because they don't speak and then feed is absurd. Also, if you are nice(this part doesn't really matter) and communicate(very important), you will probably have higher chances of winning.

Thank you,

A fellow ranked player that experienced this first hand, multiple times.

submitted by /u/mrsnekz
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Presenting the 2017 Team Dignitas SMITE roster [Official announcement]

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:53 AM PST

Sometimes you're just a little off and slightly underperform.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 05:24 PM PST

[LG ALLIED] VLOG - Experiencing cancer, the future, and thank you smite community.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:38 AM PST

Just played against a 3,300 health Goobis, still with 700+ power.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 12:09 PM PST

Gem of Isolation, fully stacked Warlock's Sash, and the new Book of the Dead gave this Anubis 2720 health, plus a permashield that brought him up to 3,264 health. Now I'm not saying this is OP at all, but he was literally unkillable at the end of the game, with more health than his tanks, and a million times the damage. With Bancroft's I'd say he had about an average 750 power in fights, not counting potions and buffs. Yeah, yeah teamwork blah blah blah. I (Xing) ulted him into my team. My whole team. Zeus, Morrigan, Tyr, Loki. He popped beads and then proceeded to sit inside a Zeus ult and just ult and lifesteal and just slaughter 3 of them at once, and get his shield back. Honestly they were fucking shit throughout, but it would be nice to have some sort of chance of winning. All I can do is sit there, pop med to delay their deaths by 1 second, and face the entire enemy team alone.

submitted by /u/LordOfManyDucks
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Nike Does Not Need another Nerf

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:57 PM PST

These last few Nike nerfs were understandable, she did a lot of dmg and her passive/ Ult were wildly OP when she was released. I was totally okay with her losing 10% power, I was also okay with her ult no longer making enemies look like they were walking through quicksand after being combined with her 2. I don't know why the hell they are nerfing her cooldowns though.

Every other warrior in smite has 2 or more damaging abilities (except ama but she makes up for it with a huge dmg resistance stat and the fact that she cannot be cc'd out of it). Other warriors can stagger their abilities to clear or intersperse them with basics to finish a wave.

Nike has 1. Just 1. Her 3 is good, but she is not using that leap to clear unless she's being played by a dummy, or has no other choice. Her 1 came up fairly often, but only with full CDR, which any good player is going to build on her already. So imo HiRez is steadily erasing her damage, utility and boxing potential with the nerfs to her 1 and to her passive.

What I think will happen is She'll end up getting nerfed into the ground like Chaac several patches ago. She'll be terrible, then they'll revert these nerfs and she'll go back to being good again with a 1 that is powerful, but only when you either hit all 3 hits, or don't get CC'd.

My question is, why make me wait for this to play out?

submitted by /u/tommyleepickles
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Gauntlet of Thebes should be put under both magical and physical protection categories

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:13 PM PST

Heartward Amulet is under Mp5 while Sovereignty is classified as Hp5.

submitted by /u/aghostecho
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R.I.P. Tyr

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 02:33 PM PST

4.2 Patch Notes - Spoils!

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:11 AM PST

Patch Notes will happen at 4PM EST (10PM CET). Watch on Twitch and YouTube

As always: Please refrain from sharing any leaked content which doesn't come from the official Smite social media, HiRez employees or related officials. It goes against the purpose of this thread and it can cause problems. Thank you.

Also remember that Datamining is always in flux, never final and often doesn't tell the truth. For the sake of avoiding misinformation, especially since release dates are usually unpredictable: Datamining will not be included, except when said content is spoiled.

Complete Patch Notes and PTS Infos for 4.2 "King of the Kappa" are here!

The Good Stuff - Newest first!
  • Kuzenbo - God Release

  • The diamond mastery rewards mentioned in 4.1 were pushed back to this patch - Twitter

  • The Celtic Event will end with this patch (last day would be Feb 13th) - Reddit

  • Ah Muzen Cab Skin

    • Teaser Art - Twitter - Imgur - "[INITIATING] Project [...]"
    • Concept Art from 4.1 Patch Notes - Imgur

Early Teasers - Content which hasn't been fully revealed yet or is up for speculation.

  • Kuzenbo (God Release) - Early Teasers

    • Teaser GIF - Twitter - Giphy - "Are shells your Kap-pa tea? [...] You'll be (shell) shocked!"
    • Kuzenbo goes with the title "King Kappa". A Kappa ("River Child") is a water-like spirit, usually in the form of a turtle. It's the most famous Yokai in Japan.
    • Datamining has info on his kit, however this kit may not be final and can change until release.
  • Jing Wei Skin

    • Teaser #1 - Twitter - Imgur - "Are you ready to rock?!"
    • Teaser #2 - Instagram - Imgur - "Who's got two wings [...]?"
    • The full model of this skin can be viewed on Smite Boards.
  • "Queen of Hearts" Nox (Valentines Day Skin) - Early Teasers

  • Zhong Kui could see some balance changes this patch - Reddit - "[...] definitely not good, he needs some help [...]"

Miscellaneous Info and other (unconfirmed) spoils for future patches

  • NRG Chronos (Worlds Winner Skin)

    • Feet Teaser - Twitter - Imgur
    • iRaffer: "They must have put alot of TIME into it! ;)" - Twitter
    • When this skin is scheduled to be released is currently unknown.
  • Frumpmir Ymir

    • Concept Art - Twitter - Imgur
    • OP Note: This could be a joke and not an actual thing. However, back in August (3.15) Chris' Followers voted 79% for this skin to happen even though this poll took place way before anyone thought Trump would be elected. I personally would abstain from adding it from the game.
  • The option to copy builds in god builder is on Hirez' list - Twitter - "Hopefully we get to it soon!"

  • The "Wisdom" tab will be updated this season - Reddit - "We don't have the full timeline yet, but we will update as soon as more details are available."

    • This is on their "priority list for this year among lots of other UI enhancements." - Reddit
  • Ajax did a Q&A on his stream. Here all possible changes and new things listed underneath. - Reddit

    • Chiron Buff? "Coming up."
    • More Chibi Skins? "Yes."
    • Janus may see some power shifts [...] in the near future
    • Zhong Kui is "definitely not good, he needs some help", same with all close-range mages. They will be looking to help them out as an archtype/class in [this] patch.
    • The profile tab will see an update
    • Hirez wants to make more god announcer packs
    • There may be more removed abilites reworked into new god kits, like Amaterasu has a version of Guan Yu's original ultimate.
    • Raijin will get some adjustments in the future
    • Skadi will have more [balance] changes

Console Updates

  • Current patch schedule for Consoles
    • Season 4 Patch (4.1) is currently planned for Feb 13th - Twitter
    • This patch (4.2) should follow the usual schedule (1 week behind PC), which is sometime in the week starting Feb 20th - Twitter
    • Ranked will be down for 1 week when 4.1 releases - Twitter

This is a WIP, please post anything that I left out. Don't forget your source links!

And we're done here. Pls don't bark the Kappas away.

submitted by /u/Floofington
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Skin Concept - Faerie Sol

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:40 AM PST

I hope no one came out with this concept yet but with all the meme and video game inspired skins coming out, I had this skin concept sitting in my head for a while. Faerie Sol is obviously inspired by Disney's Tinkerbell but I wanted to keep some of her original design in hence the tattoos/glyphs on her skin, sheer dress, and long hair. (I know her dress looks like one of those flimsy nightgowns but I still wanted to her to show a lot of skin to show her glowing tattoos. Sol originally does not wear any clothes. Also I didn't know how to go about it.)

I figured this concept fitted both of their personalities since both are playful, confident, and sensual in their own way. Another reason I thought this skin would work was because when Sol uses her Disapparate, she could shrink down to a tiny version of herself with sparkles trailing her. This would be reminiscent of Navi from Legend of Zelda series. Her kit effects could have tons of sparkles similar to what Enchanted Change'e has.

I know am not the best with digital drawing since I don't have a pen/wacom so I just scanned my drawing and used my laptop pad to color. I hope you guys enjoy!

Other skin concepts:

submitted by /u/MistressWaikiki
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Shuriken Tree is Busted

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:02 AM PST

Incon's mid hunter build is warriors poisoned star wind demon titans bane asi/fatalis and deathbringer

you get so much attack speed and crit chance from just the 2 star items alone, plus boosted crit dmg from deathbringer and a ton of % pen from titans bane

hirez even said that crit and attack speed would never be on the same item

submitted by /u/Helix6126
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I'm starting a new Smite website for a class project. Check it out!

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:05 AM PST

I don't think the shurikens should give attack speed.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 03:59 AM PST

Wind demon was always built season 3, now with 10% Attack Speed there is no reason not to build it. 30% Attack Speed basically when you crit? Its too good.

What I propose is to change attack speed into movement speed. That way we don't have 2 trees with just crit chance. Would the items be too good on mercury, probably, but they would be too good in only one god, which can be changed, instead of being meta on almost every hunter.

But how would you change this tree?

submitted by /u/zViral
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[Skin Concept] Bishop Belmont (Thoth)

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 05:39 PM PST

Kappa has a lot of obvious skins HiRez could do. But I went a different direction. "Spore Kappa"

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 04:55 PM PST

I don't buy skins anymore.

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:13 PM PST

I can't there is nothing to buy. Everything interesting is in Chests, and they only thing I pay for anymore are the Events(Which I got the Celtic event free with prime so not much spent there), or the season ticket because the Value is so good. I just hate the fact that cool shit goes into the chests every patch, and I have to just sit here then go "Well that a 1/6 chance odds are ill get it in at least 3 rolls so that's 750 Gems unless I'm unlucky except the skin would cost about 600" if it was out of that chest". so I end up not buying it because I work for a fucking living and spending $10 on a skin every time I see something cool just turns me off.

For real I know this rant has been said a million times but I took a year off and come back to 7 different chests all with premium skins that "Won't be available unless you ROLL FOR IS NOW"

Just I honestly have just given up on the whole skin prospect and get the recolors I love, or just pick up the events. Not saying Chests have to go away. Just saying I don't go for them because at this point it just means if I spend on the them I'm just telling HiRez to put more shit in chests. Only times I have rolled or opened chests is with gems I earned or from rewards from tickets.


edit - typed 60 instead of 600

submitted by /u/GkElite
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Close range mages

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:54 PM PST

This patch said it would give close range mages (like hades and zhong kui) some help, and they apparently didn't.

While it sucks, it won't help just moaning about it, so this thread is about discussing themy and sharing tips and builds. Here's my two cents on them:

They need to prioritize pen, bulk, and CDR because they need to get in close to deal damage or else they'll get melted. Due to this itemization, their early game is hot garbage, and lategame they don't have as much bulk as some warriors and most guardians, but they are aided by their self healing capabilities, and as a result, there's not much room for power in their build, so they need to get pen to make their damage matter.

The build I use is: pen boots, BoV, Void Stone, Shield of Regrowth, Rod of Asclepius, situational. The way you use this buikd is to help deal sustained damage, not bursting someone down.

Anyone else have similar thoughts about them?

TL DR: Close range mages did not get buffed in next patch. Thread discusses about them. They need pen, bulk, and CDR, so early game is bad and there's not much place in the meta for them.

submitted by /u/l2rave
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I draw Skin Concept request! Send me yours!

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 12:01 PM PST

Hi, I've been doing this a while ago, now I got some time so I can start to draw again! Here are some of the past requested skin concept I drawn!

Caveman Wukong:

Street Thug Ullr:

Overtime Mercury:

Playboy Khumba:

Baka Deathmachine with new model:



Headless Rider Guan Yu:

So HERE are the rules!

1- Be as specific as possible when describing your ideas! 2- Please, I repeat that a LOT, do not ask me for a skin concept that will break a copyright law... 3- Be original but not too much...No ThanaTOAST or Meatball Vulcan request or similiar, it got to actually have something to do with the god or his abilities!

submitted by /u/cocknorris
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