Smite - How to deal with Loki in Duel

How to deal with Loki in Duel

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:39 AM PST

Should Kuzenbo take Hades' ult?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:05 PM PST

Just a thought, but if Kuzenbo's lore for Kappa's is that they drag people into the water so that they drown, why not change his ult into a movable Hades' ult and make Hades the first mage to have an OP Summon Cerberus ult?

Let it sink in for a while.

submitted by /u/DisastermasterX
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Skadi QoL request: If Kaldr loses his last hit point and Skadi ults, he should turn to his last known target, instead of running back to her and wasting the ult

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:46 AM PST

Pretty much the title. There have been too many times where I've sent him into battle, and just when I ulted, he came back to me with a derp on his face -_-

submitted by /u/srsCookie
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Super Swearing Chang'e 64.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 02:59 PM PST

Casters should stop calling players/fellow casters by their first names

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:55 PM PST

Let's be honest, a very small fraction of people actually know/care what the players/casters real names are. Their usernames are displayed constantly so that's what everyone knows them by. It's not Nate, it's Ataraxia. It's not Graham, it's Hinduman. Maybe it's just me, but i think it's a little confusing, especially to newcomers who don't even know what the god names are

submitted by /u/shenmoki
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Funball with the closest ranked win ever

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:03 PM PST

Adapting doesnt appreciate odin

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:48 AM PST

Why does Thoth NEED a stun?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:57 PM PST

His range/poke is only rivaled by Ah Puch. His whole kit is designed to put out pure damage. He has one of the best and least predictable escapes that gives additional damage to deter following him. And a sniping ult that can be toggled out of if he doesn't like whats happening. No other God has the choice of canceling out of their ultimate and keeping the cooldown.

Its baffling why one of the safest gods who already has massive damage potential needs a stun. Why is this necessary?

edit - spelling, and Merc can cancel his ult.

submitted by /u/kertusc
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Why did they rework the worshippers tab?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:51 AM PST

They basically just halved how many characters that can be seen on a page. There was no new information added at all, everything just became more clunky to look at. The new look has the same amount of information per god, but only half as many shown. Can we have the old worshippers tab back? Or at least one where we can see more than 8 gods?

submitted by /u/nazzyc
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Animated Nox "HeartBreaker" Valentines Day Login Screen!

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:45 AM PST

Shoutouts to Aggro's Casting

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:09 PM PST

I think he really did an excellent job as usual casting today's EU Relegation games. The level of hype combined with his extensive game knowledge combined with his great and clear speaking really adds to the commentary.

submitted by /u/DansGame12
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Hercules should have a passive meter for his changed passive.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:20 AM PST

Atm you gotta stare at the buff bar to know how many passive stacks you have.

A meter would just make sense :P

submitted by /u/Trumpet_bear
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FFS HiRez, either fix motd or remove it.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:49 AM PST

Ever since season 4 released every single motd game sends me and everyone else in my game to the main menu after God selection. It's okay if this happens with just one motd, but this issue happens with EVERY motd. It's ridiculous that there is a completely unplayable game mode.

Edit: Some people are saying it's only the conquest motd's that have this issue, I've had this issue with every motd(minus the dual siege one because I hate the 2v2 motd's) since the release of season 4. Also, even if it's only the conquest motd's that are broken it's still worthy of having it all removed since almost all of the good ones(omnipotence, omnipotent draft, and that 100k gold motd) take place on the conquest map.

submitted by /u/ghostnappa82
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Guan Yu skin concept "General C. Chévalier" original art

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:13 PM PST

Smite has been out for years now and casters still don't know how to tell which team secures a buff.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:45 PM PST

If a buff is grey then Chaos side secured it, if a buff has color then Order side secured it.

This isn't difficult at all but Hinduman just said (in regards to that first screenshot) 'I'm not sure who got that buff'.

submitted by /u/KumbhaMain
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Rallying Ritual is canceled but consumed if the player being teleported to walks into a wall.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:31 PM PST

I noticed that Rallying Ritual very often simply broke, consuming my ritual but not teleporting me, and decided to investigate. What we discovered was that if your target faceplants into a wall, the ritual cancels.

submitted by /u/Astarion
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3rd Weekly Reminder About LatAm South Servers State

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:37 AM PST

Hello, this is my 3rd post, you can see my others two here, but there are pretty much the same.

1) 2)

I do not know if Hi Rez is aware of the situation, but as I did not find anything in the international forum on this subject I will explain it here.

The thing is that on the LAS server, All the games suffer a particular type of lag, it affects all players in the game, so we assume that it is a server problem. At one point in the game, the server stops sending messages of killing, destruction of towers or fenix, or commands of the VGS. Finally it sends all the overlapping messages at some point after about 2 or 4 minutes. This is repeated several times throughout the game.

But that is not the worst part. There are some skills that you can`t use when the match is in this "state of no sending messages", for example, Scylla Ult: it shows the marker on the floor, but it won't let you use it, there for you lose the ult. Or Thoth, if you use the 1, you get the 3 charges around you, but there is no marker on the floor, so you can't use the skill nor basic attacks, oh and you can use the dash from the 2, but not use the stun. I had to play the match with only my 3 and my Ult.

This has lasted for at least two months, when I and my group started to suffer this lag, we decided to play the Brazilian server until it was solved. Now, most of LAS, who knows how the system of Regions works, has done the same, playing in NA or Brazil, to the point that we find ourselves with more people speaking Spanish on Brazilian servers than Portuguese.

My intention here is for this to come to the person that corresponds to from HIREZ or LEVELUP, and that is why I ask you to help, because I am a frequent user of reddit, and I know that you and the Brazilian players do not want Latin players playing on their servers.

I am sorry if this is not the right place to publish this, I will gladly post it somewhere else if necessary, meanwhile i'm posting this here, again. I'm not looking for an asnwer like: "Yes, we wil fix this next week" or something like that, just with a "Yes, we are aware of the situation" so i can stop posting this everyweek.

TL;DR: I'm asking for your "upvoted for visibility", so Hirez-Sepai notice me, tell us that they are aware of the state of our region, so they eventually fix them and you get less "jajajas" in your matches.

submitted by /u/josekapde
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Wouldn't It Be Cool If Herc Boulder Looked Like The Ground He Threw It At?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 10:04 AM PST

Just had this shower thought. So it would basically be the textures and everything from the ground where hes standing at. This way he wont be magically pulling out a rock and grass boulder from the ice floor of Asgard, etc.

edit: not juts

submitted by /u/rjgonzo1003
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[LG]Masked & all his marvalz.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 09:10 PM PST

A mostly-QoL change for Hel

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:50 PM PST

I think her heal over time should get a Fafnir-esque treatment where instead of the heal starting 1 second after her 3 is used, it starts immediately. I think it's just weird to see the heal animation go off, but not see it start healing until a little later, like how Fafnir's damage over time used to be. I know this would also technically be somewhat of a buff, but it's more of a responsive thing. I'm not asking for it to heal more or to heal over a shorter length of time, just to shift when it occurs within the time it's applied on her teammates.

submitted by /u/flyingfiiish
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As a new Smite player, who is considered the worst God?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 06:06 PM PST

I like making use of characters that are generally considered awful compared to the other options, or at least difficult to use. It makes it all the more fun to see people's reactions to that one guy who's using the rarely seen shit character of the game.

Hope this isn't too dumb of a question, I'm trying to get into Smite after having it recommended to me by so many friends.

submitted by /u/FezAndWand
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I think people are forgetting that Arena is about killing minions NOT gods...

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:44 AM PST

I have many situations in which people from my team are chasing kills and then feeding because they couldn't get the kill. It always ends up with me begin solo in the middle of Arena and killing minions myself. And in the end when it looks like we're winning it turns out of begin killed one by one and then losing.

Also there are people who will spam "HELP!" while begin gang banged behind the camps.

Anyone else?

submitted by /u/ThatOneWhoSparkles
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New Game Plus vs Novus Orsa | Season 4 EU SPL Spring Relegations Post Match Discussion

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 01:15 PM PST

New Game PlusNovus Orsa


EU SPL Season 4 Spring Relegations



Nike Freya
Thoth Khepri
Ra Geb
Odin Sylvanus

Final Scoreboard

Hercules 3/1/13 N0Numbers Duck3y 1/6/1 Bellona
Ratatoskr 7/1/9 Repikas FrostiaK 3/4/4 Cabrakan
Poseidon 3/2/12 Kero ShadowNightmare 2/4/4 Artemis
Ymir 2/3/12 Murrdurr Frezzyy 1/5/5 Fafnir
Ullr 7/0/12 Gamehunter FleuryQ 0/3/4 Ah Muzen Cab
Gold: 72.8k Game Time: 28:40 Gold: 55.5k
Total Kills: 22 Winner: New Game Plus Total Kills: 7
submitted by /u/Srixis
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Why does Smite have so many haters?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:34 PM PST

At least once a week I get called trash, human garbage or tonight's nice little "Cancerous trash" by a team of four who, after being denied a srrender sat at the base and did nothing.

What's with that, anyway? Why do people go out of their way to send you filthy messages? What's with the spam you get 4 times out of 5 with "you rock" "cancel that" and the like?

Does it ever bother you guys? I had to stop playing after this one.

submitted by /u/Ultra_Villain
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Novus Orsa vs. Deserted | Season 4 EU Relegations Post Match Discussion

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 02:29 PM PST

Novus Orsa Deserted


Season 4 EU Relegations



Thoth Nike
Khepri Hercules
Cabrakan Ra
Susano Poseidon

Final Scoreboard

God K/D/A NoO DesCC K/D/A God
Fenrir 5/0/6 Duck3y TheBigSB 3/4/2 Bellona
Ratatoskr 5/3/8 FrostiaK Gorgonzolla 1/6/3 Thor
Freya 5/2/10 ShadowNightmare BroTuZ 1/5/6 Janus
Sobek 1/2/17 Frezzyy Hoek 0/5/5 Sylvanus
Apollo 6/0/6 FleuryQ Baas 2/2/4 Izanami
Gold: 76.4k Game Time: 29:10 Gold: 57.0k
Total Kills: 22 Winner: Novus Orsa Total Kills: 7
submitted by /u/Probably_Psycho
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