Smite - For the third year in a row, here's the annual reminder to HiRez that noon is 12pm

For the third year in a row, here's the annual reminder to HiRez that noon is 12pm

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:08 PM PST

If you're going to make Crit incredibly strong can you give us items that have effects similar to what Celestial Legion Helm had in season 3?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:52 AM PST

Sure, make crit OP. But please make it so that we have options to counter the crit.

submitted by /u/Mriom01
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Dont you think the art for Tp and BLink is too similar? Shouldnt they have a different color?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:11 AM PST

Tp and blink´s art are too similar, i think they need a color change at least, it can lead to confusion if you dont pick them often and you have to pick them fast.

Changing the color shouldnt be hard to do and it would help.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/Krorrar
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Clash in Season 4 is terrible

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:26 PM PST

No, I'm not talking about the map. I'm talking about the XP spooling.

Clash used to reward intelligent play in the early game. Constant brainless fighting in mid was disincentivized as the losing team would fall behind in farm and find themselves at an item and level deficit at around the 15 to 20 minute mark. It rewarded objective-based thinking and acted as a decent introduction to the basics of Conquest in that way, or, for seasoned players, to be the midway point between the meat grinder of Arena and the too-long (for some of us) games of Conquest.

Now, with xp spooling increased in Season 4, this aspect of Clash is gone. Fighting no longer matters one way or the other. At the 15 minute mark everyone will be level 20 and be full build regardless of everyone's performance leading up to that point, and the first team to lose a team fight is likely to lose the game.

Hi-Rez, please, Arena exists for people who want constant teamfighting. Bring back the slower paced XP spooling of Clash in Season 3.

submitted by /u/shaab
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Ive lost all of my friends to For Honor. I'm ready for this.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:35 PM PST


Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:10 PM PST

Skin: Aphrodite Defender of Beauty

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:44 PM PST

New Chronos Pendant is way too expensive.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:13 AM PST

It's a great utility item for cooldown. But the item only offers 60 power and a passive for a little more cooldown in addition to the 20% cdr the item offers. How the fuck does that equate to a 2900 gold item. The cost should be 2500 flat, that is all.

submitted by /u/arabTr0LL
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[Skin concept] Tribal set (1/5) - Sun Wukong

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:55 AM PST

Hello everyone, I had this idea for a while and finaly made a concept. You can check it here:

Tribal Sun Wukong

However it is not the only tribal skin I wanted to do, but first I would like to hear comunity opinion. It doesnt make sence to make something and spend time on it if nobody likes it. So please leave your opinions, any feedback is very appreciated, have a nice day!

Also check out my other concepts:

No magic - Freya

Ancient magic - Hel

submitted by /u/F6warrior
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Routing issues in SMITE

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:39 AM PST

Routing issues is and have always been a problem with smites European servers. I play several other online games and I have never experienced it in any other game I play.

The problem itself derives from you connecting to smite servers through a very long route because somewhere along the way it cannot connect through the shortest route. And most likely it will lead you through american nodes. While I'm no expert on the matter this is how I understand it. I definitely feel like this is a huge problem for European players in general and just want to address it publicly.

If you ask Hirez, tell them about your problem they will say, oh yea its most likely your ISP. Whilst this is somewhat true they are neglecting the possible main problem which is their own servers ISP.

There are currently hundreds of people that cannot load into games, because of routing problems. This was a bug before that returned with the newest patch, usually you get high ping, but now you actually do not load it at all from time to time. And scrimming NRG last night Yammyn had to pay for a service called WTFast to get to play the game. And at that point SMITE is no longer a free to play game, something it prides itself on.

I think its high time you look at your own servers connectivity issues. Other games I have played have next to no problems regarding this. In SMITE I have had 140 ping on 8-12% of the servers i play on the past 2 years. Same with a lot of people I know.

I refuse to believe that so many of our ISPs are faulty. When the one you are using on your servers is flawless.

TLDR: 80+ping on European servers, not able to load into games derives from routing issues and its time for Hirez to take a look at their own ISP.

PS: I personally really like season 4 and where its going, which is all the more reason to address issues like this so we can PLAY!

submitted by /u/Lawbst3r
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The Challenger Circuit Prizing is... Poop

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:00 PM PST

Will Nurse Neith Ever Get Re-Worked?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:47 AM PST

Seeing as it's on sale with it being Valentines I went back to look at it and that skin is so low quality it's ridiculous.

submitted by /u/ShitInUrHandAndClap
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When Weak3n try's to challenge Barra.. SMH

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:19 PM PST

Retake: SPL A news show about Smite and the SPL

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:34 AM PST

Hello everyone I'm currently producing/hosting a new show called Retake: SPL that will be going live starting today at 7:30pm EST. I'll be running the show with both /u/FreightTrain311 and /u/GoreMiser with an extra slot for potential guests.

For our first episode we're going to have Nika from Sanguine come on as a special guest!

We're going to be doing this every Wednesday at 7:30 pm EST and we'll be streaming it on so come hang out with us if you can

submitted by /u/LordHighSummoner
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So is Zhong Kui going to stay Bad forever?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:32 PM PST

Why hasn't he received a buff yet? His ult is countered by shell and aegis (because the rest of his kit doesn't much damage as a mage).

He has no escape but I guess HP/DEF make up for that, at least after early game so you could argue that (but still, he gets caught out easily since he is also very slow).

His 1 doesn't do enough damage IMO.

Biggest Issues:

He has to WALK up to wave (Allied actually said this in his new tierlist) use your 1 (which is also hard countered by certain gods like poseidon, kkk, aoes/etc.) and then when you're level 2 you have to either wait 3-5 seconds for his 1 to get full hits or just pop it instantly for 40% which is mediocre clear for such a risky thing to do. You get healed, sure, but you also get easily ganked. and gods like mercury will have a field day with you.

His ult is only good with a decent amount of stacks, that possibly needs to be revamped so it's 12 stacks now but I don't really know.

Also, he works well with vamp shroud but soul stone is probably better for him because his clear is bad in general and and so he lacks early game.

His skills in general are laughable damage for a mage.

This is offtopic to ZK but I also think hades deserves buffs too, I always thought he was a terrible god because he has 15 second cooldown skills that scale down to 11, whereas all his skills should just stay 11 or even dropped to 10 at all ranks. To top it off his escape/movespeed is quite slow.

submitted by /u/Crikayy
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Please do something with Sol.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:13 AM PST

Okay, I'm a diamond Sol, but I'm not biased here. When they announced that Sol would be getting nerfed I was like, ok that sounds fine as long as it isn't anything substantial. Well, them taking away her fatalis effect completely made her irrelevant. She's in a bit of an identity crisis right now. Because she can't stick to targets, she isn't a good hunter. She isn't a burst mage, so she isn't great in the mid lane. She gets outboxed by every hunter in the game. Chronos saw a buff to his damage because of that, but Sol is left in this odd spot and just cannot keep up with the other two magical ADCs. Rather than buff her damage, I honestly feel like she should get her fatalis back.

submitted by /u/Neon__Demon
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Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:34 PM PST

Remember to be kind, people!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:31 AM PST

Just a quick reminder for y'all to be nice.

Since this season started, Conquest (and most other modes as well) has been an incredibly toxic mess, where I'm forced to mute 2 - 3 players out of my team due to constant bm'ing and flaming.

We're all just trying to figure this new season out and have a good time. The next time someone rubs you the wrong, just take a deep breath and try not to respond negatively.

The next time you see someone make mistakes, take a second to relax and try to be helpful rather than destructive.

The next time you are tilted after a game, just take a 20-minute break and calm down.

The next time something goes wrong and you die, analyze what happened and instead of going haywire, try to take active steps on how YOU can improve the situation. Rather than blaming mid for not calling miss, buy wards. Rather than blaming your jungler for not rotating when you need it, play defensively and BUY WARDS GODDAMNIT

Me and many others are just trying to get a grip on this new season, just trying to chill after a hard day of work and enjoy the new content. So, please, be kind. You're just making this game sour, not just for others, but for yourself as well.


submitted by /u/the_original_stoffel
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Pern gets rekt

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:03 PM PST

SmiteGame has officially reached 1 million subscribers!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:09 PM PST

The stats on Soul Eater feel awkward

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:56 AM PST

The stats make no real sense. Why give lifesteal on an item that is built to give Guaranteed sustain in boxing so you don't need more lifesteal. And why mana? This is clearly a basic attack item. And then the random CCR.

Why doesn't it have health and attack speed instead of the lifesteal and mana to scale with the passive? Atm it looks like a strong passive that comes with garbo stats that don't synergize. It offers nothing a AA warrior would want (Let's be real it is for them) statwise while the passive is amazing.

submitted by /u/DAANHHH
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TIL Kuzenbo can activate his 2 whilst using his ultimate.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:38 AM PST

Found this out whilst playing a joust match and thought it was pretty cool.

submitted by /u/giddy_goose223
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HELP! Doing my Dissertation on SMITE, my (second) survey needs YOU!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:29 AM PST

Extensive Spreadsheet of god skins (4.2)

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 11:59 AM PST

Hi, since I couldn't find anything like this for months I decided to do it myself. I made a google spreadsheet (I'm kind of a noob there) of god skins showing the total amount, exclusives, last release dates, skins per month etc. Took me few hours, but now there's a basis for the future patches. Most of the data is based of
Some notes before you read it:
- "Updated Masteries" might not be accurate, especially for non-human gods. Some got new card arts, but no changes to model.
- "Tier 2.5 and above" don't include normal Tier 2, Convention skins, recolors of a Tier 3 and regular Team skins, but do include better Tier 2 with voicepacks/effects, winner Team skins (like COG Scylla) and Tier 3 "recolors" that are slightly different in features (like Peacekeeper/Enforcer Athena and viking Kali and Chaac skins)
- Extreme numbers are marked with green and red colors.
- Gods that came out in the past half year are grey while the slightly older ones use lighter red.


Some extreme stats:
- Ymir and Nu Wa have the highest number of Exclusive/Limited skins (8).
- Ymir also has the highest number of all skins (13), followed by Chaac, Neith, Nu Wa and Thor (12).
- Cabrakan, Poseidon, Serqet, Zeus and Zhong Kui hasn't received any skin in over a year.
- Zhong Kui overall seems to be the most forgotten god in the game.
- Every single god released before Thoth (November 2016) has at least 1 Exclusive/Limited skin except for Ne Zha who is in the game for almost 4 years.
- 33% of all skins are Exclusive/Limited. Not counting masteries and base recolors, it's around 63%.
- Agni has the highest amount of unique Tier 2.5+ skins (6), followed by Ares, Chaac, Fenrir, Hercules, Khepri, Kukulkan, Neith, Nu Wa, Scylla and Ymir (5).

Edit: Messed up Zeus' last skin release date.

submitted by /u/Aramey44
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