Pokémon GO - Daily Screenshot Megathread - February 19

Daily Screenshot Megathread - February 19

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:08 PM PST

Share your newfound pokemon encounters, exciting catches, and interesting glitches here!

As mentioned in this announcement post, screenshot posts are banned from this subreddit for the next 2 weeks and can only be submitted as replies to this daily megathread. Thank you, trainers, for understanding and for helping to keep the subreddit navigable and useful to all members during these thrilling gen 2 times!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Attention Trainers! We have some temporary sub changes due to the recent news.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:17 AM PST

With 80 new Pokémon, evolutions, gameplay mechanics, berries, and a new wardrobe just around the corner, we will be having some temporary changes on this sub. These changes will be enforced the moment the new features appear.

For the next two weeks we will have the following;

  • All screenshots are no longer allowed.
  • For the next two weeks screenshots will NOT be allowed on the weekends. The next screenshot weekend will begin on 4th March.
  • All posts must be submitted as text post only. Screenshots that promote discussion must be submitted in a text post.
  • We will have screenshot thread stickied DAILY. All screenshots can be submitted in this thread.

We know everyone will be excited to show off their new Pokémon, items, and moments, but we feel this is necessary to steer the sub in the right direction. We do not want our sub to become a sea of reposts, screenshots, and self-declarative moments.

With lots of new things going on with our beloved game, we feel this is the time to promote and reward discussion, help, and information within our sub.

Good luck trainers!

submitted by /u/TARS-CASE
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13 year limit for sponsored pokestops, really, REALLY?!

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:40 AM PST

Here comes the salty rant :)

While I generally approve that children should not be targets for marketing I think age limiting sponsored pokestops is a mistake.

I have created my three childrens Trainer Club accounts with the parent-child feature, individually approved them for Pokemon GO and did NOT lie about their age. Together we have played a lot, the six year is now lvl 27, with a Dragonite, and their older brothers even more.

Today we participated in an Pokemon GO event at our local largest mall, an event clearly targeted to children and young adults. The mall is pretty new so there are very few "natural" pokestops. I could see a ton of pokestops and gyms but the kids could see none of them. Everywhere I could see kids with their parents wondering what was going on. The only ones able to play where the ones playing on their parents gmail accounts, not really the way it was ment to be played...

Here is a depressing side by side comparison: https://www.flickr.com/gp/98205684@N06/3GC0pz

Organisations like this one (I doubt anyone of them have ever played PoGO) is petitioning Niantic to limit sponsored stops. While their intentions are good, they are really killing the fun for the playerbase.


This also means when we stop for a bite when we are on the road, there will be no pokestops for the kids on McDonalds, while I can happily stack up on balls and berries.

Sorry for the rant, but it really ruined our day...

edit: There is a lot of discussions about COPPA. I'd like to clarify that all child's accounts have been given consent by me as a verified legal guardian in accordance to the privacy policy. I read the Pokemon GO Privacy Policy in a way that Niantic does not need to hide the sponsored pokestops. Maybe we have some redditors here that can shine through the murky waters of legal lingo and shed some light on this?!

submitted by /u/IAmTheRealZoo
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[PSA] Gengar is now the most powerful Pokémon attacker, stronger than Mewtwo

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:25 AM PST

Looking at this list of updated top attackers in gen 2, Gengar has now shot to the top of the list, and is now even stronger than Mewtwo! This is ignoring type advantages, just in terms of pure damage.

The top 10 strongest (currently obtainable) Pokémon are now:

  1. Gengar
  2. Machamp
  3. Flareon
  4. Charizard
  5. Heracross
  6. Ursaring
  7. Dragonite
  8. Haunter
  9. Alakazam
  10. Exeggutor
submitted by /u/Rhaeta
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Opinion: There needs to be a way to get coins that isn't gym battles. [Discussion]

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:48 PM PST

The gym meta of my area is being ruined by spoofers, so I stopped bothering fighting gyms because there's no point. Anything I put in gyms is taken out in less than a day and I've never held a gym longer than 2 days. That aside, gym battles just... aren't fun? They're not nearly as involved as they are in the main series games and basically boil down to "tap, tap and hold and occasionally swipe to the side." It's plain boring and pointless when you're not even guaranteed to hold that gym beyond an hour.

I don't understand why gyms are the only way to get coins aside from buying them. I'm not the only player who doesn't bother battling gyms and prefers the walking and catching aspect of these games, but for us, we're stuck without incubators or lucky eggs unless we put up with the broken gym system or pay money.

Would it be difficult to implement some kind of "daily missions" into the game like "catch X water Pokemon for 30 coins?" It's just a random example but I'd be far more motivated to play and play consistently if I could earn coins without playing the tap game.


submitted by /u/EvolusTheEspeon
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[Suggestion] Now that we have a bunch of new evolutions to keep track of, can we please add a filter option to sort by Pokemon with enough candies to evolve?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:38 AM PST

It's getting difficult to be efficient and use my time properly with a lucky egg when I have to waste time looking for the Pokemon I'm able to evolve. I know that I can favorite the Pokemon that I'm going to evolve, which my dad currently does and works well for him, but I tend to be clumsy and accidentally transfer things, so I use the favorite button on Pokemon that are actually my favorite.

I can't imagine it's too difficult to sort the Pokemon by however many candies they require. It can be a simple if/else code where it checks the variable of candies to see if the candy goal is the same value or higher as the required candy value for evolution to take place. I don't know what language the app is written in but I honestly can't imagine it's that difficult when they are making such substantial changes in gyms that require much more math.

TL:DR I know we can favorite Pokemon to display which ones need to be evolved, but it would make everyone's lives easier if we just had a standalone option to sort by evolvable Pokemon.

submitted by /u/YouGottaKillYourMind
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[Suggestion] Lures should permanently last 1 hour instead of half

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 12:14 PM PST

This would put an increase on the number of people willing to buy lures and make the game more enjoyable, when you go out somewhere to play pokemon you usually want to play at least an hour, and you'll be more inclined to buy lures that last that whole time, rather than buying 2

Edit: Lures are temporarily lasting 6 hours, though short to end as it was from an extended valentine's event.

submitted by /u/TimberlandsB
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Nanab berries don't really seem worth the bag space

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:49 PM PST

As far as just berries go, in every circumstance I'd rather use a pinap or a razz berry.

and with bag space being limited I would much rather have balls take up the space or leave room for evolution items.

Not the I'm complaining, I love to see more items and it's a cool concept, just one that I don't think is very valuable.

submitted by /u/Shipoffools1
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SECRET Unown Medal

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:46 AM PST

After you catch your first unown there is a secret medal that appears! It says catch all unown... 1/26 I caught mine in the UK out for a walk with the dog!! :)

Pretty cool for them to be adding hidden medals!


submitted by /u/Veternus
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Everything I learned since gen II was released that you should know too!

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:01 AM PST

Spin as many pokestops as possible. Pinap Berries are really good and the evolution itens are super rare, so just spin every pokestop, go for it!

When you find a Chikorita, Totodile, or any pokemon that evolves to a strong mon, use Pinap Berry. It will give you 6 candies and help you to get their final evolution. I already have a Feraligatr and a Meganium doing this. Also use Pinap Berry in everything you still don't have a evolution, this berry is magic.

Capture every Scyther or Chansey you see. Scizor and Blissey are rare and strong. Blissey is the best gym defender and Scizor is really good at some matchups.

Now is the best moment to take gyms. Most of the players are capturing the new mons and trying to get evolution itens at pokestops. Gyms are less contested right now, so it's your chance to collect those 100 coins.

The gym meta had changed. Vaporeon doesn't destroy anything that fast anymore. Snorlax is even better right now. Lapras was nerfed. Fast Moves have been nerfed. Charge moves have been buffed. That Cloyster of yours used to destroy Dragonites with fast attacks? That Jolteon of yours used to destroy Gyarados with fast attacks? Not anymore. Charge moves is the meta right now, remember this.

Keep your "Sakura" trick evolve to a really good Eevee. Espeon is a great mon, don't evolve any Eevee into it.

Lanturn is really good against water mons. Resistent against water and does great damage with electric moves. Capture every Chimchou you see.

Sadly, Heracross isn't that good. Exeggutor, who he should destroy, does too much damage to him, the same for Snorlax with Zen Headbutt.

Larvitar is the new Dratini. Explore your city, if you find any Larvitar nest, camp there until you got the king Tyranitar, who is very powerful. Oh, remind Heracross? He destroys Tyranitars that don't have Stone Edge. What a crazy world right?

For now I can only remember this. I hope to help you! Go catch them!

submitted by /u/Darkones
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[Discussion] Has anyone tried setting Magcargo or slugma as their buddy to hatch eggs faster?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 02:30 PM PST

In the games, those pokemon has flame body as their ability, which if put next to an egg in your party, your egg would hatch in half the time. Has anyone tried this yet or am I just being a crazy person?

submitted by /u/Burntheworld27
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How to mess with rival teams: leave their 3000+ Blissey in a level 1 gym.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:15 PM PST

The area where I live is just north of a major city so it is mostly tall apartment buildings and condos with small parks kind of scattered here and there. The gyms in these parks are hugely contested, often rising to level 6-10 just to fall the next day, however there are a few gyms that are generally controlled by the same team because, I assume, the players living in the buildings next to the parks raise them during the night. I just noticed today that one of these level 10 red gyms was brought down to level 1 with a 3049 CP Blissey left and no one has touched it all day. If you don't need the coins, consider doing this to have some fun with your rival teams. ;)

submitted by /u/BloodArchon
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Got two Metal Coat in a single pokestop spin. Curious thing is those were my first items in over a hundred spins.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:21 AM PST


Have you ever experienced this? I was kinda unlucky with the game these days...

Just after this I got a 10 km egg in ages lol

Edit: Evolution Items

submitted by /u/baldessar
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For those of you who don't know, Girafarig is NOT exclusive to Africa.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:29 PM PST

I was on a car ride with my cousin and a Girafarig spawn. My cousin thought that the pokemon was exclusive to Africa. I've seen some people on this subreddit confused about Girafarig.


submitted by /u/Pikacraft64NoScope
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[Discussion] Raise your hand if you are finding the new Evolve Items seriously hard to find. (Not a complaint)!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:00 PM PST

Niantic was smart with this AWESOME release. They made it hard on cheaters to fill their new dex. It's a crafty combo of candy, evolve items, and even walking Eevee 10km day and night to gather more than one new Eeveelution. Brilliant!

And even more so, the "evolve items" are rare AF! I've been playing almost nonstop since the release (slept 4 hours) and I've only found 2 Metal Coat and 2 King's Rock.

I'm not complaining, I'm giving Niantic props for mixing it up between urban and suburban!

Ok...maybe Chansey/Blissey became a bit strong (damn Blissey is hard to beat or train against), but the rest of the release is the tits!

[Edit] I didn't realize 7th day bonus gives evolve items. I did hit my 7th day streak yesterday, so some of the items could have come from that.

submitted by /u/ScotHibb
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Hopefully this is next on Niantic's to do list! This mockup is stunning!

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:12 PM PST

This guy's concept of trading and PVP is amazing. Also has a bunch of other ideas for the game. Pokémon Mockup

submitted by /u/charchar41
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[Idea] Collect & Save Pinap Berrys NOW!

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:40 PM PST

The next double candy event is gonna be insane ... you could get 12 candy from ONE Pidgey or 20 from a Pidgeotto. Well and the 40 candy you could get from a Pidgeot are just insane ...

submitted by /u/Rexidexi
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Now more than ever, it is important to have two separate tabs for "Nearby" and "Sightings"

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 12:53 AM PST

Nothing is more frustrating than seeing that beautiful black silhouette on the Sightings, only to have it disappear completely when you walk into the range of Poke Stops' Nearby. Don't get me wrong, I love the Nearby feature, goodness knows it has netted me loads of amazing Pokemon, but the two cannot be on the same 9 slots. It just doesn't work. You simply cannot do the old fashioned Sightings tracking method anymore.
We need to act now Niantic, while people are out there playing and considering spending money on this game again.
Also I believe the 2 names should be swapped for a more logical system.

submitted by /u/SirLucksalot
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[Idea] Allow buddies to consume Pinap berries.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 01:24 AM PST

I think it would be a neat addition to allow buddies to consume pinap berries to get 2 candies on their next cycle. Often we tend to walk the uncommon pokemon because we can't find them in the wild which also implies our berries will rarely be used... this change would allow players to sacrifice the more efficient use (3, 5, 10 candies per berry) for a more consistent use (1 candy per berry).

submitted by /u/theCAndeMan
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Quickly re-learning a lot of evolutions aren't actually in Gen 2

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:14 AM PST

The first time I saw a Sneasel I was really excited at the prospect of evolving into a Weavile, who like in the games, would be a decent Pokemon (I would think).

Then as I looked at my Sneasel's page, there's no evolve button! I looked it up, lo and behold Weavile is introduced in Gen 4. Same goes for Ambipom and Gliscor just to name a few.

Aside from Gen 1 --> Gen 2 evolutions which are classic, I kinda just assumed most evolutions were within their own gens. It seems kind of silly to be "saving" Sneasel candy for an evolution that's two generations later... but what else am I gonna do with it?

submitted by /u/Philthy_Kessel
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Was anybody bummed the professor didn't give us new starters?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 02:05 PM PST

I was hoping we'd be gifted a new starter for the new update. Not a huge deal to go out and catch them but was hoping to have a special new buddy like my original charmander from launch.

submitted by /u/IllWill651
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The Missing One

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:46 AM PST

I've hatched over 500 eggs, wandered around aimlessly for months of time, and I've never hatched or saw a wild Lapras.

Up until gen2's release, it was the only pokemon I was missing, and now that gen2 has a ton of new lackluster 10k pokemon for me to hatch, I'm just so disheartened. Since the release of Gen2, my 10k eggs have been:

Pineco Mantine x2

I'm excited for Gen2, I really am. I just feel like this means it's going to be even harder for me to finish my gen1 pokedex now.

submitted by /u/mattlaird111
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[Idea] Wishful thinking: St. Patrick's Day event

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 02:19 PM PST

Green Pokemon (e.g. Chikorita evolutions, Larvitar, Skiploom) appear more often, and you get 20 coins for each gym you control (to play on the "pot of gold" motif)

submitted by /u/misterkro
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Just got stopped by the police in my town.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:09 PM PST

Was out exploring Gen 2, when a Sudowoodo showed up at a Pokestop across the railroad tracks. Rather than go around to the crossing, I hoofed it across a field and over the railroad tracks to try and get there before my prize disappeared.

Police detained me for crossing government property and checked my ID. Had to explain I was just some hapless nerd out in the dark playing a videogame. I'm happy they are doing their job, and grateful they are taking precautions against accidents. I never did catch that Sudowoodo....

submitted by /u/Kisuke180
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[discussion]Nanab berry is useless

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 12:46 PM PST

Is there a Pokemon that is extremely moving, which I haven't encountered yet? Or is the Nanab berry simply useless?

In my opinion it doesn't add something to the game since berries cannot be stacked. I have no idea why I would ever use this berry in the current game?

The Pinap berry does really add something for low cp Dratini's, Magikarps or other easy to catch Pokemon for which someone requires candy.

What are your opinions about these berries?

submitted by /u/JurianPEC
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Can you find Scizor, Slowking, Politoed, etc?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 01:59 PM PST

Can you find those pokemon in the wild, the ones you need the stones for? I've never seen anyone catch them and I can't find a single evolution item.

Question flair, can't flair on mobile

submitted by /u/Shulk-
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