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Blizzard: Ending Support for Windows XP and Vista

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:36 AM PST

Boss strategies in Greater Rifts

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:28 AM PST


Boss strategies in Greater Rifts from Bulgarian official fansite www.d3bg.org

In this guide we will be looking at tips and tactics when fighting Rift Guardians. This guide is mainly focused on 4-man parties, however some of the tips might be viable for 2 and 3-man parties and even for solo play. It's worth knowing how each of the bosses work so we can take full advantage when fighting them.

Before taking a look at each boss, let's clarify a few very important things:

• The communication is very important.

• Blinding flash makes bosses move around so you will want to use it as little as possible.

• Ground Stomp is very important skill during the boss fight. It helps you keep him stationary and most of the times even prevents him from changing his position.

• Supports Monks must not use Blinding Flash when skipping and changing positions and must try to hit as little enemies with Cyclone Strike as possible because of the DR (Diminishing Return – Crowd Control Resistance) because it makes it harder for the Barbarian to hook them.

• If you play with Wizard, some of the tips below will not be fully applicable, but he compensates for being a ranged class.

• Do not ever rush with taking the Pylons when fighting as Boss. Wait for the best moment (for speed runs it depends on how geared you are), wait the health of the boss to drop below 50-60% and even less when pushing for higher GRs.

• Make your decisions about how to proceed with the Boss fast. How to change his position or yours. Remember that you may not have enough time to change positions over and over. • Try to have control over the fight so you don't fully rely on the RNG. Below are some useful tips about how to do so.

• Make the most of the Oculus ring bonus.

• When taking a Pylon you should time it with the rotation of Conviction of Elements if the DPS uses one. Especially important for Wizards upon entering Archon form.

• Gen Monk doesn't need monsters spawned from the Pylon! This is very important to remember.

• Watch out when taking the Pylon. The boss may teleport to the player that went to take it.

• Hardcore: If you don't think you can survive, it's better to leave than lose your character. Blooadmaw, Voracity, Orlash, Тhe Choker


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die. • Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes. • Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can. • Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss. • Desired positioning – in a corner. Another approach would be with your backs against a wall (and you must be close to the wall). This will prevent the Boss from charging to you. Try to stay stationary as much as possible. • Difficulty – Overall it's a pretty difficult Boss. If you fail to do the tactics above, you will most likely fail your rift.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and he must use Blinding Flash as much as possible.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – Almost any position would work as long as the laser beams are not an issue for your survivability. Otherwise, in a wide area.

• Difficulty – Not the easiest boss but far from difficult.

Infernal Maiden

How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes. Important: Try to intercept her teleport with the Ground Stomp.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – It's best to be in a narrow place because this will reduce the distance of her teleport and she will return back faster or it will be easier for you to change your position.

• Difficulty – Average

Man Carver

How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes. Important: You must stun him before every charge so he doesn't run away.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – It's best to be in a narrow place because this will reduce the distance of her teleport and she will return back faster or it will be easier for you to change your position.

• Difficulty – Easy boss if you know what to do.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – For me, preferably in a wide zone. Your goal is to spread the illusions because if they all start attacking with their Lightning Breath at one place, it becomes really bad for the DPS.

• Difficulty – Overall a difficult Boss especially for Solo.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – Again, a narrow space or a small room would be the best. The Monk must be in front of the DPS heroes and shield them with his body. If you have a Pylon for taking watch out for the Boss charging on the player that is taking it. The teleport animation begins with the Boss spreading his arms and at this exact moment the Monk or the Barbarian must blind/stun him. Otherwise, he will teleport and you will lose time. It's worth mentioning that when he charges you while facing him, he will deal less damage than if he charges you in the back – same as Rakanoth who is essentially a copy of him.

• Difficulty – Easy boss if you manage to complete the instructions from above.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – For solo, the best would be if you are in a wide area so you can easily dodge his attacks. For group – narrow space so he doesn't move around much.

• Difficulty – Rather preferable boss for group play. He is not that hard for solo either.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – Doesn't matter.

• Difficulty – Overall easy boss.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes. You can try stunning him before he jumps. This may cancel his attack and slow him down. In some cases this could be very helpful if it matches with the Cold rotation of COE of the DPS monk which will help him do more damage.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – For solo you want to be in a wide area so you can easily dodge his attacks. For group – almost every time you will need a narrow space. If you manage to stuck him, he will start jumping on one place but for this you will need an experienced support. Important: if you stay stationary he will return back to you.

• Difficulty – Rather difficult boss for both group and solo play.

Bone Warlock

How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die. In some cases when he is about to teleport you can use Blinding Flash to cancel his attack.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes. You can try stunning him before he jumps. This may cancel his attack and slow him down.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – For solo, the best would be if you are in a wide area so you can easily dodge his attacks. For group – narrow space so he doesn't move around much.

• Difficulty – Overall a difficult boss because he stays stationary and the monsters he spawns prevents the bonus of the Bane of the Stricken to stack.

Cold Snap

How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes. You can try stunning him before he jumps. This may cancel his attack and slow him down.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – For solo, the best would be if you are in a wide area so you can easily dodge his attacks. For group – narrow space so he doesn't move around much.

• Difficulty – For my friends and I, this is the best boss for the current meta. The cold monk deals a lot more damage. There are no monsters being spawned, however for solo play the freezing affix could be a little challenging.

Crusader King

How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes. You can try stunning him before he jumps. This may cancel his attack and slow him down.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – I don't think there is any good place. Just try to cancel his teleport. It won't work every time but when it does, you will earn more time.

• Difficulty – One of the worst bosses you could get.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes. Important: Try stunning him before he teleports. Also, keep distance from the Fallen Lunatics because they could kill the DPS.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – It's best if you manage to stuck him and surround him. This will prevent him from teleporting and moving around.

• Difficulty – For group play, it's rather difficult boss because of the monsters spawn and his teleport. If you fail to immobilize him you will most likely have a hard time.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – Narrow space would be good. Watch out for the falling rocks and his cleave attack. The Barbarian could try and stun him or freeze him with the charge.

• Difficulty – Rather difficult but not the worst one.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – I prefer a wide area because of the little monsters and the tornadoes. The Barbarian must freeze the little monsters when they start spawning so the Monk can do more damage. The Witch doctor could also help kill them.

• Difficulty – Rather easy boss for both group and solo.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – Wherever. This boss is pretty easy over all. After he spawns a Turret it's very important for the DPS to NOT be close because he needs to stack his Stricken. The turret should not be left alone but remember that the Barbarian must stun him and freeze him in case he is about to charge. In case there is a Pylon for taking, watch out for his charge animation and try to cancel it with Blinding Flash.

• Difficulty – Overall easy boss.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – For group play, the best place is a wide area so he doesn't move around too much. For solo play, melee classes will have a hard time with this boss.

• Difficulty – For group play he is rather preferred because he doesn't move around too much and he doesn't spawn monsters. For solo, rather easy boss, too.

The Binder

How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – Not much to say about this boss other than GG. The second easiest boss. Just stay next to the support Monk and everything will be fine.

• Difficulty – Easy boss over all but because of the monsters he spawns, the Stricken doesn't stack that much. Easy boss for solo, too.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – Try to stuck him in a narrow space. He always moves backwards and this is your advantage. If you manage to stuck him in a corner or a dead end you could easily surround him and he will not go anywhere.

• Difficulty – The level of difficulty is above the average.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – This beauty is the worst boss you can possibly get. Try to stuck him in a narrow space so he only teleports a short distance. The teleport is random without a pattern. Surrounding him will not affect him in any way. The Monk should always have Inner Sanctuary available that he can use at any time because you will need to reposition a lot. Most of the times you will fail your rift when pushing and for speed runs killing him will take some time.

• Difficulty – GG, GG, GG, GG ,GG ,GG ,GG NO RE!

Sand Shaper

How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown. If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – Very important for the Barbarian to NOT use his charge or Ground Stomp. Must keep the charge and use it to cancel his teleport animation when the he raises his hands.

• Difficulty – Above average.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – This boss doesn't move around and is easy but it's worth noting that the gas clouds only increase their damage when you are standing in them. They don't move or increase in size but they will stay for 2 minutes and disappear when he dies. If you have a hard time surviving inside the gas gloud, you must relocate.

• Difficulty – Overall easy boss.


How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – Doesn't matter. You don't really need a Pylon for this Boss. In the current Meta it will be a little harder because the Monk is a single target damage dealer and he needs to stack Stricken. Overall you must try to prevent him from using his Digger ability. Stay closer together.

• Difficulty – Easy boss.

Тhe Choker

How to proceed: • Monk – There must be Inner Sanctuary at all times and Blinding Flash must be used as little as possible. It makes the boss move around and you don't want that. Use it only if the Gen Monk is about to die.

• Barbarian – must stay close to the teammates, activate his buffs as soon as they are out of cooldown and help with Ground Stomp (it helps stop the attacks of the Boss and stun him for a short time). If there are issues with the survivability, he should also focus on picking up the health globes.

• Witch Doctor – If you are doing speed runs, he could be looking for Pools of Reflection for more XP upon closing the rift. For pushing, he must stay near the support monk and help with what he can.

• Gen Monk / Wizard – Your only concern is to kill the Boss.

• Desired positioning – If you can stuck him somewhere would be great. He moves backwards but he also can teleport. You takes a lot of coordination and effort to kill him.

• Difficulty – Dificulty level: high

Special thanks to Suprime,Hechokoen,Shivachev, Vrigly,Anton, Dimitar86, yav, Karma,Kartieto, MDiabla,Ludne,Stefan, Euclide, Ryu Soma :), Cris, Carver, Trixx, Dunkelvieh,ThePeanut.

You are amongst the most mature people I have found on the Diablo and I am thankful that I have had a chance to play with you.

submitted by /u/benifios
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[NS] Rank 2 EU DH - GR102 LoN+ShiMizu (~8mins for boss)

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:50 PM PST

[2.4.3] Crusader builds (google doc list) | Including 20+ builds and the most viable builds

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:46 PM PST

Hey foaks,
I was and I still am working on the Crusader build list for the current Patch 2.4.3.



The list includes meta and fun/anti-meta builds.
Almost every build includes links to a
- written guide,
- d3planner overview and/or
- a gameplay video or a video guide


Currently there are:
Amount of Torment 10+ builds: 15+ (2 meta builds)
Amount of group GR builds: 3+ (0 meta builds)
Amount of solo GR builds: 3+ (2 meta builds)


I know that there are a ton of different builds that can be played using the Legacy of Nightmare or Armor of Akkhan set as a Crusader, so if you want me to add a build you really like and want in the list, you can comment here or pm me at http://www.diablofans.com/members/58312-desolacer

For the Greater Rift section I decided to only add the very popular builds that you can find on the leaderboards.
I know that you can force a lot of builds going for GR80+ (especially with high paragons/augments) but I find it necessary to keep the GR section as viable as possible.


Best regards,


Edit: Here is also the Demon Hunter build list I posted a few weeks ago:

submitted by /u/Desolacer
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Where should I start with Diablo?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:46 PM PST

After reading about the game, I'm definitely interested in getting Diablo. Which game should I begin with? Would everything make sense if I jump straight into 3? Or should I begin with 1 or 2?

submitted by /u/Indecisive999
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Farming for Cosmic Wings: Fastest Monk on Diablo

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:46 PM PST

New To D3 on PC

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:58 PM PST

I've played the game on console since it released on PS4 but I stopped playing due to the high amount of hacked gear. Now I have a new PC and got D3. Does no one really play at the lower levels on seasons?

submitted by /u/the_t_hole
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Lets buff the craftable sets.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 12:31 AM PST

Even if they don't work as top-tier, end-game pushers, it would be fun to be able to use them in some semi-serious ways. Maybe Ashera's gives us all 3 followers constantly (instead of 30 second blips) and boosts their damage and the effects followers have on our character. Turn them into good generic sets for all classes that brings new ways to play.

submitted by /u/manatee_tamer
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Sometimes you just gotta dance

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:06 PM PST

Suggestions to fix Blackthorne

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:54 PM PST

I dont like Blackthorne being disenchanted all the time, and the fact that Blackthorne can be primal ancient makes me a little bit sad. I think there are very simple solutions to make Blackthorne somewhat competitive, the everyperson's poor progression set.

Change LoN's effect to

-While this is the only item Set Bonus the character has, their damage dealt is increased by 100% and damage taken is reduced by 4% for every Ancient Item they have equipped.

-While this is the only non-class specific item Set Bonus the character has, their damage dealt is increased by 75?% and damage taken is reduced by 3?% for every Set Item they have equipped.

This will help other non-competitive sets (although their numbers need to be buffed a little bit) and allow LoN to have a partial effect (to get rid of the step function behavior), which would help LoN out as well. In this configuration, non-ancient LoN by themselves will provide a 6% damage reduction and 150% increase in damage.

Now, Blackthorne

2 piece set bonus

-Increase vit by 20?%

-Increase damage against elites by 20?%

3 piece set bonus

-Increase the primary stats of your character by 20?%

-Reduce damage by elites by 25?%

4 piece set bonus

-Reduce magic damage by elites by 40?%

TLDR: change LoN to have partial effects based on non-class specific set items and buff Blackthorne with more attractive and competitive set bonuses.

submitted by /u/Trollsofalabama
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Slashdiablo reset today ! Diablo II vets and noobs welcome!

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:07 AM PST

Come join us! /r/slashdiablo

Reset today Saturday, 18th of Feb, 1400 EST (2pm)

  • Private Diablo 2 server with NO bots and NO spammers.
  • Maphack is allowed.
  • There are no CD-Key checks, so you can log on x4 from the same key/ computer/ don't need a "legit none banned key "
  • People are actually friendly and helpful.
  • Steady population
  • Discord options Bring your nostalgia to life again !
submitted by /u/BroSh0rty
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Help a Hammerdin out

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 01:09 PM PST

i am dying too much and the max is GR 71 wat is wrong with my gear HELP

submitted by /u/kyo_on
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Magic Find Mechanics

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:58 AM PST

I hear people say that magic find is useless all the time, but I'd rather hear the math behind how it works. If I can even boost the chance of legendary drops by 10%, I'd say it's worth stacking, so are there any math geeks that know how this works in Diablo 3?

submitted by /u/robby41525
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WW 4p set bonus QoL change

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:36 PM PST

Wouldn't it be cool if the 4-piece set bonus of WW set read "During Whirlwind you gain 50% damage reduction and apply Rends that deal triple damage"? Rend is commonly omitted in the newly reworked WW set, because threatening shout is superior and/or stopping spinning to apply a debuff is silly and goes against the mobile design of the set. This small QoL change would make Rend application automatic and wouldn't be OP at all, as even with IK6 dmg amplification and Lamenation Rends deal little damage. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Konokrad
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Path of Diablo 2 - Necromancerhype - Blood Raven Out

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:11 PM PST

How Would You Improve Dex/Int/Str?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 11:17 AM PST

I've always felt that the main attributes work too simply. In my opinion, all attributes should matter on all classes.


I would simply give some additional defensive bonus from having the other stats like:


  • non-dextertity chars would get additional dodge from dex

  • non-intelligent chars would get additional all resistances from int

  • non-strength characters would get additional life regeneration from str


Or maybe even two affixes, balanced so that the loss of mainstat wouldn't hurt so much. Class couldn't have these defensive bonuses from his/her own mainstat but could have others' or just simply have class' own mainstat for damage.

Disclaimer: With first char in Diablo 2, I shared all the points evenly between the stats because I didn't know how the points were supposed to spend.

submitted by /u/ToBeRuined
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[EU] 110 Barb 4man Clear

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 02:44 PM PST

Sprinter Conquest EU

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:47 AM PST



It's that time of the season where my OCD kicks in and I try to get all the softcore conquests. This time it's the Sprinter one - Complete story mode in 1 hour.


If anyone's done this before you know it's pretty much a pain in the ass, especially to solo - that's why I'm trying to gather a party of people interested. If you haven't done it already I can guide you on how to (have done it already in season 3, 5 and 7), if you have even better.


Hit me up on here or in-game: IcyWind#2174 (EU)


PS: Here's a good guide that tells you a bit about the conquest - http://www.diablohub.com/forums/thread/2068/

submitted by /u/icywindflashed
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Best place for d2 LOD cd key?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:55 AM PST

I was wondering if anybody knows where the best place for a d2 cd key is? I've bought the game easily 2 or 3 times but those discs are all at my parents house from when I lived there. Seeing as making the trip to my parents would cost more than a official cd key, i figured id check if there was a better cheaper option. Before anyone says, yes I know its not much money but I'm in college and recently lost my job so i'm just trying to find some cheap nostalgia to pick me up, sorry if i come off as a cheap ass.

submitted by /u/omgordon
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Templar searching for the holy scrolls

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:45 AM PST

Weekly Hero Help Saturday - 02/18/17

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:00 AM PST

Welcome to week 190 of Hero Help Saturday!

Having trouble gearing up your hero? Don't know what to upgrade next or what build to use? This thread is for you! Just follow the format below and hopefully someone will point you in the right direction.

Another great resource to check out is your class specific subreddit, located in the sidebar.

Please provide the following information so people can help you:

  • Battle.net Profile:

  • Class:

  • Item to reroll?:

  • Target goal:

  • Anything else:

If you have any suggestions for information people should provide for getting help or any other ideas, please message the mods.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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