Overwatch - [META] Upcoming Changes, Feedback, and Survey

[META] Upcoming Changes, Feedback, and Survey

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 01:19 PM PST

Hi there!

As you may be aware, there has recently been a push to further discuss the current state of the subreddit. First of all, we'd like to thank those of you who have taken part in the discussions these past few days. We've read through the majority of comments on the matter here, along with watching many of the responses on Twitter, YouTube, and Twitch. Many people from various backgrounds have given their views, and we are greatly appreciative of that. For those short on time, the bold below can act as a TL;DR.


We have a few changes to start that we feel are simple improvements for the userbase. Our "Upcoming Events" section of the sidebar was always meant to be temporary. Based on feedback, and our own thoughts, it takes up too much space in its current form. We will be making changes soon in order to free up more room on the sidebar, while still maintaining a way for people to access those events. This will provide us with more space, which leads into the next change.

We will be moving the resource bar higher, and will be including a robust directory of related subreddits. Of all the feedback given, the most commonly accepted position was a wish to see greater exposure on here for subs like /r/competitiveoverwatch and /r/overwatchuniversity. While they have been in the wiki since July, it is clear people are not often finding their way to that link, and that is on us. For much of the sub's life, our free space on the side bar was down to single digit characters, but that is no longer the case. Along with that, for a year and change our stance was to wait things out when it came to related subreddits. The reasoning was dozens upon dozens of requests for inclusion in such a list. While the game was in the early state, there was a "gold rush" of sorts for many related subreddits. As we expected, many of them never got off the ground, or have been abandoned in the time since. We have now reached a point where we need to change our view. With this, we will be moving the resource bar further up the side, and will be including a link to what will become a much larger directory of related subreddits. We are still discussing what limits to put in place, but they will be well under the numbers many related subs already have. We will only accept subreddits via contact from moderators who wish to have their subs included. To give this further exposure, once set up, we will be making a post asking moderators to submit their subreddits for inclusion in the directory. This is a small change, but one which should provide easier and faster access to related subreddits for the community.

Long term and Survey

For the majority of the subreddit's lifespan, we have maintained the attitude of allowing more freedom and control from the community on the content they wish to promote. It is safe to say the game has turned into a cultural phenomenon beyond what any of us expected. Between this, the features built into the game, and the affection for the game's world from many, it all has resulted in an explosion of short form content. It is largely because of this phenomenon that we have embraced a format which allows ease of use for people interested in being able to quickly access highlights and the sort, especially for mobile users.

As you may recall, last year we ran a one week trial where the sub was set to self-posts only. The results were clear, and the community as a whole was overwhelmingly against that change. Between that test and the recent feedback, we believe for the vast majority, a change to self-posts only would be met with a similar reaction today. This is a game which has created a unique culture, one different from many games out there. We are, however, open to discussing ideas which may increase the diversity of content, while remaining a place enjoyed by the majority. There are many, many factors which come into play here. User engagement/interest, the time it takes to consume various kinds of content, the quality of content, reddit's core design, etc. Currently we feel there is no easy answer. Elements such as time, a growth in entertaining user-made content, the league releasing, and many others could make such a thing happen naturally, or it simply may not change what interests the community at large. We do have some thoughts on this, but would like to gather more information from the community before deciding what route is best.

Our moderation team is composed of people with a large variety of interests within the game's world. We are not closed off to any ideas, and would love to continue hearing from the community on this matter. Some of the feedback over the past few days has been great, and we would like to gather more as time goes on. In the coming week, we will be posting a survey for all of you in the community. We highly encourage everyone with an interest in the subreddit to participate. This is something that will likely be happening more often from here on out. We want to provide more avenues for everyone to share their interests, and where they would like to see this subreddit go.

The "vs" discussion

We've seen people framing this in the form of various rifts, namely Casual vs Competitive. If you have spent time reading some of the higher upvoted comments across the various discussions this week, and have looked into the goals of the petition, you would be aware that this should not be the case. A lot of people with heavy interests in specific aspects of the game have expressed their enjoyment and/or respect of other parts as well. While there are certainly plenty of people who have made large generalizations about other groups, there is also a great deal of evidence suggesting that many do not feel this way. As mentioned earlier, we on the mod team have a wide range of interests within the game, and find a great deal of enjoyment in all sorts of communities within it. We are not here to push our own interests, but wish to embrace all of yours.


As a general reminder, the mod inbox is always open. We have a high rate of replies, but things can be missed and there are ways to make sure we see your concerns. Do follow up with us if you did not get an answer, or did not like the one we gave in the past. The reddit PM system is, to put it kindly, not great for archiving conversations. We ran various searches dating back to June of last year, and it was not an friendly process. Along with that, since June, we have received roughly 7,000 PMs. There are cases, especially on heavier days, where we very well may miss a message. We may also reply, and then lose track of messages where further responses were requested. We ask that you follow up with us in these cases. If at any time you find the response to be questionable or frustrating, you can absolutely feel free to contact any of us in direct PMs, or via the Discord. This does not always mean each of us will give a different answer, but we want you to know that it is an option if you feel you have been ignored or mistreated.

In Conclusion

Once again, thanks for all the time and thought so many of you have put into the discussion about the sub as a whole so far. We've been amazed at the quality of ideas coming from the community, and wish to bring in more of that moving forward. We hope that the upcoming survey will be a good way for many of you to get your voices heard, and will be discussing the results of the survey openly here in the future. You all are the driving force of this community, and we're thankful to have you around.

-/r/Overwatch Moderation Team

submitted by /u/BoozyPelican
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Overtime Sombra Cap

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:46 AM PST

Mercy IRL

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:30 AM PST

When enemy roadhog gives you POTG...

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 12:36 PM PST

Blizzard, please, fix the colorblind mode

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:29 PM PST

Hello, I'm Kolorblind. I'm a colorblind Bastion player and currently ranked #1 in competitive, and was the first Bastion only account to reach top 500.

I'm here to beg for a fix for the colorblind mode in this game, it's awful.

I have protonopia, which means I can't see red hardly at all- it looks gray for me. Take a second to imagine how hard this game would be if the enemies didn't have outlines at all, just dark characters against a dark background.

It'd kind of suck wouldn't it? That's how it is for me, and it fucking sucks.

"But Kolor, this game already has colorblind support! It's in the video options, Blizzard thought of everything!" Yes, I know, but those options fucking suck. Why do they suck? Because they're filters, not colorblind modes.

Here's what a good colorblind mode would do, it would change the colors of enemies outlines, UI effects, and in game effects such as Mei's ice wall, Winston's bubble, and so on.

That would be radical, and would let me play the game correctly without walking past a widow just standing against a wall because I couldn't see her.

What does the colorblind mode in this game do? It's a filter, so it changes every single color on your screen do a different color- for example, one of the colorblind modes it called the Tritanopia mode, in theory, it makes the bad guys purple, and makes the good guys a vivid green; perfect, right?

If only; because it doesn't just change the enemies to purple, it changes all red in the ENTIRE GAME to purple- meaning outlines, UI, and the entire fucking map. Everything. It also changes all blue to green, so the game looks like a totally radical acid trip.

Example: http://i.imgur.com/chG6kb1.jpg

Using this mode is very disorianting and chatotic, I've used it for a few months just because using the normal mode is legit impossible for me because I can't see red. I'm forced to play like this, and I hate it. I want to see the game like it should be, I want to see the green grass and blue skies and radical skins without it being fucked up by all this purple and green.

Not to mention it means I still have trouble because yeah, the bad guys are purple, but so is everything else in the map- so it's still hard as fuck to see them.

Blizzard, you're OW development team is fucking amazing at fixing bugs, patching up shit, and getting updates out all the time, so why have you ignored the colorblind support since launch?

I'm begging you, please at least tell us why you refuse to fix it.


submitted by /u/Kolorbastion
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The Jeff Kaplan Paradox

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 11:09 AM PST

Jeff said the 24th hero is not who we expect it to be. By saying this he has made us think the 24th hero is not Doomfist. Therefore the 24th hero is Doomfist since he said it's not who we expect it to be.

submitted by /u/DethStork
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Game saving Bastion 6k

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 11:54 AM PST

Haven't been able to play a single game of Eichenwalde because of the bug

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:35 PM PST

Hello, I am Master tier player in Korean server

There is a bug that is widely known in Korea(Ever since end of January) that still hasn't been fixed yet.

It is reproduced by having a player in the Attack team glitch into a specific spot in the spawn point, which causes an error message to the server and resets the game.

I won't post the specific methods of reproducing in this post (For obvious reasons) but it's easy enough to find yourself.

This is a chatlog of a typical game where you get Eichenwalde.

This is very easy to reproduce, and because no response has been given even after 3 weeks, players have been abusing this bug everytime Eichenwalde comes up. You can do this even after the game starts, or the 2nd round, regardless of the score you will all get DCed and move to another map.

I have done searches in the English forum to see if this bug is also known. It seems there are few posts (only one on reddit) about it, and it hasn't gotten much attention.

Because it can be done anytime in the match (Even when a side is losing) players just crash the map instantly when the game starts.

It gets very boring playing the old maps in a row, then finally getting Eichen then crashing to get Volskaya Ind. for the 3rd time in a row (Draw for the 3rd time in a row too)

There needs to be a fix before this becomes widely spread on other servers as well.

Edit: Apparently it is fixed in the most recent PTR patch, so we can get it on live soon!

submitted by /u/Calycae
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When Satan got you in her sight

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:02 AM PST

PTR Bastion "Configuration: Sentry" while Nano-Boosted is tanky enough, he can't be locked onto by Deadeye

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:51 PM PST

''Tracer Behind, Genji Behind... don't worry''

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:18 PM PST


Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:42 AM PST

Suggestion to buff Widowmaker's ultimate ability

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:02 AM PST

Wouldn't it be right if we could see things like sym's tp or junk's tire through walls too. It means that widow would be some kinda counter to this heroes and her ultimate will be more useful at all skill levels.

And it would be more logical too, don't you think? Like you can see people through any kind of terrain with your visor but you can't see static defenses through thin wood plate one meter away from you! What an advance piece of technology Talon gave you, Amelie!

submitted by /u/yes_im_late
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TIL you can rocket jump as Soldier 76 to pass the Volskaya flank

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:28 PM PST

The Biggest Problem With D.Va.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:59 AM PST

We all know D.Va was too strong for a while, dominating the meta and feeling impossible to kill. A problem, yes, but far from the worst.

Now, D.Va is less powerful, perhaps even weak, more niche than anything else. She dies very quickly, but that still isn't her biggest problem.

The biggest problem with D.Va is that she can't crouch in mech. This has prevented me from taking part in celebratory post-win t-bagging sessions, severely limited her BM potential, and overall made her very difficult to play.

Please fix this, Blizzard.

submitted by /u/Rinichirou
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Reinhardt's Fire Strike just stuck there in my replay

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:13 AM PST

Cool Rocket jump I Found on Dorado!

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:12 AM PST

How to engage Soldier/McCree/Widowmaker with Pharah guide [400+ hours on hero] || Valkia

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:26 AM PST

Hey OW Reddit,

Since I'm quite an experienced Pharah (GM/TOP 500) with over 400 hours playing her, I've made a video talking about my approach to taking down soldiers/mccree and widowmaker - it breaks down step by step my process and thoughts just before engaging the enemy and was requested by people who watch my streams.

Hopefully you enjoy it!

Link: Click Here to Watch

Other Pharah Guides: Click here to see playlist

Needless to say, as you'll see in the video Pharah can't work in every situation, but more than most people think. This doesn't mean myself, or others shouldn't swap if it isn't working out. Big thanks to all people who like my content/streams :-)


submitted by /u/valkia
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Reinhardt the snowplow

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:47 AM PST

Drunk McCree

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:47 AM PST

Thanks Reddit, but I'll do it MY way.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:32 AM PST


Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:19 AM PST

I don't think so, Lucio

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 12:29 PM PST

Don't worry, Rein, we can keep that between us.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 12:54 PM PST

Found an awesome rocketjump on Ilios

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 02:16 PM PST

You dropped the beat in the wrong Favela

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:17 AM PST

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