Learn Dota 2 - Some neat Shadow Fiend tips (landing all 3 razes from same spot + easy souls)

Some neat Shadow Fiend tips (landing all 3 razes from same spot + easy souls)

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:16 PM PST

As you can see here, this is the distance you must stand away from your target to land all 3 razes without moving. The area is kinda small, but you can get used to it with practice.

It also looks pretty cool if a teammate stuns an enemy hero, and you blink in and land 3 razes.

Another small SF tip is how you can get easy souls at level 1 at the start of the game. A lot of the pros are using Clockwerk cogs for souls. Another thing you can use are Venomancer wards. Have Venomancer put them near Roshan, who will then hit the plague ward once, and SF can easily deny them for souls. Let me know if there are any other neat interactions with Necromastery that allow SF to get easy souls before the game even starts.

You can view the rest of the tips from this weekly series here: http://www.esportsgaming.bet/dota-tips-and-tricks-shadow-fiend-disjoints-and-more. Note that the content is hosted on a website that does offer a betting service. If you are uncomfortable with that, then please do not click the link.

submitted by /u/TheProdiJay
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Diffusal blade charges

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:06 PM PST

After you upgrade the diffusal blade and then use up all the charges, is the only way to get charges back is to buy a whole new diffusal blade?

I just did that in a 60+ minute game on spectre, when you get to that sort of lategame would you still stick with the diffusal blade or do you start going for other items?

submitted by /u/alamodey
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Noob CM question!

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:56 PM PST

Pretty new to the game (I'm not even high enough level to try ranked or even talk about MMR) and I am trying to learn some early game Crystal Maiden on my own.

Is it possible to start at the large camp closest to midline, kill one creep, stack, kill one, and get to the small camp to do a pull at 1:15?

Is it safe to start at the large camp closest to the safe lane, kill, stack, kill, and then do a 1:15 pull?

Or should I not be so worried about trying to pull at 1:15 and instead work on zoning the offlaner until 1:45 or whenever my carry is okay with me pulling?

Thanks in advance, guys! I'll be looking up some CM and support/jungling guides in a few weeks after playing around with the game a little more!

submitted by /u/OneTwoSixty
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Aghs on Antimage

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 02:26 PM PST

I've heard around that Aghs is core on AM now, being a cheaper linkens with a lotus orb effect as well. But is it better on him than BKB?

When should I get Aghs instead of BKB on him?

submitted by /u/serb7
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Is Bloodseeker's Thirst a good soft counter to Slark?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 11:16 AM PST

Slark is by far the hero I have the most trouble playing against. Pudge is a close second, but Pudge appears to be more "counterable" than him.

Is Thirst a good thing to have when the enemy team has a Slark? Bceause in theory it would stop him from regenerating when below 25% health.

Quick edit. I'm 2,6k . Does that makes any difference?

submitted by /u/RKNeto
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This Week I Learned:_________________________

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 12:56 PM PST

Every game we play we should be learning something; mechanics, tricks, spell interactions, counters, synergies, etc. In this thread share some of the info that you've picked up during the past week!

Last week's most useful tip - AmbyValkrine - 16 Points

I learned that bloodthorn applies True Strike, which is why all the pros get it. Its basically a daedalus and MKB built into one item.

Link to last week's thread


submitted by /u/Pressthepig
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After four months, I've finally gone from a low of 800 MMR to breaking into the 2k MMR range.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 01:31 AM PST

I've just completed my last win needed to reach a total MMR count of 2,014. Phew. Took long enough to get there. I started ranked, I believe, in November, and it took until now to get to win enough matches to ascend the ladder. I calibrated at 945 MMR due to calibrating straight after reaching level 20, which, in retrospect, was an awful idea. I then shifted around 1000 MMR before dropped down to 845 and then 823 MMR. It was awful. I was almost ready to quit.

But I decided to practice. I changed up my playstyle and focused on last hitting, even when being harassed. I learned to stack and pull on supports. I dewarded. On every carry, I could now reach at least 45 in 10 in safe lane; on my best carries, often ~53 or all the way up to 65 with freefarm. I made better fighting decisions and learned how to counter pub favorite heroes (Anti-Mage, Pudge, Legion Commander, Phantom Assassin, Juggernaut etc). I chipped at towers whenever possible.

Of course, this was a process. It took all four months to get here. These last few weeks, I really ramped up my game and have been winning consistently and frequently, as my OpenDota shows.

I'm glad to have gotten this far. I'll probably slow down a bit and play unranked for a little while, but I'll definitely keep climbing to 3k if I can.

submitted by /u/ArtemisDimikaelo
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Who gets rod of atos asap?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:38 AM PST

I need a hero suggestion who build atos as core now. i was thinking of skywrath but it would probably not that fast if im going full support, or jakiro but thinking euls is much more important.

submitted by /u/lester_pe
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Idk how to win

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:49 PM PST

So I'm sub 1k calibrated at 1k like a week ago now I'm like 800. I feel like the only hero I can play ok is ck. In this game I play as slark and feel like I do ok laning like I could have got a few more last hits, but my team gets messed up early and I feel like I can't do anything. Could someone explain to me what I could have done better and if this game was winnable? https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3006670568

submitted by /u/afitz_66
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Battle pass question

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:53 PM PST

I tried googling but i dont think its right.It says that you only get items for zeus,am and treant with this pass.Is that true?Can someone explain to me what does it contain except quests and levels.I want to buy something that lets me unlock more items for all heroes not just 3.Thank you!

submitted by /u/zdrawwwko
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When should I build Manta on Slark if I am going to?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:37 PM PST

Like if the team has a lot of silences or something and I don't get pact off or it's on cooldown I can still manta to purge. But when should I build it? After Shadow Blade and Echo Saber?

submitted by /u/ZeZapasta
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Playing versus blink heroes teams as a squishy hero.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:09 PM PST

I enjoy playing pugna, but I can never figure out how to itemize against blink heroes effectively. The biggest hero i have trouble with is usually an axe or slark. Any playstyle or itemization tips?

submitted by /u/calaw00
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GameLeap and PVGNA

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:51 PM PST

I've got some spare cash, so I've been wondering if these services are worth it. Are they actually half as good as they promise to be? If so, which one is better? And what are the differences between them?

submitted by /u/InfergnomeHKSC
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Is the default item hotkeys good?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:32 PM PST

Ever since I started dota2 I've changed them to alt-QWE blablabla cuz I've been used to the hotkey program we uses in wc3 dota. But now I'm tryin to assign a hotkey on my autocast skills (alt-skill) but my item hotkeys are in the way, I'm thinking of switching back to zxcvbn but is it okay? I feel like its too far apart?

submitted by /u/SeanDeLeir
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Early Push Supports

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:55 AM PST

I play a fair amount of support and want to know who some early pushers are since the meta is fast right now. Also who are some carries who combo or mesh well with them?

submitted by /u/Big_Tofu_Bite
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What should I have built differently this game?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 01:46 PM PST


I felt pretty good about this game. I laned very well, got a super early Deso, but feel like I itemized incorrectly. We ended up not being able to out-push the other team and lost due to Jugg going BF/Manta and outfarming us. Also, the Lion player was only part of 8 kills, which sucked.

I think I should have skipped Diffusal since Ursa gets BKB, and Jugg/LS have magic immunity, and I don't need it to chase Ogre or Sniper.

My build was: PMS, Boots, Blight Stone, Phase, Wand, Deso, Diffusal 1, Basher, BKB, Abyssal, Satanic/Diffusal 2. (Edit: I forgot Satanic doesn't stack with Deso since I don't build Satanic in many games -- this was a huge blunder.)

I think Silver Edge or Manta would have been better than Diffusal this game. I'm not sure. We didn't have a Vlads, so I probably should have gotten that to aid our push.

I honestly don't mean to brag about KDA or anything; it's clear that I suck since we still lost.

submitted by /u/wuweidota400
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Where can I find replays of smurfs playing in low MMR?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 12:41 PM PST

Where can I find replays of smurfs playing in low MMR? Particularly anyone that is able to consistently win, despite a bad matchup and teammates feeding kills early.

submitted by /u/nitro_dubz
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How do I build Tusk?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 11:13 AM PST

Especially in the current patch? I have never played him before but I'm interested to try him because of his skillset.

submitted by /u/YgRoB
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Need help understanding Alch's itemization

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:39 AM PST

Seeing high level players builds on Dotabuff, it seems that most get Shiva's Guard after Rad/Octarine/Manta. However, considering after 7.00 illusions do get attack speed bonus, I don't get why most players get Shiva instead of Assault Cuirass. The armor bonus is the same, but AC gives him more DPS, improves Spray/Concoction damage due to armor reduction, illusions will do more DPS due to attack speed+armor reduction.

submitted by /u/Marconidas
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Need help to understand my mistakes as a low MMR player.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:15 AM PST

I've climbed from 1.1k to 2.5k and now it seems that I can't go further with my current understanding of the game and skills.

If anyone could help me, especifically in this game, (I'm Disruptor) cause here I think I played relatively well to my average, but obviously it in not being enough.

It seems to me that some of my support games I can do well on early, but on mid game I kinda get lost.

I appreciate any help :)

submitted by /u/zanutto
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Role advice for a beginner

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:15 AM PST

Hi all I have played Dota 2 off and on since it has come out however I am still really bad.

I'm looking to come back on a fresh account and put some effort into learning the game but I was wondering which role would be best to learn the game?

The last few times I played I tried supporting and I did enjoy it however there seems to be so much to learn but I guess that is the same for every role.

I was just wondering your opinions

I tried posting this on the dota 2 reddit but for some reason it would show so sorry if it seems like i have been spamming but this subreddit seems better for it anyway

Thank you

submitted by /u/0phiotaurus
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Improving my Slardar, and general Offlane tips?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:05 AM PST

Hey guys.

I've recently started up on the ranked grind again. I made the terrible mistake of calibrating really early after I started playing about two years ago, and as such, got placed in the 1.4k bracket to start. I kinda quit playing ranked for a really long time, and just recently started to get back into it, and got up to 1.6k, mostly playing cores.

As of late, i've been picking offlane cores in my ranked games (Slardar, Abbadon, considering LC). I feel like it's a high impact role, particularly with how easy it is to pressure weak safelanes in my skill bracket.

The other day I played a Slardar offlane game. Loaded in, told my team I wanted to solo offlane, and first picked Slardar. They seemed cool with it, and we had a teammate who wanted to jungle LC anyways, so I got my solo lane, yay.

I get to the lane, stick my ward down, and go for a block. I'm laning against Slark and Abaddon, and they're fighting eachother for CS, and shoving the wave under my tower, leaving me to gobble up the XP, and get some CS. I get my tranquils, and level 6, solo kill the Slark, and get myself a quick blink and a couple kills.

Here's where things fall apart. I tp'd to countergank at some point, we get a couple kills, and I call to group for a push. We're taking a tier 1, when suddenly Troll is knocking on our rax, we manage to get back in time to save the rax, but lost a tier 3.

This kind of just happens over and over again, I set up a fight, we get a pick or two and start pushing, but we just can't push fast enough. Huskar and Arc are really underfarmed, and our LC is still AFK Jungling before jumping into 3 heroes by herself on the other side of the map.

We slowly start losing any advantages we earn. Omni was basically a nonfactor most times, and the influx of tower gold allows the other team's 5 core lineup to eventually get farmed enough that we can't even fight them as they take our base.

I guess what I need advice with is how I can have a more significant impact in the game. I feel like Slardar's damage is really strong in the early game, certainly against squishier cores like SF and Slark, but he just can't push. Even if I try to cut a wave while my team pushes behind me or something, they just always get called or something, and we're back to square one.

So yeah, suggestions on how to gain and push an advantage earlier in the game as an offlaner? Particularly Slardar. Also, looking for suggestions on offlane cores I can pick to climb and have a bigger impact on the outcome of the game, I've also tried out offlane Abbadon, and found him great at turning fights.

Dotabuff of match here: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3000587558

submitted by /u/iggyboy456
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How to deal with ganks(mid lane)?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:29 AM PST

For example shadow fiend, but it can happen to every mid lane hero who gets ganked. What should i do when i know that some enemy will help their midlaner and will probably kill me?I know that wards are an obvious answer but sometimes they are out of stock and sometimes its not enough to stop ganks from happening.

submitted by /u/tiago1500
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When to get Eul's as a Support?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:20 AM PST

As the title asks, just looking to see when and who it is useful for and situations really shouldn't buy.

I've been playing a lot more support recently and find it a bit of an odd item, more specifcally for the quests of battle pass as does require enemies (my idea is play Lina/SF mid t get this quest) but as it is here in support i'm curious as to how useful this can be.

Only things i can think of it for dispell purposes or even as a engagement/disengage tool, this is probably all of them but example's would be great.

submitted by /u/HDMike4
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