Civilization - The Battle of Stalingrad told through CIV VI

The Battle of Stalingrad told through CIV VI

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:39 AM PST

My first cultural victory! Was originally planning a domination victory, but oh well

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:17 AM PST

So.... I went a little canal-crazy

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:21 PM PST

Thought the placement of the two lighthouses was neat

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:22 PM PST


Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:08 PM PST

Pretty proud of my end game score as Norway

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 11:04 AM PST

Civ VI Mod: The Kingdom of Hyrule, led by Princess Zelda (v0.2)

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:53 PM PST

I feel like you should automatically get open boarders with city states when you're allied with their suzerain.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:25 AM PST

I just had a game where I was allied in a joint war with Rome against Russia, and Russia had a bunch of ranged units just chilling in Rome's city state, and I couldn't attack them. Seems like a straightforward quality of life improvement.

submitted by /u/Ixionas
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How a Great Merchant patronage changed the whole game

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:17 PM PST

Previously I posted about the difficulty I faced during my first Diety game here. Long read ahead, but I hope you would enjoy the tale.

Long story short, I started as Germany and spent too much effort during the early game in fending off and later taking down Gilgamesh. This caused me to get significantly behind Kongo scientifically. I can't do much about him despite being my northern neighbour. He's perfectly shielded from terrains (one land route guarded by 2 encampments) and having better technologies (doubling my science output, and >10 tech ahead of me).

I spent some time just spamming campuses, commercial districts and Hansa (why wouldn't I?) just to grow my nations with trade routes. Kongo eventually declared war on me and I managed to take two of his cities (one being on his landmass). I beelined for Bombard for the damage output but ultimately has to call for peace as he already got Medieval walls on his main cities and Field Cannons Corps patrolling his territories.

During this peaceful period, I went and conquered Egypt, Kongo's eastern neighbour. This increased my scientific output (but still about 10 tech behind all the time) and give me an easier path into Kongo's territories. I also got control of Kumasi, which gives me significant cultural output. At the same time, I got James Young the Great Scientist, and discovered the available oil reserves. It appeared that Kongo did not have them but all available reserves are in the sea. This is not good as tanks are probably my best hope in taking Kongo down.

At some point, the Great Merchant John Rockefeller was up to be contested and he proved to be the difference in this game. Rockefeller grants one oil and Kongo was well on course in getting it (he's getting 50+ per turn, while I manage only about 20). I quickly worked on commercial city projects on some of my cities and by saving up all my faith, I managed to faith-bought him 1 turn before Kongo will get him naturally. it costs me all of my faiths which comes just under 3,000.

This proved to be very crucial as even if I was still several techs away from Tanks, I denied Kongo from having it at all. To crush Kongo, I bee-lined Observation balloons+Artilleries, built up my armies, got some Tanks corps and armies (thank to Kumasi) and went in to crush Kongo. In fact, I went in just in time as my spy managed to steal the Nuclear Fission tech boost. This either meant he got that tech/boost from a scientist or have researched it the hard way (and I just got tanks!). He could have had been preparing for some nukes on me!

Without knowing where the uranium reserves are, I decided to wipe him out. I would not allow Kongo to drop a bomb on me the world. At the time of writing, I am on course to winning the game scientifically (researching for space port). Gandhi and Monte have higher military scores but they are at least an age behind me. I could just play defensively and see out the game.

I was one turn away from losing the game. Had I not sniped Rockefeller from Mvemba, he would have the unstoppable tanks AND the nuclear bombs. Well, it turns out city projects can be useful to rush great peoples. And, Kumasi can be so OP for gaining all the extra cultures (grant +10 culture for most of my routes). Thanks a lot for this community, from which I have learned a lot. I hope you enjoy the read and inspired you some strategies or thoughts.

submitted by /u/JirachiJirachi
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Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:53 PM PST

So I was just reading about China no longer being able to accept coal for North Korea - halting millions from it's economy. They base this on UN economic sanctions (although it's probably to do with their recent large investment into renewables as it's cheaper).

Although it was cool Civ V had banned luxuries, maybe it would be good in VI to have more realistic sanctions where you could bar X from Civ X for members only? If you disobeyed, you could face being forced out or worse, war?

submitted by /u/schabe
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A Question About AI in Civ6

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:40 AM PST

I really like Civ. And Civ6 is great. I am entertained. I feel that thus far it has been money well spent for the amount of entertainment I have received. So I don't want this to feel like I am on the Civ6 hate-train. But...

I am conquering the English with mechanized infantry and rocket artillery.

The Queen has crossbows and catapults and is getting steamrolled.

She has one city left, and asks for peace. Sort of. She agrees to cede her cities I have conquered, but then demands my entire treasury, all my GPT, and about 15 luxuries. She makes this demand while rockets are being set up outside her last outpost.

She does this even though I conquered the Egyptians 5 turns ago. Then China, who I have no beef with (yet, but you might see where I am headed) makes a similar "trade" deal. They want 10 luxuries and gold and offer nothing in return.

Right. As if.

It'd be like real-life Panama demanding the US give them money and goods... "or else."

Needless to say, I decline these offers, conquer England, and mobilize towards China.

It's really aggravating, and breaks any sort of believability for me. If England was like "please save me, I'll give you anything" that seems to make more sense. But demanding everything I have while she's almost wiped out is... backwards, IMO.

That's all.

submitted by /u/PhascinatingPhysics
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Played and loved 5 for years. Still haven't gotten past ~50 turns in 6. Help.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:56 AM PST

I feel like there's a really cool game somewhere in 6 and that my habits from 5 are getting in the way of enjoying it. But I definitely remember 5 didn't have this steep of a learning curve. (I've played since 2, though I skipped Beyond Earth.)

In 5 I loved tall empires (3 cities, possibly a 4th if I needed coal) and culture victories; I understand 6's play logic is less friendly to that now.

Can somebody give me a decent civ/leader and early build order for a pacifist economist like myself who enjoys turtling, micromanaging citizen work assignments, and assembling an almighty culture and religion? I'd like to see a game through to the end but so far (2 months or so) I've just been getting frustrated and rage-quitting in the Ancient era.

submitted by /u/ebriose
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Friend pulled a jerk move... Revenge ideas?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:18 AM PST

We started a game yesterday and not 2 hours in and hes already attacked me without warning after we have been friendly for the beginning. He stole my second city... vengeance must be paid. Should i wait it out and pretend were all good until i can nuke him or just start attacking him right away? Any suggestions? Civ v btw

submitted by /u/Xetni14
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New to CIV 5, what are good strategies?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 01:27 PM PST

I have a firm grasp of all the mechanics, but I feel like I'm not playing optimally yet. I won my first game last night, Scientific victory against Prince AI, which I guess is normal difficulty. How fast should I be expanding? What should I tech to first? What social policies should I go for early? Late game? How do I keep my gold per turn and happiness up? Any advice or links would be great! I know it's an old game but this sub seems lively!

submitted by /u/DebonairTeddy
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Can't Establish City Connection With Lisbon From Braga/Coimbra, Both Have Harbour

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 01:27 PM PST

The Civilization VI No Military, Scouts/Rangers Only Challenge

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:06 PM PST

Hi everyone. To add something a little different to Civ 6, I have been playing a few challenge games, the second of which is the No Military, Scouts/Rangers Only Challenge.

The challenge seems fairly self-explanatory but I'm not allowed any military, just scouts (and then rangers when they can be upgraded). Even the initial warrior unit at the start has to be disbanded. Away with them!

It's actually been a really enjoyable challenge, with the biggest problem being the scouts' lack of any sort of ranged attack.

Currently I'm up to part 12, which you can see here: Part 12: War. War Never Changes.

If you want to watch more, the full playlist is here: Civilization VI No Military, Scouts/Rangers Only Challenge Playlist

The challenge isn't over yet so please come along and watch the potential disaster unfold!

Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/TheGeekCupboard
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Laptop for Civ

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:47 AM PST

Could anyone recommend a laptop thats able to play Civ 5 (on low to medium settings). Budget is £400. Thanks.

PS I've already tried r/suggestalaptop but no luck.

submitted by /u/slowrunningflow
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Civ VI, Can a mobile sam protect a city from an nuclear submarine?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 11:35 AM PST

I have got a nuclear sub armed with a thermonuclear device. He has a coastal city, but it has a mobile sam in it. Will the Sam protect it from my submarine?

submitted by /u/TheCakeAnarchy
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What's the best and worst of Civ IV and V?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:45 AM PST

Each entry in the Civilization series has it's own strengths and weaknesses. Some were more enjoyable for warring or diplo, better AI, different mechanics for religion and spying or even unique stuff like corporations, etc.

Take Civ IV and V with all the expansions. What do you think are the best and worst of each? Sidequestion: which is the best Civilization game (IV or V) if you have fun playing diplo, culture, economy, science or military?

Civilization VI is way too young to be judged.

submitted by /u/luiggi_oasis
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[BE] How do I repair a damaged Emancipation Gate?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:41 PM PST

My Emancipation Gate is under construction, and got attacked. It's down to 1/3rd health. How do I repair it? It's not completed yet; eight more turns to go before it's finished.

submitted by /u/volstedgridban
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Teach me how to Civ VI

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:38 PM PST

So I have plenty experience in Civ V, and was interested in getting the next game, but when I fired a game of Civ VI I fell behind the AI. Military was good enough although I never sought to conquer, but my science, production and, amenities was falling behind. I probably had the most most trouble with the districts system. The concept makes sense in theory, but not so much in practice.

It was clear that the game was much more different than the last. So, how do I Civ VI? I need to know what are the most radical changes and how to efficiently use the changes to my advantage. What's the best Civ VI to start with, I used Egypt and did try to play economically and built plenty of sphinxes, and I never ran out of money. I believe I was on Prince difficulty?

I need help.

submitted by /u/Yoshi_IX
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What was the last game you lost?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:14 AM PST

I had some bad luck tonight. Went for an enormous, detailed continents map with 18 civs, immortal difficulty with balanced start just to see what would happen. Spawned next to Scythia. Managed to get a third city up when Tomyris declared a surprise war on me. Thought I could handle it with my 5 archers when about 15 horsemen appeared out of the fog of war.

Needless to say about ten turns later I was done for, she wouldn't sue for peace and the horseman army were bearing down on my last city who just finished producing a single archer. I felt pretty hard done by, but thems the breaks!

What caused you to lose your last game?

submitted by /u/zippy_long_stockings
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How was Poland able to kill this carrier with an air attack if it was supposed to be outside his vision?!

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:19 PM PST

Which game do you think would perform better on a lower end PC?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:02 PM PST

I already own civ 5. It is playable at lower settings but not really enjoyable. Just curious if you guys think civ 6 would be easier

submitted by /u/LogisticIceguy
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