League of Legends - Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:32 PM PST

Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced LoL players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

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Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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If NALCS was a Sports Anime (S7 Edition!)

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:25 AM PST

Heya Reddit, back in the Season 5 Summer Split I posted this thread with my take on what NALCS would be like if it were the plot of a sports anime. Revitalised by the storylines of S7 and another wave of depression induced anime watching and boredom, I'm coming at you with an update of how this same anime would have progressed two seasons on, now with fresh new characters, improved animation budget and our protag TSM a la Ash Ketchum continuing to fall short and disappoint us all in the final tournament arc of every season!

For those who can't be bothered reading the first thread, the premise here is that "NALCS" is the acronym for a junior tennis club (why tennis? Because it's an anime enough sport that is played by individuals usually in best-of matches, with top rated players seeded into bigger competitions) wherein ten players train. The ten players spend most of the year training in practice matches against each other (making for juicy rivalries and other character drama) and trying to become the best the club has to offer, for every year the best three (decided by an in-house tournament) get to represent Japanifornia in a big international tournament against representatives from other clubs. Now here's our cast!

(And before I'm asked again, why TSM as protag? a) storyline, as above, is the most stereotypical for a long-running tournament anime, and b) there's a lot of objective TSM-bias in the scene. Another thing that befalls protags, haha.)

TSM: Continues to be our run of the mill food-loving, determinator, "my goal is to be the very best but lose anyway at the end of every season so the series keeps going" protagonist and the series mostly revolves around his rivalry with the other characters, and his relationship with his father, who constantly pushes for him to be the best. Season 6 actually shook up the repetitive formula (wherein TSM always started out poorly, got trodden on by the "chosen rivals of the season", had a massive training montage where he overcame his issues and proved himself as a top three club member in some match that went to five sets and then got knocked out of the international tournament anyway) by having TSM actually train hard from the start and be really good all the way through and eventually reveal that his greatest hurdle wasn't in fact the other characters but, in the end his own arrogance. The season ended with the same conclusion as all the ones before it (TSM losing) and it turned out focusing on just him had gotten somewhat stale, so now we're back to TSM going back to being talented but overrun by a number of sports anime rivals, old and new characters alike! Not least of all...

Cloud9: The main rival. The charismatic, popular tennis star springs back from the "debilitating wrist injury" plotline that lost him his rival status for the majority of seasons 5 and 6. It turns out that Cloud9 was an overwhelming fan-favorite and people liked him for his talent and wit and not-so-subtle yaoi subtext with TSM and wanted him back in the spotlight and here he is, back to his Season 3-4 form as the handsome prodigal star of the tennis club who TSM considers his most formidable rival! The season starts with the two lining up for a hit just before the practice starts, C9 flashing his grin and telling TSM he wants to show off some his new equipment...only to completely floor everyone by sweeping the floor with him in two clean sets. And much to TSM's chagrin, C9 doesn't even consider him his biggest rival anymore...what's his relationship with this mysterious FlyQuest guy.

CLG: The original Blue to TSM's Red spent the entirety of seasons 3 and 4 and the former half of 5 being reduced to a joke character who showed up once an episode to trash-talk TSM only to get his ass handed to him by TSM (or his sidekick, Liquid) much to the anger of a fanbase that had once been divided on who the rightful hero of the show was. Finally the writers threw him a bone and he managed to defeat TSM in two major tournament arcs (the first victory coupled with a teary speech about how despite his dad never pushing him like TSM's does, he got so far through pure faith and friendship), forcing his rival to consider him a threat once again. Later enjoyed a breakthrough role as the protagonist of the MSI! OVA, where he actually went far in an international tennis tournament, something TSM had never done. Unfortunately, following the well-received special the writers seemed to think he'd had enough limelight and he hasn't done too much since, with TSM even falling back into the pattern of not acknowledging him. Led to believe he'd been forgotten again, the otaku were in disarray, that is until a recent episode where CLG became the first this season to take a set off Cloud9 - with a badass declaration as he stepped back into the dark changeroom, "Never count me out!"

Liquid: TSM's long time best friend who would always have his back and be his practice partner as they shared that dream of Worlds since middle school but then he always just barely fell short of actually qualifying. Thus far he'd mostly been played for laughs with everyone making fun of his "forever fourth" schtick (an early episode featured him desecrating a sacred shrine, leading to an angered spirit putting a Curse on him) but season 7 threw a more serious spin at his character: it turns out that he was in fact adopted by his wealthy father, a man with great sporting ties, and was picked for said adoption because of his supposed talent as a boy. This revelation combined with his history of never achieving anything despite this supposed talent has broken him and now Liquid is an angsty, depressed and unsettled husk of a boy who is notably underperforming and shown shaking at every practice. TSM swore to help his friend find something to be proud of, but is this a curse Liquid needs to break himself!?

Dignitas: Was originally the comic relief character with the hammy VA - known for his botched serves and meme-generating speeches - was kicked from the club for underperformance and written out in season 6 in a surprise twist to his one dimensional existence (every season was the same for this guy; start out claiming that he is the one and only ace only to lose against everyone in increasingly comedic fashion. And then beat someone who was getting cocky when they least expect it!). Just when people were starting to miss him, he's back for Season 7, having been reinstated in the club and hyped up in the OP and promotional material as having trained long and hard during his absence and returning with a vengeance, complete with the anime villain laugh! Everyone takes him seriously for about one episode with TSM considering him a worthy rival...and then he promptly loses to our protag and goes back to being the joke character who in fact, has not improved.

Immortals: The main rival in season 6, Immortals was introduced as a talented first year rookie with an aggressive serve who joined the club and immediately served circles around everyone in practice. Handsome and flashy but cocky (the first year brat!), TSM considered him an irksome but formidable rival, much like C9 in season 3. However his plotline culminated with it being revealed that he suffered from enormous performance anxiety when it counted and when made to play in an actual tournament bombed it in spectacular fashion. This led to TSM senpai giving him a big speech about how fancy moves and raw talent you only utilised to show-off in practice can only get you so far in the face of hardened experience and mental fortitude (TSM would later go on to learn that in the grand scheme of things, he too was not so different to Immortals). Immortals learned his lesson and rolled back the arrogance and agreed to work on his anxiety and not putting so much pressure on himself. Has thus far spent Season 7 in the background watching and learning from the others, honing his talent and mentality from the ground up. Will he bounce back!?

Echo Fox: The son of a world famous American basketballer, he wanted to be a professional tennis player so his father bought him a spot in the club, something that typically requires a tryout. None of the others like him or want to practice with him, thinking he's a spoiled daddy's boy who knows nothing of the sport and gets preferential treatment from the coach because of his father's influence. A recent backstory episode revealed that he's actually a really nice kid whose father loves him dearly and just wanted to help him achieve his dream, and now he's out to prove he deserves his place in the club whether the others like him or not. Does so in the most recent episode where he challenges and hands it to TSM, who is forced to concede that he and the others were in fact, being jerks and Echo Fox is a worthy member of the club.

Phoenix1: Joined the club as a rookie partway through Season 6 (replacing TIP, who returned to China as his exchange was finished) and initially was a background character who didn't do much but lose to everyone in practice montages. Then came his establishing episode where he broke TSM's perfect win-streak. While this was intended to just show TSM, yet again!, that his complacency was his greatest vice, the miracle victory against the admittedly Gary-Stu TSM had P1 skyrocket in popularity and be compared to the likes of Kamina and Rock Lee, to the point where he's now been upgraded to a major character and one of the better performers in the club!

EnvyUS: The current background character who doesn't do anything but lose to everyone as training montage fodder. No one cares about him. Actually has an intensive backstory wherein his dad, a certain Badawi-san had groomed him from a young age to be a tennis playing machine only to mysteriously vanish after being investigated for Yakuza ties when the boy was eight. Was then raised by his overprotective adoptive Uncle, Monte-san, who too recently died, leaving him alone in the world, poorly-adjusted and shy which is why he doesn't do much. Of course, all of this information is only found in rare background materials and not the actual anime so most fans don't really know, or care, much about poor Envy.

FlyQuest: The new character to make his debut in Season 7, FlyQuest is a much older young man who was a member of the tennis club six years previously, and revealed to be C9's older brother. A legend, the coach regards him as the greatest talent to have ever been a member of the club but he had retired from competing after being told he'd run past his prime. Then, in Season 7, in a surprise twist he tries out and gets back into the club. Initially this confused TSM and our other heroes, as FlyQuest was supposedly a washup who hadn't played in years, but it turns out he's still really fucking good and is up there with his brother as the best the club has to offer. And why is he back now all of a sudden!? FlyQuest realised that C9 had finally reached his peak and his burning anime sibling rivalry plotline compelled him to return. If his little brother wanted to step out of his shadow, now was the time to make him earn it!

submitted by /u/moxroxursox
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Dragon Master Swain was promised exactly four years ago

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:13 AM PST


Okay 4 years and 1 day

submitted by /u/Iniwid
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Internal play testers, what's the funniest experience you've had in game?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:46 AM PST

With practice tool coming out soon, I'm curious as to what wacky stories internal play testers have had with messing with CD's, movement speed, glitches etc.

A story of gnar riding hecarim comes to mind when I think of tales Rioter's have shared with us.

submitted by /u/al15338
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Seraph on Korean v. NA training: "NA solo queue is garbage and it helps 0% for improving my skills."

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:36 AM PST

When smurfing or playing in low elo, please don’t call other players out for being bad.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:10 AM PST

If you're playing under your level, you can't reasonably expect other players to do as well as you. Even if you are in your own ranking, everyone makes mistakes and has bad games. I've been leveling up my smurf, and every game I see people who look to be silver smurfs calling new players garbage. All you can ask of anyone is that they try their best, so maybe instead of calling a new player trash for not knowing some things, we can try to help or encourage them.

I played bot games to level 30 when I was leveling up my main a few years ago, but if I had been playing normals I probably would have quit long ago due to the toxicity. If we care about the quality of the community, we need to be more inviting because we're currently training new players to be toxic.

submitted by /u/LegendOfKhaos
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MSI 2017 Rules and Format, explained in 2 minutes.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:22 PM PST

Strongbow Investments sponsor M19 (ex-Albus Nox Luna), provide $22 million USD estate gaming house

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:44 AM PST

When Huni meets Faker in Kr SoloQ

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:57 AM PST

Attend the LCS - Unlock Cool rewards!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:30 AM PST

H2WHAT? Season 2 Episode 4: Through Fiestas to Progress

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:16 PM PST

I think Kindred needs to be reworked. When she's strong, she's too strong, and when she's weak, she's too weak. But most importantly, her playstyle doesn't match her fantasy at all.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:42 PM PST

The biggest problem with Kindred, in my opinion, is that Kindred is meant to be Death. Their fantasy is that of a hunter who relentlessly chases down their chosen quarry, and finishes them off. However, what is actually delivered is a messy combination of stats and abilities that is mostly overshadowed by her extreme ability to hold/contest objectives.

The two biggest problems, in my opinion, are the way her passive works, and the way Wolf's Frenzy (and Wolf in general) works.

Kindred's Passive does damage based on her target's current health (similarly to Blade of the Ruined King), and right off the bat, that should trigger some thematic question marks. The Kindred are death - the hunter that always catches its prey. Thematically, they should be excellent at finishing off fleeing opponents. Instead, Kindred's effectiveness as a slayer actually diminishes the longer a fight drags on. Why, instead, don't lambs attacks deal more damage the closer an enemy is to death, making them easier to finish off once they have already taken damage, basing her passive's damage on percent health missing? At the very least, they could do consistent damage throughout the fight, basing the damage on a target's maximum health, instead of health missing OR current health. This seems stupid.

Secondly, the functionality of Kindred's W feels bizarrely stationary for someone who is supposed to be an able hunter, chasing relentlessly after their prey. Kindred's W (and Ultimate as well), encourage the Kindred to lock down an area where they are extremely strong, instead of encouraging them to chase after a fleeing opponent. The ult DOES create an interesting scenario where opponents are encouraged not to flee from death once they are already low, but the problem is that it helps them just as much as it does Kindred, since she doesn't become magically stronger once both she and her opponents are low on health. The W does absolutely nothing to make Kindred a better hunter - while it does enable her to dash more often, ideally she wants to stay in the W until it ends to take the most advantage of Dance of Arrows (which doesn't prioritize champions in terms of its damage, so it is hardly useful for fighting).

Kindred is thematically messy, and all of their power is in places that don't suit their fantasy, or make them a particularly balanced jungler. They need a lot more than numbers tweaks to become a better champion, because they are so mechanically divorced from their theme - something which should be EXTREMELY apparent from our two most recent champion releases, Warwick and Camille, BOTH of whom are better at doing the Kindred's job than the Kindred are - that of the implacable, inescapable hunter.

EDIT: Apologies for mixing gender/plural. I'm not going to go back and fix it, but I thought it was at least worthwhile to bring it up. For those who aren't up on the lore, the Kindred are the combined pair, Wolf and Lamb. Lamb is the main champion, Wolf is present in a couple of the abilities.

submitted by /u/DragonHeretic
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FlyQuest vs. Cloud9 / NA LCS 2017 Spring - Week 4 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:49 PM PST


Official page | EsportsWikis | Live Discussion | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL

FlyQuest 1-2 Cloud9

FLY | Wiki | Web | TW | FB
C9 | Wiki | Web | TW | FB | YT | Sub

MATCH 1: FLY vs C9

Winner: Cloud9 in 35m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FLY Ryze KhaZix Varus Zyra syndra 62.2k 14 7 I2 I3 B4
C9 LeBlanc Rengar Shen Rumble Maokai 61.4k 17 5 I1
FLY 14-17-22 vs 17-14-43 C9
Balls Poppy 3 2-5-6 TOP 3-4-7 1 Camille Impact
Moon Evelynn 3 7-2-3 JNG 5-5-6 1 Graves Contractz
Hai Jayce 2 2-3-4 MID 6-1-8 4 Cassiopeia Jensen
Altec Jhin 1 3-3-2 ADC 3-3-7 2 Ashe Sneaky
LemonNation Malzahar 2 0-4-7 SUP 0-1-15 3 Taric Smoothie

MATCH 2: C9 vs FLY

Winner: FlyQuest in 36m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
C9 Zyra Malzahar LeBlanc Syndra Jayce 56.5k 5 2 None
FLY Camille Ryze Rengar Thresh Cassiopeia 68.4k 11 11 C1 O2 B3 C4 I5 B6
C9 5-11-10 vs 11-5-22 FLY
Impact Shen 2 0-2-3 TOP 2-0-3 2 Maokai Balls
Contractz Graves 2 4-5-1 JNG 1-2-3 1 KhaZix Moon
Jensen Orianna 3 0-0-2 MID 6-3-4 4 Corki Hai
Sneaky Varus 1 1-3-1 ADC 2-0-5 3 Jhin Altec
Smoothie Nami 3 0-1-3 SUP 0-0-7 1 Karma LemonNation

MATCH 3: FLY vs C9

Winner: Cloud9 in 45m
Match History | MVP Poll

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FLY Ryze Cassiopeia Camille Kennen Rumble 77.1k 19 5 C1 I5 B6
C9 LeBlanc Rengar Shen Evelynn jayce 86.4k 23 11 C2 B3 I4 E7 B8
FLY 19-23-37 vs 23-19-50 C9
Balls Maokai 1 5-3-9 TOP 6-4-11 3 Nautilus Impact
Moon Nidalee 3 0-4-10 JNG 4-3-10 1 KhaZix Contractz
Hai Zed 3 8-8-3 MID 8-2-9 4 Zilean Jensen
Altec Miss Fortune 2 5-3-8 ADC 3-4-9 1 Jhin Sneaky
LemonNation Malzahar 2 1-5-7 SUP 2-6-11 2 Zyra Smoothie

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

This thread was created using lightbinding | Contact us

submitted by /u/epicxkidzorz
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UoL Xerxe: "We sometimes play sloppy because sometimes we just don't respect our opponents and we don't tryhard that much"

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:19 AM PST

The best support play of 2017

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:24 AM PST

Cool Mechanic I Found on Blasting Cones

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:02 AM PST

LS has the perfect response to all Bronze 5 players who think it's not their fault.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:48 AM PST

TF1, a major French TV, will display a TV reality show about League of Legends... and the article confuses Challenger Series with World Championship.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:24 AM PST

Link of the announcement

Translation: (I hope my english won't be too bad :p)

TF1 Publicité offers you to become a major partner of e-sport in France and to maximize the contact with the 15 to 34 years old with Gaming Inside Experience, the first 24/7 gaming adventure relayed on TV.

Filmed in a 300 m² "gaming house" and coached by the greatest pros during 2 months, 10 candidates will have to do everything they can to qualify for the League of Legends World Championship (Challenger Series). (Note: The article in french even has a grammar mistake at "World Championship".)

Ten e-sport pro-gamers will form two teams: One of five girls, one of five boys. The public will be able to follow the adventure of both teams in and out of the gaming house 24/7 on a stream and each week on TV during a short program (on the Quotidien tab of TMC).

The offer Gaming Inside Experience ensures a maximal exposition to the 15-34 years on all medias:

  • A short program on TMC

  • A live stream and replay on Twitch and Eclypsia (Note: Eclypsia is one of the major French videogame websites with news and streams, they're one of the organizations casting the LCS in french.)

  • Social amplification through MinuteBuzz and Eclypsia

  • An editorial partnership with Eclypsia

  • A digital media plan

[End of translation]

First, as pointed out, this article mixes up Worlds and CS. And second, I don't know whether this is intended, but the background of the Gaming Inside Experience is very similar to the backgrounds on these pictures (1 / 2). Pictures that are taken from Heroes of the Storm, not League.

submitted by /u/Naerlyn
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2/13 PBE Update

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:52 PM PST

TSM: LEGENDS - Season 3 Episode 3 - Identity

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:15 PM PST

The math behind the MF ult bug in the C9 vs. Flyquest game

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:02 AM PST

For those not knowing what this is about, here is the before/after video when the bug happened. The discussion was whether or not the bug was purely visual or also the damage of MF's ult being reduced. I decided to launch in some numbers just to get a clearer picture.

The protagonists



We see Smoothie's Zyra at 0:51 in the above posted video. She has the following stats at level 6:

  • Level 6 (for the purpose of Lethality)
  • 1064 HP
  • 45 Armor
  • 30 MR



Unfortunately, we can't tell for sure which setup Lemonnation has running in Game 3 because the official match history page cannot be found on Riot's site, which might have to do with their rewind tool. Judging from Game 1 and seeing his stats at 0:11 in the video above, I guess he's running Hybrid Pen Marks again (he has only 5 AP coming from his Spellthief's Edge and a fully defensive Malzahar rune page [he already runs MR glyphs by judging from his MR value] seems silly to me). Note: I'll always assume the setup which would deal the most damage to Zyra.

  • Level 6 (for the purpose of Thunderlord's Decree);
  • 5 AP
  • 9 x 0.62 (Precision marks) 5.58 + 4.8 (from the most likely 0-18-12 masteries) = 10.83 MPen


Miss Fortune

The hard question here was whether or not he'd run lethality runes, but most pro players/high elo MF players don't run these since you get enough lethality from items anyway and AD/AS is better for the laning phase. So we assume Miss Fortune has 10 lethality from her Serrated Dirk and the 7% armor penetration from the masteries. Edit: He ran flat AD, no lethality in runes. A level 7 MF + 45 bonus AD = 104 total AD.

  • Level 7 (abilities being E at rank 2, R at rank 1)
  • 104 AD
  • 0 AP (for the E and R)
  • 0 MPen
  • 10 Lethality
  • 7% ArPen

The math


Malzahar's damage to Zyra

Malzahar in the first clip has two damage sources he applies to the Zyra: his R and his TLD.

  • A level 1 Malzahar ultimate with 5 AP deals 2.5 * 5% = 12.5 % of the target's max HP magic damage. Zyra has 1064 HP, wihch means it deals 133 damage before resistances. The 30 MR get reduced by 10.38. 19.62 MR reduce magic damage by 16.4 %. The 133 damage get reduced to 111.

  • TLD at level 6 with 5 AP deals 60.5 damage, also reduced by 16.4 % = 50.5 damage.

  • Zyra takes a total of 156.9 damage from Malzahar.


Miss Fortune's damage to Zyra

MF deals damage to Zyra by 3 ways, being her ultimate, her E and DFT.

  • MF's level 2 E deals 14.375 damage per 8 ticks over 2 seconds. Miss Fortune assumingly has no MPen, so the full damage duration would be 115 - 20 % from the 30 MR Zyra has, so 92 damage. As you can see in the first clip, Zyra however does not get hit by the full duration of MF E. She flashes when the E AOE still persists. I'm therefore assuming she gets hit by about 6 of 8 ticks, which results in 14.375 * 6 - 20 % = 69 damage.

  • MF's level 1 ultimate deals damage per 12 waves over 3 seconds. Every wave of bullets deals 75% AD damage, so 75% of 104 being 78. The question however is how many waves actually hit the Zyra. What many people failed to understand from the first clip is that Altec cancelled his ult after Zyra's flash. As we already said above, Zyra flashed when MF's E was still dealing damage. Altec casted his E before his R (that's kinda logic), R however has a 1 second longer duration. If Zyra flashes while the E (which was casted before the R) is still there, it means mathematically that at least 1 second of MF's R was negated too. We even see him firing for a little time longer when Zyra flashed and it would have been even longer if Altec didn't cancel after the flash (which is logic for him to do, since Zyra is no longer standing in the bullet damage and he has no reason to keep the ult going plus he did it in the second clip too, since I counted only 9 waves of bullets rather than 12). This is actually huge, since MF's damage doesn't start from 0.0 seconds, but only once the waves of bullet reach their target, which means not getting hit by the very last second of MF's ult means a lot of damage negated. There is no way a Malzahar flash ulted target is ever going to eat all 12 waves of bullets, since Malzahar's ult is only 2.5 seconds compared to Bullet Time's 3, Bullet Time's damage takes a bit to ramp up (the bullets need to reach their target) and also time that get's lost because the MF has to follow up flash + E to the Malzahar ult. All in all, I guess 5-6 waves of bullets hit the Zyra, judging from the second clip where the ult could be seen but Altec was closer to Zyra and he hit around 7 waves before Zyra flashed, so assuming 5 to 6 for the first clip where Zyra is further away from MF seems appropriate. The 78 damage per wave gets reduced by around 25 % by the 34.5 armor Zyra has left (7 % armor penetration and 10 lethality means 10 * (0.6 + 0.4 * 6 / 18) = 7.33 ArPen). Each wave deals 58 damage now. 6 * 58 = 348 damage in total, 5 * 58 = 290 damage.

  • DFT deals around 17.5 damage (4 + 30% bonus AD over 2 seconds for AOE spells), a negligible amount.

  • Zyra takes a total amount of around 376.5 to 434.5 damage from Miss Fortune.


Zyra's health throughout the battle

Zyra starts her assassination attempt with around 625 HP judging from counting her health bar lines. Malzahar deals a total of 156.9 damage to her, the result being 468.1 HP. Altec deals 376.5 to 434.5 damage (depending on if 5 or 6 waves hit). Zyra should be at 33.6 to 91.6 HP, yet in the clip she looks like having a lot more. Let's not forget Sneaky's heal (level 7 summoner heal without heal debuff heals for 180 HP)! Zyra suddenly should be at around 213.6 to 271.6 HP. In the first clip, she looks like having a bit more than 2 health bars, which means this could be kinda accurate.


So what's the difference between attempt 1 and 2?

In the second clip, Smoothie barely has any HP left when he flashed out. The following differences can be noted compared to clip 1:

  • Lemonnation spawned his voidlings: level 3 Malzahar voidlings deal around 60 mixed damage per hit, and Smoothie got hit by 2 to 4 of them. Sadly, it is almost impossible to count the amount of hits the voidlings could get of to Smoothie, but I assume they hit him around 6 times with around 40 damage each hit

  • Altec was closer to the Zyra when he started ulting: by being closer to the Zyra initially, the waves hit her faster, so approximately 1 to 2 waves more could hit the Zyra before she was able to flash out (58 to 116 more damage).

  • A full duration MF ult would have killed Smoothie even without factoring in the voidling damage: the MF ult deals a total of 939 damage, negated to 675 factoring in all penetrations and resistances. With the added damage of Malzahar's R + TLD, this would sum up to 832 damage. Factoring in the 180 heal, Smoothie would have lost 652 HP, enough to kill him. Yet even with the Voidlings damage (which deal far more damage than the Malzahar ult since they are maxed and are Malzahar supports biggest damage source), Smoothie was still able to flash away with a few HP left. This means that in both clips, Zyra has not been hit by the whole ult by far.

These two "fixes" (voidling damage + more waves of Bullet Time) easily make up for the damage difference and resulting in a dead Zyra.


TL;DR: The damage difference is most likely due to the voidlings and one to two Bullet Time waves more hitting Zyra due to better positioning. The difference between before and after the rewind are around 200 HP of Zyra after the ultimate, which should be caused by 2-4 voidlings hitting the Zyra as well as a better setup allowing for more Bullet Time damage. People thinking MF's ult should do more damage forget that Altec (in both clips) does not get the whole duration of his ult off, he cancels it once Zyra flashes out.


EDIT: My intention isn't (and never was) to accuse Flyquest of abusing the visual bug to get a remake of this play. Actually, I've been cheering for Flyquest in this series. My intention solely was to analyze whether or not damage was missed and why this has been the cause.

submitted by /u/QualitySupport
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C9 vs FLY - New remake system

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:12 PM PST

Faker | Katarina Montage

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:23 PM PST

EC Global Power Rankings (Top 15) Week 4

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:12 AM PST

The Global Power rankings with analysis (link is in English) : http://www.eclypsia.com/fr/lol/actualites/lol-eclypsia-global-power-rankings-in-english-19845

TLDR Top 15 (+5)

  1. KT Rolster LCK
  2. SK Telecom T1 LCK
  3. Longzhu Gaming LCK
  4. Afreeca Freecs LCK
  5. Samsung Galaxy LCK
  6. G2 Esports EU LCS
  7. Cloud9 NA LCS
  8. Flash Wolves LMS
  9. Unicorns of Love EU LCS
  10. MVP LCK
  11. Misfits EU LCS
  12. FlyQuest NA LCS
  13. H2k-Gaming EU LCS
  14. ahq e-Sports Club LMS
  15. bbq Olivers LCK

Honorable Mentions : QG Reapers (LPL), Invictus Gaming (LPL), Fnatic (EU LCS), EDward Gaming (LPL), Echo Fox (NA LCS) EDIT : The Original french version (posted 8 hours ago on the website) has EDward Gaming instead of Team Liquid in the honorable mention, looks like this has been added by mistake. I do believe TL is better than most think yet the team wasn't included in my original work.

I have been making the Global Power Rankings for the past year for Eclypsia but this is the first time that I decided to write it in English.

As for a methodology, I have watched over 60 games every week for over two years now in order to develop a list of criteria for my evaluation. It also helped me improve my analysis skills and learn a lot about the game. I also have a background on financial analysis which might help creating a solid data base about the teams and stats. Additionally English isn't my mother tongue so I would gladly appreciate any tips about my writing skills.

submitted by /u/Liquiditytrap
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Which champ attracts people with what typical trait?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:18 AM PST

Let's start with leona- there is only one way forward (into the enemy)

submitted by /u/numerousiceballs
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