Hearthstone - Theorycrafting Thursdays Weekly Discussion

Theorycrafting Thursdays Weekly Discussion

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 04:07 PM PST

Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,

This is a weekly thread designed for more advanced discussion regarding the intricacies of Hearthstone. Questions and answers should be focused on high-level theory crafting, such as card synergy, efficient mana drafts, and the viability of cards in certain situations.

Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a Newbie Tuesday weekly post, for those who wish to discuss the basics.

Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[Fan Art] Confessor Paletress brought Majordomo

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:39 AM PST

Regular BM not enough for you anymore? Try Asserting Dominance (DM)

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:15 AM PST

I'm an idiot, so I find it really funny. Asserting Dominance is when you make a completely boneheaded play but still proceed to beat your opponent and play well otherwise.

However, it's different from playing badly. Asserting Dominance is when your only move on turn 2 is to fireball ping, and you ping your own face accompanied with a 'well played', because you trust that the one damage is completely irrelevant. The net effect may even be positive, as your opponent may be very confused and maybe even think you're suicidal.

The higher the stakes, the more impressive the play. For example, I just turn one soulfired my own face at 7 arena wins, as I had sufficient trust in my starting hand, and I knew I could afford to lose a creature.

Think of it like playing with a handicap. If you lose, you look like an idiot, but if you win, your opponent will feel even worse!

submitted by /u/Cadenca
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When you've been spoiled by Overwatch [Comic]

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:34 AM PST

vS Data Reaper Report #37

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:58 AM PST


The Vicious Syndicate Team is proud to present the 37th edition of the Data Reaper Report.

As always, we would like to thank all those who contribute their game data to the project. This project could not succeed without your support. The entire vS Team is eternally grateful for your assistance.

This week our data is based off of over 2,400 contributors and over 70,000 games! In this week's report you will find:

  • Deck Library - Decklists & Class/Archetype Radars

  • Class/Archetype Distribution Over All Games

  • Class/Archetype Distribution "By Rank" Games (Including Legend Ranks)

  • Class Frequency over previous 37 Weeks

  • Class Frequency by Day

  • Interactive Matchup Win-Rate Chart

  • vS Power Rankings

  • Analysis/Discussion of each Class

  • Meta Breaker of the Week

The full article can be found at: vS Data Reaper Report #37

Data Reaper Live (Beta) - After you're done with the Report, you can keep an eye on this up-to-date live Meta Tracker throughout the week!

As always, thank you all for your fantastic feedback and support. We are looking forward to all the additional content we can provide everyone.


  • If you haven't already, please sign up to contribute your game data! The more contributors we have the more accurate our data! More data will allow us to answer some more interesting questions. Track-o-Bot runs in the background, so you can use it in conjunction with any other tracker you prefer. Sign up here, and follow the instructions.

Thank you,

The Vicious Syndicate Team

submitted by /u/ViciousSyndicate
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HS terms explained!

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:05 PM PST

Glossary of Hearthstone terms.


submitted by /u/-Unike-
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Top 100 Arena PlayersJanuary 2017

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:05 AM PST

Hearthstone's Arena Team is Testing a 20% Increase in Spells During Drafting

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:23 PM PST

[Trinity Series] Can you spot the lethal?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 02:49 PM PST

My friend built a site that shows you all the best Hearthstone Twitch Clips

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:08 AM PST

Hi guys,

Over the past few weeks, there have been more and more Twitch clips working their way up the front pages of SubReddits, especially here within r/Hearthstone. Clips are easily visible to the streamer, but tough for viewers to see whats been clipped.

Thanks to a new site that my friend has built, you can quickly and easily filter through all the best clips from your favourite streamer or game and choose a timeframe. Whether its Hearthstones most viewed clips of the week, or just all of Toasts memes in one place, its now easy and simple to find and play.

You can use the site https://www.cliptwitch.com and here are some useful filters to kick you off

https://www.cliptwitch.com/?game=Hearthstone&period=week Hearthstone this week

https://www.cliptwitch.com/?channel=nl_kripp&period=all Kripp's top all time

Any feedback welcome, he uses Reddit and will keep an eye on the thread

submitted by /u/SgtSlay3r
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The handbuff mechanic is the most interesting thing team 5 has done with card design but it's ruined by rng.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:35 AM PST

The handbuff mechanic was my favorite thing upon reveal. I was immediately choosing the grimy goons as my gang upon release. It defeated the entire curvestone mentality. You hold off and play more powerful cards. A slower meta and a new variety of control and midrange decks. But upon release it flopped. The game was simply to fast for it. But it was also ruined by inconsistency. You had to have a big enough hand for it to work probably. But with cards like acolyte, divine favor + coldlight this would have not been a problem. The real problem lies in rng. most of the cards are give a random +x/+x. This ruins it. It turns a mechanic that requires foresight and strategy is now just a hope it hits the right card. If the cards were simply choose a minion to give +x/+x. The archetype becomes more viable. I can already imagine dumping your entire hand as a paladin then next turn plopping down divine favor and cold light. Mid range warrior decks that run Hobart and use weapons for removal while dropping massive minions down. The mechanic would be balanced tho because your trading tempo and board advantage for beefier minions.

submitted by /u/iamtheconsolemasterr
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These are the type of people left playing Hearthstone

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:58 PM PST

Rank 1 Legend Decks - February Edition

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:03 AM PST

Greetings /r/hearthstone


We're happy to be bringing you our February edition of "adequately performing wizard poker decks" aka Rank 1 Legend Decks.


There is a lot of debate currently going about the current state of the meta and a lot of players are bored with playing Reno or Patches decks. When things get boring, players tend to mess around and look for new ways to build decks, which can lead to some awesome innovation and the comeback of Yogg-Saron, Hope's End.



Article: https://sectorone.eu/rank-1-legend-decks-february/



Featured decks:



Once more we hope you enjoy the read and encourage you to leave your feedback. (both positive and negative)

submitted by /u/xam34
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Current Meta in Hearthstone

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 04:23 PM PST

Disguised Toast VS Trump - A Hearthstone Showdown[21:14]

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 04:07 PM PST

New Hearthstone Ad.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:01 PM PST

An invitation to AskHearthstone

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:04 AM PST

Greetings /r/Hearthstone!

Tueri here from the AskHearthstone discord server! Some of you may already know us, some won't, but in the last ten months we've grown a community of 2,000 people committed to helping players improve in Hearthstone.

So what is AskHearthstone?

We're a server that is dedicated to helping new and intermediate level players in the game, whether that be by outlining the state of the meta, explaining tech cards, refining decks and assisting with choices in arena etc etc. I like to call what we do "5 minute coaching" and the best part of this for you is it is absolutely free as we are made up of volunteers from the community.

How do you ensure the help is good?

We have a team of "Violet Teachers" who are ready to help you, these are given a, you guessed it, Violet name! Each one of them had to take a rigorous interview and has had a minimum rank of 5 in standard, with many reaching high legend ranks. Each of these teachers has been given a tag indicating their specialism out of ladder, deckbuilding and arena (more information can be found on the server). Coaching is left to the discretion of the teacher.

Furthermore we have members with a blue name that are "trusted". Meaning we have recognised them as giving out consistent and good help in our community.

Why do we do this?

Because we love Hearthstone and we want to improve people's experience of the game so that we can have a richer and happier community.

The link to the server can be found here - https://discord.gg/0wbSk4364pj7Y0Ae or on the resources tab of this subreddit.

Looking forward to the new faces,

The AskHearthstone team.

submitted by /u/Metavasi
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Kripp gets the dream in Tavern Brawl

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:58 PM PST

My Theory On How Hearthstone Ended Up With Its Current Balance Issues

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 12:57 PM PST

Blizzard strayed from its original mana curve philosophy.

When Blizzard eschewed the more traditional CCG method of developing a mana pool through cards (i.e. land cards in Magic the Gathering) it faced a new design dilemma: with a simplified guaranteed mana resource, players would simply curve out playing the highest cost minion available to them with the winner largely determined by who went first and who curved out better (sound familiar?). To combat this the designers intentionally made the even mana cards a higher power level than the odd mana cards. Put another way, in general the 2/4/6/8 mana cost cards should be comparatively more powerful than 1/3/5/7 mana cost cards. Evidence of this design philosophy can be found in early arena guides where an emphasis on drafting strong 2, 4, and 6 drops is a basic tenet.

However Blizzard has strayed from that design philosophy in their attempts to fix class balance issues. The obvious example is 1 drops. Where the original intention was for 2 drops to be significantly stronger than 1 drops, now 1 drops sometimes even eclipse the power of 2 drops. If you look at the biggest one drop offenders, you'll see they largely originate from classes and archetypes Blizzard was trying to boost. For example Tunnel Trogg (Shaman), Small Time Buccaneer & Patches (Pirates), and Zombie Chow (Control). Imagine how oppressive Enchanted Raven (Beast Druid) could be if Beast Druid cleared the Tier 1 hurdle like Pirate Warrior recently did.

However the problem extends beyond 1 drops. Look at the two strongest cards released for Priest with the obvious intent of pulling the class out of the dumpster: Kabal Talonpriest and Draconid Operative. It's no coincidence that they happen to be a 3 and 5 drop respectively. Similarly it's also no surprise that a Dragon Priest curving out perfectly is extremely difficult to counter, especially in arena.

My guess is Blizzard identified that giving struggling classes/archetypes strong cards in the weak odd number mana slots was a simple and easy way to quickly get them competitive. The problem is now they've went to that well too many times and we have the problem they tried to avoid: CurveStone. While most notable in arena it's also quite prevalent in constructed. Aggro deck curves out perfectly? Dead on turn 4. Reno deck curves out perfectly? Impossible to kill. This leads to where card draw luck and matchup favorability (i.e. aggro beats midrange which beats control which beats aggro) outweigh player skill.

When Team 5 looks at balance, instead of looking at individual problem cards like Small Time Buccaneer, Patches, and Tunnel Trogg, I hope they look at the design decisions that created these cards in the first place. Otherwise in an expansion or two we will be complaining about the new 1/3/5 drops that Hunter and Paladin got.

In conclusion I'd like to state I have an amazing amount of respect for Ben Brode and Team 5. I do not doubt their passion and desire to make Hearthstone the best game they can possibly make it. Nor do I think they are "idiot" or just "catering to braindead casuals." My argument is simply that their strategy for improving struggling archetypes and classes has been detrimental to overall game balance and flow. Ideally I'd love to hear /u/bbrode 's thoughts or counterpoints to my theory, but I'm also extremely curious to see if the community happens to agree with my points.

submitted by /u/asimpleenigma
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@BBrode => Problems and Solution for Hearthstone [Meta / Experience / Diversity]

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:32 PM PST

Ha, Greetings Traveler!

I initially wanted to post this already a year ago, but I decided to not do it because my English skills are really bad. (my teachers always told me to focus during lessons, because I would need the knowledge later on in life, now I know what they meant. Karma hit's like a truck, literally -.')

Because of all the negativity in Memestone lately, I decided to post it now. I hope you don't struggle too much reading through this :/ So .. what is this post about?

I would like to give you guys my thoughts and my perspective on different Hearthstone related topics. This is not the ultimate truth, it is just my perspective and point of view. It's my hope to help/change some of your linear/negative thinking path's. if you agree on my point of view, thats great! If you disagree, that's also great! I want you to think about it and get your OWN opinion on this.

I've been playing card games for more than 15 years - I've played all the roles from filthy casual to high level competitive. During this time I went through hundreds of metagames in several different TCG's. I've met a dozen of good friends because of that. I lost thousands of games, and I won thousands of games.

So this is about what I've learned in all these years ...

Topic #1 | Balance or "OP" (OverPowered)

What does Balance / Overpowered even mean? People are talking about a lot of things in their life, but they don't think about what the words they use really mean.

People say OP all the time - What does overpowered even mean? Over powered = more power than what? the average? the meta? over 9000?

(insert greetings to /r/hearthstonecirclejerk/477 <3 you guys)

The great thing about Trading/Collectible card games is, that you have INDIVIDUAL effects and stats. In chess or poker you always have the same set of cards. Because of this GREAT individuality, there is automatically a balance problem, and there is no way to fix it. The only way to really fix it, is by making a set of cards that is always the same, or make all cards with extremely similar effects and stats. But this would be super boring ...

By asking what balance in this game really means you have to let go your biases and consider more things:

  • 1. Imbalance in one stat is GREAT, the question is how much is too much
  • 2. Cards always have conditions to use, therefore an important question is -> how good is the condition to power ratio. C'thun is powerful, Reno is powerful, but they have extreme conditions. Even Dr. Boom has conditions (you need 7 Mana, you need enough Health/Turn(s) to get value of of it). I'm not telling you that these cards are OP or not OP - but if you judge/rate cards, keep those things in mind, always! (This is also a key factor for successful deckbuilding).

Certain cards may be called "OP" in one format, and in the next format no one is playing them. That's kinda strange if you ask me ... Isn't the real power of a card depending on so many other factors? So this is MY opinion on balance:

  • 1. Cards can be stronger than the other similar cards, thats ok! It's ok to have staple in deck archetypes (like control or aggro) during one format.
  • 2. It's NOT okay to have staples for multiple archtypes and/or during multiple formats. This is in my opinion one of the biggest problems in Hearthstone (see more in further topics)
  • 3. It's okay to have very strong format killers like Reno, Patrons, Undertaker as long as these killers are limited to a certain amount of decks and these decks should ALWAYS have natural counters that are tier2 themselves at least.
  • 4. I think balance issues are problems within a meta/format/time, singe cards are not the problem ... and the meta is a big issue in Hearthstone in my opinion. I will discuss more about this later including possible solutions.

So instead of blaming single cards, let go your biases and try to get the big picture. This will help you to become a better player in Hearthstone. Again I would like to mention that this doesn't mean that there are no cards that are overtuned or undertuned, but often the problems are to be found on another level ...

Topic #2 | Metagame, Tier Lists & Statistic The Metagame table is a 3D model that shows what is most often used and what is most successful in a area with different types of things, that stand in correlation to each other. (This is not the truth, it's just my personal definition)

Things to understand & keep in mind:

  • 1. Most often used and most successful are 2 completly different things
  • 2. There is no "best". Why? Because there is a meta, and meta is Rock-Paper-Scissor
  • 3. Meta is always changing, which means that everything is changing all the time
  • 4. It's not about the best deck or best card in the format, it's about the "now" situation
  • 5. There are exepctions in rule 2-4 (if the meta doesn't change for a long time = issue)

Patron T0 was insane - but it took the community a while to figure out a good list and bring it to competitive. Several people tried and failed in the beginning. Brian Kibler destroyed multiple Magic: The Gatherting tournaments completly by building some crazy new stuff that no one saw coming. I'm not saying that the current format is not good and the best decks are not discovered yet, but again, keep that possibility in mind. The format can change at any time. As soon as one decks starts to dominate, it's easier to build counterbuilds. Of course, sometimes we have extremly dominant strategy's with very high winrates that are hard to counter - but thats a design issue (not a card "x is OP" issue).

I think one of the best way to balance Hearthstone is to not release new cards all at once, instead release stuff permanently. That way, the meta can't stall forever. While Physical card games can't print new cards every 2-3 weeks, Hearthstone can do that! I will discuss about real problems and how to solve them later on. I will include solutions that are good for players (including F2P) AND for Blizzard (= a company that wants to make profit).

If you analyse the meta, let go your biases, change perspective and consider these things:

  • 1. What are the most played classes/decks and WHY (because of meta counter or strong strategy?)
  • 2. What decks/classes are not good and WHY?
  • 3. What is there a lot in the meta/format?
  • 4. What is missing in the meta/format?
  • 5. What are the strengts/weaknesses of the decks in the meta/format?
  • 6. How can we counterplay by playing the same decks with techs?
  • 7. How can we beat the metagame with new decks/strategy's?
  • 8. What has if summarized, the most points in surprising+countering+consistency+winrate?

Key: Big Picture and in-depth understanding at the same time.

Topic #3 | Change Perspective, Biases, Big Picture

Did I already mentioned Biases or Big Picture? Oh .. nvm :)

What would you do as a game designer? What would your decisions lead to? How would people on reddit react? What would Ben brode like to tell you but he cannot, because he needs his job (he has a family to feed) ... or in other words: what blizzard can do for you and what they will not do for you.

Why is Hearthstone successful?

"We don't want to confuse new players + fun and interactive", that's it!

Simple concept and rules. Random effects are there to get the winrate closer to 50%

Blizzard isn't interested in making real competitive games. They would never say that in public, but that's how all blizzard games work, and that's the reason why they succeed.I don't want to judge if that is good or bad, but again, just keep it in mind.

I personally don't like this, I thinks it's wrong to create a cardgame with that mindset, but that's just my view. Also the wording "Fun and Interactive" gives wrong hopes in my opinion, because the nature of cardgames can make games boring and non-interactive. It's a part of the game.

But ... that's what Blizzard WANTS - and when I say Blizzard, then i'm not talking about Ben Brode or any game designer. I'm talking about the investors. I'm working in this kind of business and I know people that make big decisions. These people don't understand how games work, or what is important during the developement proccess. They want to see progress on a financial level.

How much does it cost? How risky is it? How FAST can I get profit, and how much profit?

Long-term thinking is good, but thats not how business is made in 2017 (there are some great company's that are long-term-thinker). They want small teams and cheap workers to save cost. At the same time they want finished projects in a very short period of time - immediate profit is needed, or the investors will stop investing. Thats why so many products (especially in game industry) are published in an unfinished state, filled with bugs and problems. That's why we have pre-purchase, early access alpha/beta for several years, DLC, Season Pass, no updates, no fixes and no demos. We are the cows and they milk us, we flame, they laught at us, but we will still give more milk (pay). In compare to other companies like EA, Blizzard does a great job (would like to mention this here, because this looks like a rant, but it's actually not)

A lot of things that we (playerbase) consider as "problems" are not a problem for blizzard, it's actually what they want. The real problems will not be faced, the designer have to design a game that fits the goals and visions of the owners. More about this later ...

Note: This is no blame to blizzard, it's just a perspective change. This is just how industry works. Accept it if you want, if you don't want to, don't.

Topic #4: | Pay to Win, what does that even mean?

Sound obvious - but still, how do you define "Win". Why do you play hearthstone?

To have fun or to win games? Don't you have fun if you loose? This is my personal view, but if you don't have fun while loosing, cardgames are not for you. Because on average you will loose +/- 50% of your games. You should find a hobby with a higher "winrate" = more benefit. I play Hearthstone to learn something new. And I learn during each game = 100% benefit. I'm playing with a similar mindset as lifecoach (tho he is 10x better than me :)

To be fair, with the current system it's hard to ladder with no collection. I will try to "solve" this "problem" in a later topic ...

Before we go into the real problems and how to solve them, I would invite you to try understanding this:

Dopamine on Wikipedia: " In the brain, dopamine functions as a neurotransmitter—a chemical released by neurons (nerve cells) to send signals to other nerve cells. The brain includes several distinct dopamine pathways, one of which plays a major role in reward-motivated behavior. Most types of reward increase the level of dopamine in the brain, and many addictive drugs increase dopamine neuronal activity. Other brain dopamine pathways are involved in motor control and in controlling the release of various hormones. "

Full Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dopamine

In other words, playing a 20/20 C'Thun will probably trigger this ... that's why Blizzard is designing cards like this. Dopamine is important for our body, but it's also a key factor on addictions. The reason why cardgames are so amazing, is because they all have unique effects. Having a goal/strategy/combo, building it up to then finish it will create Dopamine. This will stimulate us so we get motivated to play more (or buy packs ;). Dopamine is a emotional trigger, which a lot of player can't control in my opinion. If you want to be succesful in Hearthstone or cardgames in general, you should be able to understand and control this.

Key: Emotions are a great thing in life, but not in cardgames, keep it rational (You can still enjoy the game if you play rational btw.)

Topic #5: | Problems in Hearhstones

I will first show all the problems, then a possible solution for everything.

Note: Blizzard can't and don't want to fix all these things because of reasons mentioned in other topics. I will list them anyway.

5.1. Technology not there yet™ (aka. low budget investment and no time) They had the time to build technology before launching hearthstone, but investors want fast profit. I think that's why they "finished" the core so fast. In the long run, this was a big mistake. The fact that it's hard for them to change deckslots, shows how big of a problem it is. Hardcoded cards - really? Just watch all the bugs, there isn't even an official rulebook. The menu and all the stuff around the game itself is so bad! It's like having the best photographer/image editor in the world, but he can only use MS paint for editing. That's just SAD! The core of this game is not finished, therefore development proccess is very limited and slow.

5.2. Blizzard Team 5 vs. Konami Yu-Gi-Oh Team (aka. low budget investment and no time) Yu-Gi-Oh (Konami) has about 150+ people working only on cardgame/meta balance, while HS had 15 people in 2013, now about 70+ people doing everything (including programming, ect.)

These two problems are the source of all other problems. Blizzard can design GREAT games, if they are allowed to do it ... they have proven it in the past. If you rewatch Ben Brode's content after reading this, you can clearly see what the real problems are.

5.3. Classic Set / Basic Set / Classes

Classes are the best thing in Hearthstone and the worst at the same time. I love WoW, therefore I love Hearthstone. A class in HS has the same spells as in WoW and that's how it should be and stay forever, right? Nope! Why?

Classes have different types of gameplay. While Shaman is board oriented Aggro/Midrange, Priest will always be more Midrange/Control oriented. It's in the nature of the class, or lets say - the basic/classic set. Shaman NEEDS board control in almost any type of deck. It's a big part of the class. If you can't fullfil this condition, shaman isn't good. If you can fullfil this condition, shaman is often incredible strong. There is no in between, which is a problem in my opinion. In addition to that, a Druid will always Ramp, Swipe, then get the board back, while Warrior will always play tank up + shield slam. After some years, this would be extremly boring. If we don't have changing basic sets (and some classic cards), Blizz will have a huge innovation problem and very limited design space.

Arena - Don't want to flame about this too much, but it just doesn't work the way it is right now. I will also give possible solutions for this in another topic below.

5.4. Meta @Old Gods Launch: We had C'Thun dominate everything for several weeks, followed by N'Zoth everywhere for several weeks, followed by Aggro and Midrange decks destroying the old god decks. It was changing all the time, it was AWESOME!

The Metagame is often way too onesided, because people figure out what is "best". There is not in my opinion enought content in hearthstone, but I don't like the timing on how they release new stuff = the Meta isn't changing enough! Balance doesn't mean that the sun stays in the middle. Balance is Karma. The Sun will rise, and therefore it will go down too. It's okay to have a 55% winrate Tier0 Shaman Deck, but after a month, there should be a counter or a new deck that can change the meta in a new direction.

5.5. Complexity vs. RNG "Complexity is too confusing for new players and RNG is a fun factor" Nope, I disagree. Complexity means "learning process" and that is why we play games. @Blizz: You should rather fix your "new player experience"

RNG is bad - I get the point on why this is in the game from design perspective, but I don't like it at all. It is to draw random cards from your deck. I love Ogre Brute and Mayor Noggenfogger, it's fine to have cards like that. But Yogg (pre and after nerf) and Piloted Shredder are really bad for the game in my opinion. If random effects influence your chance of winning or loosing by some percent, thats fine, but not more.

Problems, problems everywhere, what now?

Topic #6: | Solution - How would my Hearthstone look like? How to fix the problems?

Note: Blizzard can't and don't want to fix all these things because of reasons mentioned in other topics. I will list them anyway.

6.1. Intro: Probably the dumbest tutorial I've ever played! The game tells you what to do, but not why. There is no hero power in the beginning, but suddenly it appears. The Intro is actually really confusing for new players and should be redesigned imo. What do you do next? Fight against really bad programmed AI and grind to level 10! Then you play ranked against Golden Legend Aggro Netdeckshamans who came back after a 3-month break. What a great experience for a new player (Note: Ironic)

How the game should start instead:
Current Basic set (and some classic cards) are a huge problem! Multiple years the same core in each deck? That's not what you want to have in a cardgame.

Replace Intro Missions with -> Anually Basic/Classic Set Adventure (replaces Intro, 100% free)

This is the Tutorial for new players and a adventure for all other players (Difficulty: Tutorial/Normal/Heroic). It's 100% free, easy, and it will give you access to all Basic cards of the current standard format. Each year there will be a new Basic set with some old cards and some new ones. The Set changes every standard year and you will get all the cards for free, so it's not a big deal for new and F2P players. It's also worth it for Blizzard if you consider all my changes as you will see.

Imagine Druid won't have Wild Growth for 1 Standard Year (still viable in Wild), but instead there will be a strong natural removal card and some Tree cards with taunt. That's the start of a Nature based Control version of druid - awesome! Let's make some Dark themed aggro priests and some Control Shamans. Rogues don't rely on Auctioneer's anymore, because there are new cards in Basic Set!. But don't worry, it's just for one rotation and then we get new themes. The old ones will be viable in wild.


You can put some old cards in the new Basic Set, but also add new ones. When a new standard format is starting, this adventure has to be played to enter standard games. Therefore it is pretty easy. The heroic mode will give you the same cards in golden. This solves so many problems ...

6.2. Daily Stuff & Reward System Change -> Quests will give you Coins. With Coins you can play new modes and get Gold

The AI needs to be updated, also some guys like Millhaus, Hogger, Vol'Jinn, Deathwing, should be there as well as "Advanced AI". There should be an additional weeky quest for beginner to fight against AI for a coin. Also - there should be WAY more "getting started" quests. It shouldn't be possible at all for a new player to finish everything and get tilted. There should be missions for at least 10-15 hours for free, including a quest that gives you 300-500 dust. "Free" cards like C'Thun should be obtained by doing some Missions, example: Defeat the C'Thun Cult.

6.3. Playmodes

This list does NOT include normal Ranked/Unranked battles

Free: Tavern Brawl

  • No changes
  • Reward once per week = classic Pack and 1 Coin

Free: Super Brawl

  • One week during each season, alternative rules in a ranked enviroment
  • Reward: Golden Basic cards of this years classic/basic set and Coins at the end of the event

Heroic Tavern Brawl

  • Rewards as before, entry as before
  • Cost: Lots of Coins, Gold or Cash
  • One week during each season
  • If you play 3x Heroic Tavern Brawl you get a ingame code for a Hero Skin (once per Account)

Coin, Gold or Cash: Standard Arena

Choose standard or Wild reward (Standard pack + other stuff OR unobtainable Wild cards + old packs) but less than before, because of new system. No Wild Arena!

6.4. Arena Pack + Algorithm

Instead of 3 cards to pick from, we open an Arena Pack. We get 5 cards to choose from, one of them is guaranteed to be rare+. The Arena Pack is created for balanced Arena gameplay (only)Blizzard can change the set whenever they want to fix issues. Idea to think about: Change the set completly every season to create a completly new enviroment/experience each month.

Algorithm changes the Metagame/Arenapack each week

An Algorith analyses most used cards in arena. A common card that is picked most of the time wil be declared a rare card next week, therefore the old rare cards are kicked out of the set, and new cards will be common for a week. This will create a very unique and always changing meta. Imagine Nefarian being a common for only one week. For the sake of balance, Blizzard can make exeptions within the set (like basic cards that always stay common) In the Arena Menu or collection, there is an overview of the current Arenapack.

Gladiator Ticket:

For a lot of Gold/Coins/Cash you get: 1 week free arena Entry, Arena Statistics, and instead of rewards after after each run, you can CHOOSE a bigger reward after you finished the week, depending on your overall statistic.

6.5. Draft Mode

  • Rewards: Old Cardbacks that are not obtainable anymore + some drafted cards
  • 5 Coins or 500 Gold (No Cash!)
  • 5 player draft together at the same time; each player opens a pack from 1 expansion, chooses one card, the other cards go to the next player, repeat until none left.

  • Each player has 10 packs = 50 cards available for each player, then make a deck 30 card deck out of the 50 cards and the Basic collection (you can change the deck after each match)

  • Play Arena-Style Mode to 12 Wins or 3 losses

In the End, all your cards will be destroyed with a cool animation 1-3 cards will not be destroyed = reward, depending on your wins. If you got more than 3 wins, you will receive a random old cardback, that is not obtainable anymore, that you don't have yet.

6.6. Beta playground

A playground full of bugs, crazy stuff for testing purposes Fun for players, useful for developers to analyse data and get feedback

6.7. Card Releases

Overall we just need less gaps between releases! How to fix:

New Adventures Release Cycle

One Boss each week opened instead of one wing each week. This will change the metagame for a way longer period. A new adventure will bring "fresh air" for 10-15 weeks, instead of 2-3 weeks, and therefore the meta will change all the time. If you buy an old adventure, you can only unlock 1 wing each week, even if all wings are released already. It's just a different experience as a player.

New Packs: Halve the number of cards for each set, double up the amount of sets released. Blizzard produces the same amount, we pay the same amount and the way meta works will change drastically.

Seasonal Card Reward

At the end of the season you get a new, very unique, neutral card if you reach a certain rank (example: Reach Rank 18 until the end of the season)

This card should be obtainable by crafting or playing the season. Some examples: (Credits to hearthcards.net)

This will change the meta a tiny bit and it is a refreshing experience to test new stuff AND playing ranked feels a bit more rewarding that way.

Sell Starterpacks for classes for each standard year - Examples of some Starterpacks:


  • "Spell Universe for Mages" / 12-15$
  • 5-6 Spells of this Standard Cycle
  • 2 Azure Drake + 2 Doomsayer + 1 Thalnos
  • New Hero Skin+Hero Cardback for Mages (also obtainable seperatly)
  • This will allow new players to build a C'Thun Mage, a Tempo Mage, Freeze Mage


  • "Unleash the Beast for Druid" / 12-15$
  • Some Beasts for Druid
  • Some Beast Synergy Spells like Mark of Y'Shaarj
  • 2 Ancient of Lore + Cenarius
  • New Hero Skin+Hero Cardback for Druids (also obtainable seperatly)
  • This will allow new players to build Midrange Druid decks

6.8. Golden classes & emotes

There is so much room! People love tweaking optic things. It's okay to reward 500 ranked wins, but you need something in between.

This may seem irrelevant, but I think it's actually very important to deliver stuff like that:

Example: Mage (only OPTICAL effects)

Level 30 = Different Hero Power (Frost Ball, deal 1 damage)

30 Wins = Different Hero Power (Arcane Bolt, deal 1 damage)

50 Wins = Different Hero Power (Wave Shot, deal 1 damage)

100 Wins = Hero Cardback

Level 50 = "Magic Rope"

Max Level = Hero Power Framework is different, for example Pyramid, Square, on a Leaf for Druids, a Rock for Shamans.

Other Ideas: New Emotes, new Entrys, Crossover Heroes from other games (Starcraft, Diablo 3, Overwatch)

Just more! People love this stuff! Oh wait … mobile technology isn't there yet™ (why would you create such a high detail phone game anyway? Why not just scale down mobile quality with graphic options for high rez?

6.9. Ranked You can get and loose stars/ranks to fast in the current system. Winstreaks should be showed up and be rewarded, but in another way (not faster ranking up). Monthly reset feels awkward the way it is right now.

My version of ranked: This system isn't perfect at all. It's just an idea.

  • 1. There is Wild and Standard, and within those two formats you can pick between 2 additional playmodes: Basic or Tournament Mode (Best of 5 with Ban and Coin choosing)
  • 2. There are 4 Leagues (Gold, Silver, Bronze). In each League there are 3 ranks. There is a point system within each league, which will be resetted after each season. In addition to that, there is a beginner Zone, before entering the leagues. (3x3+1 = 10 actual ranks)
  • 3. You will be reset to the lowest rank within your League (Gold 1 will drop to Gold 3). If you are at the lowest rank in your league at the end oft the season, you will drop two Ranks (Gold 3 -> Silver 2)

You get points for playing (if you don't concede) and for winning. You get minus points for loosing.

The points you get are depending on the rank you are playing on. Tournament mode will give you additional points.


You are able to play normal games or Tournament Mode (Best of 5 with Ban) for bigger rewards. After each game in tournament mode, the looser can choose if he want to start with or without coin on his next game.

Now you maybe want to know what "Elite Mode" is right?

Elite Mode replaces Legend ladder.

If you get Legend (=Gold1) in Standard, you unlock Elite Mode. You are in Elite Mode until the next standard format (1 year). This way, it's a longer process to get to "legend", but it's not a boring grind AND you have to do this only once a year.

This Ranking System solves so many problems:

  • 1. Good Beginner Experience
  • 2. No Awful "Grinding" Experience
  • 3. No full resets; I can go Bronze this month, Silver next month, Gold in 3 month by playing some matches each day; there is no full tilt grinding involved
  • 4. No legend (elite) players in low ranks; strictly separated leagues

6.9.b. Hidden Ranking in non-ranked matchs

This is a hidden ranked system that will look for people with same collection size and playing experience in ranked mode. This system is used in non-ranked modes. Blizzard is using a simililar system currently, but I don't like it.

Here is my "unranked hidden ELO system"


  • 1. Collection% = How much % of all card do you have in the format you want to play
  • 2. Average Rank within last 3 month in the same mode (in ranked). If there are not enough results within the last 3 month, it will take the last results existing. If there are none at all (example: new player), you will get Rank25 (old system).

Side Deck for tournament mode?

In most other cardgames you play best of 3 with one deck, instead of BO5 multiple decks.To balance things out, you can swap in tech cards after each match from the so called "Side Deck". So after loosing the first match against Secret Paladin we can now swap in 2x secret eater for our second game and swap out late game cards that we don't need against this deck.

-> During Deck Building Proccess, you can put up to 8 cards in your sidedeck, but you don't need to.

Example of a side deck (it's not a good side deck, just an example to show potential):

  • 2x Echoing Ooze
  • 1 Kezan Mystic (for Iceblock)
  • 1 Beneath the Ground (Reno Counter)
  • 1 Sylvanas for Slower Matchup
  • 2 Earthen Ring Farseer
  • 1 N'Zoth for Control Matchups

This side deck is for Miracle Rogue - you can swap in Sylvanas and N'Zoth for Slower Matchups and take out the Pirate Engine

… or you can add Ooze and Earthen Ring Farseer as Anti Aggro Tool, and swap them for not useful cards in current matchup.

Kezan Mystic and Beneath the ground are techs against Reno Mage, Freeze Mage and/or Reno Lock

wow... that was a lot of text. Didn't even realize how much I wrote ...

/// Some quotes, reminders and additional (fun) notes

Great Article: Kibler about loosing games: http://www.starcitygames.com/article/25351_Learning-To-Lose.html

Bad decks are great, because you can make them better and you can learn a lot by playing them. The best time in HS is when you build your own bad decks, filled up with bad ideas that don't work. If you focus on the reasons why you loose instead of being mad, you will progress a lot. You will go through a learning proccess that feels amazing!

Think of this each time you end a game: if you win a game, someone will loose a game. If your winrate is >50%, someone's winrate is <50%. It's just how the game works.

Thanks for reading, type 477 in comments if you have read everything.

Would you guy's like a deck in-depth deck building guide?

Please give me feedback, or help me translate this text from shit to english :)

submitted by /u/ZagrashUchiha
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Hunter Winning in 2017

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 02:33 PM PST

Free-to-play Hearthstone Ladders for RAZER Hardware, Giftcards & prize money.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:58 AM PST

Hello guys, MartinCreek here (Ex- Player for SK Gaming). I am the Hearthstone Ambassador for Battleriff, and I just wanted to let the reddit community know we are launching a number of Hardware/Partner ladders over the next few weeks.

Our first hardware Ladder is a Razer Ladder which starts today, where you can win Razer Blackwidow Keyboard, Deathadder Mouse & Goliathus Mousemat. It is free entry, so join up and play some hearthstone, and most of all let us know what you think.

We are still in Beta stage, so feedback is the most crucial thing for us right now as we continue to shape the direction of the platform to be one you all love.

Razer Ladder: https://play.battleriff.com/games/3-hearthstone/events/190

All this week's ladders/events: https://play.battleriff.com/games/3-hearthstone/events/191

submitted by /u/MartinCreekHS
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Overwatch Cardbacks!

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:07 PM PST

Hey guys, I recently made some overwatch themed cardbacks that I thought you all might get a kick out of. Let me know what you think!

Imgur-Tracer Imgur-Widowmaker

submitted by /u/Da_Milk_Mon
[link] [comments]

Can we have a Complaint flair?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:07 AM PST

Personally I don't enjoy the complaining very much, probably because I'm a more casual player or something, but there isn't really any way to filter it out.

r/dota2 has it and I think it's pretty helpful.

submitted by /u/jakegt1
[link] [comments]

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