Hearthstone - Streamer Sundays Weekly Discussion

Streamer Sundays Weekly Discussion

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:08 PM PST

Do you enjoy watching streamers? Do you wish there was an easier way to find new up-and-coming streamers beyond the well-known, established Twitch goliaths?

Do you have a stream yourself? Are you looking to get exposure but not sure how given how Twitch displays streams and how one-shot stream promotion posts on Reddit tend to get ignored? Is anyone still reading these questions?

This thread is for you!

If you are a streamer or know of a cool, lesser-known (read: doesn't regularly pull in 1K+ viewers) streamer feel free to post the URL and a short, informative pitch about why you feel others would be interested to watch it. Why should someone watch your suggested stream rather than one of the hundreds of other streams out there?

The next great streamer might be just one comment away.


Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Paladin in the Next Expansion.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:11 AM PST

After being a part of the Hearthstone reddit community for nearly 3 years, I can confidently say that this is the lifecycle of the subreddits.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:03 AM PST


I made this chart in MS paint in 20 minutes this morning but it pretty accurately sums up the reaction from each subreddit at every single release cycle that has happened thus far

Forgive me if they actually released an xpac within 4 months of another, my memory is too fried to remember and I cbf doing the research. memes.

submitted by /u/Zhandaly
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Whenever i get a golden hero i never want to play it again. Blizzard way of doing this hurts so much.

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 08:15 PM PST

The moment you get a golden hero it no longer shows number of wins, you dont get anymore exp. All progress stops. They should give a random class golden card every 100 wins after the 500 or at the very least turn the win counter back on.

submitted by /u/Nineosix
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The Pirate Meta|A short SFM I did Hearthstones current state

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:44 AM PST

Never forget the first 4 Mana 7/7

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:43 AM PST

Toast misplays

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 05:21 PM PST

WHY did Shaman need Jade Claws? Couldn't it have been a Rogue card or something?

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 05:48 PM PST

Seriously, it's such a good follow up to a turn 1 trogg or buccaneer. Before, if I played a 3/2 into the trogg, they would play Totem Golem and trade the trogg. Now they just kill it with the Claws and the trogg keeps growing, it's ridiculous. They already got Spirit Claws, they did NOT need another early game weapon.

submitted by /u/Arrian77
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Disguised Toast - Standard RNG

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 08:27 PM PST

A look at Europe's strength: Statistics going into the Winter Championships and Global Games

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:31 AM PST

When you're up against a Shaman

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 11:08 AM PST

Because I don't have an friends who play Hearthstone in real life and needed someone to celebrate with!

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:28 AM PST

I think someone is not happy about the current state of Hunter

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:22 AM PST

What was the noobiest things you did when you started playing hearthstone?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:13 AM PST

I used to use my weapon against minions which would result in me dying, i then raged over the game for not telling me i was killing myself. I completely understand why we used to only have 9 deck slots.

submitted by /u/MynteGutten
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Custom Matches in Heartstone!

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:45 AM PST

I'd love to see an option when I request a friend to match where you fiddle with the game's features and settings, like Custom Game in Overwatch.

We can tweak: 1- The rope timer 2-Health of hero 3-Taboo or only allow certain cards, types of cards (weapon, spell, minion or even tribes) and card sets 4-Choose the gameboard 5-Apply certain mana reductions to all cards 6-Increase or decrease the number of cards that can be held in hand 7-Choose deck size 8-Even add rules like "at least five 7+ cost cards in deck"

Any other ideas?

submitted by /u/Recnid
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Finally I've got all 9 golden portrait!

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:07 AM PST

I feel I have nothing to do in the game anymore. I've got all the adventures on heroic, once I've achieved 12 wins in arena. The only thing I couldn't accomplish is reaching reaching Legend. (My highest rank is Rank 2 5 stars)

At least I really like to see my heroes like this :) https://i.gyazo.com/8a49d0209bd53e6065887b049f0387c8.gif

submitted by /u/Tasmari4
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My sample size data from 1st day till now of season.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:24 AM PST

Disclaimer: I know this is a relatively low sample size, and I don't have a track-o-bot, or match recorder, I just used paper and pen.

Over the last 75 games (from rank 16-7) I have faced:

  • 32 Shaman
  • 13 Pirate warriors
  • 10 Reno mage
  • 9 Dragon priest
  • 4 Rogue.
  • 3 Reno lock
  • 2 Jade Druid
  • 1 Control warrior
  • 1 Murloc paladin.

I've been playing since season 1, but this is by far the most stagnant experience I've had from this game.

The funny thing is, only 53% (17) of the shaman players I faced were full aggro. Almost half of them were using the Jade mid-range variant, which is still incredible bullshit to play against.

As I can see from the rest of this sub, I'm guessing team 5 pulled the 17% of overall shaman players from a magicians hat.
I know for a fact that streamers have faced majority shaman, because I've sat and watched their matches and looked at their statistics.

I took a break for a few months when Overwatch came out, and got back into it again a few months ago, but this meta is making me want to gouge my eyes out. I'd stop playing if I wasn't so addicted to it.

submitted by /u/Rymere
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I made a graphic that illustrates what Amnesiac proposed regarding shaman's hero power

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 05:49 PM PST

Here you go

The chart has bad math since I most likely fucked up some numbers here and there, honestly the main point was giving an idea of what will be the benefits/cons of doing this and showing what I think is the optimal order.

The first one is the searing totem, simply because a 1/1 is better on turn 2 than anything else, I think it is only fair if we are going to change their ability to get a spell power totem t2 to at least let them contest the board a bit.

The second totem is healing totem, easy and accessible to drop because it's just the second one, now you can trade smartly and drop the healing totem, bam, your damaged minions get healed and you get tons of value.

Third totem is spell power totem, at this point, you are well into t4-5+ at least, which means you can pretty much hold onto it until you can get tons of value out of it, by being in this place, the totem can't be used with spirit claws and the shaman needs to drop either a kobold or a thalnos early game to get that 3/3 weapon.

And last, the stoneclaw totem, this might also be one worth holding onto but you can spam it if needed.

I think that this change is very good for the game even if it is confusing, I think Blizzard needs to start making changes that are confusing rather than staying on a burble on the comfort zone forever and lose more and more players.

Link to the image if you missed it above

submitted by /u/GlitchedCoinHS
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My favorite thing about Casual

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:19 AM PST

I go into Casual to often do quests or try out a new deck, but sometimes I run into clearly new players with mostly basic cards. I could easily steamroll these players if I wanted to, but it's fun to see what cards they have.

The most recent game like this was my Reno Mage vs his priest deck, the only rare/epic/legendary the guy seemed to have was Prince Malchezaar, the rest basic cards. We had some fun turns: he gets my Kazakus potion from a Mind Vision, ends up getting Jaraxxus from the 3 random demons to hand; he gets a second Malchezaar off the first; he divine spirit + inner fires his Gurubashi; he hovers over with great interest the random legendaries I pull from discovers (Raza, Kruul, etc). In the end, I play with him to fatigue to see what he had left in his deck. I play my Reno and concede before he would die to fatigue the next turn.

For me these games are so much more fun than the regular ladder, and it's why I love Casual.

submitted by /u/automaton_cs
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Top Cards of the Week from /r/CustomHearthstone (02/04/2017)

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 09:43 AM PST


Same old shaman decks bringing you down? Why not check out these fresh new cards from /r/customhearthstone? Anywho, I'm trying a few new things this time around. Rather than just the usual 5 cards, I'll be featuring the top 10 cards from our subreddit instead from now on. In addition, with the first post of each month, I'll also be including the top 3 winners from our Heroic (Monthly) Design Competition.

If you ever want to find even more great cards though, you can always check out (and subscribe to) the /r/customhearthstone. Do let me know your thoughts on these changes though. Do you like seeing the top 10 cards? or is it just too many? Other suggestions for this weekly post are also very much welcome.

Last week's

submitted by /u/Coolboypai
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Hero Gameplay: The Demon Hunter Hero

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:49 AM PST

"Oh wow, I get multiple coins here..."

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:29 AM PST

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