Hearthstone - Battletag Find-a-Friend: Patches Edition

Battletag Find-a-Friend: Patches Edition

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:32 PM PST

If you're looking for friends to play with or people to help you complete your quests, post your battletag and region here or scroll through the thread to look for someone who fits what you're looking for.

Please post your battletag, #, then your battletag id, along with the region you are playing on. Do not leave any spaces in the battletag. Include what type of person you're looking for.

For example:

Johnnyexample#1234 NA Looking for people to practice with.

Note: If someone posts their battletag in a format other than this, they are likely trying to circumvent a subreddit ban. Look for spaces in the battletag where they shouldn't be. Do not friend these people, they are trying to scam you out of your quests.

Please only post your battletag once per day. Please do not lie to others about having a "play with a friend" quest to get gold from them. If you break either of these rules, you will be banned and your battletag will be blacklisted from the subreddit. Don't be a jerk. You will get caught, and it's just more work for the people who set this thread up.

  • If you have been scammed by someone pretending to trade "play with a friend" quests with you, or you see someone spamming the thread more than once a day, please Contact Meoang and explain the situation.

  • List of known scammers here.

submitted by /u/Meoang
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The Deck Gauntlet feat. COL, SK, F2K, GK

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 06:22 AM PST

Welcome to the official thread of The Deck Gauntlet powered by stream.me.

Click HERE for the English stream.




Place Prize Player
1st $800 TBD
2nd $400 TBD


Single Elimination

Bo5 Last Hero Standing with one ban.

More information on rosters, time zones and scheduling for the upcoming days can be found below.


Complexity Tylerootd Casie
SK Gaming AKAWonder Zetalot
Gatekeepers Devou Diggen
Fade 2 Karma JACK1ECHAN Freakeh


1 - -
2 - -
3-4 - -
3-4 - -
5-8 - -
5-8 - -
5-8 Diggen GK


WARNING: Timezone format - CEST (GMT/EST/PST)

Round Match Berlin (CET) Los Angeles (PDT) New York (EDT)
Day 1 LIVE 16:45 7:45 10:45
Round of 8 M1 Diggen vs Casie 17:00 8:00 11:00
Round of 8 M2 JACK1ECHAN vs AKAWonder 18:00 9:00 12:00
Round of 8 M3 Tylerootd vs Zetalot 19:00 10:00 13:00
Round of 8 M4 Devou vs Freakeh 20:00 11:00 14:00
Semifinal 1 Spoiler 21:00 12:00 15:00
Semifinal 2 TBD vs TBD 22:00 13:00 16:00
Final TBD vs TBD 23:00 14:00 17:00


submitted by /u/VergilHS
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My Thought On The Current State of Hearthstone [Gaara]

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 03:44 AM PST

Hi, I am Gaara a professional HS Player. I saw a lot of people talking about the current State of HS in the past 2 weeks here on Reddit and after watching Kripparrian's and Noxious' Video i want to give you my thoughts aswell. I hope you enjoy!

Link to Video: https://youtu.be/YHMPo5ixwYg

submitted by /u/gaarabestshaman
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My Kazakus just brought back an old friend in Wild

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 06:09 AM PST

Kripp's opponent gets a lucky Recombobulator

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:57 PM PST

When Flamestrike has a 17 rating on Heartharena ....

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 02:54 AM PST


I guess they really didn't want me to take a 5th flamestrike

submitted by /u/drpowercuties
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Chinese HS community NGA has been heavily censoring/suppressing recent negative posts on state of game. And it makes me appreciate Mods in this subreddit more.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:44 PM PST

TL;DR: Big HS community in China has been purposefully censoring negative posts about the game, (detailed evidence below) which makes me appreciate more about this sub and its mod team.

Actual post below:

NGA HearthStone board is one of the biggest online HS forums in China. It probably has the best HS community in China as they constantly post/translating guides and news, and there is very little low effort contents. Along with this subreddit, NGA HS board is my go-to place to discuss Hearthstone.

Recently, just like the current state of this subreddit, the dissatisfaction on HearthStone the game has reached a critical mass among its community. However, unlike this sub, the negative feedback on NGA about HS has been heavily censored or suppressed by the mod team through various means ranging from simple bans/deleting posts to more elaborate methods (explained below). Besides frustration, the contrast makes me really appreciate this subreddit as an independent forum for the community members instead of Blizzard, and appreciate the mod team here for their efforts in fostering this place.

There are these common tactics for NGA to control the voice/image of the board:

  1. Simply deleting negative text posts before it gets too popular. Post with title "Why ranked ladder is horrible now" will be guaranteed to be deleted in minutes, whether or not it is low effort posts or not. If it is titled as "Here is my thoughts on current ranked meta" then it may survive the mod hammer.

  2. Overriding post clock time to "vanish" popular, high effort, but negative posts from front page. Once a negative post has got too much attention, it would be too obvious to outright deleting it. But because unlike reddit, NGA is a traditional forum whose posts are sorted by "most recent replied". So front page would always be filled with posts that are actively being discussed. Here comes the catch: NGA mods apparently has the privilege to change the posted time of replies to days before actual post time, in order to fool the system and make popular front-page posts actually sink in the pile of old posts. In theory you could "fight" this tread suppression by constantly "bump" that thread, but mods are usually pretty fast at sinking that thread again.

    2.1. Evidence 1: For example, someone posted recent Kripp video on state of ladder, with summarized tl;dr. In the screenshot here you could see the time of OP on top right (2017-02-05 15:48). This thread got a lot of attention and this is the last reply with time stamp 2017-02-06 17:21 on top right. You could also see on top left there is a number #225 indicating it is the 225th replies, and poster ID "reblank". However, this post is nowhere to be found from the front page so where did it go? Registered users could use the search function of NGA, and if you search "Kripp", you actually find this thread looks like this. On the left you could see the post count 225, and on the right you could see the last poster ID "reblank", and the post time stamp "01-30 08:18". So the last reply is posted on Jan 30th when the OP is posted on Feb 06th? No wonder you couldn't see this old post on the front page!

    2.2. Evidence 2: This is not the only obvious example. Someone translated the Korean gamer's reddit post into Chinese. Again this post gathered tons of attention and replies. The last post is this one on 2017-02-06 16:01, being the #234 post. Again this one is nowhere to be found on front page. Search "reveals" that the last reply has been changed into "the day before yesterday (前天) 03:44", which is midnight on Feb 4th.

  3. Editing posts to sugarcoat facts. Ben Brodes post on the possibility to rotate out some cards in classic sets got reposted and summarized in NGA. That post was insanely popular and got near 1000 replies. Mods thought the summary was "controversial" and went editing it into mis-translation. Ben said in his post: "...or we might rotate some additional classic cards to Wild, like we did with Old Murk Eye." The mod translated that into "...or we might rotate some additional classic cards and basic cards to Wild, like we did with Old Murk Eye, which disrupted the balance of the game." Nowhere in Ben's post mentioned anything about "basic cards" or "disrupted the balance". The translation now reads like the criterion for rotating is balance change, instead of the actual reason (cards that make meta feel stale) explained by Ben.

I am not the only one who has noticed this, for example this guy decides to vent on NGA. His posts reads :"The state of HS is truly bad, and we cannot even complain here? Deleting posts and hide posts in seconds, what is this, isolationism? What is the purpose of fake positivity?"

Obviously his post got deleted in mere minutes. But his concise post begs the right question: What is the purpose of manufactured positivity by the mods? Many people believe that NGA is sponsored by Blizzard China, or Netease. Other believe they simply don't want doom and gloom that may cause people to leave the game and then NGA. But nevertheless the censorship is real and effective as negative posts are rarely seen on front page of NGA, a sharp contrast from this subreddit.

So this honestly makes me way more appreciate the mod teams here. They let community dictates the state of the sub, aren't afraid of negativity, and have a sense of humor. The discussion here feels genuine and is free from corporate censorship.

P.S. Btw mods on NGA has been quickly deleting any posts mentioning the recent leak. Based on previous cases the leak should be legit. :)

Edit: typo.

submitted by /u/Topdeckdog
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EU down ?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 07:52 AM PST

I haven't played in 2 months. First game i play it disconnects. What the f**k.....

submitted by /u/si3rra_7
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The buttons Blizzard should implement to check the state of the game

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 08:12 AM PST


This idea is from a game called Overwatch. I don't know which company made Overwatch but Blizzard might be able to borrow their idea.

submitted by /u/shortshortago
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Do you think that the Molten Giant nerf should be reverted?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 03:15 AM PST

Cause it's completely unplayable right now. Not to mention the nerf killed a deck archtype.

submitted by /u/throwawayosx1234
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Even when you're playing as Priest, you're actually a Shaman.

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 07:17 AM PST

9win arena rewards

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 02:31 AM PST


Are you kidding me Blizz? Not only I had to encounter crazy decks after 5 wins, while my deck had no good cards, but I managed to create some nice synergy and im punished for this with those rewards? I've seen better rewards at 7 wins. That is unacceptable...

submitted by /u/unfeatheredOne
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Commiting Hearthstonecide

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 08:30 AM PST


Hello guys, last weeks I was really boring playing Hearthstone, I realize now that the game was just making me angry and bitter, and messing with my life and relatioships.

So I just decided to commit Hearthstonecide, disenchanted all my stuff and crafted golden legendaries until all the dust was gone, to make sure I'll never touch this game again.

Farewell to all my friends, I had a really nice time with some of you.

submitted by /u/DrMalvado
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When you are playing Beast Druid but you can't escape the meta

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 06:53 AM PST


From the Raptor's deathrattle

submitted by /u/Lifteador
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(Toast) Hearthstone Expansion LEAKED: Lost Secrets of Un'Goro

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:50 PM PST

Sjow - Even when you're playing as rogue you're a shaman

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:01 PM PST

Hearthstone: How to design a game to alienate friends and only make more enemies...

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 07:34 AM PST

Spoiler: I'm going to be a little negative.

Almost everyone has had the same Hearthstone experience; you just finished a game where you beat your opponent, (through luck or strategy,) and you get an alert.

You have a New friend request.

With your other hand ready to take a screenshot, you ponder whether or not you should hit "accept." Your assumption, based on your previous experiences, is that you'll be immediately spammed by two to three lines of salt filled vulgarities before being unfriended, and unable to reply.

For those of us with blood pressure issues, maybe we pass on an opportunity to load up on sodium, and just queue up for the next match. Others might gleefully accept the salt fuel for the spite engine that replaced their heart long ago, but generally the expectation is the same.

And that's a repeated experience which exists in our collective community. A community which actually has no avenue to exist within the structure of the game itself outside of that same Friends list.

Why? Because our only communication with your average opponent is going to be a series of static messages which we've all hardwired into our beings as having one purpose; to taunt the opponent. Aside from that, your experience against other people is shaped by how you interpret their (sometimes net)deck and the way they pilot it against you.

There are no inherent benefits aside from "friend quests" to adding people to your list. Hearthstone has no guilds, no groups, no co-op (outside of that brawl), no internally located communal spaces, and the monthly reset will keep your friends from your other Blizzard games far, far, away from it.

So what can be done? How about introducing some of this? Allow us to have a chat box. Allow us to have guilds, and set up tournaments where we put up guild money for prizes. Even the non-digital predecessor to this game, the WoW tcg, had pre-built raids which were multiplayer co-op game modes. Perhaps guilds could unlock "Raid Adventures?"

Allow us to gift friends a certain amount of our own gold, once a week. Let me buy each friend a card pack once a week.

Let people set their collections to Private, Public, Friends / Guild Only, so we can help new players build their decks WITHIN the game space.

Trust us to be a community inside your game.

Otherwise, you've designed a game space that promotes bitter loners, who tiredly grind through games (that are playing out the same, regardless of who the other player is,) that no good friend would invite a player from another game to partake in.

Thanks for listening,

tl;dr Please un-gag me, and allow me to leave the salt factory and make some friends because I'msolonely.

submitted by /u/whats-your-plan-man
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Sometimes the biggest misplay is emoting

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 08:07 AM PST

I was playing krul renolock against reno mage and i couldnt find krul or reno so i was tapping for it.At 1 point i had 16 health after playing kazakus for 5 mana heal,i tapped and the mage emoted thank you. I immediately felt weird and figured out she was hoarding burn,so i stopped tapping after.It turns out the mage had pyroblast and antonidas stored up. I managed to win by playing krul into 4 other demons and tapping reno to save me in the end.if she had not emoted thank you,i would have probably tapped too much and died. So, thank you jaina.

submitted by /u/Funnybunny88888
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Rank 20 is so Busted

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 08:50 AM PST

Blizzard needs to do something, because I can only imagine what it feels like for a new player to hit rank 20 these days.

In a span of four matches at Rank 20, I played:

  • Net deck pirate warrior
  • Net deck mid range dragon priest
  • Mage who played harvester, yeti, and amani berserker
  • Control Pally running Ragnaros LL, Ysera, and Tirion
  • Non-Net deck pirate shaman

I played these matches running a deathrattle hunter with Sylvanas, Cairne, and N'zoth for these matches, working on get "three hunter wins" and "play 20 beasts" quests. I felt like such a tremendous asshole when I played the mage. I had her at 10 health on turn 7 and just had to concede. Why is the average deck power level at level 20 the same as rank 10? I know its the beginning of the month, but its been a week since the season reset!

Blizzard really needs to do something about this giant wall new players hit at 20. As the game ages, the average player's deck power is going to just keep growing and growing and the verticality of the Rank 20 difficulty curve is just going to increase more.

Perhaps doubling the number of ranks and making seasons last two months could be a solution?

submitted by /u/Iron_Cobra
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I am sitting on 477 wins with all 7 Classes also Hunter and Paladin right now.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:17 PM PST

Don't let your dreams be memes


submitted by /u/BaphometALIVE
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Daily Card Discussion Thread #532 - Blastcrystal Potion | February 7th, 2017

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 07:50 AM PST

Hello and welcome to another Daily Card Discussion Thread.

The way this works is simple: Every day a random collectible card is selected for discussion. Post your thoughts on the card in the comments below. Discussion is not limited to competitive viability - feel free to talk about the art, sounds, animations or anything else you like.

As a reminder, at the bottom of each thread you can navigate to the previous discussion thread, as well as find a link to a list of all the discussion threads so far.

Blastcrystal Potion - #532
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Spell
Text: Destroy a minion and one of your Mana Crystals.
Class: Warlock
Rarity: Common
Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Flavor: There's a fine line between "potion" and "grenade". Wait. Actually, there's not.
Crafting Cost: 40 dust
Golden Crafting Cost: 400 dust

[Basic] | [Golden] | via Hearthhead

<--- Previous Thread [Hammer of Twilight - #531]

[List of all Daily Card Discussions]

Thread made with love by /u/hypersniper's thread generator.

submitted by /u/Oagoz
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I've played 40ish games of Evolve Shaman on ladder. Here's my takeaway.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:07 PM PST

  1. Evolution is a mystery. Full of change that no-one sees.

  2. If you get greedy and decide to evolve your already evolved 6 drops into a 7 drops to swing for game, you will be rewarded with acidmaw. Everytime. You will not have damage to swing for game. They will have a board clear and you will inevitably lose the probably won game. Don't do it. Not even once.

  3. If you decide you want nice things and opt to evolve a board with a basic totem(or any 1 drop) on it, you will promptly be imparted with a doomsayer. Heed his warning. The end is coming.

  4. If your opponent plays a devolve immediately following the turn you play an evolve this is called "The Scopes trial." If you play an evolve again the following turn followed by an immediate concede by your opponent it is referred to as "Nolle prosequi"

  5. 1 Bloodlust is great. 0 is okay too. 2 is right out.

  6. Seriously, don't run 2 bloodlusts, its acceptable with savage roar but that's a 3-drop and it adds attack to the hero. Just don't do it.

  7. Even if you evolve into something stupid like a big-time racketeer and you think you should evolve again....remember, Acidmaw, He'll fuck your shit up.

  8. I'm pretty sure that this deck is also the first time The Beast has ever been a good card. Shaman has all of the good board clear so it's not like Finkel matters at all.

  9. Seriously, why the hell did they give Shaman all of the good mass removal. If you give another class Maelstrom Portal or Lightning storm I don't think aggro would be as prevalent

  10. Honestly, as sad as it is to admit, 30% of your wins you don't even hit your evolve package and the broken nature of Shaman just sorta autopilots the deck to victory. But at least you have that 70% to look forward to.

  11. I think the deck works best as an aggro that beats other aggro decks consistently.(70+ percent of the time.) Shaman has incredible early game mass removal and is probably the only class that could manage this at the moment.

submitted by /u/fireglz
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[Kripparian] Kripp Casts Blizzcon 2013

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:24 PM PST

its moments like these that make not dusting that golden skeleton knight almost worth it

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:16 PM PST

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